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Man of the House

"So," Cory asked his mom as he handed her a coffee, "Have you decided if we're leaving tonight or tomorrow morning?" "The roads aren't supposed to be icy tonight. How long of a drive did you say it was?" "About three hours, according to the GPS." "So two, then?" she smiled, knowing everyone in their family had a lead foot. Cory just smiled and shrugged. "Are you going to be able to find it in the dark? I mean if it's hidden on a back road in the mountains?" "We don't have a schedule, so if I miss a turn or two and have to double back, I'll be okay with that." "No you won't," she laughed. "You'll get mad about it." "Okay," he smiled, "Maybe you're right. But you and Erin will be there to keep me settled. After all," he winked, "I have to watch my language in front of the ladies." "Oh, sure. You're a real boy scout." She shook her head with a smile and took another sip of her coffee. "So what do you think?" "I think I'm ready to get this vacation started. The earlier we leave, the more time we have at the cabin. As far as I'm concerned, we can even eat on the way so we don't have to wait until after supper." "Sounds good to me," Cory said with an excited smile. "Then I will spend the day sleeping and pack the car this afternoon when Erin gets home from school." He and Michelle kissed each other good-bye and she walked out to the garage while he made his way upstairs to get out of his dusty work clothes and shower up. He knocked on Erin's door as he passed and heard her hair dryer turn off before she opened the door. "Morning," he said, giving her a kiss and looking her up and down. She was only wearing her bright yellow boy shorts and the necklace he had given her for her birthday. Her hair was tousled, but she had already put on her make-up and she looked amazing. "Morning, stinky," she smiled. "You cool with leaving tonight? Mom and I are both ready to get up there and settle in." "Sure. It won't take me long to pack." "All right, then. I'm going to sleep a lot of the day, so if I'm asleep when you get home, wake me up?" "Yeah, okay." "And can we take your car? If the weather gets bad I would feel better in your four-wheel drive." "No problem." "Thanks, gorgeous. I'll see you this afternoon." He kissed her again and she smiled as he patted her rear before she closed her door to finish getting ready for school. Cory woke up to his sister's voice and her hand stroking his arm gently. "Cor? Time to get up. We need to start packing." He rolled over and stretched, opening his eyes to see his sister smiling at him. "I love waking up to that face." He stroked her cheek as she smiled and looked away. "You're so beautiful." She rolled her eyes. "You're still half-asleep." She patted his hip and stood. "Come on. Up." He took her hand and she pulled him out of bed until he was standing on his own two feet. She looked down and shook her head with a smile. "Every time." "What? I can't help it," he laughed. "He likes you." She laughed in return. "You're an idiot." She turned to leave his room, still shaking her head. After another quick shower and brushing his teeth, Cory was tossing his duffle bag into the back of the Forerunner when he heard the thunk thunk of a wheeled suitcase dropping down the two stairs from the front porch to the sidewalk. He pulled his head back out of the car to see his sister pulling her big pink suitcase with white polka dots, toward her car. He met her halfway and picked up the heavy suitcase to set it in the back and push it forward to bump the back seat. "Got everything you need?" he asked. "Let's see," she looked up and closed one eye as she counted on her fingers. "Clothes. Socks. Underwear. Make up. Money. Dildos. Shoes. Lingerie. Heavy coat. iPod. Watch. Anal lube. Laptop. Yep. That's everything." She turned to walk back into the house, her hips exaggerated in their swaying. Cory watched her walk away, her tight jeans hugging her curves, but her red hoodie covering her upper body. His phone rang in his pocket, the Imperial March muffled by denim. "Hey, mom," he said. "Hey, sweetie. Have you checked the weather?" "No. Erin woke me up a little while ago and now I'm packing the car." "Okay. You need to check the weather. There's a storm front coming in from the west and their talking about sleet and freezing rain overnight. You may want to check and see if we're going to hit it before we get there." "Does it matter? I'll just drive more carefully if we do, but we' re leaving when you get home." "I just thought that if we needed to wait until the morning..." she sounded worried. "If it ices tonight, it will still be icy in the morning. Mom, it's okay. We'll get there and settle in and then it can ice all it wants tonight and tomorrow." He knew she couldn't see his smile, but hopefully his voice had soothed her. She sighed. "Okay. I'm sorry. I just worry about you. If you think we'll be okay, then I trust you." She sounded more confident at the end. "Good enough for me. I'll check the weather like you asked, but we'll leave as soon as you get packed." "Okay. That's good enough for me. I love you, baby." "I love you, too, mom. We'll be okay. I promise." "Thank you. I'll see you in a little while." They said their good-byes and Cory went in to put some food and drinks in the cooler before loading it in the car. A couple of times Erin came down to the living room, talking on the phone as she passed through before returning upstairs. She grabbed the grill lighter and went back upstairs. She came back down and picked up a starter log off the mantle, setting it on the kitchen counter and pointing to it as she looked at Cory. He got the message and gave her a thumbs-up. After placing the cooler in the car and putting a couple of starter logs, a roadside emergency kit, and his GPS in, he opened his laptop to check the weather for the town the cabin was near. The front wasn't supposed to hit until nearly 1 a.m., but if it was early it would still be well past their estimated time of arrival. He texted his mom. "Storm coming late. Should be ok." She responded a moment later, "Thx." An hour later, Cory was watching TV and he heard bump...bump....bump from the ceiling. He got and walked around to the stairs, the bumping still steady. By this time Erin was halfway down the stairs with their mother's big black suitcase landing on every step as she pulled it behind her. Cory bounced up the stairs and took it from her. "Mom called after she got off the phone with you and asked me to pack her stuff." "That's who you were talking to earlier?" he asked, carrying her suitcase the rest of the way down. "Yeah. She wanted to be ready to leave as soon as she got changed, so she told me what to pack. I just talked to her again and she said she's about to leave so she should be home in about a half an hour." "Okay, great. We can leave earlier than I had hoped." He put her suitcase in the car and Erin put her mother's overnight makeup