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Wonder Woman: Arania's Care

Wonder Woman's fist zipped passed Darkseid's cheek as she flew through the air of Goria. The Justice League was here to help free the Gorians from the tyranny of Dakseid's army. The Mad Titan grabbed the Amazon by the wrists, "Nice try, but no woman will ever be able to fell me," and slung her into the ground. Wonder Woman looked up at the tyrant and smiled as she whipped the blood from her lip, "I wasn't trying to fell you, Darkseid!" he was taken aback as the woman rose before him, still smiling and suddenly he was blasted by a particlizer ray and shrunk to the size of a flea. Thinking their master was dead, General Vundabar pulled his troops back. Ray Palmer blew at the barrel of the gun like a gunslinger from the Wild West, "Thank you Hank Pym! Worked like a charm," he caught Darkseid in a mason jar and shook it gently. The warlord pounded on the glass, "Release me from this hermetically sealed prison, now!" "Don't worry; I poked air holes in the lid so you could breathe. My advice is to enjoy your rest; you won't be terrorizing anybody for a while." "When I get free of this gigantic cell," his eyes glowed red and fiery, "I've got an Omega Blast with your name on it!" "Ah ah ah, those walls are Aegis-lined, if you fire that thing, you'll only incinerate yourself!" "RELEASE ME, HUMAN!" Vigilante came over to see the results of this new weapon, "I see the Particle gun works, at this size he's almost cute." Vigilante took the jar and threw it as far as he could toward Goria's ocean, "Oh no! Where'd he go? Guess we'll just have to pretend that didn't happen." The heroes laughed as they watched the jar splash down in the sea several hundred miles away. Wonder Woman asked as she held her limp arm, "I hope he doesn't die out there! Vigilante answered, "Nah, Goria has no natural predators in their ocean, so he'll be fine til he causes trouble, then he'll meet us again." The Atom observed, "Yeah, he'll be fine for a while, Ms. Prince. So Troubadour, do you think we've earned some R and R?" They looked at their comrade, holding her arm and bleeding from her lip, "Looks like it." Wonder Woman smiled and acted unhurt, "Oh, really, who's hurt?" ***** Everyone was eager to see if the new particle gun worked. The battered trio of Wonder Woman (Diana Prince), The Atom (Ray Palmer), and Vigilante (Greg Saunders), but as they dismounted from the Javelin none of the returning team members felt like discussing anything. Although Prince looked around wondering where Ray was, but figured he'd shrunk down really small and hopped a ride in her pocket or something; she thought back to their first mission together, the Dark Heart fiasco, some giant nano copy machine; that was the moment she and Ray got closer, and just smiled, "I think we all need a shower, everybody, but the new gun worked just fine!" At their briefing, Superman was trying to ascertain what happened, "...And what happened to Darkseid?" Vigilante answered that, "That dern wind must've blew the jar right outa my hand and he landed in the ocean, he's probably taking a cruise for a while til the shrink ray wears off." The rest of the team smirked and nodded. Superman wasn't amused, but he could tell everyone was on edge after the Brainiac incident, so let it go and smiled with the rest of them. "The entire League has earned some much needed RnR, so as of now we all have a vacation, go home, have fun, recuperate! I and Jonn will call when you're needed! Prince looked forward to her respite on Themyscira. Her muscles were sore, her arm hurt, and even her teeth ached. She'd just gotten out of her shower. Her chambermaid dried her off, "Please, allow me, your Highness," said the chambermaid, holding a sheer robe up for her. "Thank you," she stepped into the garment, already feeling some better, "... I'm sorry; I haven't been here for a while, what's your name again?" "Arania, Mistress; I was asked by Mistress Hippolyta to help you while you're here." "Stand guard at the door while I take a nap, Arania," the princess gave the maiden a sweet kiss, "Thank you!" Collapsing on her bed, Prince Thought, "I really wish Ray were here," her mind fantasized about him shrinking down and 'spelunking' in her, "He really knows how to relax me!" Her hand was petting her belly and chest; pinching her nipples as her other hand rubbed her pubic hair and traced her slit to her clit while she day dreamed. Diana Prince; Princess of the Amazons was free here; free to be naked, free to sleep, free to relax. Ray Palmer, AKA the Atom, emerged from a flap in Wonder Woman's boot and looked around. Roughly at the size of a germ, he still wanted to take care as men were largely banned on the island. He noticed the chambermaid stood at the