The Power Receiver
The guy who answered the door was a couple inches taller than Dave and much wider. Not fat, but muscular in the shoulders and arms. He wasn't over-the-top, bodybuilder huge but the guy obviously worked out. A lot. In fact, he came to the door wearing a high-tech, sleeveless shirt and a light sheen of sweat. He had probably been working out right up until Dave rang the doorbell. "Are you Ty?" Dave asked tentatively. He hoped the guy wouldn't be annoyed at the interruption. "That's me," he replied with a broad smile and pulled a pair of white ear buds out of his ears. "How can I help you?" "Hi, I'm Dave," Dave said, relieved at the friendly response. He stuck out a hand, which Ty squashed in his substantial fist. "I texted you about the Marantz receiver for sale." "Oh, right," he clapped Dave on the back like an old friend and led him into the apartment. "Come on in! The stereo thingamabob is right over here." "Oh, wow," Dave glided through the living room to a stereo rack where a gleaming, silver faced Marantz 2500 Stereophonic Receiver sat in the place of honor. The online ad had seemed too good to be true - who would sell a vintage Marantz for a mere fifty bucks? - but Dave was just sitting around doing nothing anyway so he decided it was worth checking out. And he was glad he did! It was the real deal. The front face was intact. The machined aluminum knobs were all shiny and perfect. There wasn't a scratch or a dent on it. But did it sound as good as it looks? "Can I turn it on?" Dave asked eagerly, his finger hovering over the power button. "Be my guest," Ty told him. Dave clicked the button and the dials glowed with pale blue light. The source knob was set to phono, so he turned to the nearby turntable - which was a sharp looking piece of equipment, too - and flipped it on. A record was already cued up and, after a few quiet scratches the room was filled with the warm, buttery sound of John Coltrane playing 'Giant Steps.' "Oh, wow," Dave whispered. It sounded better than he had imagined! The sound range was deep and wide, but had amazing texture. Coltrane could have been right there in the apartment with them! "You know," Ty said softly, "you're really cute when you get into the music like that." "Oh!" Dave turned and saw Ty standing right next to him. The taller man's chiseled pecs were just inches away. "Sorry. It's just ... wow ... it's an impressive piece of equipment." "No problem," Ty smiled confidently. "I'm glad it's going to someone who will appreciate it. So fifty dollars sounds fair?" Suddenly, Dave felt guilty. To pay fifty dollars for this receiver would be practically stealing it. The thing was easily worth twenty times that. It was, frankly, worth a lot more than Dave could afford. But he wasn't willing to take advantage of somebody who obviously didn't know what he had. "Is something wrong?" "Well, the thing is," Dave sputtered. "This receiver here is ... ummm ... well, it's worth a lot more than fifty bucks." "Oh, I know that," Ty chuckled. "This stereo equipment was my ex boyfriend's. Until the jackass ran off to New Zealand with his personal trainer." "Boyfriend?" Dave was taken aback. Was Ty gay? He didn't seem gay. He seemed like a confident, manly man. "Yeah," Ty said darkly. "And then - get this - he asks me to sell his shit and send him the money. So," Ty's confident grin returned, "that's what I'm going to do." "That sucks, man," Dave nodded. He tried to imagine how he would feel if his girlfriend - if he had a girlfriend - pulled something like that. He would be pretty pissed off, too. "So if I buy this, I'm not ripping you off. I'm helping you get back at your cheating ... umm ... boyfriend?" "Pretty much," Ty said with a grin and laid one powerful hand on Dave's shoulder. "What do you say?" Dave looked over the lustrous chrome and steel face of the Marantz. "I can live with that," he replied. Dave pulled out his wallet and started counting out wrinkled five dollar bills. "But you know what would be even better than fifty bucks?" Ty edged closer to Dave. "Forty bucks?" Dave asked skeptically. That would be a huge help actually. Dave had the fifty dollars, but he would have to skip lunches until his next payday. "Can I be honest with you Dave?" "Okay." "See, I find you quite attractive," Ty said in a matter-of-fact tone. He might have been commenting on the weather. "You have that slightly rumpled, casual look that really turns me on." "Whoa," Dave held up his hands and backed away. "Whoa. I'm not gay." "I know. Don't get offended," Ty placated. "I'm not asking you to do anything crazy. Just a quick hand job. That's not gay, right? Just like jerking off, except move your hand a little to the right." "What? Are you serious?" "Absolutely. You would really be helping me out. I haven't gotten any action since that shithead ran off with Kyle from Crossfit. I am crazy horny here, Dave. Getting a handjob