kit and both their laptop cases on top before Cory closed the back hatch. The sky was starting to turn gray and there was a light, but very cold, breeze blowing. He and Erin were making sure the house was straight for the weekend, Cory having brought the patio furniture into the shed in case of heavy winds, and turning on some of the faucets so the pipes wouldn't burst, when they heard the garage door open. Michelle came in, calling out, "Am I the only one ready to go to the mountains?" "Yes!" Erin called from the living room. "Liar," Michelle said back with a smile as her daughter rounded the corner holding a can of wood polish and a cloth diaper. "You caught me," she shrugged. She kissed her mom on the cheek and put the wood polish and cloth under the sink while Michelle went upstairs to change. While she changed into jeans and a sweater, Cory added her laptop case and purse to the car. Making sure everything was locked up, the three loaded up and headed to the mountains, stopping for some drive-thru fast food on the way. When Cory rolled down the window to place his order, he could tell the temperature had dropped significantly as they drove west, and the wind had picked up, hitting the truck sideways in bursts that made it more difficult to control. After about two hours they were off the interstate and found themselves winding through narrow curved roads and the occasional traffic light when they would hit a small town. It actually did take them nearly three hours, but some of that was weather. As they got to the higher elevations, Cory started to hit some patches of black ice and the light rain that had been falling was instantly creating a sheet of ice on the windshield. He had to stop three times to scrape it off. Soon enough he saw the gravel side road, which was surprisingly well-maintained, and drove nearly two miles to get to the cabin. Due to the pitch darkness they could not see how the actual cabin measured up to the pictures. It looked nice enough. There was a decent front porch with four rocking chairs on it, and a green metal roof. The door had the center cut out with an ornate frosted glass oval that took up most of the frame. "Well, here it is," smiled Cory. "It looks beautiful from what I can tell," Michelle said, Erin echoing her feelings. "Let's get you girls inside and I'll get everything turned on before coming back for the luggage." "I'll help unload," Erin said. "No, you stay inside with mom," he smiled. "You don't need to come back out here." "But I can..." "Erin," Michelle interrupted, "Cory's trying to take care of us. Why don't we let him do that? Okay?" "Yes, ma'am." "You ready?" Cory asked. They both nodded. They all three opened their doors and immediately heard the freezing rain clicking on the dried leaves, branches, and metal roof as it fell. They hurried to the porch, Cory making sure the steps weren't icy and helping the ladies up to the dry porch. He unlocked the front door and reached for the light switches just inside, turning on several lights in the great room. "Oh, my!" Michelle beamed. "This is beautiful!" "Holy shit!" called Erin, drawing a laugh from her mother. "Dan, you are the man," laughed Cory. The first thing that drew their attention was the wall of glass on the backside of the cabin. It was all windows with a glass door at each end. They couldn't see outside due to the darkness, the inside light making it more of a mirror than a window. Next was the tall stone chimney. The fireplace was a little oversized, but not enormous. The cabin was about 2500 square feet, Dan had said, with most of it being in the open floor plan of the great room, kitchen and dining area. Above the rough-hewn wood mantle was a giant rack of antlers mounted on a wooden plaque and behind the chimney was a second-story loft behind a wall with an open window on either side of the chimney. The stairs were on the front wall, and there was a hall on the main floor behind the fireplace. "Let me get a fire started while you ladies find the thermostat and turn on the faucets." Cory walked to the back glass door by the fireplace and opened it onto the back deck. Right where Dan said it would be, he found a rack of pre-split firewood at the end of the deck and brought in two armloads, placing them in the rack on the hearth. He opened the screen and reached in to open the flu, laughing as he looked through to see all the way down the hall. The fireplace heated not just the great room, but the hallway and rooms behind it as well. It didn't take long for him to get a fire started, hearing laughter and squeals from his mother and sister as they looked around the cabin. They called out to tell him about the king bed and additional fireplace in the loft, the garden tub and shower in the master bath, the wine cooler in the kitchen and even the lounge with a bar and pool table in the basement. Once the fire was going and the heater had kicked on, the cabin started to feel like a more relaxed and luxurious vacation spot, especially with the warm glow of the lights on dimmer switches and plush leather furniture. As the women settled in, giddy with excitement, Cory fulfilled his promise of unloading the luggage, dropping it by the front door, where he would move it after he was done in the weather. He stomped his feet on the mat on the front porch before entering to see his two ladies sitting on the rug in front of the fireplace, sipping wine and laughing. "Now there's a sight I like to see," he smiled. "Are you ready for some wine, baby? Or a beer?" Michelle asked, rising to her knees. "I think some wine would be nice. Thank you." "Sure thing." She rose to walk to the kitchen. "Where should I put the bags?" he asked. "Erin, why don't you show him the upstairs and see if he thinks that is suitable for us?" Michelle smiled, her eyebrow raised. "Okay!" she exclaimed, walking toward her brother, wine in one hand, grasping his in the other. She led him quickly up the stairs and jumped on the bed, standing on her knees as she asked, "What do you think, Cor? King bed? Fireplace? Garden tub? Can we make it work?" Her smile never faded. "Wow," he said, walking around and looking at the layout, "This is beautiful." "It's a love nest, is what it is," she giggled. "What do you think, Cor?" Michelle called as she walked up the stairs. "Nice, huh?" "Very," he said, taking a glass of wine from his mother's hand. She wrapped her arm around his waist, prompting him to rest his around hers. "I could see the two of you making love on that bed." "Aww, not the three of us?" Erin pouted. "Yes, the three of us, too, but I love watching the two of you. You're so sexy together." Michelle reached over and placed her hand on his crotch. She felt his growing erection and caressed it as she laughed. "That's obvious." "Well," Cory said, clearing his throat, "I guess I'd better put our bags up here then." "If you haul them up here, we'll unpack them," countered Michelle. "Fair enough." He walked downstairs and began