door, guarding the quiescent princess. She was also naked and Palmer admired the woman's beautiful curves. He jumped up on the bed and looked up Prince's outstretched leg at the towering monolith of her steamy pussy, just enjoying the smell. Prince moaned and squirmed, trying to get comfortable, which alerted Arania. Palmer, though smaller than the eye could see, dove into the cover of the crevice between Prince's buttocks and hid behind a hair. "May I help, your Highness?" Arania asked as she sat on the edge of the bed and put her hand on her Princess' thigh, "Your comfort is my duty." "That's fine Arania," the princess started, "But call me Prince!" "Yes, your Highness," her hand felt good on her leg, strong but gentle, "You're exhausted from your battles my Princess, turn over and let me give you a massage." She did as Arania straddled her hips and leaned forward to rub Prince's back with her forearms. She worked the tense flesh all the way down to the princess' waist. The she kneaded and squeezed the muscles back up to the neck. Prince was moaning and thinking, 'this is just what I need!' "It appears you're enjoying this mi 'lady!" The aroma of these two women was overwhelming to Palmer as he made his way up the smooth landscape of Prince's back. He looked up to admire Arania's sweet B-cup breasts; the nipples a beautiful caramel color that graced the tip of each mound; a truly gorgeous sight; he stood there mesmerized until Arania moved back a little -she was stunning—he ran to the other end of the bed to get a view of Arana's wide-open ass; his mouth watering at the sight and the smell. "May I rub your bottom, Miss?" "Please." The experience wasn't intended to be sexual; being newly formed a few weeks ago, Arania hadn't been taught the pleasures of another person yet. She only knew what Hippolyta and the Amazons had taught her as soon as she'd progressed enough to learn, how to fight, how to heal, she was just tending to a wounded warrior the only way she knew how to. She kneaded the woman of wonder's butt an worked the inner thighs, but it made Prince moan and squirm just the same; she writhed on the bed. Arania never understood why this caused most of her patients to react this way, but she loved the smell of their pussies, Prince's smelled so much better though, she put a lot of effort into no tasting the tempting treat until she got permission first, "Oh mi 'lady, you smell incredibly delicious, would you please allow me to lick you just once?" In no state to say no to this wonderful girl, Prince only said, "Please!" And Palmer watched as Arana swiped her tongue up the princess' delectable slit, and savored the flavor. She bucked her hips up to Arania's face and wiggled her hips, don't stop!" Prince said, smiling back at the girl. Palmer was beside himself as Arania sucked his teammate off. Prince pressed her butt into Arania's talented hands and ground herself into her rapidly licking face for several too fleeting minutes. Finally, Wonder Woman yelled aloud and bucked back into her lover. Leaving the girl's face covered in her juice and her lip busted. The princess fell back onto the bed. "I needed that!" Arania sat on her heels, speechless and taking in what just happened. Not understanding totally what had happened, "C-can I... M-may I do anything else for you, mi 'l...Diana?" Turning over, Prince pulled the stunned girl to her and wrapped her legs around her, licking her face and kissing her clean, "Just be with me, Arania, my amazing grace!" She hugged her tight and the two lay together, kissing madly. Palmer just lay in the divot of the sheet behind the two women, enjoying the show as they ground their clits together. 'I've never seen Wonder Woman like this,' he thought, 'I need to come to Paradise Island more often!' Prince pressed Arania's pussy into her and wiggled her back and forth, the girl moaned loudly as her orgasm crashed through her body like a tide washing the beach outside. He made his way toward them and jumped into his team mate's dripping pussy and manipulated her G-Spot until her muscles tensed and she screamed into Arania's mouth. She shot her juice across the room, plastering the good doctor against the wall and then her muscles relaxed. Her grip loosened on her lover and the women fell on each other. Arania kissed her Highness sweetly and gave her a big hug, "Thank you so much, Diana!" Everybody slept very soundly that night and in the morning Arania kissed Prince awake. With a big smile on her face, she announced, "Unfortunately, I have to get to battle practice, but maybe we can get together more before you leave again!" The Princess kissed her hard. After she'd left, the smell of sex still heady in the room, Wonder Woman pressed her ear and asked, "So, did you like the show, professor?"

