Everybody Needs a Hobby
** Monday morning, too damn early ** I don't know anyone who's a big fan of Monday mornings, but I have taken a liking to waking up most mornings. Generally, I awaken with my morning wood gently held between the supple butt cheeks of my voluptuous, over-sexed best friend and lover... and as of last night, full-fledged business partner. The girl of my dreams, Britt, stormed into my life just a short time ago and has since turned my world upside-down and inside-out. Long employed in the constantly fluctuating construction industry, I had managed to buy and improve a remnant of an industrial period that had thrived downtown. I had lucked into a massive brick edifice that no one wanted and without raising a bunch of red flags, managed to build a respectable bachelor pad in one corner of the cavernous structure. On top of my humble abode, and still well within the confines of the mother building, I built a combination studio/office that I hoped to use one day in what would become my career and full-time job, photographer. A life-long hobby, it was Britt who helped me make the final leap into my long-awaited career...and then some. Somewhat disappointed that I wasn't allowed my morning nuzzling of her neck or the playful palming of her firm breasts, I crawled out of the lonely bed and shuffled off toward the bathroom, dutifully following my piss hard-on. The happy sound of female bantering and giggling followed me into the room from the kitchen and I stood there, braced against the wall behind the toilet and smiled, happily peeing in privacy. More than once, one female or another has playfully played fireman with my hose as I tried to relieve myself in the early morning hours. Performance anxiety is tough on a guy, especially this early in the day. Mission accomplished, I flushed; a dead giveaway to the other occupants of the house that I was up and awake. Stepping over to the sink, I washed the sleep from my eyes. Magically, a hand towel appeared to my left and a steaming cup of black coffee appeared to my right. Then two, no...four hands warmed my chilly butt. "Good morning partner," Britt whispered as she set the hot coffee on the counter before placing a kiss on my cheek. "Morning babe," I replied with a wet kiss and noticing she too stood there naked as the day she was born. "Good morning George," said the towel bearer. Turning left, there was Kate, the resident pixie. She leaned into me on tip-toe for her morning kiss, her firm little titties pressing into my side. I helped her up by reaching under the long black hair that hung to her knees and with a handful of firm pixie-butt; I lifted her up to lip level. We kissed through her delighted giggle before I set her back down. Two warm hands slid over my hips as the statuesque brunette pressed her firm D's into my back. "Morning lover," Gina whispered as she nipped and kissed my neck. Her long, slender fingers had me in her grasp as she moved to my ear and her serpent-like tongue slithered inside. I never know how these little encounters are going to go. It was either going to turn into an early morning orgy or the conniving trio would get me all hot and bothered and then turn and leave me hanging...literally. Sadly, this morning it looked like it was the latter. Turning me to collect her kiss, Gina smiled and with a loving tug, she said "Sorry baby, no time for fun. We business owners have to get to work early; Breakfast is on the counter." With that, Gina and Kate turned their beautiful butts to me and bounced out of the room. "Poor baby," Britt said sympathetically as she reached for my disappointed dick. "It won't take me long to get to work," dropping to her knees and looking up toward our second-level office. "That is if you have the time" she asked as she batted those big blue eyes and her tongue reached out to take a swipe at the head of my cock. I stammered "Uh, yeah," as I watched my cock disappear between her wet lips. She looked up at me as she swallowed me whole, her nose now poking my tummy. Britt's oral skills are beyond description and she knows just how good she is. Taking all I have to give, she gives me a wink and then begins what I can only describe as swallowing. My cock is in her throat, her tongue is tickling my balls and with each swallow, she is jacking me off. It takes all my willpower to not grab her by the side of the head and just 'fuck her face' for lack of a better description. But I know that I won't be disappointed and I just stare in marvel as my love consumes me. Alternating between the throat maneuver and wrapping both hands on my mucus covered member and giving me an old fashioned handy, Britt soon has me shaking, my balls tight and my butt clinched. Ever the master of timing, she looks at me through darkened eyes and deep-throats me one last time, daring me to try and not cum. I'd lost that bet before we even started and I leaned back onto the cold granite counter and braced myself. With one last swallow, she smiled as much as one can with eight inches of cock between your lips, and then closed her eyes as I lost it. "Ah fuck me..." I moaned as I unleashed stream after stream of high-velocity spunk down my lover's throat. Britt massaged my balls as my cock convulsed, my body racked with pleasure. I was light-headed and it always takes me a bit to return to normal after a session with Britt and I think she takes great pride in the effect she has over me. I like to think I do the same for her. Reaching down, I pulled her up off her knees and hugged her tight. We kissed, sharing what bit of me she hadn't already swallowed. This might bother some guys, tasting their own cum, but no woman I have ever been with objected to her own taste as she licked her pussy juice off my face; so I guess I never gave it a second thought. In fact, I nearly blew Britt's mind the first time we fucked and then I buried my face in her cum filled pussy and licked her to another body-contorting orgasm. "I love you, Mr. President," she said under her breath, referring to last night's meeting where I announced my intentions to incorporate our photography business and make her a stock-holding member of the board. "And I love you, Ms. Vice President," my hands full of her ass cheeks. I gave her another long kiss and then released my hold. She looked up at me with disappointment in her eyes and she could see in mine that I didn't want to stop, but I did need to get to work. She smiled and gave my butt a slap as she turned me back to the sink. "I know...you still have that other job and you have to go to work," she droned. "But I take it since you brought up the whole incorporating thing and all that that you are thinking we're getting closer to making this a full time thing... I mean the photography thing." I caught a little blush flash across her cheeks as she backpedaled there at the end. I pretended like I didn't catch on and answered, "Well, yeah. We're booking more work and I can only see us getting busier. If I'm going to do this full time, I need to set up some sort of timeline so I can give my boss notice. I don't want to leave him in a lurch; he's been real good to me and I don't want to burn any bridges." I let that set there for a minute as I put on some deodorant and rinsed my face once more. "Yeah, this has always been my dream, to shoot pictures for a living and you have been a big part of making that dream come true." I caught the color coming back in her cheeks in the reflection of the mirror and she looked down, pretending to look for something on the counter. "And," I said as I grabbed her unexpectedly by the waist and set her bare butt down on the cold granite counter, "It has also been my dream to meet someone who I could share that dream with, and maybe, the rest of my life with." Britt's eyes grew big and now my mind tried to find reverse, 'Shit, did I just propose to her?' I asked myself. We stuttered in tandem..."Did you just..." "No, I...but..." "Well, I thought..." "Yes, no, I mean I ...well shit." We paused and then both broke out laughing. I hugged her tight as she wrapped her long legs around me. I looked her in the eyes and took a deep breath; "You know I love you; more than I've ever loved anyone, and I can't imagine not having you in my life." Her eyes glistened as she put an index finger on my lips. "I love you too...everything you just said, and as far as I'm concerned, you're stuck with me until the end, and you'd have to fuck up pretty bad to get me to leave. So let's just leave it at that; we're both young...well at least I am," as she winced, ready for a tickle attack. I just stuck my tongue out at her and let her continue; "I told you when we first met that even before we spoke, I saw you and knew that you were the one. It sounded corny then and it still sounds sorta corny, but I'm positive that we are meant to be together." We'd had this conversation before, but this time, it really hit me as the gospel, the real thing, and I was actually speechless, so I did the only thing I knew to do; I kissed her and kissed her until nothing else needed to be said. ** Late morning ** Well, for a Monday, everything was going swimmingly and while driving to the next job, I pondered what in the hell 'going swimmingly' really meant when my Bluetooth chimed in my ear. "This is George," I answered, hoping the temperamental device actually worked this morning. "How's my favorite corporate big-wig's morning going?" Britt asked. For once, the connection between my ear piece and the Blackberry in my pocket was perfect. "Well, I got a blow job from one of the other board members this morning. That was a pretty good start to the day," I answered happily. "Yeah, we need to write that up in the minutes I suppose," Britt laughed. "Seriously, I love you for making me a part of the company. Not to rush you, but is there anything I can do to help on the incorporation?" "Yeah, about the minutes, I think we need to be a little more discreet about what we put down in writing. If you want, you can do some research on the whole incorporation process. I think it is fairly cut and dry and hopefully we don't need to get a lawyer involved." "Sounds good, I'll see what I can dig up. Oh, and what I really called about was to let you know that I have the next two cars lined up for the calendar and I got a quick call from our favorite redhead reminding us that we need to stop by and go over wardrobe for their shoot." Snippets of Becky and Britt in a ridiculously large shoe store and the dressing room of a popular lingerie store bounced around in my head. That was an evening I wouldn't forget anytime soon. Only the honking of an impatient senior citizen brought me back to real time. I waved apologetically through the back window and continued on. "So what does Mike