bringing the heavy bags first, Michelle's and then Erin's, finishing with his own. "I'm leaving the laptops down here, if that's all right. Dan said there's wifi and the blu-ray players are also wireless so we can stream movies." "That's fine," called Michelle. After bringing his bag upstairs he sat on the bed while his sister and mother transferred their clothes from their suitcases to the dresser and closet. "Hmm," Erin said, her finger to her lips. "Mom, where should I put these?" she asked, dumping the suitcase on the bed. "Holy..."Cory breathed, eyes wide. "Oh, my!" Michelle feigned embarrassment. "You weren't supposed to see those. You must think your mother is a terrible pervert," she frowned at her son. He started laughing and fell over onto his side, the two women laughing with him. He sat back up, still laughing. "I had no idea you had so many toys!" "I told you!" Erin said. Pulling her handful of toys out of her own bag, she dropped them on the bed, pouting, "It makes my little collection look pitiful." Cory looked back and forth between them and noted the variety of vibrators, dildos and bullets in his mother's pile, and compared it to the strap-on, vibrator, slim dildo and the beast Erin used on her birthday. He couldn't imagine what a woman would need such a variety for, but then again he was easy to please. "Did you have to bring all of them?" he asked. "You never know what kind of mood you're going to be in," his mother explained, shrugging her shoulders with a smile. "Well, then, it looks like we have our work cut out for us," he laughed. Erin and Michelle put the toys in the top drawer with their underwear, asking Cory to build a fire. He went to get some firewood and built a fire in the fireplace on the back of the chimney to warm their "love nest" as Erin had called it. They sat and talked on the bed as Cory built the fire, asking him if Dan had told him anything about the area. He said he hadn't, but that there was supposed to be folder on the kitchen counter with information about the rental and the area. Erin ran down the stairs and quickly returned with a dark green binder, filled with full-color pages in inserts behind a few dividers. Flipping through it they noticed a Christmas light tour, downtown Christmas village, and advertisements for various restaurants and attractions. There was a map of the town tucked into the back pocket and a sheet with directions for accessing the internet and operating the hot tub, blu-ray players and a channel guide for the satellite television. Dan had certainly thought of everything, Cory thought. "We certainly won't be bored," said Michelle, sipping her wine, "Even if we get tired of making love." "Because THAT'S going to happen," giggled Erin. The sound of the ice on the roof began to get louder and more intense, so Cory went to the only window, but couldn't see anything, so he went down to the back window and turned on a light switch, which illuminated the deck, and he noticed a torrent of little pellets of ice bouncing on the sealed wood. "It's really coming down now," he called out. "Guess we're stuck in for the night," returned Erin. "We'd better make the most of it." "I'm going to grab some snacks and the bottle of wine. I'll be up in a minute," he yelled, receiving no answer. In the kitchen he noticed all the appliances were stainless steel, except the wine cooler, which had a glass front and a handful of bottles resting in their cradles. Cory inspected them and noted that there were a variety of reds and whites: Port, Bordeaux, Zinfandel. He wondered if they were for guest use, but then he decided since they were the last guests of the year it didn't matter. If they wanted them to remain unenjoyed, they should be in a cellar. If Dan bitched about it, Cory would write a check. For now, however, he pulled the bottle that was already in use, from the refrigerator and sliced up some cheese and summer sausage, and set them on a plate next to some cubed fruit. He carried it upstairs and stopped by the fireplace, shaking his head with a smile. "You couldn't wait for me?" he asked. Michelle lifted her head out of her daughter's crotch and said, "I thought you wanted to see this." "Well, yeah, but..." "But nothing. Enjoy the show. And refill our wine?" She returned to her task without waiting for an answer. She lay naked over her daughter, who was also naked and pleasuring her mother orally at the same time. Cory refilled all three glasses and sat on the hearth watching his two lovers in a fireside sixty-nine. He would occasionally grab a piece of fruit or cheese or sausage off the plate, knowing it was nowhere near as delicious as what either of the others were tasting. His erection was aching, longing for their touch, but he worked hard to practice patience, knowing his time would come soon enough. In the meantime he enjoyed watching them trade climaxes for the next fifteen or twenty minutes. He had removed his heavy wool sweater, unsure whether he was getting hot from sitting next to the fire or from watching the erotic display on the bed, not that it mattered. Finally, his mother let out another orgasm and rolled off of her daughter, laughingly declaring, "Enough, that's enough." Erin pouted her response. "Aww. I still have more to give," she said, propping up on her hands. She sat up completely and swung her legs to the side of the bed when Cory stood and gave both women their wine glasses. He helped his mother sit up while she reached for her glass, and he set the tray between them. "We have all weekend," he said. "Would you two like to rest for a while?" "I think so," answered Michelle. Erin agreed and the three selected a movie on demand from Netflix and watched the teen sex comedy, laughing and mocking the characters' stupidity all the while. They lay on the king-sized bed and watched the movie on the large flatscreen that was mounted on the wall over the dresser across from the foot of the bed. Their hands would roam nonchalantly as Cory, still in jeans and a thermal shirt, lay between the two naked goddesses. Occasionally a hand would snake up under his shirt or into his pants, which his sister had unsnapped on her first attempt to fish. The end credits rolled while Erin said, "I'm ready to go again; well, I'm STILL ready to go, I should say." "Aw, man," Cory complained. "I was hoping we could watch another movie." Michelle laughed at Erin's response, a laughing, "You're a dick," followed by a swat at his chest. Cory laughed and flinched at her assault. His mother stepped over to the dresser and pulled her blanket out. "Get up so we can pull down these sheets." Her children got off the bed and pulled the sheets down to the foot of the pine-carved rail bed, allowing their mother to lay out her sex blanket so they could all sleep without a cold wet spot. She crawled up and knelt on the bed. "Erin, why don't you undress your brother while I watch." Her hand snaked between her legs, her other hand traveling between alternate