from a handsome guy would be SO awesome." "Fuck," Dave mumbled. This was the strangest situation he had ever been in. He was completely straight - totally not into guys at all - but he felt bad for Ty. That kind of loneliness was awful. You found yourself wanting anyone - anyone at all - to pay some small attention to you. "Wait, you think I'm handsome?" "Dude, you're so hot! Your eyes are kind but strong. That rugged beard stubble," Ty exclaimed. "But you probably hear that all the time." "Well, no actually I don't," Dave shrugged. "Just a quick stroke off? That's all?" "That is all," Ty swept his form fitted workout shirt over his head. His broad chest was two great slabs of concrete balanced on top of the stone wall of his chiseled abs. "And then I can take the receiver and go?" "You bet, buddy," Ty yanked down his mesh shorts and flopped onto the sofa. His cock was already hard and pointed up to the ceiling. "And I'm so fucking horny right now I'll probably cum in like ten seconds." "Ok," Dave sat down next to him. He could do this for ten seconds. It was no big deal. He gently wrapped his hand around Ty's hard cock. It was surprisingly warm and hard. Even more surprising, Ty was a bit smaller than he was used to. "Oh, fuck yes!" Ty moaned as Dave slowly slid his fist up and down on Ty's manhood. Ty's skin was stretched tight and smooth so there was little resistance to Dave's loose grip. He started pumping Ty's cock faster and faster. Ty continued to moan and flexed his tree-trunk thighs in time to Dave's stroking. Ty's moaning grew more and more urgent and his throbbing cock seemed to get even harder. Dave expected an eruption of jism any moment, but there was nothing but a slow ooze of precum. He added a twisting motion that he enjoyed when pleasuring himself. "Oh, yeah, baby! Just like that," Ty encouraged. The John Coltrane record clicked over to a new song and Dave continued his fondling. He could hear the golden high tones and the full, rich bass tones. That receiver was going to completely blow away his old stereo. But first he had to finish off Ty, who was moaning with pleasure but still hadn't cum. "Am I doing something wrong?" Dave asked in frustration. "Fuck no, baby. You're ... ohhhh ... you're doing great!" Ty moaned. "Just don't stop." "It's just ... you know ... are you almost there?" "Tell you what, sexy," Ty gave him a lecherous look. "Why don't you get undressed too? I would cum a lot faster while looking at your sexy bod." Dave shook his head. There was no way he was going to get naked in the apartment of a strange gay man. Giving out handjobs was bad enough. He continued stroking Ty's hard cock. Ty seemed to be in ecstasy, but was no closer to blowing his load than when Dave had started. Coltrane clicked over to the next song. "Oh, all right," Dave sighed. He certainly didn't want to spend the entire afternoon playing with some guy's dick. He released Ty's hardon and stood up. He pulled off his t-shirt and kicked off his flip flops. Dave's cargo shorts dropped to the floor and he stood before Ty in nothing but boxers. "Undies too, hot stuff," Ty grinned. He was watching eagerly from the sofa and lightly caressing his own erection. Dave hooked his thumbs into his boxers and slid them down his thin legs. He was surprised to see he was sporting a hardon of his own. Was he turned on by playing with Ty's cock? Maybe it was just a ... sympathetic erection, he thought to himself. "Oh, baby!" Ty cooed with pleasure. "Why didn't you tell me? It's magnificent!" "What?" Dave looked around in confusion. "Your cock! I just love it!" Dave looked down at the erection pointing out from his body. He had never really thought about how it compared to others. He had only been with three women in his life and they hadn't said much about it one way or another. He could see it was bigger than Ty's penis. Dave was maybe an inch longer and considerably thicker. Was that why Ty seemed so excited? Ty hopped up off the sofa and crawled toward Dave. Before Dave knew what was happening, the brawny, muscular stranger was on his knees with Dave's cock in his mouth. "What the fuck? What are you doing?" Dave tried to back away but Ty had cupped his ass in his powerful hands and pulled Dave's crotch into his face. Dave put his hands on Ty's shoulders and pushed him away, but the cords of muscle holding Dave in place were like iron and wouldn't budge. As surprised as Dave had been to have a strange man hungrily slurping on his penis, he was utterly flabbergasted to realize it felt marvelous. His cock was enveloped in a warm, smothering wetness like nothing he'd ever experienced. Two of his past girlfriends had given him head, but it was a half-hearted effort. Nothing like the raw, animalistic cock sucking Ty administered. "Oh fuck," Dave moaned. His head was spinning and his knees felt unsteady. He thought he might topple over and groped about for something