have us photographing this time?" I asked. "Let me look," she said with the sound of papers shuffling in the background; "I know I wrote it down here somewhere. Okay, here it is. The first is a 1956 Ford pickup; I think he called it a step-side?" "Oh yeah, that's great, my dad had one of those. The step-side is kind of like a running board on the side of the bed. It's great when you need something out of the back." "Alrighty then," she said like she really didn't care, and she probably didn't; cars and trucks are more of a guy thing. "And the other is something called a Hudson Hornet...is that right? A hornet; like the insect?" "Hell yes baby, now that is my idea of a car;" the testosterone was kicking in. "I can't wait to see it. I hope it's not some tricked out hot rod." "Well I guess we'll find out on Wednesday," she said. "So when do we want to go over to Becky's and get fitted?" This was a new one on me; I was supposed to be behind the camera, not in front of it. "So remind me," I answered, "it's you, me and Becky with Kate shooting?" "Oh, and Gina too; being the long legged one, she's perfect for a tight pair of jeans." Pausing, Britt said, "I got the feeling on the phone that Becky is looking forward to getting to know Kate and Gina better...if you know what I mean," snickering. "Yeah, I think I know what you mean and my dick hurts just thinking about it," I kidded. "Anyway," as she giggled on the other end of the line, "I'm obviously free late afternoons and evenings, so I'll let you coordinate it with the girls and I'll just do what I'm told." "Mmmm, I like the sound of that," she purred, "doing whatever I tell you to do." "Now, now," I countered, "let's not get carried away; I am the President, remember?" "Yeah...uh-huh...later Mr. President," she replied in her best Marilyn Monroe impersonation and the line went dead. ** Late Afternoon ** "Red Brick Photography, Brittany speaking, how may I help you?" came the lilting voice that made my dick wake up. I really wanted to mess with her, but just the sound of her voice caught me off guard; "Hey baby, it's me. I'm ready to head for the barn and thought I better check in to see if I needed to stop for anything on the way home." "Hi lover," her voice dropping an octave. My cock raised an octave or however you measure that sort of thing. "Kate and Gina just called and they're on their way too. They offered to pick up Chinese, so that takes care of dinner tonight and knowing them, probably lunch tomorrow." "So did they say how things went at the store today with John?" referring to the impending sale of the business to the girls. "Not specifically, but Gina sounded happy...and tired. I'm sure we'll get all the details when they get home." "Alright then, if you don't need anything else, I'll just head for home. It's been a long day and I can't wait to be home with you." "Aww, that's sweet. Well I've been thinking about you all day while I've been looking into the incorporation thing. We'll go over it when you get here, but it sounds pretty cut and dry; just a lot of forms to fill out and of course, fees to pay." "Yeah," I shrugged, "everyone wants their piece of the pie I guess." "Oooo....pie," Britt moaned over the phone; "I don't remember the last time I had pie." I could picture her nearly salivating and licking her lips. "You don't know of a bakery or pie shop that's on your way home do you?" "Yeah," I laughed, "I know of one, but it'll cost you," I kidded. "What kind do you want?" "Whatever looks good," she giggled like a little girl. "Berry or cream, I like 'em all. Not a big fan of mincemeat, but I doubt they'll have any. I think that's a holiday thing; I never understood mincemeat anyway." Pausing to take a breath, "Oh, do we have any vanilla ice cream? I really need ice cream if you get a fruit pie." "I haven't got a clue," as I chuckled at her excitement over pie. Her happiness is truly infectious; hell, she's infectious, period. "I may call you when I get there and I guess in the meantime you can take your sexy little self downstairs and see if we have your ice cream." "Okey-dokey," she giggled as I heard the office chair roll across the hardwood floor. Throughout this, I'd lost track of where I was and had to double back to get to the bakery I had in mind. I listened to her hum into the microphone of the headset she wore as she skipped down the stairs and went through the front door and into the kitchen. I hadn't intended to stay on the line while she made her recon run, but it was amusing to listen to her hum and carry on with herself. I heard the familiar sound of the freezer door open; "Damn that's cold...shoulda' put a shirt on." It was my turn to snicker as I imagined her leaning topless into the freezer, digging around for the frozen treat. "So are you running around the office naked again?" I wirelessly whispered into her ear. "Oh shit, you scared me," she yelped. "I thought I had hung up, and yes, I'm running around naked in the office," she teased; "Jealous?" "Just makes me want to get home that much quicker; so any ice cream in there?" I listened to her huff and puff as she rearranged the freezer. "Yeah, here's a container way in the back, it's...what the hell? Neapolitan? Who buys?...Hey wait a minute, the chocolate and vanilla are all gone and there's nothin' but strawberry! Who does that?" "Guilty, I guess; although I can't remember ever having bought Neapolitan ice cream in the first place. And secondly, strawberry ice cream should be illegal." "I agree," Britt answered as I heard the freezer door close. "Mind if I just put this down the drain?" "Unless one of the girls likes strawberry, feel free. So it's a cream pie or I stop and pick up ice cream?" I asked. "Yup, your first presidential decision...Cream or fruit." she laughed. "Alright goof-ball, I'll get something. I'm here now so I'll be there in about twenty minutes." "Alright Mr. President," again in the breathless Marilyn Monroe lilt, "We'll be waiting." This time she did manage to disconnect the phone. ** Half an hour later ** I pulled up to the massive rolling door of the brick veneered warehouse and stabbed the remote control button that activated the opener that I was so glad I finally installed; the heavy door is real ball buster. I pulled in and a quick vehicle count told me I was the last one home. I had taken a couple minutes longer to stop and buy my lover some vanilla ice cream and while I was at it, a can of whip cream too. I had a chocolate cream pie and a boysenberry pie; figured I might as well cover my bases. I didn't get my standard 'welcome home' greeting, so I made my way precariously to the front door, juggling my load. Two trips would have been safer but it's not in my nature. I like to think it is some in-built programming for efficiency; I'm always thinking about the right order to do things. I hate to back-track or take more trips than necessary; or maybe I'm just inherently lazy. It's probably the latter. "Lucy, I'm home," I announced in what I thought was a pretty good Cuban accent. Still nothing as I closed the door with my butt. Entering the kitchen I find all three of my comely roommates hunkered over numerous piles of paper on the counter. A high voltage buzz of conversation hovered over them and I could almost smell the brain cells cooking as they shuffled pages, pointing at figures and graphs. I sat dessert on the kitchen counter and opened one of the many bags of Chinese carry-out and took a big sniff; god I was hungry. "So how are my favorite business people," I asked them as I walked behind them and gave each a kiss on top of the head and a love-squeeze on the butt. "Hi baby," Britt answered as she spun on the barstool and gave me a big kiss. "You'll have to pardon the other two; they've been like this since they got home." I got a second look at the new bikini-magnates and they looked tired. They left for work before I did and they were still at it. This was one of the things I had brought up with them earlier about becoming a slave to your job. I realize this is different because they are just getting started and I'm sure the list of things to do seems endless, but at some point you have to take a break. "C'mon babe, I know how to get their attention," I said as I turned back to the kitchen. "What? You're going to get naked and dance on the table in front of them?" Looking back over her shoulder, she shook her head, "I know I'd enjoy it, but I'm not sure they'd even notice." I turned and gathered her up in my arms, "I'll bet you would, but no, I don't think I have to be that dramatic. Here, help me serve up dinner." With a pouty frown, Britt helped me make up four plates of the aromatic cuisine. Taking two plates each, we approached the girls and passed the plates between them and the piles of figures and notes and held it there. The sight and smells of dinner flipped a switch and both girls blinked and looked at us like they had just been released from a magical spell. "Hungry?" I asked as I sat the plate in front of Gina and Britt did the same with Kate. "Oh, hi George," Gina blinked and then looked down at the plate again; "When did you get home?" "Yeah," said the little one, "I didn't hear you come in," as she started pushing papers around in search of some kind of eating utensil. "Well now I'm hurt and just a little concerned," I said with a worried frown. "I came in, said hello, gave you each a kiss and a loving caress on the butt, and you never said a word." Winking at Britt, "then I sat Britt up on the counter there next to the sink and ate her pussy until she came all over my face." Britt nodded in acknowledgment, running her fingers over her crotch and moaning for effect. There was a brief look of shock and disbelief on both their faces and then Britt had to blow the bit by sticking her tongue out at them. They both laughed and then sheepishly apologized for not acknowledging my arrival. I waved it off and added, "Well at least I didn't have to stop to pick up dinner, so thank you for that." "It's the least we could do and after today, we weren't about to have to make dinner. If it wasn't carry-out, it was going to be PB and J." The only sounds for the next twenty minutes were those of eating, followed by the contented moans brought on by full bellies. "So how did things go with John today?" I asked as Britt and I cleared the dishes. "It went well, I think," said Kate as she stood up and stretched the kinks out of her back. "Yeah," said Gina as she stood too and walked to the fridge to get some more water. "We did a full inventory and went over things with John again." She stopped to peek into the bag I'd left on the counter; "Yum, pie," she sang as she lifted the first from the bag. "Wow, two pies? You trying to get us fat?" she laughed as she pulled the