nipples. "Gladly." She smiled as she settled onto her knees and removed his shoes and socks, tossing them to the side. She rose up on her feet and kissed him deeply as her hands pulled at the hem of his shirt, breaking the kiss only to pull the shirt off his arms and to examine and caress his chest and stomach. "I love your body, Cor," she breathed. His mother echoed her sentiment with a breathy, "So do I." "I love both your bodies," he smiled, looking between them. "The look, the feel, the taste. All of it." Erin again dropped to her knees and unzipped his jeans before pulling them down over his hips and pulling on the hem of each leg as he stepped free. She looked past him to her mother. "What do you think, mom? On or off?" "Oh, I think he's had them on long enough, don't you, sweetheart?" "I agree." She pulled his boxer briefs off over his feet and was almost hit in the face with his erection. As soon as she saw it, she grabbed it and stroked it a couple of times, drawing a long moan from her brother's chest. Her mother interrupted her effort. "Don't be selfish. We have to share." Erin looked disappointed, but knew she was right. "Get on the bed and lie down." She stood up as she said it and followed him onto the clean, soft white sheet. "Heads or tails, mom?" "Hmmm." She looked like she was thinking. "Heads." "Yay!" Erin clapped, bouncing on her knees. Michelle straddled Cory's head with a smile, which was returned by her son. Without another word from either of them he began to gently make love to her with his mouth. With his hands he massaged the different areas he could reach, which was most of her from neck to nethers. As soon as his mother had settled onto him, he felt his sister's hair on his thigh just before her hand and mouth latched onto his cock. Needless to say, Cory was in heaven. But so was Michelle. And Erin. The young man groaned and twitched at his sister's ministrations. He felt her twist her hand as she pumped him and he felt her mouth bob while her tongue swirled. It was almost as if his nerves were confused. She didn't hold a steady rhythm, but instead sped up and slowed down, took him deep and kept him shallow, took her mouth completely off of him, licked his shaft sideways, sucked his balls into her mouth, fondled them with her hand...all without rhyme or reason. Her wandering love heightened his arousal, especially given the dual mewling from the throats of the goddesses above him. His own efforts to bring his mother to orgasm were driven by her rotating hips and verbal commands. As she grasped the headboard, she looked down at him and used his lips, tongue and nose to massage her labia and clitoris. "Oh, yeah," she whined, "I love your mouth. That tongue is magic." Cory moaned into her, both at her words and at his sister's touch. He tried to tell her how good she tasted, but it was just a garbled noise, muted by his mother's cunt. "That's it," said Erin, removing herself from Cory's groin. "I need to feel this from the inside." She smoothly straddled him and rested her hands on Michelle's shoulders before lowering herself onto him, taking him all the way in. "God, that's good," she moaned. Erin raised and lowered herself, circling her hips on occasion, and grinding her clit on his groin. He brought his hands down and cupped her ass, pulling her forward and allowing her to force herself back down his shaft. His head was grazing right over her g-spot, causing her release to approach quickly. Erin squeezed her mother's shoulders right at the base of her neck, releasing and squeezing, releasing and squeezing. Cory could feel the underside of his head being tickled by her insides and it became too much. He groaned into his mother, whose own release poured out of her, running over his tongue, down his cheeks and throat. Erin watched her convulse silently on her son's mouth and knew that feeling well. She also felt two familiar sensations of her own: her own orgasm quickly building, and her brother's swelling and twitching which signaled his own climax. She picked up the pace, forcing herself down onto him, making the bed bounce, and pulling almost all the way back off of him. "Hunh," she grunted. "I'm cumming, Cor! Are you going to cum in me?" He mumbled again, still smothered by Michelle's snatch as she worked to bring herself off again. She looked over her shoulder to see her daughter bouncing wildly, her hair and breasts bouncing as she rode her big brother. She locked eyes with her mother and the two connected as Erin twitched and squealed, working hard to keep her eyes open, but failing after a short time. Cory pulled her hard down onto him, his hands digging into her hips and ass as he twitched and thrust, firing up into her. At the sight and sounds, their mother again released her pleasure onto her son's mouth. Michelle rolled to the side, leaning back against the pillows at the headboard, stroking her son's hair as she caught her breath. Erin fell forward onto her brother and kissed him, tasting her mother on his lips. She made an "Mmm" sound as they kissed, receiving a similar response from Cory. After a moment, she rested her head on his shoulder, looking up at her mother. Michelle smiled down at her, love and peace and post-coital bliss mingling in her heart. "I need to clean up," Erin whined, "but I don't feel like getting up." "Then don't," replied her mother softly. "Just relax." She leaned forward enough to stroke Erin's cheek. Erin's eyes closed in response, relaxing into her brother's body. "I'll go close the fireplace downstairs," Michelle said, moving to climb off the bed. "Don't," Cory said quietly, caressing Erin's back while he reached for his mother's hand. "I already took care of it when I went to get the wine. Stay here with us. With me." She simply nodded as she smiled. Turning off the lamp on the nightstand, she settled down onto the bed, tucking her feet under the covers. Cory rolled Erin to the side. She didn't say a word, probably well on her way to sleep by now. It was late and she had worn herself out. He sat up and pulled the covers over all three of them. The only light in the room came from the crackling fire and the only sounds were the popping flames, the freezing rain on the roof and the satisfied breathing of the three lovers. Erin lay with her back to her brother and he rolled on his side to face his mom. She lay on her side facing him and he reached up to caress her soft, warm cheek. "I love you, mom," whispered Cory. "I love you, too, baby." She sighed and brought a hand up to wipe at her eye. "Thank you for this weekend. You continue to amaze me, Cor. I can't believe how well you take care of us." "It's nothing, mom. Really. I wanted to do this. I thought it would be a good start, maybe a new tradition. Who knows? Maybe we'll have a cabin of our own one day that we can go to whenever we want." She smiled at his dream. "I would like that." She closed her eyes and took one last deep breath. She had fallen asleep with a gentle smile on