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Why an Escort Refuses to Meet You Again

The other day I opened my door to an unfavorable surprise. I was expecting to meet a client whom I have never seen before. But to my dismay, it was a former client who I had purposely been ignoring. This client, whom I have met before, had been trying unsuccessfully to meet me again for the past two years. At first, I ignored his calls. Then he got in contact with me by calling me from a new number, and so then I started to ignore his new number. Fast forward one year later, this week, he called me from an additional new number. I picked up and did not recognize his voice. I thought he was a new client, and when I asked for his name, he gave me a different name. So we made an appointment, and voila…he shows up...! So the question is, why would an escort reject a repeat customer? While every escort is different, here are the four main reasons an escort MAY ignore or reject a client from coming back (as a repeat customer). 1 - Hygiene issues. 2 - And/Or Cheap (ie: tries to stay longer than allocated time, unwelcomed, without paying extra, or gives less money than expected) And/Or 3 - Unbearably ANNOYING or tiring sex (ie: takes too long, or makes us ‘work’ too much. Yes, some of us are ‘spoilt’.) And/Or 4- Rude and Disrespectful. Additional reasons for an escort to reject a repeat client that are, perhaps, less common. Such as a client who has… Stalker-like tendencies (ie: a love crazed client who invades your personal life in an unwelcomed sense — where the ‘love’ is one-sided). Note: This is not to be confused with clients who are in love with an escort while also respecting the escorts own boundaries and expectations. Admiration does not bother escorts so long as their boundaries are respected. There are additional unique reasons. For instance, I had a really young client whom I felt was spending too much money that he didn’t have (hoping to gain my heart). Since I couldn’t give him love, I felt it was better that he focused on saving money for someone who can truly love him back. I liked him as a person and client, but morally I felt he should direct his hard earned cash elsewhere. Now, of course, these undesirable traits can be interpreted differently depending on the person. For me, hygiene is a paramount deal breaker, so I would flat out refuse anyone who was not clean. And of course, I would not accept to meet any client who could not pay my rate. Annoying sex, however, is not something one can predict with a new client. Now, with regards to a client being ‘rude or disrespectful’, luckily I have not experienced that so far as I am quite particular with whom I attract and meet. But for many other escorts who do not have the privilege to be so discerning, dealing with disrespectful clients is a reality. In general, my screening processes have been successful to the extent that there have only been 3-4 men that I have refused to see again. Generally, most clients are relatively pleasant and have no issues. And for the 3-4 clients that I could not bare…, my method of refusal was to simply ignore their calls or messages. The irony is that these clients whom I refused to meet again were not actually disrespectful at all. In fact, the former client who showed up the other day under a new name – he is exceptionally respectful and kind hearted. He is even relatively clean and professional. Yet for some reason, this particular client possessed the first three traits of a client I would reject: (hygiene issues, cheap, and tiring sex). Like the first time we met, this client appeared clean. Yet his breath odor was so disgusting that I wanted to gag! His vile breath made me repulsed to touch and be close to him. To top off my disgust, the sex was beyond annoying – he abnormally takes a long time (probably because I cannot hide my repulsion and barely want to touch him) and also, he wants to be all lovely-dovey romantic while he takes his damn time! Yes, I am a romantic woman indeed who loves to be romanced — but not with a person whose scent repulses me! And to make matters worse, he dragged out a one hour appointment to two hours —- no extra tips, nothing. Now, being Sahar, I do have a temper and am quite assertive. I gave him a piece of my mind on the first meeting, yet in a diplomatic way (so not to hurt his feelings). I bluntly told him “I don’t think we are a match in sex” and “you’re just not my type.” Despite that, he still wanted to come back. I allowed him to come a second time, thinking that his ‘bad’ breath was just a one time thing. Well, I was wrong. After the second meeting and the same annoying scenario, I told myself, “Never again, the money isn’t worth it.” This time, when he arrived at my home the other day, the first thought in my head was a Dave Chapelle style, “Fuck!” I couldn’t just kick him out, because as mentioned, he was actually a really kind and respectful person. I asked him right away, “Why didn’t you tell me it was YOU? Why did you tell me another name?” He said, “I thought you were ignoring me.” I said in my head, “Yes, Obviously” So then I secretively rolled my eyes back, and then told myself, “It’s not that bad, I’ll just get through it.” Nothing had changed. He was still a sweet guy. But that foul odor from his breath was still there! He was a clean guy, but clearly had neglected his oral hygiene (yes, you can have bad breathe even when you brush your teeth everyday!). How the hell do you tell a nice person that they smell so foul that it makes you feel repulsed to the point you have to obsessively clean your home after to rid the disgusting scent from your home? Finally, at the end of the appointment, he said, “Can you tell me next time openly if you don’t feel comfortable to see me?” Finally I broke down — I had to tell him. I sincerely wanted this sweet guy to have success with OTHER WOMEN, but I am sure other women won’t have the temperament to tell him about his terrible breath. So I said to him, calmly, “Your breath……I am sorry to say this… When is the last time you went to the Dentist? Is there something you eat that smells very strong?” I felt so bad that I had to tell him something, perhaps, so embarrassing. He was actually very thankful when I told him to go to a Dentist and ask the Dentist to thoroughly check his oral hygiene. So would I see him again? No. Even if he fixes his breath, I am not interested to see him again. Even the sex was just far too unbearable to the point I could not hold in my annoyance. But again, he is a nice guy, so I sincerely hope he can find a woman who does love him – he has many lovable qualities – he is actually an attractive, fit, younger guy! But for me, personally, I was just far too turned off by the whole experience. I hope I did the right thing by being honest. Lesson to be Learnt? Want to be a good client or partner in general? Excel in the first four points I mentioned (be mindful of your hygiene, be courteous with her financial expectations, ask for feedback during intimacy, and be genuinely respectful). Lastly, the thing with hygiene is that it is difficult to detect one’s own scent, or body odor. I, too, have been guilty of having bad breath, unknowingly — which is a funny story. A long time ago, when I lived overseas, I was with a regular client of mine. It was his birthday, so I brought him some cupcakes. I told him not to eat the cupcakes until after our appointment. I told that I won’t kiss him or let him kiss my body if he eats the cupcakes first. He then said, jokingly, “Why not? I always kiss you after you eat your spicy foods and I don’t complain.” He was teasing me and alluding that I had “garlic” breath once and how it didn’t bother him. Since then, I always am paranoid about meeting someone after I have eaten foods with my favorite ingredients, garlic and onion. It can be a cute and sweet gesture to others to simply say, “Is my breath alright?” Escorts? What is your experience? What would make you stop seeing a client? Clients, have you been rejected? What would make you stop seeing an escort? Share your thoughts