second carton out of the bag. "I don't think that'll ever be a problem," I laughed as I put the dishes into the dishwasher. "You girls never slow down and I think Katie has the metabolism of a hummingbird. No one that small should be able to eat as much as she does." "Oh yeah?" came her retort from the other end of the kitchen. Pulling her tank-top over her head, she stood there topless and tried without success to grab a little belly roll. The other two laughed at her as they followed suit. Gina probably hurt herself trying to pinch some non-existent excess and my blonde bombshell wasn't having any better luck. "See, what did I tell you? I could have bought you each a pie and it would never show up on those perfect bodies." I was laying it on a little heavy, but I figured all three could use a little pick-me-up after the long day they'd put in and all the stresses they were feeling. "So who wants pie?" I asked. They all groaned and poked their bellies out, rubbing them; "Not right now lover, maybe later;" and then they busted up laughing at themselves and enjoyed a three-way hug that I was envious of. After breaking the huddle, they inspected my pie choices and elected me the in-house pie selection specialist. Putting on the coffee pot for later, Katie asked, "So George, can we go over the figures with you one more time? We've been over them so much, they're just a blur." "Sure," I replied as I put my arm around her bare waist and led her back to the counter. Gina joined us and we quickly reviewed every aspect of the two businesses. The old guy was being extremely generous with the girls, but I was glad to see the stipulation he'd made about them staying in school was now in writing and signed by all three. Flipping the last page, I closed the folder; "Well it looks like a good deal to me," I said. "Worst thing that could happen is that the world stops buying swimwear and you girls end up with a lifetime supply." "Thanks baby," they each said and kissed me on the cheek. "Now the real work begins," Katie moaned. "Yeah, John is anxious to move on, so we hung a 'Closed' sign on the store today. The lease is up like the middle of next week, so he'd like us to be out of there by this weekend," Gina sighed, already tired before the work had even started. "So," Kate continued, "we'll be boxing up the rest of the week and trying to figure out what to do with the few fixtures we have." "Yeah," Gina took over; "We also have to change addresses with everyone and on the website. God, we can't thank you enough baby for letting us set up shop here. I can't even imagine what we would do without your help." "Ah, it's nothin'" I said. "Yeah, it's no big," chimed in my gorgeous and topless vice-president. It took me by surprise and Kate and Gina just giggled as Britt shot me that big beautiful smile. "That's right, I'm sorry," bowing to my partner; "Everything will have to go to a vote now," giving her a wink. "Well then," she proclaimed, "I call this meeting adjourned and we all hit the showers!" "I'll second that," I said, standing up. "I third it," said one; "I fourth it," the other squealed as they sprinted toward the bedroom. Britt and I were the last to move and I took the opportunity to take her in my arms. We hugged and made out until we heard the water running. "We better get in there before they use up all the hot water," Britt smiled. "Yeah, I suppose," happy with where I was. I gave her another long kiss and then let her go. She took a couple steps and then seductively dropped her shorts to the floor, looking over her shoulder the whole time. Her backside is every bit as luscious as the front, and she giggled and gave her bubble butt a little slap and shake and said; "don't forget to put the pie in the fridge," and her sweet ass disappeared around the corner. By the time I made it into the shower, the girls were just a knot of slick and slippery flesh, vertically writhing and purring under a gentle rain that fell from the ceiling of my overly ambitious shower environment. Starlight cast a sexy glow on the trio as I approached them to see if I could squeeze my way in. No effort was needed on my part as I was sucked into the soft, fleshy center. Hands and lips, soap and caresses, had me quickly clean and hard. Various hands took turns stroking my cock while others slid along my chest and occasionally slipped between the lower cheeks and playfully probed at my asshole. Without a word, cleanup time was over and the rain stopped. We made our way out of the shower and began the drying portion of the program. With practiced precision, we draped the soft bath sheets over one another and were soon dry. The marathon hair drying session commenced. One roommate dried the hair of the girl in front of her and so on until I brought up the rear; a virtual conga-line of hair drying. Invariably, I ended up behind Kate, her of the long, thick black hair; so long it hung past the back of her knees. Even though she was shy of five feet tall, it was still a lot of hair. We all completed our assigned tasks in record time; "Who wants pie?" Britt asked as she turned off her hair dryer and gave Gina a little squeeze on the butt to let her know she was done. "I do, I do," little Kate bounced gleefully in front of me, her long hair flaying my semi-stiffness. It tickled and I backed off and started winding up my cord. I walked to the pullman and bent over to place my dryer in the bottom drawer and Kate and Britt dutifully handed theirs over. "Thanks lover," they echoed as they took advantage of my unguarded derriere. Heading out of the bathroom, I admired the three pairs of distinctly different cheeks as they jiggled their way into the bedroom. Kate and Gina kept walking until they disappeared into the hall toward their room. Britt turned as soon as they'd cleared the doorway and struck a sexy pose, one long leg out just in front of the other and her hip cocked slightly, both hands resting on them. God she looked beautiful with her long blonde hair draped over her shoulders, the ends teasing her erect nipples. A devilish smile caused my heart and my cock to jump. Suppressing a giggle, she winked and beckoned me with one crooked finger. Always obedient to a sexy, naked goddess, my erection led the way and I stopped just short of spearing her belly-button. With a firm grip on the obvious, she pulled me closer and tilted her head for a kiss. Evidently not responding quickly enough for her liking, she gave me a firm tug and a squeeze. Message received, my lips met hers and our tongues soon wrapped around each other like serpents mating. My cock throbbed as Britt pointed it toward heaven, that heaven between her long limbs. She teased her pussy with the head of my cock, moaning into my mouth as she strummed her clit. I had both hands on her taut ass, spreading her cheeks as I tried in vain to will her to guide me into my favorite place on earth. Ignoring my obvious hints, she held me at bay, kissing voraciously and working my cock until her clit could take no more and her body stiffened. "Oh god," she groaned in our kiss as her body quivered and I feared for my tongue, now gripped between her teeth as she continued strumming her trembling nub. When the opportunity presented itself, I extricated myself from impending harm and she dropped her head on my shoulder and I held her tighter, my finger prints permanently imprinted on her butt. Her breathing slowed and she let go of her toy. It was my turn to moan, but in frustration. "Thank you," she whispered as her hand was now free to run along my side and offer a tender massage. "My pussy's been wet since you teased the girls about eating me out on the kitchen counter. I couldn't wait any longer, I needed a quickie." I reaffirmed my grip on her ass and one index finger strayed across her puckered anus. Parked there, I felt it kiss my finger tip and she nibbled on my neck and whispered seductively..."Later, but now I want pie." She laughed and squirmed as I mocked a digital attack on her back door before releasing her. Free, she jumped back and stared hard at my anxious cock. Licking her lips, she looked back at me and whispered, "If you're still hungry after your pie, maybe I'll serve you up a little of my famous 'Britt a la mode'," dragging her finger through her pussy lips and licking it invitingly. "See you in the kitchen," she laughed as she turned, grabbed one of my t-shirts out of the drawer and skipped out of the room as she pulled it over her head. Deer in the headlights, I just stood there and stared at her firm pumpkin-shaped butt as it bounced out of the room. Snapping back to real-time, I knew my turn would come, so the sooner we got dessert out of the way, the sooner I'd have my lover on her back, teaching her a lesson on the hazards of teasing. "Yeah, like that lesson would sink in,' I mumbled inwardly. Pulling open another drawer, I found a pair of boxers I'd never seen before. Britt and the girls were always shopping and if they found anything I'd like or even better, would annoy me, they bought it. This time it was a pair of Woodstock boxers; not the legendary concert, but the cartoon character; you know, the little yellow bird. 