her face. He lay and looked at her, noting the details of her aging face. Her forehead had fine lines running across it, years of agony and frustration etched into her brow. It was offset, however, by her crow's feet, small lines spreading from the outside corners of her eyes, showing the countless smiles she had worn and laughter that flowed so freely from her heart in times of joy. Her make-up having worn off through the day, he could vaguely see her small light freckles, lightly dusting her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose, the firelight doing nothing to hide them. He loved her deeply and not just as his mother, but as a man loves a woman, a lover. A soul mate. A moment later, she rolled over, still asleep, and curled away from him. For a long time he lay awake and watched the light of the fire cause dancing shadows on the rafters. He thought back to how this all began, replaying his highlight reel, the best and most memorable events of their time together: that first shower and massage, his mother's confession, his first kiss and lovemaking with Erin, his first date with Vanessa, their day at the park, his drive-in date with his mother, his sister's birthday. He began to swell as he thought back, and idly stroked himself, but not in an effort to cum; it was mindless and relaxing. He faded out to thoughts of love. He could hear the wind outside and noticed that his exposed arm was a little cool, but he was warm under the covers. He had to piss big time, probably the wine, and noticed the room was dark. He sat up quietly and made his way to the foot of the bed so he wouldn't disturb the sleeping Venuses on either side. The fireplace had merely a handful of glowing embers under the grate, so he placed two more pieces of wood and a starter kindling on the grate before lighting the kindling with a fireplace match he had lit by touching it to an ember. He made his way to the bathroom, never turning on a light. As he drained into the toilet he smiled at the fact that he could still smell his mother on his face and taste her in his mouth. He wanted more. The fire had caught quickly and the room was again bathed in an orange glow. His mother had turned toward the center of the bed, now curled on her other side. She had one leg out from under the covers, holding the bedspread between her knees. Her entire left side was exposed, from her foot all the way up. God, she was beautiful. His erection was full now. He wanted to let her sleep, but they had five more days together. She had plenty of time to sleep. He knelt down beside the bed and kissed her exposed ass lightly, caressing her leg. She moaned lightly, stretching her leg out before curling it back up again. He began pulling the cover down and she shuffled again, releasing it. It was now free from the grip of her knees and she was more exposed. It was cool in the room and he hoped she wasn't cold. Again he kissed her soft globe and began licking it lightly, almost as if he was tentatively tongue-kissing a virgin. She didn't move much, but would occasionally rustle as he lightly kissed and caressed up and down her body. Soon enough he rotated his head to kiss just above the cleft of her ass and worked his way down, kissing further and further. He could smell her and he was rock hard as a result. He had to resist the urge to touch himself. He couldn't tell if her scent was fresh or hours old or both, but he didn't care. Cory lifted up her left cheek and pressed his face into the backs of her thighs, swiping at her concealed pussy with his tongue. He heard her gasp and moan and felt a hand on the back of his head. "Cory? Baby? What are you doing?" she moaned, giggling sleepily. "I had to taste you, mom. I had to." He began feasting again. "Okay," she giggled, "No need to hide." Her left foot flat on the bed, she raised up her knee giving him full access. He moved in to really get to work and she lifted her foot to rest it on his shoulder. "Goddd," she whined quietly, "You're so good at that." Her hand came up to rest on his head, her other hand caressing her breast. "You taste so good. I woke up with your scent on my face and I wanted some more." "I'm glad you did. I didn't get to feel you inside me tonight," whispered Michelle, looking down at him and brushing his hair with her fingers. "I'd rather make love to you." She was so beautiful. "I'd love that, too," he whispered back with a smile. She reached her arms down and rolled more onto her back. He looked over to see that Erin was still asleep, but as he moved up, she rolled over to face them, still asleep. He hovered over his mother and bent down to kiss her, their tongues dancing in the firelight. He pressed forward, never stopping the kiss, and rolled his hips until he felt the head glide across to the moist folds that would guide him home. He gently pressed forward, drawing a gasp from his mother's lungs. He pulled his head back a little and looked into her eyes, filled with love, as he slowly filled her. Her eyes closed and they both moaned when he was completely buried. "You feel so good, Mom. You have no idea," whispered Cory. "That's because you're a perfect fit, honey." "What are the odds?" he smiled. "Cory?" "Yes?" "Make love to me?" He smiled and kissed her again. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, her legs wrapped around his hips and thighs, and her tongue explored the inside of her son's mouth. He began to withdraw slowly before returning just as slowly. He rolled his hips on the forward motion and on the withdrawal, trying to massage every possible surface inside her canal. Their breathing began to increase, but they only lost eye contact when one or both would close their eyes in pleasure. Each time he closed his eyes Michelle felt a mix of pleasure that she could please him, and grief that he would look away. Soon enough, however, he would return his gaze. He always returned. Cory worked hard not to increase his speed, but focused on the beautiful woman beneath him, the warm embrace of her arms, legs, and vagina. He was beginning to tingle and his movement suffered, not quite as smooth, but he was trying hard not to change a thing. He felt his mother's right hand move from his shoulder to reach around her hip. She continued to look into his eyes with a gentle love while she lightly scratched at his ball sac and perineum. His breath caught in his chest. "It's okay, baby," she whispered. "Don't worry about me. I want you to cum. Don't hold back." "Oh, mom," he stuttered, trying not to. "No, Cor, don't fight it," she smiled. She let go of his sac and again stroked his cheek. "I want to feel it." There was nothing he could do. "I can't help it," he grunted, dropping to her chest as he throbbed inside her. As soon as he collapsed onto her, she held him tighter with her arms and legs, rolled her hips to draw his seed, and whispered into his ear, her lips brushing against it, "That's it, baby. Fill me up. Give me all your love." She rejoiced in his