Diary of Angel Tranny
I don't really know why I have to write this diary but I would like to share one part of my life. I was born as a male but turned to be a female by appearance not physical at the moment. I was born in where the most beautiful ladyboys live (as I and most of people believe), Thailand. I came here, London, when I was 22. It has been 6 years since 2006 I have been living in United Kingdom. I was a boy when I first landed to Heathrow airport. A Thai small boy with pretty face who dressed fashionably carried a big luggage out off immigration to study English language in Wimbledon. My first place to live was in Sutton, right next to St. Helier hospital. "Where's big ben?" "Where's Prince William?" I wanted to laugh out loud on myself when I first came London. I really had no idea what London is like. Honestly, I didn't even realise before I had come to UK that it is island. Back to evolution of ladyboys, "We" all don't really have a chance to have long hair and dress like girl before we all left high school. It's just bad for human right that we couldn't really do what we wanted. I realised that I first had a crush on one boy when I was in primary school. It was when I was 9. I loved this boy. Oh my god, I confused what I am. I was born in North of Thailand where civilisation didn't go through much. I didn't even know what ladyboys are like. Anyway, he's now just a history. When I was 14, it's my third year in high school in Thailand. I met one of best friend who now lives in New York. (I'll call my friend as she, even he's gay now) Her name is Butterfly. She got a beautiful skin and small boobs but she wore a school boy outfit. Thanks God to send her to this school and we met. She used to study high school in Bangkok and eventually she moved to my town in North of Thailand and studied at my school. She introduced a female hormone to me and I decided to take it. Butterfly told me lots of things how to become a girl and I followed her suggestion. Unfortunately, Butterfly had big bone structure which mean she's quite big. Therefore, now she stopped taking hormone and decide to be a gay man. This happened a lot in Thailand. Lots of Thai gay people had background of wanting to be ladyboys but they eventually ended up to be a gay man. There are few reasons. First is social acceptance. It's hard to believe that Thailand, where the most ladyboys are in the world, culture don't really accept us. There's still discrimination existed. That's why those beautiful ladyboys who were born in 1960-1980 and when they were in their age 20 tried to live in western country and Europe because we are more accepted. Not like this generation in Thailand, those beautiful ladyboys changed people attitude toward us a lot. We are more accepted but not much. Second reason could be your future. This was my main reason. When I was in university, I was confused. "Should I be a ladyboy or gay? Will I get a good job if I am a ladyboy?" Well, I have been told a million time that there will be no place for work that they will accept you if you are a ladyboy. Eventhough you got a Phd or master degree or Super professor, you wont get a good job. So I decided to be a gay man but in my mind, I want to scream out loud "I'm a girl" I love fashion. It's my passion since I was 15. I started buying expensive fashion magazine, watching fashion TV and browsing fashion site. This helps me to apply those women clothes to my wardrobe. I tried to make myself looked unisex as much as I could because I hated being looked like a man. Back to Great Britain, I spent 3years as a boy in UK. I didn't really even know that transexual girl are attractive in this country. It started from one of my friend talking about friend of them dressed in women clothes, wore wig, put on make-up, wore heels and went to night club in Vauxhall and they got straight guys home. I was so excited. "Is it true?" Well, I and my friends agreed to do this together. We went to buy wigs, dress, bra, heels and make-up. Then our nights were coming. OMG OMG!!! I was like a pricess, those horny guys surrounded me and my friends. We ended up happy and we wanted MORE. We searched for places and got word of month from other ladyboys where to get those guys. Monday, it's one in Charring Cross Station. Wednesday in Soho, Friday in Vauxhall, Saturday in Vauxhall or Aldgate East. After I had dressed as a girl like they said "Part time" and went out for years, I decided to be a ladyboys as they call "Full time". One night during summer 2010, I was introduced to one ladyboy from Thailand. Her name is Lalita. Lalita is an transexaul girl escort. I was very nervous when I first knew her as one of my best friend, Angie, told me "Chelsea, she, Lalita, is an escort" "OMG, ESCORT??? Are they exist in UK? What are they like? How do they do? Why do they come here?" I know that escorting or hooker or prostitute or whatever they call people who had sex in exchange for money is the oldest job in this world. Because I didn't get in touch much with this kind of people, I was a bit nervous and scared to be honest. I hung out with them more and more, heard their jobs, got to know more escorts, learn what they did, saw their lives and I was very curious what if I became part of them. I must tell something about my love life. I'm just a normal people who want to be loved. I never had sex till I was 26. It's unbelievable, right but YES I swear to God. After I entered to the world of night club where straight guys who love ladyboys are, I was told to join the dating site as well. I begun from one big transexual dating website where I met my only one bf in my life, Brian, an Irish in late of age 20 who studied master degree in London and unemployed. I loved him really. We spent time together about 5 months before I left him. I didn't know why I have to left him. He's gone mad that time but I had to go. I didn't think my life would end at him, unemployed and lazy guy. After I had left him, I was back to join dating site and I started shagging around. All guys always lied. They used me, poor me Chelsea. I was hurt so many times. I became colder and colder. Finally, I decided to be an escort as lots of my friends suggested. It was summer 2011 that I became an escort. Oh dear, it's an enormous change in my life. A girl who was born as male born and raised from middle class family in Thailand, got a good honoured degree in business, Thailand and master in fashion in UK and worked in restaurant for almost 5 years became a Call Girl. I cried, yes, cried in first 2 weeks. It's hard time for me. I still remember my first job. He's a big fat Arabian guy who loved to be rimmed, arrkkkk. Well, I had to respect my decision. I must go on and do this well otherwise the others will laugh on me. This is what I became now. More story after changing my life are coming.
- Chelsea xx