'Not the worst thing they've ever bought me,' as I pulled them on and looked in the mirror. "Well shit," I said out loud as my still half-hard dick snuck out through the slit in the shorts and it looked like Woodstock was perched on a flesh colored branch. I'm sure this was an unintentional feature of the under garment so I figured it was my turn to tease. Taking matters in hand, it only took a minute to bring the branch to full bloom as it were. One more glance in the mirror and there was the little bird perched proudly on the biggest branch in the forest. "I'm ready for my pie," I announced proudly as I rounded the corner into the kitchen. My girls, all dressed in nothing but 'my t-shirts', turned and all three were bug-eyed. Gina spewed chocolate cream as little Kate choked on her berry pie. Britt just stood there with her mouth agape and then broke out laughing. Ignoring all three, I stepped over to the counter and served up a piece of each on my plate as though nothing was out of the norm. Gina cursed as she wiped up her mess and the tears of laughter that followed. I was kind of worried as it took a bit of hacking and copious amounts of water before Kate was back to normal. Meanwhile Britt sauntered over and gave me a big kiss while trying to de-bark my branch. "I like your new shorts," she purred in my ear. Grabbing my fork, she helped herself to some of my chocolate cream and held it between us at mouth level; "Share?" she asked before slipping the fork between her lips. Not understanding how literal she was being, she kissed me again and our tongues fought over the chocolate delicacy. "Fuck that's hot," I heard Kate croak and then only the sounds of two women engaged in an oral food fight. We broke our kiss and watched the tall brunette lift her petite roommate with ease and set her on the counter and they shared more pie. If we hadn't all just gotten out of the shower, this would probably have turned into a full blown food fight/orgy. As Kate and Gina helped each other sample pie and ice cream, Britt helped me finish mine. Standing at the counter, her left hand never left my cock as her right hand forked us bites of the bakeries wares. This left me with both hands free to roam and was soon teasing her still-wet pussy with one set of fingers while the other worked its way between the t-shirt and her silky smooth skin. Her nipple was hard and waiting and she squeaked as I pinched her lightly, her pussy responding in kind. "That's enough fucking pie," Britt proclaimed as a second finger worked its way between her swollen lips. Dropping the fork on the plate she pulled my branch toward the bedroom; "Put the pie away ladies...thank you," she yelled over her shoulder. We think we got a muffled reply but at that point we really didn't care one way or the other. "Get those silly things off," Britt growled as she pulled the t-shirt over her head. She turned back to me, her blue eyes now nearly black; I knew I was in for a wild time. I kicked Woodstock toward the dresser as Britt tackled me and we tumbled to the bed. Flat on my back, Britt straddled me and sat on my belly. Her long blonde hair was a wild mess and she swept it out of the way over her shoulder. Her eyes were now as black as I've ever seen them, a sign that her sexual fire has been stoked to the point of spontaneous combustion. "I hope you don't have anywhere you have to be first thing in the morning, cuz I'm gonna fuck you till you have to learn to walk all over again. I'm so fucking horny... now," and flipping her body around and planting herself on my face, "eat my fuckin' pussy!" My heart and cock fluttered at her command. Before I could find my way, she had me deep in her throat. I moaned into her sweet snatch as she went at my cock like it was her last meal. It's hard to ignore any woman when she has your manhood in her mouth and your balls in both hands, but with my Britt, it was doubly so. It was almost a contest to see which of us was the dominate one and if I was any less of a man, I'd throw every match but it just wasn't in my nature. Turning to the task at hand, I took an ass cheek in each hand and spread her wide. Her pussy dripped on my neck and her outer lips framed her juicy center, welcoming me to feast. I dove in, taking her whole pussy in my mouth and sucked, drinking her juices. Her sucking stalled momentarily as I slid up and speared her cunt with my tongue, lapping at her inner walls. Her fingernails dug into my legs when I pulled her down and her ass cheeks further apart and buried my tongue in her ass. "Ffffuuucckk..." she groaned before taking me back into her throat. She wiggled her butt on my tongue as I smiled inwardly at her reaction to my anal probing. It had been far too long since I'd made love to her sweet ass and I penciled that in on the agenda for tonight. Britt worked my cock like a woman on a mission. Not to be outdone, I hunkered back down and nibbled at her clit before taking it between my lips and sucking as I strummed the tip with the end of my tongue. Letting out a satisfied groan, she paused before attacking my cock once more. Sucking on just the head, she ran her hands over my mucus coated member, spreading her slick slime over my balls. I felt a curious finger slip southward in search of my generally forbidden hole. Again, two can play this game and my index finger was quickly resting on her wrinkled pink pucker. The knocking on her backdoor gave her pause and I felt her teeth clinched lightly just below my leaking crown. 'I dare you' was the message, but I was never a good listener. Britt's clinch turned to a moan as my finger slid into the first knuckle. Her ass clinched and her pussy fluttered as I took a deep draw on her clit. Abandoning her search, Britt had one testicle in each hand as she dropped her head down and tried to inhale my dick. Britt worked my cock as I worked my finger, matching cadence...in a little and linger, then slowly back out. When she took me deeper, I did the same until the palm of my hand was flat on her ass. I felt the tip of my cock in her throat and she did that swallowing/gulping thing again. I tried to match her by wiggling my embedded digit while flicking at her sensitive trigger. The combination move did the trick as I felt her entire body stiffen, freeing my cock from her oral depths. Britt groaned an unintelligible string of words as her pussy convulsed, feeding me more of her sweet nectar and her sphincter tightened, threatening to cut off the blood flow to my finger. The momentary distraction let me roll her off me and the tide had changed. I now straddled her, my slippery member resting on her belly with my back to her. My finger was still buried deep in her clinching ass and her pussy lips panted with exhaustion. I looked over my shoulder at her. Her eyes were closed tight and she chewed on her lower lip. I slid my finger out and then back in and strummed her reddened clit with my thumb. "Fucker!" she cried out as her body rumbled under my weight. "No more...please," running her hands up my back. I relented and eased my finger out, leaning down to give her pussy a quick kiss. I rolled right and flopped down beside her. Face to face, we shared soft kisses and petted each other with loving caresses. Her deep blue eyes were back and she stared deep into mine. It was hypnotic and I was sure she was sending me some telepathic message. I concentrated, positive that I would hear her sweet voice in my head telling me how much she loved me and how I was the greatest lover of all time. Absentmindedly, I strummed her erect nipples, still clearing my mind for her unspoken mandate of love. My fixation on her subliminal dispatch was such that I wasn't aware of her hands subtle reawakening of my love muscle. In retrospect, my lack of mindreading skills were probably tied directly to the amount of blood the blonde vixen had redirected. I was about to just give up and in mid "So what are you think...?" I found myself on my back, pinned to the bed, her long legs straddling my belly, my cock still in her control. She smiled down at me though her disheveled locks as she rocked to and fro, my stiffness nestled in the crack of her ass, her hand making sure I stayed put. "So," she asked as she continued slide her slick ass up and down my anxious cock; "are ya' ready to get fucked?" She literally growled the query while throwing her hair over her shoulders. Her eyes were darkened once more and her nipples were so stiff they must have ached. I nodded 'yes' with my hands on her hips, ready to help in any way I could. She smiled at my anxiousness as she raised herself up on her knees and held me at bay. Bending slightly, she looked down as she spread her juices with the tip of my cock. Her clit stood proud and at the ready, just like my cock. "That's so fuckin' hot," she moaned as she tormented the little man in the boat with the slick crown of my cock. "Are you watching?" she asked. Glancing up at me, then quickly back down; "Watch me fuck your big dick!" And watch I did as she guided me with practiced precision. We both moaned out loud as the tip of my cock split her inner lips. "Are you watching?" she asked once more as we both concentrated on the vanishing act. "Ah fuck me, you're big," she moaned as her pussy walls rippled. I wanted to respond, but the sights and sounds were overwhelming. Her milky juices flowed ahead of her descent, my cock anointed for the blessing to come. "I think I came a little," she whispered, stopping to watch her love flow. I did it without thinking, animal instinct I suppose. Momentarily caught off guard, I grabbed her hips and thrust my hips up as I pulled hers down, planting the remaining four or so inches to the hilt. At the same time her clit came in contact with the base of my cock, Britt threw back her head and wailed as her pussy convulsed on my cock. I held her firmly in place, running my hands up her sides as her belly rippled and her incredible cunt continued to try and consume my cock. Being the devil I am, I stealthily approached her throbbing nipples and gave them each a firm pinch. This triggered another eruption below. "God damn you," she growled as she grabbed my hands, trying to break my hold. Her black pupils looked like smoldering lumps of coal. Breaking my tenuous hold, she grabbed my wrists and leaned down, pinning my hands over my head. Her long blonde hair cascaded over my shoulders as we came face to face. This time the look n her eyes was almost frightening; I knew I was toast. "I love your cock," she whispered, grinding her crotch into mine. Giving me no time to reply, her lips locked onto mine. Our tongues parried and thrust in each other's mouths. Britt moaned and kissed me harder each time I willed my cock to stir inside her. Out of breath, she pushed back and arched her long back to stare at our connection. I craned my neck too, watching her wet lips sliding up and down my stiffness. Her tits and firm belly glistened with sweat as she slowly fucked me. "Can you see okay?" she asked, looking back down at me. "Can you see my pussy fucking you?" I could only manage a nod in the affirmative, hypnotized by the sights and sounds of her tight pussy slurping away at my shaft, milky rivulets running down to my balls. Shifting her hands to bear on my shoulders, my blonde lover rocked her hips taking short rapid strokes. The head of my engorged cock peaked out between her puffy inner lips and then disappeared back into the tight, wet confines of Britt's hungry pussy. "God," she moaned as she slowed the cadence, cloaking a couple more inches of cum-slickened dick; "watching us make love makes me so fuckin' hot!" Concentrating, she chewed at her lower lip as she pushed herself down. I flexed just as she touched down; "Fuck meee..." she cried as she ground on me. Her pussy walls rippled once more and her abs tightened as another orgasm rolled through. I reached up and pulled her to me. She relented, collapsing on my chest. Her pussy continued to hold me tight as I brushed her damp hair from her face. Her eyes were still unfocused as she rode out the pleasure waves. My hands came to rest on her lower back and I massaged her back and my favorite butt cheeks till her heartbeat normalized. We kissed and petted and my baby purred in my ear. I thought for a minute that I'd lost her to slumber-land and I could very easily have nodded off myself when her pussy