grunting, pulsing orgasm as he continued to twitch and throb inside her most intimate place. She giggled and kissed his ear as he continued to twitch. "You have a lot for me tonight, don't you?" She sighed into his ear, "I love it." The twitching stopped, but his heavy breathing continued, gradually slowing. When he pushed himself up, she felt the slickness of his skin where they had grown warm together, their chests joined, their hearts united. She smiled at him and could see a deep connection in his eyes. He smiled back and leaned down to kiss her gently, chastely on the lips. "I love you, mom." "I love you, too." "That was so beautiful," Erin whispered, surprising them both. Michelle blushed. "I'm sorry we woke you, baby girl," she continued to whisper. Erin propped up on one elbow. "You didn't wake me. And please don't apologize. I hate I almost missed getting to see that. What a beautiful moment. I hope I didn't ruin it," she suddenly sounded concerned. "Not at all," assured her mother. Cory didn't say a word, but leaned down to kiss her one more time before withdrawing, a flood of his seed running after him. It pooled on the sex blanket beneath Michelle. "I'll get something to clean that up," Cory whispered. "Leave it," she said with a subdued smile. "I don't mind. Besides," she looked at Erin, "Now we'll have both slept in your love tonight." Erin smiled back and dropped her head back onto her pillow. Cory settled into the middle again, this time with both women facing toward him. Erin was the first to scoot close, draping her thigh over his. His mother smiled and mirrored her move. He wrapped his arms around them both and they rested their heads on his shoulders. No one said a word as they drifted off one by one, but before he fell asleep, he felt his sister's hand move from his stomach to his still-slick shaft, giving it a couple of strokes and a squeeze. She sighed and placed her hand back on his stomach. Michelle woke first, as happy as she had ever been. She saw a trapezoid of sunlight on the vaulted ceiling, bright sunlight bursting through the small window on the end wall. Propping up onto one elbow she looked at her two children, still fast asleep before looking past them to the high ceiling of the great room, bright with the sun's rays warming the cabin through the wall of windows. She smiled as she sat up and swung her feet over the edge of the bed before using the restroom and rinsing out her mouth. She grabbed her off-white terrycloth robe, tying the belt as she crept toward the stairs. She was mesmerized as she looked out the back windows to the deck and the mountains beyond it, each coated in a thin, clear sheet of ice. Everything looked almost crystal, or in some cases silver, with the sun reflecting off every surface. Foolishly, some squirrels were trying their best to scamper across the deck and it prompted Michelle to get her camera as she laughed at their antics. Surprisingly, they were holding to the ice pretty well, but she had still never seen squirrels act so cautiously. She brewed a pot of coffee and pulled her DSLR camera from her travel bag on the floor and spent the next few minutes capturing images of the distant frosty mountains, close-ups of the glazed deck and rails, and plenty of interior pictures of the cabin that may very well have started another new tradition. All the while the aroma of brewing coffee followed her, calling her to the kitchen for her first cup, but she didn't want to miss any opportunities for some of these pictures. Soon enough she set down her camera and stood again at the back window, fresh coffee in hand, and marveled at such a sight. Mother nature had done it again. She never ceased to amaze. The first sound she heard was Erin's slippers shuffling across the hardwood stairs as she made her way down. "Wow! Would you look at that!" she exclaimed. Michelle turned around and suddenly saw her three-year-old daughter's face lit up on Christmas morning at the flood of gifts that awaited her around the tree, especially that kitchen set-up, pink and purple and white with dishes to match. Michelle's heart melted. "Good morning, baby girl. Quite a sight, isn't it?" "Hey, mom," she said quietly, being sure not to wake her brother. "It's gorgeous!" "Would you like some coffee, sweetie?" "I'll get it." "No, you stay. I've already been looking for a while. I'll be right back." Not a minute later she was back by her daughter's side, handing her a fresh cup, her own cup freshly topped. She slid her arm around her daughter's waist. Erin was wearing her flannel lounge pants and thermal shirt and she hugged the coffee to herself with both hands, taking the occasional sip, but not saying a word. For the longest time, neither spoke, but just enjoyed the morning. "I love you, Erin," Michelle said. Erin smiled and glanced over at her mom, catching her eye. "I love you, too, mom. Way much." She bumped her lightly with her shoulder and her mother squeezed her to herself for just an instant before both of them returned their focus to the morning view. A few minutes later, her mother spoke again. "Any thoughts on breakfast?" "Not really." "I'm thinking brown sugar oatmeal with raisins." "Ooh! That sounds good! And on a morning like this? Yum!" Erin laughed a little. "Think you can get a fire going and then help me dice some apples?" "Sure." Michelle grabbed the remote and turned on the mounted flatscreen just above the mantel and found the national morning show that was interspersed with the local news. It looked like the roads in their area were iced over and would be the last to be salted due to their secluded location. The town and outlying areas had top priority. Apparently they were stuck in for the day. Oh, well. She flipped to a streaming music channel, keeping it to a low volume so as not to disturb her sleeping son too much on his vacation. It worked. Twenty minutes later Erin shuffled up the stairs with a cup of coffee for her brother. He still lay face down in bed, the sheet and blanket up to his waist. She set his coffee on the nightstand and settled in behind him, pressing her chest to his back and side. "Coo-ryy," she sang softly, kissing his shoulder. "Coo-rryyy," she sang a little louder. "Time to get uu-uup. Mom has breakfast ready." She stroked his back and he began to stir. "There you are. Mom made oatmeal and it's ready for you. You're not going to believe the view here, Cor. It's amazing." He rolled over and looked at her, pushing her hair behind her ear as she smiled. "It sure is," he whispered groggily. She pushed herself up, giggling. "What's with you? Always making comments like that," she shook her head. "Hey," he said seriously, "Look at me." She looked at him as he sat up, not smiling. "For some reason you feel the need to brush off my compliments, like I'm joking or something. I'm not, Erin. Ever. Okay?" Her smile faded. "Okay. I'm sorry." "It's fine," he said, taking her hand, "but I need you to let me love you like that. Every