When Honey Drips – A Courtesans’ Pleasure Part 3
I’m aware that my erotic writings can come off as pompous. I do not want to give this impression, as I’m rather humble. But my instances with great admirers and lovers induced these realities — I never elected to be praised or admired, but fate had it that I am a delicate rose for them.. My loves are well versed in my ripeness, and my admirers quickly learn about it — they all know how euphoric our experience will be when I’m ripe. Just like bee’s know the bliss of pollinating the fragrant rose– my lovers and admirers know there are certain times when my fragrance, taste, touch and visuals are simply irresistible. Synchronous with the moon cycle, I go through a phase of ripening — like a sweet fruit or blossomed flower. It seeps out of my skin, speaking silent words, which say that I’m deliciously ripe, at my tastiest peak. I cannot even hide this secret, as it becomes obvious that my body is exceptionally warm, exceptionally soft, delicate, and exceptionally aroused. This erotic ripeness is written all over my face, even though there are no words. This invisible language somehow conveys that there is silky yearning from between my thighs. My lips, already full and thick, become more plump. My pink flower becomes more fragrant. My bosoms, more tender and soft. Even my soft feminine feet speak this language too. I take well care to emphasize these yearnings, by bathing and grooming so lavishly. On this particular morning of ripeness, I wake up from a relaxing sleep. My body is warm and slightly damp from a light, fragrant sweat. Whenever I feel this sensual dampness from my body, I remember the times when a former lover begged to taste my perspiration, such as under my heavy breasts or on my neck. Scent is a lovers comfort. Anyway, on this particular morning, I remain lazed in my bed. As usual, I squeeze my large breasts and hug my body as a form of comfort. My breasts feel exceptionally soft, tender, and erotically sensitive. Then I softly squeeze other parts of myself. I put my hands between my legs, feeling the softness of skin and heat between my thighs, and then put my hands over my soft hips. I relieve a heavy sigh, and felt an intense yearning to be touched, caressed, kissed. What bliss it would be to be gently thrusted right at this moment. For the moment, I start to fantasize about my lovers of the past and present. I am reminded of the countless erotic mornings where my lover is beside me in bed — morning passion is my favorite, but I shall write about that another time. Meanwhile, I fantasize about a lovers warm thickness inside of me, I am yearning to erupt. But then, my phone beeps, and I remember that a client will be arriving shortly. Rather than explore by myself, I decide to unleash my arousal on this new client that I haven’t met before. I have high hopes that this client will be lovely, for a ripen beauty awaits. I quickly tidy up my home, and then have a streamy bath. I wash my body thoroughly under hot water. And then I shave my intimate parts to pure smoothness. Afterwards, I lather myself in a fragrant lotion. I decorate myself in all the ways that brought my other admirers to awe. I keep imagining how aroused this client will feel when he see’s me. I can’t wait to reveal myself to him, and impress him with my beauty and seeping sensuality. I observe myself as I stand, how my ample breasts are peeking out of my lacy bra, how my g-string tightly clings to my hips, how my anklets make my legs and polished toes look pretty, how my thick glossed lips look tasty, and how long silky black hair drapes around my exotic face. Before I become too full of myself, I remind myself about what’s most important: being grateful, so I say “Alhamdolilah” for everything. And the Almighty answers my heart, as I’m blessed with having clients with lovely hearts and romantic mannerisms. At times, I could be in melancholy mood, yet my day is brightened from seeing lovely clients. The new client finally arrives. He is an older man, very polite and soft spoken. I can tell he has a good heart, which soothes my happiness right away. As we made introductions, he kisses my hand. He then respectfully hands over an envelope with the money for our allocated time. We then proceed to the purpose of our appointment.. I suppose I tease in a very subtle way. While we exchange some introductory chatter, I am fully aware that he is absorbing my voluptuousness, my erotic look. I am also aware that my well-endowed cleavage is on display for his eyes, and that he is yearning to touch them. My buxomness is yearning to be cuffed by manly hands, and suckled by a warm mouth. Without words, I give him permission to touch me, as I gently place his hands on my warm skin. He caresses my breasts, and wants to kiss my lips simultaneously. But I motion him to kiss my cheeks and neck instead. I only permit him a small kiss, without tongue. I do not passionately kiss men so easily. But for this client, there are many other delicious spots where he can taste. My bra comes off and reveals breasts that are beckoning to be suckled. Like a child yearns for milk, grown men desire my voluptuous breasts like I’m providing the comfort of milk (though I have none). Yet their desire does me great wonders too. He feasts upon them and suckles gently, while I’m starting to lose myself in a trance. It’s not that I’m even particularly attracted to this client, but his immense respect and sweet admiration makes me want to be playful. After, his hands gently pass over all over my body. He reaches my thighs and then over my panties. I’m fully aware of what potential bliss he might induce upon me. My thoughts are exceptionally vain, because I know he wants to please me. I know he will slowly work his way down, and move his face to my core. His face arrives between my thighs. I hold my breasts while I watch him soothe his curiosity of my feminine parts. He opens my legs, where I am completely exposed to him. I can feel myself moisten as I’m exposing myself. He says, ever so sweetly, “Can I taste you? Is that allowed?” His mannerisms and touch is so delightful that he didn’t even need to ask. But since he is mindful of my comfort, I give him permission, “Yes… please…taste me.” I am deeply honoured when men ask permission before exploring me further, even though it’s not always necessary when I’m deeply aroused. His courtesy only furthers his goodness in my eyes. He feasts upon me so softly and delicately, and I am melting all over his lips. When I’m ripe, my body emits a scent that makes my worshippers crave. Yes, a fragrant rose who summons the bees to consume the sweet nectar……………….. Rather than divulge into the rest of the details with this client, I will begin with another client who arrived at my home right after. After this new client left, I was still immensely warmed and aroused. Another client would be arriving shortly, a regular client of mine whom I know well. I was pondering about getting out my toys to satisfy my yearnings, but again, I decided to unleash these passions on my next client……. A regular client of mine arrives. Very quickly, he detects my ripeness by the flush in my face, and he wants to make me bloom more. He undresses me, removing my bra, removing my elegant heels. And then, I watch him as he feasts upon me. Every man has their own unique way to caress my body, and I thoroughly enjoy to see how each man seduces me. He put my soft feminine feet in his warm mouth, licking and caressing each toe. Gradually, his lips move up my legs, up to my thighs. And he dove in to taste me. He gently dips one of his fingers inside my melting honey pot and then he put the same finger in my mouth and said, “Look how delicious you taste.” Fruits are more sweet when ripe. Once my sweet bee felt satiated with my taste, both of us yearn to connect. There is nothing more blissful than feeling a desirable man’s thickness enter the tensed, silky warmth between my legs. Like a bee to a rose, I bloom more...