gave me a little 'wake-up' hug. "You didn't think I was done with you yet, do you?" she whispered before running her tongue inside my ear. My still rigid member gave her a push back and she shivered. Britt pushed herself back upright, her hands flat on my chest; "Let's change the view, shall we?" Like an Olympic gymnast on a pommel horse, she did a 180, never losing our connection. I nearly lost it though, caught off-guard by the sudden twist of events if you will. I grabbed at her hips to make sure she didn't continue and attempt the perfect 360. She giggled as she felt my internal response; "You like that huh?" she smiled over her shoulder. "You little shit," I replied, giving her a little slap on the butt. "Oh yeah baby," lifting up slightly to give me a better target, "spank my ass baby!" Always the one to oblige, I gave her a sharp slap on the right cheek with a resulting 'crack' that echoed through the room. "Yeah," she yelped, "spank your bad little girl," as she continued to slide up and down my cock. Bracing her hands on my knees, she thrust her butt at me, her pussy packed with prick and her asshole winking at me. I alternated from cheek to cheek, spanking my nasty little girl until both cheeks glowed red. Guilt tried to trickle in, but her pleasurable moans and her undulating pussy quickly flushed those thoughts away. Only because my hands started to sting, I stopped and began massage her quivering bum. I lovingly kneaded her warm cheeks as she continued a slow rise and fall on my slick shaft. Britt's asshole winked at me on each upstroke as I spread those delectable hemispheres apart. Calling my name, I couldn't ignore the invite and my thumbs slowly made their way. "Oh yeah," she shivered as the pad of my thumb rested on her puckered pink. "Play with my ass baby," she moaned as she twisted her hips and danced on my cock. There was no retreating now and I kept pressure on her wrinkled bung-hole. Her gyrating intensified; "Stick it in...put your finger in my ass!" I gathered some of the more than ample juices that continued to run down my dick and moved my thumb up to her back door. The gyrating ceased momentarily as I made my entrance and she inhaled sharply..."Fuck me baby," she groaned as her ass relented and I buried my thumb as deep as I could. Her body shook with both portals now occupied and I pushed he butt up and then let her fall back, starting a slow double-fuck. "Oh my God," she muttered as my thumb and cock worked together to take her over the top once more. My lover sputtered bits of words and expletives as she continued her ride; forgotten was her promise that I would be the one to be fucked till I couldn't walk. Knowing she couldn't last much longer, I spread her sweat-soaked cheeks even further apart and snuck my other thumb into her tight tunnel. "Holy fuck," she cried as I drove both thumbs as deep as my hands and her ass cheeks would allow. Now with a firm grip on the situation, I drove my cock deep and back up, relentlessly driving for the climax I knew waited just around the corner. "Fuck me...Fuck me...Fuck me," she chanted until I felt her implode as she buried herself in my crotch and nearly tore my knee caps off. Her back was ram-rod straight as her lower body quivered through a body racking orgasm. All I could do was stay put and let her ride it out, concentrating on not letting my restless cock move and trying to ignore the numbness in my thumbs. Slowly, Britt returned to the present and sat up straight, still firmly pegged in place. She turned her head and smiled at me through sweat socked blonde strands. Her pussy gave me a hug; "I thought you'd cum for sure that time." My cock returned the favor and she bit her lip and let out a little whimper; "I need to lie down." We both leaned left so she laid on her side and my cock and thumbs were summarily evicted. We both let out a satisfied groan as we shifted apart and let the cooler air circulate around us. Still too warm to cuddle, I reached out and ran my hand up and down her length as far as I could reach. Britt stretched and audibly purred with contentment. Now I would have been just as happy to roll over and go to sleep, being the unselfish one that I am (yeah, right). Eyes closed and fading fast, I felt the bed move as Britt slithered over and started with the little kisses on my face. "Unh unh, no sleeping for you yet," she whispered as her lips found mine and kissed me softly. Working her way down, she peppered me with kisses on my throat, down to my chest, her tongue teasing my nipples. Giggling, pleased with her effect on me, she worked her way further south, probing at my navel with her rolled up tongue. Now she laughed as I reached down and pushed at the top of her head. "Somebody's anxious," kissing her way down until she bumped into my awakened dick. "Hmmm...sweet pussy," managing a grin with her mouth full. "No more talk," I said as I grabbed a handful of blonde hair and redirected her attention. "Yesshh shirr," she gurgled as she took me into her mouth. I laid back and let her do her thing, listening to her try to make all the obscene noises she could. I was soon as hard and maybe as wet as I'd ever been, my cock literally dripping. "Perfect," she proclaimed as she flipped up on her hands and knees and thrust her beautiful ass my way. Face down on the bed, Britt reached back with both hands and spread herself wide. I stared at the porn-like scene; my cock was like a divining rod, pulling me toward her. Grabbing her hips, I ran my length over her distended pussy lips, skipping over her inviting puckered asshole. Over and over, I slid along her furrow, my balls slapping at her clit until she growled, "C'mon, Fuck me already!" "You got it baby," I replied, grabbing my cock and splitting those plump lips. Halfway home I stopped to let her get used to it, only to nearly get knocked on my ass as she plunged backwards. "I said Fuck Me!" as she got up on all four and indeed fucked herself as I just tried to stay upright. Holding onto her hips once more, we got a rhythm, long strokes, so long and slow I could feel the coolness on my cock before slipping into the warmth again. I groaned out loud as I looked down at our coupling. Her pussy lips hugged me tightly, spreading her juices along my length. "You like that baby?" she asked, her black eyes staring at me over her shoulder. "You like to watch your big cock fuck my tight little pussy baby?" thrusting with each word. I only grunted as I got a firmer grip and plunged deeper yet. "Fuck Yeah," she howled as I bottomed out and gave her a couple more for good measure. Britt's asshole winked at me each time I withdrew, teasing me. Now I never thought that it was all that sexy to spit on your lover, but at that moment, well it just seemed like the thing to do. With accuracy that would make a middle-schooler proud, I made a direct hit. My love jumped and then looked back over her shoulder once more as my thumb once again made its entry into her backdoor. "Hmmm..." she cooed as she wiggled her ass; "Good idea, but I want to watch too." Leaving the next move to her, I let go of my hold and she slithered forward, my cock making an audible 'pop' as it begrudgingly left the warm confines. Britt continued to crawl until she got to the headboard and plumped a bunch of pillows until she was satisfied with her nesting. Turning around, she leaned back into the mountain of bedding. Locking eyes, I watched as she ran her hands down over her perfect tits, over her firm belly and when she reached the promise land, they each took a different path until they reached her knees, mid-way down those long, shapely legs. One hand under each knee, my ex-cheerleader demonstrated her flexibility. In a pose that would make a stripper jealous, Britt's pointed toes now touched the headboard, wide-spread, well near edges of the king-size bed. I followed her eyes until we both focused on her sex. It was a cunt now, obscenely spread and anxious to be fucked. Her asshole too gaped; 'Choose me', if assholes could talk that is. "So fuckin' nasty!" she shivered as she looked up at my cock, now quivering, pre-cum seeping. "Fuck me already," she implored. I was already on the move, knee walking with my stiffness in the lead. I leaned forward and grabbed the top of the headboard. With one hand I held the mahogany backer and with the other, I prepared for the final assault. We both watched intently as I let the head, now dark purple and angry, slip between her spread lips. "Slowly," she moaned, spellbound by the disappearing act we performed. With the same speed, I slowly withdrew my cock, now enrobed in her milky nectar. Her pussy walls rippled as I descended again, a little faster this time. "I love your fucking cock," she mouthed as her dark eyes stayed locked on the action. After a couple minutes of the modified push-ups, my bowed back began to complain and I tried to reposition myself. Britt sensed my discomfort; "Let's try something else baby." Releasing her legs, she straightened out; "Scoot back babe," my cock once more evicted. Evicted, but not forgotten, Britt sat up and grabbed my slippery dick and stroked it slowly. "Feels to me like someone's about ready to cum, huh?" I nodded dumbly, closing my eyes and enjoying the personal massage. "Well then," she continued, "I think it's time that you fuck this sweet ass that you can't seem to keep your fingers out of." I opened my eyes to see hers, dark and desiring. Without another word, she was one her back once more, hands at the ready behind her knees, but this time she rocked straight back, folded in two, her knees beside her head. I had no choice but to take in the sights. Another pornographic pose; Britt smiled at my hypnotic trance. "Spit on it...spit on my ass and lick it. Lick my ass and then fuck me till you cum in my ass. I want to feel you fill my ass with your hot cum. I want to watch you fuck my ass until you can't take it anymore!" I'm not a big on talking dirty. I guess it goes back to my upbringing and being taught that a woman should be treated like a lady; with respect and on some levels, reverence. But I can tell you that it didn't hurt my sensibilities one iota to hear my partner express her sexual desires in any form or fashion. I leaned down and put my hands on the back of her taut thighs. Looking into her lustful eyes, I pursed my lips and a big bead of saliva hung precariously over her waiting anus. She shook as the glob landed dead center, followed closely by my tongue. I stabbed and licked at her asshole as she whimpered. My tongue burrowed at her wrinkled pink and my chin spread her pussy lips flat. Lucky I drug a razor across my stubble earlier. Deeming her ass more than wet and ready, I straightened up and once more we watched as my more-than-ready member eased slowly inside. Her sphincter did all it could to keep me out, but I persisted until the head of my cock popped inside. Britt inhaled deep as she watched my cock slip inside. "I love you, I love you, I love you," she chanted as my cock was slowly consumed. "Oh my God," she moaned as my hips met her butt cheeks. We kissed as we did a slow grind, getting used to each other. "I love you and I love your cock," she whispered, nibbling on the end of my nose as she continued to rotate her pelvis; "You feel huge but now I've had enough foreplay, so get with the program and fuck me. Fuck that ass and give me your cum baby!" Taken aback for a second, I pushed back up and grabbed her calves and pushed her deeper into the mattress. "You got it babe. You want that sweet ass of yours fucked? Well you've come to the right place." Britt giggled at my attempt at dirty talk, but the levity ended I pulled back and then buried all I had deep inside her tight ass. "Ummpff," she grunted as I bottomed out. Her eyes were big and black and she chewed on her lower lip as she watched my cock withdraw and then hammer home again. "Unh, unh, unh," were the only sounds she could muster as I relentlessly plowed into the abyss. The sight was mesmerizing as we both watched my cock piston in and out. Her pussy seemed to gulp for air with each cycle. 