woman should have a man tell her how beautiful and brilliant she is. Even if that man is just her dorky brother," he said, winking at her. "That said," he grunted as he sat up and swung his legs around, reaching for his coffee, "I can't believe I have to get out of bed to eat breakfast. What kind of single-star roach motel is this?" "Shut up," she laughed, flicking him in the ear. "Damn, sis," he laughed, grabbing his ear, "That stings." She stood and pointed her finger at his face. "Serves you right. Now, if you want your oatmeal hot, you'd better come get it now." Smiling, she winked at him before turning to walk back down the stairs, knowing he was watching her because he always watched her. "Mom!" she called out from the top of the stairs as she descended them, "Cory's being a dickhead!" "Cory!" Michelle called. "Don't be a dickhead!" "Okay!" he waved, knowing they couldn't see it, before smiling as he sipped his coffee. He was dressed in flannel pants and a t-shirt and made his way downstairs in a couple of minutes. His mother and sister were standing at the window, laughing occasionally. His mother had her camera and was taking pictures in rapid succession, her camera against her eye as she tracked something out the window. "You're right," Cory said as he approached. "This is an amazing view." He wasn't talking about the mountains, but about the women in front of them. Looking out the window, he continued, "And so is that." He put his arm around his mother's waist. "Morning, mom," he said quietly. Michelle lowered her camera and looked up at her son, handsome in the sunlight. Tucking a curl behind her ear and blushing (why?), she returned his greeting. "Morning." He bent down to kiss her briefly before standing upright again and pulling her closer. "Hey," protested Erin. "Where's mine?" She had a smile on her face while she tried to pucker up. He smiled at her and kissed her tense lips, causing her to giggle when he shook his head and smiled at her. He turned toward the kitchen and said, "I thought we were going to have oatmeal." "We are," answered Michelle, following him toward the kitchen. "We were just watching the squirrels." "So that's what you were laughing at." Erin plopped down on the barstool and leaned on the granite countertop. "Yep," replied his mother simply. She scooped some oatmeal into a square dark red bowl. "They started getting lively and were running around the deck chasing each other." She set down the bowl and picked up another. A few minutes later they were sitting at the pine table by the back window at the end of the kitchen, eating oatmeal with diced apples, raisins, brown sugar and cinnamon. There were periods of talking and laughter and periods of silence, but everything was so peaceful this morning that no one minded the pace of the conversation. "I think after breakfast I'll go check on the roads," announced Cory. "What? Why?" his mother looked worried. "Just to see what kind of condition they're in," he said, placing his hand on hers. "Look at the deck, mom." She looked. "See how there are exposed patches on the rail?" She nodded. "And see how there are bubbles forming under the ice sheets?" Another nod. "That's the ice melting. That means the road may be clear in sunny spots, even if it's still iced over in the shade. I'm just going to go take a look. If we can get out this afternoon, we can do some shopping and take a look around town, maybe decide about lunch tomorrow." "Do you want me to come?" Erin asked. "No, stay here with mom. It'll be fine on the gravel road and if it looks iced over on the paved road, I'll just come right back. We're not leaving until later this afternoon anyway. I just want to get an idea." "Okay." "If you're sure," answered Michelle. Cory just nodded with a smile and squeezed her hand. A few minutes later he was dressed and slowly driving Erin's SUV down the gravel road, pieces of ice and drops of water occasionally dropping onto the roof of her Toyota. At the end of the gravel road, he pulled to the side and walked to the paved road. There was a surprising amount of sun and he could see a pretty good ways in both directions before the road turned away. He decided they could go out in the afternoon and everything should be fine. Walking through the front door, he called out, "Mom? Erin?" "Up here, sweetie," his mother called back. Cory made his way up the stairs and heard his mother and sister talking, their voices echoing in the bathroom. He walked in and saw them sharing a bubble bath in the garden tub. "There he is!" exclaimed Michelle. "Hey, what's going on here?" "Just cleaning up," Erin smiled. "You made a real mess of things last night." "Sure did," his mother agreed. "Making us drip all over the blanket." "Don't just stand there. Come on in." He pulled his shirt off over his head and began undressing as the women cat-called him, laughing and commenting about the display. He twirled his shirt over his head while swiveling his hips, saying, "Boom-chaka-boom," drawing more laughter. His mother almost spilled her wine in the tub as she leaned back in laughter, sliding down into the bubbles before Erin caught her by the hand, laughing with her. "Oh, man," Cory laughed. "How much have you had to drink already?" "Not as much as you'd think," replied Erin, "judging by mom's coordination." "Leave me alone," she pouted through her smile. "This tub is slippery." "I'm almost afraid to get in now," said Cory as he slid his jeans off his feet, "especially if mom's driving." "Come on, I know how to drive a stick," she laughed. "No argument from me." Cory stepped in, getting slapped on the rear end as he turned to settle in to the large tub, which had plenty of room for two, and only barely enough for three. Erin made more room by lifting up and settling between his legs, resting her back against his chest. "That's more like it," sighed Erin. Michelle poured Cory a glass of wine and handed it to him. "Thank you," he said. As he sipped his wine, Erin jumped and squealed before both ladies laughed. "Don't do that!" Erin laughed. Michelle threw her head back and laughed at Erin's response. "What happened?" "Mom just tickled my pussy with her foot," accused his sister. His mother just smiled coyly and took another sip of her wine. The rest of their bath they just talked and laughed and flirted, but only rarely was an outright sexual move made. There was no agenda for the bath time, except to relax. As the water started to cool, they climbed out and dried off. Cory was last so he could watch his mother and sister dry off. What was it about a woman with wet skin that was so damned sexy? He had no idea, but he loved it. They all got dressed and Cory flipped on the weather channel again to see the local forecast and get an update on the day's conditions. It would creep into the forties today and would be clear, but by Friday morning another storm was coming in and they were calling for snow through the weekend. Erin and Michelle worked on their