to steady himself. He was in the middle of the room, however, and the only steady object in arm's reach was Ty. He again grabbed the other man's strong shoulders, but this time rather than push him away he hugged Ty tighter to his body for support. Dave felt a familiar tingling in his balls and knew he was going to cum in Ty's mouth soon. He hoped vaguely the big man wouldn't mind swallowing his load. Just as he was about to shoot his spunk, Ty pulled away. "That is a damn nice cock," Ty grinned and wiped a glob of spit away with the back of his hand. Ty crawled back onto the sofa and resumed his position. "Thanks for sharing." Dave just stood dumbfounded and breathing heavily. He had been so close! The sensations were overwhelming. He was so aroused it was almost painful. That had been the most amazing blowjob he had ever received. But it was from another guy? That wasn't right! He didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed that he hadn't cum in Ty's mouth. "If you'd like me to finish," Ty said with a playful grin, "you just have to ask." "Wha...?" Dave asked feebly. "Ask me to finish sucking your gorgeous cock," Ty instructed. "Uhh," Dave blinked and tried to clear his head. He most definitely was not asking a man to suck on his penis. He had tolerated it when it was happening, but it he didn't ask for it and he wasn't asking for it now. "Uh, no. Let's stick to the original plan." He shuffled over to the sofa and sat down next to Ty. Dave wrapped his fingers around Ty's hard cock and resumed stroking. "Suits me just fine," Ty sighed. Dave pumped and pumped Ty's throbbing hard cock, but he couldn't seem to bring him to orgasm. He had never done this sort of thing before. He just wasn't very good at it, Dave thought to himself. "Oh, baby," Ty moaned. "Let me squeeze that cute ass." "My ass?" "I'm a total ass man," Ty smirked, "and that perky bubble butt of ... ohhhh ... yours is so fucking hot. Sit up and ... mmm ... and let me at it." "I don't ... well ... I don't really want you to squeeze my ... my ass," Dave shook his head and continued to stroke Ty's hard member. That was just going to have to be good enough. Dave had to draw the line somewhere. "You didn't seem to mind when I had your cock in my mouth," Ty teased. "My hands were all over your sweet cheeks then." "That's not ... I didn't ..." Dave sputtered. He just had to bring that up! Dave could only imagine what people would think if they knew he had let a man suck on his penis. And even worse - he had enjoyed it. What would his friends say? Or the guys from work? "Come on, sexy," Ty urged. "You don't have to do anything gay. Just sit up for me ... mmm ... and I'll take care of the rest." "Oh, all right." Dave pulled a leg up and turned to kneel next to Ty on the sofa. Dave had never considered his backside - or any part of his body for that matter - to be particularly attractive. Ty seemed pretty eager to touch it, though, so maybe he was sexier than he realized. At any rate, a little touching and rubbing couldn't hurt. Anything to get this over with faster would be worth it. "Fuck yeah. That is so nice." Ty reached around and grabbed Dave's rounded ass cheek with one meaty hand. As Dave bent over to reach down and continue stroking Ty's cock, Ty kneaded and rubbed the flesh of his backside. "I love this ass." "Oh," Dave replied. "Thanks, I guess." He stroked up and down the rock hard member in his fist. The Coltrane record reached the end. The room fell silent except for Ty's moans of pleasure and the light crackle of static from the vintage stereo. Dave crouched naked on a stranger's couch and wondered if he should have just paid the fifty dollars. "How about you let me hotdog you?" "What is that?" Dave asked. "You just lie down on your stomach and I slide my cock up and down your ass crack," Ty winked. "It feels fucking awesome." "I don't know," Dave was skeptical. It sounded awfully close to anal sex and he was not interested in getting butt fucked today. "Don't worry, buddy," Ty said earnestly. "There's no penetration. Nothing kinky or gay. It's just like you're doing now, except ... mmmmm ... except I'll do all the work." "Definitely no penetration?" "Scouts honor," Ty gave a quick salute. "Besides stroking on that delicious bubble butt of yours will make me cum in about ten seconds." Dave sighed. Maybe it would be worth it. He wasn't getting anywhere with this handjob business. He would still be jerking Ty's dick next January at the current rate. "All right. Let's give it a try." Ty stood to give Dave space to lie down on the sofa. Dave put his head on a pillow and lay flat. He reluctantly spread his legs a bit and waited. He could hear Ty milling around the room behind him. He was about to ask what they were waiting for when he felt the shock of something cool dribbling down his ass crack. "What the hell?!" he jerked around. He saw Ty standing over him with