'Who's gonna have to learn to walk all over again tomorrow?' I asked myself as we felt the end draw near. Britt's eyes grew bigger as my cock also seemed to grow exponentially. Her ass seemed to tighten in a final ditch effort to expel the intruder. "Sweet Jesus," she groaned. "It's so fucking big baby! I feel it...cum for me ...fill my ass...Fuck Me...Fuck meee!!!" This was it; my ass puckering as my balls tightened and I buried myself as deeply as possible. "Ahhh shiiii..." as my cock pumped like a Howitzer, round after round, unrelenting until we ran out of ammo. I collapsed, breathing hard, smacking my head on the African imported hardwood. Arms and legs surrounded me as Britt pulled me in tight. I slumped down, just a puddle of spent flesh coming to rest on a cool spot on the mattress. Minutes later, hell it could have been hours later, I was rousted by a cool dampness, gently caressing my spent dick. Soft kisses on my thighs relaxed me as I reached down for her. "Hi baby," my lover said softly as she tossed the wash cloth aside and crawled up beside me, her breasts tickling me as she approached. We kissed as she nestled into the crotch of my arm. I wrapped her up and held her tight. "Thank you," I whispered as I brushed the hair off her face so I could see her dazzling blue eyes. "Anytime," she smiled, running a finger over my lips. "Often, in fact," she giggled, "But the thank you isn't necessary. In case you didn't notice, I kinda liked it too...like half a dozen times liked it." She leaned up and kissed me again. I kissed her back and ran my hand down her back. She winced a little when I reached her bottom and I pulled back with a start and gave her a questioning look. "By the way," she smiled bigger yet, "I may be in late for work tomorrow; I seem to have a little hitch in my get-along." I couldn't help but snort and laugh at her; "I thought I was the one who was going to have to learn to walk all over again tomorrow. What happened to that plan?" Smiling, she snuggled up tighter and whispered in my ear, "It went just like I planned it," and then started snoring softly. "I love you," I whispered, kissing her softly as I pulled a sheet over us. "Love you too," came a sleepy muffled reply, and she was out for the count. ** Tuesday, mid-morning ** Third cup of coffee in hand, I was parked in a parking lot down by the beach, looking out at the surf when the obnoxious blue-tooth interrupted my quiet reflection. Slapping at my ear, "This is George." A kissing sound squelched in my ear and I immediately knew who was on the other end. "Morning lover," Britt cooed through the air waves. "That was for the kiss I assume you gave me before you snuck out of the house this morning." "Well I didn't really have to sneak out," I chuckled. "You were dead to the world when I got up, so I just took my shower and grabbed a little breakfast and came to work. I didn't hear a peep out of our two roommates either." "Yeah," I heard her stretch, envisioning her long lean body still prone in our well-used bed; "Well I didn't hear them leave either, so I was really deep in dream-land then." I heard her groan and stretch once more; "I wish you were here; I could really use a good back rub. I'm as stiff as your dick was last night, taking advantage of my poor little ass." "Yeah, well I'll have to admit to a little soreness too," I replied. "Well I would hope so," Britt laughed,"We gave your willy a real workout last night." Pausing she continued, "And remind me to give Willy a special thank-you kiss later; he really knows how to treat a lady;" laughing at her own joke. "Yeah, I'll do that, but that may be all he can handle for a couple days, you know, a little kissin' and huggin'." "I know the feeling," she continued to giggle. "Well anyway, I just wanted to call you and thank you again for an incredible night and I'll see you when you get home, okay?" "Alright babe, I'm glad you called and I loved last night too; So any thoughts on dinner? "I don't have anything in mind," she said, "but I'll probably being talking to the girls later, so I'll see what their thoughts are. Oh and we have to go get fitted for our cowboy duds, so maybe we can get that done too." "Sounds like a plan. I'll be getting off on time so if you can drag the girls out of the shop, maybe we can meet Becky at her store and then I'd take all you girls out for barbeque. If I remember right, there is a great place a couple blocks from her store." "Oh that would be great," Britt answered gleefully; 'that'll give 'G' and Katie a little time to get to know Becky. I'll work toward getting that put together. It's no wonder you're the President, you have all the good ideas!" "I'm not sure about all that," I answered. "I think last night was your idea and I think that was a helluva good idea!" "Okay," she tittered like a little girl, "that WAS a pretty good idea, but my poor little butt is still sore," switching to a whimper. "Alright, well I'll kiss and make it better tonight, but till then, why don't you see what you can do about tonight; all of a sudden, I'm craving ribs." "Okay lover, I'll hold you to that kiss. Talk to you later; I love you," followed by another ear squelching kiss. "Love you too. Bye babe." ** Just about noon ** "This is George," as I had just climbed back into my truck after stopping by one of the jobs. "Hey lover, it's me." "Uhhh; who's this?" I kidded. "Ha, ha wise ass," she chirped. "You know, I was just thinking the other day how we may be spoiling you. Now, I'm sure of it." "Spoiling me?" I countered. "Let me see now; free room and board for you and your two friends. A place for the girls to set up shop at what I'm sure will be a very reasonable rate." I paused, "Oh yeah, and a great job, with benefits." "Okay, Mr. President," emphasizing the title, "You want to talk benefits? I think the benefits go both ways and if my math is correct, you're getting a much better benefits package than we are, if you get my drift." "Okay," in a tone of defeat, "I'll concede that my day-to-day life has changed for the better since you guys came along, but...but..." searching for something clever to say; "but my water bill has shot through the roof since you moved in." I didn't even get a chance to sound indignant as Britt busted up laughing and I couldn't help but join in. "God I love you," she said after she settled down. "Even if you do spank me and do unmentionable things to my little butt in the bedroom, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me," she said kiddingly, but with a sincerity that came through the phone. "I love you too," a little choked up; I'm such a big baby. "Anyway," trying to regain a little of my masculinity," What's up?" "Well I gave Becky a call and we're all set to go over this evening and get measured up and all for their shoot. Her boss will also be there, so we can get a sense of what she really wants." "Sounds great; I take it you let the girls know about it?" "Yeah, I checked with them first and, oh crap, I almost forgot!" "Forgot what?" I asked. Britt's voice transitioned to her 'little girl' voice; "Well...Gina and Katie asked if I could call you and see if you happened to be in the area of their store and if you happened to have a step ladder in your truck?" I shook my head and suppressed a laugh; "So they thought I might just be in the area with a step ladder that they happen to need? Why didn't they call me direct?" "Well, honestly; I think they are a little embarrassed to ask because you've done so much for them already and they thought there was a ladder there. They're guessing it was John's personal ladder and he took it home. Oh, they also said that if you get there around lunch time, they'll feed you; they're ordering in a pizza!" "Okay," I chuckled, "how can I turn down cold, greasy pizza? I just happen to still be on a job and I can borrow a ladder from here. I'm only about twenty minutes from their store, so I'll head on over." "Thank you baby, I know they'll really appreciate it. It sounds like they were working their cute little asses off." "I have no doubt," stepping out of the truck to go steal a ladder; "one thing you can't call them is lazy. I'm glad John gave them this opportunity; it'll be a great education for them." 