Diary of a Teenage Prostitute
Diary of a teenage prostitute Pain shot through me as the man thrust between my legs making me wince in agony. He held my hair tightly. My vision blurred as tears welled up in my eyes, I looked around the dark alleyway the street lamp's orange light brightened up narrow area in the nights darkness. The street lamp flickered as the little flies danced around the light. I started to feel numb. He had stopped. Finally. I didn't look up at his face , I heard him zip up his trousers and buckle his belt. He through a wet condom in my face. I felt sick. "See you next time baby doll." His deep voice interrupted the silence of the alleyway making me shudder. He reached out to stroke my hair. I flinched away from his touch closing my eyes. He through a bunch of notes in my face and laughed. I gathered them. This was my 'job'. He walked away. I sat on the cold hard ground , my thighs ached. I stumbled standing up trying to pull my skirt down. The cold wind hugged my skin, making my teeth chatter. Walking was painful , I walked with my legs slightly parted for the agony to subside. I carried on down the dark street already able to see my house , the light was off in my mothers room. My mother and father were the most caring people ever , I had the most loving family. And I treated them with ignorance , like strangers. Why I had turned out like this baffled them. They don't know about my life and if its down to me they never will. I got to the end of the pavement and made my way across the road ,all of a sudden I felt to the ground in the middle of the road. I had broken I heal. "Get out the fucking road girl !" A truck driver yelled. I quickly got up and took of both my shoes carrying on my journey bear foot. I got to my house door and walked round the side to were my window was, I climbed uneasily up a rope ladder I had left earlier. I stepped into my room I walked straight into my bathroom and turned on the cold tap in my bath. I looked in the mirror. I felt sick with myself . Dirty. I took the back of my hand and wiped my lips smudging lipstick across my face. The tears in my eyes finally started to spill over and run down my checks bringing my mascara with it, colouring under my eyes black like my hair. My flat grey eyes grew livid. With a sudden moment my fist flue into the mirror shattering it letting glass drop to the floor. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs , take the anger out of me! I wanted to smash things , break things ,go crazy! I slid down onto the floor with my back against the bath. There was an odd pain in my knuckles , I look at my fist. Blood dyed a small area floor , I pulled a long shard of glass out from between my knuckle ,I grit my teeth as the glass cut my skin further. I stood up and turned the tap off. The bath was full with ice cold water. I took off all my clothes and got in , the temperature barely made a difference to my skin as I lay there in still silence. The water lightly tinted red as time passed. I sank under the water merging my self fully. I hate my life. I woke in the morning feeling the throbbing pain of the new purple bruises on my pale white skin. I got up in agony closing my eyes tightly as the pain got worse. Standing up I looked at my bed sheets seeing ,the now brown blood stains that my arm had left. It reminded me of something... reds .I rushed to the bathroom , opened the cabinet and grabbed some of my morning after pills and swallowed them hole then chucked the white plastic container back in the cabinet . I wouldn't want to be pregnant like those stupid hoes that 'work' with me , they don't give a shit they just get one of there friends to stick a old hanger into there uterus and pull the fucker out then throw it in the bin. After I was washed and changed into my clothes I went down stares into the kitchen. My mom stood there and said nothing to me , I looked at the floor then at her now pink face her eyes became shiny at the sight of me. Tears started to roll down her beautiful caring face and you know what ... I didn't give three shits. My dad rapped his arms around her as she buried her head into his shoulder , the sound of her sob's made me feel weird. "What the hell are you crying for..." I muttered running my hand through my black hair. My mom left the room. My mom loved me still after all I'd said and done to her. To this family . She always looked at my baby pictures and pictures of when I was a child. This woman and her crying got on my nerves. There was now no one in the kitchen ,just me... and my moms bag. I walked over ,picked it up and began to rummage through it. Keys. Papers. Vouchers. Make up. Condoms... wait Condoms! Jewellery... Purse , yes! Five , ten , twenty . I shoved money in my pocket ,put the purse back in the bag and turned around. "Shit !" I dropped the bag to the floor at the sight of my nine year old sister, ' you frightened me' I told her in sign language , she was deaf and also couldn't speak My little sister was the only person I could say I truly loved, she was beautiful and pure , every time I saw her I became calm. She was the only one that knew about me, about my life. She was the only one who knew where I went at night. She was the only one who knew why I walked funny. She was the only one who knew why I had become a prostitute. She stared at me disappointed and upset. It made me feel bad. 'oh come on don't look at me like that' I motioned , picking up my moms bag. She shook her head slightly with disapproval. I could tell she was going to tell me something like ' you let people tare up your vagina for money and you still have to steal' she may be nine but she didn't act like it she was far from stupid . 'I'm sorry , you know I love you right?' I placed my hand on my heart , hugged her then left for school. I waddled through the class room door my legs still hurting, and sat down next to my best friend Jessica, she wore a neon blue tie , white blouse and a black vest jumper over it . A short black skirt with fish net tights and bright blue dolly shoes. Her hair was blonde and very messy with a big bright blue bow in it. Yes... she was an Emo. "Mate... you're walking like you've just been f-" "Ms Jessica, you weren't about to say the f-word were you?" the teacher interrupted with her annoying voice and yellow teeth. "What?... Oh you mean fuck..." Jessica asked " well of course not miss why would I say such a thing." she told the teacher innocently . Her voice switched "stupid woman if you don't want to hear the bloody word then go brush your teeth instead of being so nosey" Jessica muttered. The teacher started handing out test results she came to me. " 'A' star again Ms Jade well done!" she placed the paper onto my desk. My expression didn't change , I couldn't careless about grades at this moment , I was just hoping I didn't see that 'customer' ever again In my life , cause I knew that if I refused him I would probably end up getting raped again or he'd end up dead. "Hey!" Jessica whispered loudly clicking her fingers " Jade !" "What !?" I turned around sharply and whispered back . "You coming round tonight I got some err... 'cheese'" she winked , this girl loved her some good quality drugs... I didn't really like drugs but it was calming, an escape from reality to a place where you could ride a fly to the moon. But no I had my job to do. or "Err... no I have... erm ... work" I my voice was shaky as I hesitated choosing my words. "You always say that ! I'm begging you don't leave me with Pete and his skinny jeans, the stupid gay boy gets on my nerves!" she moaned. "So deal with it I have stuff to do" the rest of the day went very slowly , as soon as I got home I started getting dressed for my 'Job' . I put a tight short leather skirt with fish net tights that had a big hole in it for 'easy access' and a hot pink tube top. I plastered my face with make up and left my house without looking in the mirror. I walked across the dark road and through the poorly lit alleyway. Memories of past ' customers' flooded back . I approached the other side of the street and began to see the rest of the 'workers' . I had one friend here ,Amy. I guess that's cause we we're both seventeen ,she became a prostitute cause her head teacher repeatedly raped her , selling her self had been a problem lately cause word on the street was she didn't smell to good down there. Of course that wasn't true it was just the other ' workers' being malicious cause she was younger then them and obviously getting more 'business' . A Shiny black chauffeured BMW pulled up along side the curb and the tinted window rolled down. Every prostitute walked over .Its funny how the rich ones can never get girls. "Hello I'm Shawn, and I might be fucking you tonight so if you have HIV or anything walk away now" some girls actually left "...so how much?" the tanned man mumbled in a deep voice .He looked like he was in his mid-twenties , he looked at us up and down. "I know ." he said as if he just had an idea " ill pay both of you 200 dollars each to do whatever I want" he smiled evilly. Our mouths hung open . "well... get in" we walked around the car and got it. This couldn't be good cause I wasn't a lesbian.