a small, clear bottle. "Just some lube, baby," Ty said in a soothing voice. "Getting you nice and slippery." "Oh, right. Of course." Dave laid back down. More cool lube oozed down his crack. He felt it dripping down over his balls and pooling in his lower back. Ty was using quite a bit. Did he empty the whole bottle back there? "It's just a little cold, that's all." "Don't worry. It's going to warm up real soon." Dave could feel Ty place his knees on either side of his thighs. Then strong hands held his shoulders. Something long and hard slid into the crevice of Dave's ass cheeks. He clenched his glutes against the intrusion. "Mmmm," Ty moaned. He continued sliding up and down Dave's channel. "Love that firm ass." Ty's nimble fingers began working at the tense muscles of Dave's shoulders and upper back. His gentle but firm touch gradually relaxed Dave's whole body. He found himself enjoying the massage and nearly forgetting about the engorged cock spreading his ass crack. Ty, however, did not forget and he soon began rocking his midsection faster and faster. He rubbed less and less with his hands and more and more with his manhood. Soon his hands were only gripping Dave's shoulders for leverage as he worked his rod through Dave's backside. "Oh, yeah, baby!" Ty moaned. "That feels so good!" Dave began to feel alarmed. With the big man's pelvis grinding on his midsection and Ty's arms pinning his shoulders to the sofa cushions, Dave was almost completely unable to move. He could flail his arms ineffectually and flop his legs below the knee, but that was all. He was entirely at the mercy of this man he had just met. At least, judging from Ty's excited moaning, his climax was drawing near and Dave would be able to take his receiver and go home. Then Dave felt a sharp pain in his rear and Ty suddenly stopped moving. "Arrrrggghhh," Dave cried out involuntarily. His asshole felt like it was on fire! "What the fuck?" "Oops," Ty said. "My cock zigged when it should have zagged. It accidentally slipped inside." "Accidentally?" Dave tried to sit up but couldn't budge the weight on top of him at all. "Get off of me!" "Now hold on," Ty soothed. "The cock is already in there. It'll hurt even worse coming out. Just try to relax." "Oh, God," Dave whimpered. It will hurt worse coming out? He had horrible visions of Ty and his hard cock turning him inside out. Dave closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. He willed the screaming muscles of his sphincter to relax. "There you go," Ty encouraged. "That's the way to do it. Just be glad I'm not swinging meat like that monster between your legs." "Right," Dave panted. He concentrated on his breathing and the calming sensations of Ty rubbing his neck and shoulders. The pain in his asshole slowly receded as his body adjusted to the invasion of Ty's cock. "Ok, feels a little better." "See, I told you so," Ty caressed his cheek. Soon Dave felt no pain at all. Just a tremendous fullness that Dave was surprised to realize wasn't entirely unpleasant. "Okay. I'm okay now," Dave sighed. "Go ahead and take it out." "Well," Ty said thoughtfully. "Since I'm already up your ass, it would be a shame to waste it, don't you think?" "What?!" "I mean, we've done the hard part." Ty began to rock back and forth on top of Dave, sliding his cock in and out of Dave's ass. "We're just getting to the fun part. You don't want to quit now, do you?" Dave tried to protest, but he didn't have the breath. The thick, hard invader plunging in and out of his lubricated asshole sent waves of sensation throughout his body, making his head spin, his joints quiver, and pushing the breath from his body. It was all he could do to drag in a few gasps of air between Ty's strokes. "Besides," Ty said as he pumped himself in and out of Dave, "your ass ... unggh ... feels so good I'll probably ... ungggh ... cum in like ten seconds." Ty rode faster and faster, his powerful, toned body slapping against the smaller man. With each stroke of Ty's cock, a warm tingle radiated over Dave. To his surprise, he enjoyed the feeling. How could that be? He had completely lost control of the situation and now he was losing control of his own body! Having a dick up his ass had hurt like hell initially - that made sense. But now? It was starting to feel good! That went against everything Dave thought he knew about his sexuality. Even more distressing, the sensations became more and more powerful as Ty continued to fuck him in the butt. Dave's sensitive nerve endings reverberated with greater intensity at each mighty thrust until the pounding became a single, continuous thrum. Dave couldn't deny it any longer - he was getting enjoying what Ty was doing to him. It felt good. So good he was finding it difficult to think about anything else. The pleasure was a raging whirlwind, tossing aside his fears and biases until there was nothing but the cock filling his ass.