'God,' I thought to myself, 'I'm starting to sound like an old man, handing out sage advice and such.' "Yeah," Britt replied, "They're really good girls and good friends and I know they feel lucky to be so far from home and family and kinda' be a part of a family here too. I know I feel that way and we all love you, but me the most." "I'll be the first to admit that I don't miss my single, lone wolf days at all. I can honestly say that I don't remember what I did with my free time till you came along. I must have been pretty bored, but I don't remember sitting around twiddling my thumbs either." "Ha," she laughed in my ear. "I can only imagine that trouble you got into before I came along and it's pretty obvious that you are a bit of a workaholic, and I'm working on remedying that too." Then in her Mae West persona; "and if you're looking for something to twiddle, come up and see me sometime." "Alright," laughing, "well let me go find a ladder and I'll go see the girls. Did you set a time with Becky for us to come in?" "I told her we'd be there around five or so. That should give you time to come home, take a quick shower, if I let you, and then we'll be off." "Okay then, I'll see you around four. Love you." "Love you more," she said in what I assume was her Marilyn Monroe voice and then the line was silent. ** Twenty-five minutes later ** As luck would have it, I could park right up in front of the girl's store. I looked at the front window and along with the big 'Closed' sign, the rest of the windows were covered with sheets of white wrapping paper. I grabbed the ladder and as I was about to open the front door, it burst open; "Oh, excuse me sir," said the red-faced, flustered young man. He brushed by me, but not before I say the little bag with the store logo clutched tightly in his hand. I turned and watched him scurry down the sidewalk. "Oh, hi George," came a familiar voice from behind me. "Good timing," as I turned back to the store entrance. Little Kate was leaning up against the door jamb wearing a tiny slip of a bikini that left very little to the imagination. Behind her, Gina stuck her head around the corner and smiled a smile that made the front of my pants tighten. "C'mon in," Kate said, stepping aside. I maneuvered the ladder through the door and turned as I heard the deadbolt latch. Through the front window, a soft glow of filtered light lit the girls better than most studio lighting. "Damn it, I wish I had my camera. The lighting is perfect!" The girls struck a pose, arms around each other's waist, hip to hip, well hip to thigh if you want to be completely accurate. Gina towered over Kate and the light and the lack of impairing clothing made it just that much more obvious. "Hold on," I said as I whipped out my phone to take a quick shot. They giggled as I tried to take a somewhat creative picture with the tiny device. Any picture was better than none of the two of them standing in the store one last time. Surrounded by racks of skimpy swimwear, they looked stunning in matching two piece numbers. Kate wore a black bikini that with her lustrous black hair, made her skin glow. Little silver buckles high up on her hips joined the small pieces of fabric that made up the bottoms. The top was as tiny as the bottom with the silver clasp located conveniently between her proud 'B's'. Gina's outfit was a fire-engine red that looked even smaller on her statuesque frame. The top struggled to contain her 'D's' and the hip-riding strings of the bottoms made her legs look as long as Kate was tall. "You girls look gorgeous," as I put my phone back in my pocket. "Thanks babe," Gina, the Amazon brunette replied as she cat-walked over and grabbed both sides of my head and kissed me till I struggled to breath. "That makes up for missing my good-night and good-morning kisses." "My turn," laughed Kate as she launched herself at me. I caught her and she wrapped her legs around my waist and kissed me like we hadn't seen each other in years. I had both ass cheeks in my hands as she squirmed against me until she came up for breathe. "So," as I walked over to the sales counter and sat the little one's butt on the cold glass. "What was up with the young man that shot out of here like he was on fire?" "Oh, that was Jimmy from the pizza place down the street. We've been teasing him since we opened. We'd order in at least once a week and it was so cute how nervous and fidgety he was around us." "Yeah, and Johnny scared the shit out of him when he was here. I think Jimmy thought he was our grandfather or something. He wouldn't even look at us when Johnny was in the room, "Kate giggled. "Anyway," Gina continued, "we decided to order one last pizza and it just so happened that because it was so damn hot in here, we were wearing these," doing a little pirouette, "to work in when he came by." "It was funny as hell when we asked him in and then closed the door behind him. He saw that the windows were covered and I swear you could see him shake, he was so nervous," laughed Kate. "I kind of felt sorry for him; I think he thought maybe we were going to rape him or something," Gina pouted. Kate started to giggle again; "And then," Gina continued, "little Miss Tease here said 'Since we're closing, we just want to give you one last special tip'." "Yeah, that was kind of mean I guess," the little minx fidgeted on the showcase top. "You see, a couple weeks ago Jimmy came into the store with his girlfriend. She was as cute as could be, but really shy and you could tell she was nervous about being here and maybe a little perturbed when Gina and I greeted him by name and gave him a little hug when he came in. Anyway, his girl, I don't remember her name, has a birthday coming up and he wanted to buy her something. Well she turned every shade of red imaginable as Jimmy picked up one bikini after another, trying to get her to choose one. She finally dragged him out of the store and that was that." Gina picked up the story as she tugged at the micro top trying to keep her breasts at bay. "We didn't think much about it until today before we ordered lunch and thought it would be nice to pick out a couple suits we thought she would be comfortable in and give them to him to give her." "That was pretty generous," I said, knowing what some of the swimwear went for. "Actually," Gina blushed, "we ended up giving him a couple that were given to us as samples from suppliers, so we weren't really all that generous." "Well it was still pretty nice of you. I hope she likes them," I said. "Oh yeah, she'll like them," Kate said. "She's about my size and we didn't give her anything as risqué as these," jumping down from the counter and turning to wiggle her tight little butt at me. I stepped up beside her and palmed her ass cheeks; I could nearly cover both with one hand. "So what kind of pizza did you get," leaning in to smell the hot pie? Gina laughed as she stepped up next to me and grabbed me by the ass, "We know you, you'll eat just about anything," giving me a tight squeeze. "I guess you're right," reaching over and returning the favor. Gina shivered at the touch and I could feel it all the way through her bountiful butt. Her eyes glistened as she turned to kiss my cheek. "So let's eat before this gets cold." We reluctantly separated as we grabbed up napkins and each grabbed a slice. Gina drug some stools out of the back room and we ate leaning back against the front counter. The girls talked between bites of all the work that lay before them and thanking me for the ladder to get at some of the items they had stored on the top shelves of the storage room. "Not a problem; do you need any help with any of the heavier things?" I asked. "No," said Kate, just as she took a bite. A glob of sauce hung momentarily from her bottom lip before letting loose and landing on her right tit, just missing the tiny top. "Damn it," she said as she gathered up the majority of the tomato sauce with her index finger. "Here, let me help," Gina said. Leaning over, she opened the little buckle on the black bikini top and slipped both halves aside. The little ones titties stood proud and her nipples stood prouder yet. Without pause, Gina proceeded with the clean-up, her long tongue lapping at the residual red sauce. Finished, the brunette made a quick visit to each nipple, kissing each one before sitting back up straight. "There, all clean," grabbing her own piece of pizza back off the counter. "You're the big tease," Kate said as she sat her piece of pie on the counter. Stepping up to Gina, she un-buckled the straining red top on her roommate, freeing her beautiful breasts. "Here, that's better, we don't want you getting your top dirty either," and then proceeded to take each of Gina's tits in both hands and French kiss both of her roommates erect nipples before taking her seat again and resuming lunch. I shifted in my seat as it was getting a little crowded down below. We finished our lunch in silence. I was kind of waiting for the other shoe to fall, but the girls acted like there was nothing out of the ordinary going on, and in retrospect, I guess that's not far from the truth, at least where our little family of four is concerned. Tummy full, I stood up, "Well, if you girls don't need me for anything else, I guess I should get back to work and I'll see you at home before we go to Becky's for our 'fitting', " I said with stupid air-quotes. "Thanks for bringing the ladder over, "Gina said as she wiped at her perfect lips with a napkin. "Yeah, thanks babe..."Kate said haltingly. "Oh George, you got some sauce on your pants; stand still." Before I could glance down, Kate was on her knees wiping at my crotch for the supposed tomato sauce. Gina stepped in behind her, trapping the little one between us and once again took my head in both hands and kissed me hard. I could feel Kate fumbling for my belt buckle as she was mashed up against me. I tried to give Kate a little room by reaching up and taking Gina's generous boobs in my hands. I strummed her nipples as she moaned into our kiss. Her tongue danced with mine as I felt cooler air on my ass; Kate had managed to loosen my jeans enough to get them to the floor. "Back it up baby," came Kate's muffled command as I felt her hand wrapped around my cock. Not sure which 'baby' she was talking to, Gina and I both backed up, never losing our oral connection. Tented over her, Kate found room to get in front of my rigid dick and I felt her warm lips wrap themselves around me. With both hands now firmly gripping me, her warm, wet mouth and tongue explored my cock. Slurping and sucking sounds beckoned Gina. She pulled back and looked into my eyes before giving me a parting kiss and then made her way to join her roomie. "Got room for one more?" Gina asked politely as joined Kate. All she got was a nod in the affirmative as Kate's mouth was full. Gina ran her tongue up and down the side and bottom of what was not between the little one's lips. Kate had her right hand on my ass, holding me tight; like I was going to try and get away. Her other hand had found its way to my balls, tickling and tugging playfully. Gina's hands were soon doing the same as they took turns teasing my cock. They were in no hurry to see me leave and they took turns trying various ways to out-do one another. Kate took me in her mouth and worked her way down, determined to deep-throat me. Gina meanwhile did her best to distract her by nibbling at the little one's nipples and reaching down to slip a long finger into her wet pussy. Kate moaned on my cock as Gina's fingers did their magic. Kate gagged and then backed off, tears running down her cheeks. "I almost had it, Bitch," Kate barked at Gina, who still had a tit in her mouth. Kate grabbed a handful of brunette hair and pulled Gina up to eye-level. I was momentarily afraid that I would be witnessing the first cat-fight ever between the two when they both grabbed the back of the others head and tired to smother one another with their tongues and mouths. What hands were not latched to my wary cock were soon buried in each other's crotches. The slurping and slapping sounds resounded from above and below and my cock and I thoroughly enjoyed the sights and sounds. Needing air, they broke loose and stared at each other for a second, "I think it's your turn," Kate nodding in my direction. Gina nodded before turning back to the task at hand. Opening wide, Gina locked eyes with mine as she slowly consumed me entirely. Her nose poked at my lower belly as the head of my cock nudged the back of her throat. "Fuck, that's hot," Kate whispered. She slid behind Gina and hugged her from behind. Grabbing a tit in each hand, Kate leaned over her shoulder and whispered in her lover's ear. Gina's eyes grew big and then she slowly nodded 'yes'. Kate now looked up to me and said, "Fuck her face...Gina wants you to fuck her face!" I glanced back to Gina, her mouth still bottomed out on my cock. My questioning look was met by another affirmative nod as she backed off a little and then dropped back down on my shaft. Now in all my years, I'd never really done this, although I'd seen it in a lot of movies. The sounds and the tears far from turned me on and I really considered it kind of masochistic. Growing impatient, Kate leaned back and took control. "C'mon," she commanded her hands now on both sides of Gina's head, "Fuck that pretty face, she wants it, fuck her, fuck her!" "Guh, Guh, Guh, Guh," from deep in her throat; thick mucus coated my cock and dribbled down Gina's chin. I couldn't take much of it, the sounds and sight, not the feeling, the feeling was great. I wrested control from Kate who we'd seen before slip into this hardcore porn persona. Her eyes were on fire as I extricated Gina from my cock and pulled her up and hugged her tight. I kissed away the tears on her cheeks and hugged her tighter. "I'm sorry," I whispered, "I didn't want to do that." I thought I needed to console her, petting her, caressing her with my hands up and down her long back. "It's okay," she whispered back and then nibbled on my earlobe. "Don't tell Kate," her tongue circling the inside of my ear, "but I came while you were 'fucking my face'." She made it sound about as dirty as Kate had earlier and I leaned back to look at her. She nodded," I loved it and I love you." I was kind of dumbstruck and grasping for something to say, and then I was just gasping and my eyes must have bulged out. The same "Guh, Guh, Guh," sound, but at a different pitch echoed in the room. Gina and I both looked down and watched as Kate, both her hands tight on my ass, her mouth open wide, drove her head in and out, 'fucking her face' on my cock. Her eyes were closed tight as she concentrated on not gagging. It felt fucking amazing, and if she was having fun, who was I to deprive her. I looked back at Gina and with my finger under her chin, I tilted her head back up and kissed her. We kissed and kissed, my hand cupping her sex, one finger deep inside her tight snatch. Kate's pitch changed and we glanced down to see her furiously fingering herself as she continued to swallow me whole. A sudden pause gave away her climax and her remaining hold on my ass tightened, her nails digging into my all too abundant flesh. The view from above triggered something in Gina too and I felt her pussy walls squeeze my finger tight as her body shivered against me. With one had buried in Kate's long black hair atop her head and my other now holding Gina tight, I watched and waited as they both recovered. Gina smiled at me and kissed me once more before dropping back to her knees beside Kate. My mucus covered cock wavered in the mid-air as the girls embraced and kissed one another. Gina lapped at Kate's face like a mother cat, cleaning her chin of her excesses. Without thinking, I automatically latched onto my stiff dick and stroked it slowly, enjoying the girls comforting display. Catching movement out of the corners of their eyes, they turned to watch my self-pleasuring. Another first, I guess; they had never watched me jack off. That thought alone made me harder yet. "That's so fuckin' hot," Kate whispered to no one in particular. Gina looked up at me and winked and gave me a little kiss on the hip. "Are you about ready," Gina asked as she reached up and lightly cupped my balls. She got her answer there and smiled back up at me. "Where do you want me to cum?" I asked grunting as I tried to hold it back. "On our face, on our face," Kate nearly shouted. "Give us the money shot," she groaned her hand between her legs once more. Gina nodded her approval, trying not to laugh at Kate's morphing once more into a porn starlet. "Okay, here we go," doing my part to play the role. The girls put their heads together, like in every other porn movie ever done and waited. The wait was short; I grabbed the top of Kate's head once more, this time to steady myself and I let loose. Kate squealed and Gina moaned as they opened their mouths and closed their eyes and I did my best to liberally coat them both. I was feeling generous and shared equally, covering then like a poorly iced cake. If a poll was taken of the average man, I would bet that given the choice of coming inside the orifice of his choice versus spraying his load onto his lover's face, I would think that the majority would vote for the more personal feeling of sharing their love; planting their seed deep inside their lover. Having said that, I'll have to admit it was kind of fun the other way too, kind of like a kid and a water hose, trying to make as big a mess as possible. Equally entertaining was watching the cleanup. "You're a mess," Gina said as she wiped warm cum off Kate's closed eyes and licked her fingers, looking back at me as she sucked another finger. "You should talk," Kate said as she licked at Gina's chin and lips before kissing her, sharing me. They squeegeed one another, feeding one another before a final tongue bath. Satisfied with a job well-done, they turned their attention back to me and made sure any residual materials were licked clean. Afraid what a continued cleaning might lead to, I coaxed them both back to their feet and we shared a final three-way kiss. The girls redressed me and sent me on my way, them still nearly naked. I listened as the deadbolt was thrown once more and wondered how much more work they would get done this afternoon. ** Home again...4 p.m. ** "Hi lover," Britt called from above. I glanced up to see my love leaning over the short wall that surrounded the second level that made up our office and a small studio area. As is her tradition, she flashed me and jiggled her magnificent tits at me, giggling the entire time. "I'm about finished here," she said, her tits still on display, "You go jump in the shower and I'll be down in a minute." "Okay babe," I said, shaking my head in mock disbelief. I truly hoped she'd never change. I made it into the bedroom and dropped my clothes on the bed and headed to the shower. All by my lonesome, I just turned on the personal shower with the hand-held head and luxuriated in the massaging pounding the shower delivered. In a rare instance, I showered alone and was just turning the valve off when a cold wave of air rushed into the shower. "Not so fast there buster," said the exquisitely naked Britt. Skipping into the shower, she wrapped me up in a full body hug and we kissed. My hands naturally gravitated to her incredible ass which I squeezed hard. "Mmmm," she moaned in our kiss. I guess the pain of last night's adventures were gone. "I just need a quickie," Britt explained as she stepped away and did that thing women do with their hair that miraculously holds it up on top of their heads. She turned back to my quizzical stare and then laughed; "Not that kind of quickie, a quick shower, and mind the hair,"" she said, handing me the hand-held and turning the water back on. I dutifully held the shower as I watched her soap up her supple form, from shoulders to toes. Standing back straight, she reached for the ceiling and said, "Okay, rinse." I snapped out of la-la land and did as I was told, starting at her shoulders, careful not to get her hair wet. I followed the water's path down her firm form, leaving not a trace or bubble behind. Around her mid-section, I felt her stare and I glanced up, catching her looking at my cock, once again stiff, as it always seemed to be in her presence. Looking back up, she was now staring at me, suppressing a smile. "You'd think you'd had enough after the lunch I heard about," she said with a laugh. I just smiled and finished rinsing. Taking the sprayer from me, she handed me the soap and wash cloth, "the back please." More than happy to oblige, I worked my way again from shoulders to feet. I was happy to see that the redness was gone on the ass I so revered. "Switch," I said, handing her the soap and cloth and taking possession of the sprayer once more. Same path as before, starting at the shoulders, but this time, I anointed each area with a kiss as I made my way. I spent extra time at the half-way point, liberally kissing each cheek before burying my face in between. Britt squealed when my tongue found her sweet pucker once more and reached back and held me there for a minute. I didn't mind, I could stay there all day, but she had her priorities. With a hand full of my hair, she extricated me and brought me back to my feet. "We don't have time baby," she pouted, which made me feel a little better. "The girls called just as I was about to come into the shower and let me know they were on their way home." Grabbing my cock, she looked me in the eye," They also gave me the Reader's Digest version of your lunch together. Said they didn't get a damn thing done after you left. Spent the rest of the afternoon chasing each other naked around the store, eating each other's pussy, fingering each other, even scavenging around the store looking for things they could use as dildos on each other. I'm sure we'll get some juicy details later." "Aw fuck," I said under my breath. I looked down and Britt was still stroking my cock. Hoping for a replay of earlier today, I closed my eyes and then I was alone. "I just heard the girls come in the front door," Britt said as I watched her ass bounce up and down and out of the shower. I slowly followed, a little dumbfounded. Britt was standing at the mirror with a towel wrapped around her as she brushed her hair. I was facing her, just about to say something when Gina and Kate poked their heads around the door and said, "We're home, we'll just..." and then they stalled. Britt looked up at them in the reflection in the mirror and followed their gaze. I was still rock hard and pointing at Britt and she just smiled as the girls said," Jesus George, doesn't that thing ever go down?"