hair and make-up for their trip to town and Michelle asked Cory to toss the blanket into the washing machine in the basement. "I haven't been to the basement yet," he said. "Oh, yeah, that's right!" exclaimed his mother. "While you're down there, set up the pool table. We'll come down for a game of cutthroat." "Cool." He gathered the blanket and tucked it under one arm, grabbed three sodas from the refrigerator and opened the door under the stairs to make his way down to the basement lounge. The basement area was not as large as the upstairs, but it housed the utilities in a separate room, with a washer and dryer, circuit box, on-demand water heater, and the cables and routers for the electronics throughout the cabin. He tossed the blanket into the small, stacked washing machine and added some detergent, setting it to quick wash, closed the utility room door and took a look outside. The top half of the back wall was a series of windows, and it looked out into a screened in porch that had the upstairs deck as its roof. There was a wood door with a glass center window that led to the porch, the only access on or off the porch. He noticed that the door knob didn't lock, but only had a one-way deadbolt, which no doubt was designed to prevent someone from getting accidentally locked out. Stepping through the door he walked to the hot tub and flipped up the padded cover. The water was freezing, so he went back inside and looked in the folder that was tucked into a mounted file box by the door, following the instructions to check the chemicals and rev up the heater. As the bubbles churned to life, he heard his sister's voice. "What are you doing?" He looked up and saw her coming through the door. She was again in jeans, boots, and subtly patterned brown sweater. Looking amazing, as always. "Just getting the hot tub set up. I figured we could relax in it a little later." He smiled at her. "I didn't know they even had a hot tub here," she said, leaning over to watch him, resting her elbows on the edge. "Dan mentioned it, but we never really talked about much of what was here. I didn't know about the basement, the upstairs fireplace, the satellite... This is nicer than what I expected." "It's beautiful here," she sighed, pushing herself up. Turning to look out through the screen, she continued, "I'm glad we came here for Thanksgiving. It's so peaceful, you know?" "I know. And I'm glad mom is okay with it." He shook the water off his hands and wiped them on his jeans as he stood. "I was worried for a little while, but she seems to like it here." He walked toward Erin and put his arm around her shoulder. She wrapped hers around his waist. For a few minutes they just looked out at the forest, listening to the quiet, the silence occasionally broken by the sound of a piece of ice sliding off a branch and impacting other branches or the ground. There was a steady drip of water onto the dirt nearby, maybe dripping off the cabin. Pat... Pat... Pat... Erin patted Cory on the back and said, "Let's go back in and set up that game. Mom should be down in a few minutes." "Okay." They walked back in, locking the door behind them, being careful to wipe their wet boots on the mat so they didn't get the berber carpet wet or dirty. Cory opened the cans of soda that he had set on the bar while Erin racked the pool balls. "What do you say to a quick game of 9-ball before mom comes down?" she asked with a smile. "Bets?" "Kisses for each ball sunk. Oral for the winner," she smiled. "Good enough." Michelle walked down the stairs to the basement only to find her daughter leaned over the far end of the pool table, her head hanging down. There were two cues, the cue ball and the 4-ball on the red felt. "What's going on down here?" she asked. "I lost," she heard her son say, her daughter looking up and smiling at her with a nod. She laughed, "And I'm sure you're really broken up about it, too, huh?" Erin gripped at the edge of the corner pocket, letting out a series of muffled groans and Cory mumbled something that couldn't be deciphered. "You finish up while I set up the game," said their mother, trying not to be too involved, but also trying not to get too aroused. This was their thing, just the two of them. She hadn't meant to impose. It wasn't long before the game was set up, the increased panting of her daughter and the more frequent gasps and moans telling her that the game would start soon. She took a seat at the bar, sipping a soda and watching her son's head twist and roll as his hands gripped at the hips of his gorgeous young lover. She knew what it was like to be both of them at this moment. She has had his face buried in her snatch and she has had hers buried in Erin's. She envied them both. Soon enough, Erin squealed before it caught in her throat, her head thrown back, her knuckles white as she gripped the edge of the walnut pool table. Cory stood and helped Erin stand upright, steadying her as she bent down to pull up her panties and jeans. "Well," said Michelle, "now I need to change my panties." Erin just smiled and shrugged. Michelle hopped down off the bar stool and asked, "Would you like a break or can we go ahead and play a game of pool?" "How about you and Cory play. You can make a little wager of your own," Erin suggested. "Hmm," Michelle said, eying her son. "What do you think? Care to make it interesting?" "You don't have to beat me in pool for me to fuck you. Besides," he said, making a face and smacking his lips, "I need to do something to get this taste out of my mouth. Tastes like pussy." Suddenly a throw pillow struck him in the side of the face. He looked over at his sister, who scowled in mock anger. "OH! Erin, I didn't know you were still here. Sorry." She gave him the finger and laughed. He smiled and winked back at her. Michelle just laughed. "Same bet you and Erin had, then?" she asked. "Game of 8-ball, call your shots?" "Sure. You break." She chalked her cue while he settled the rack and removed it for her. Setting the cue ball off-center, she cracked it hard and sent the balls scattering, dropping two solids. Cory's and Erin's eyes went wide. "Holy shit," he muttered. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't tell you I worked at a pool hall in college? Hmm, must have slipped my mind." She had this sly grin as she looked at her son. She looked over at Erin, whose smile was hidden by her hand. "I'm going to be eating you out in a few minutes, aren't I?" he asked with smile. "I don't know about that." She surveyed the table, walking around to the opposite side. "I'm a little rusty. Two in the side." She bent over, arched her fingers to rest the cue and it glided straight back and forward, knocking the cue ball into the 2, bumping it to topple it gently into the pocket. "Huh. What do you know? I guess I'm not that rusty after all." Cory only took a few shots. He spent a lot of time watching. She mostly cleared the table in only a few turns. He only knocked in one stripe. As soon as the 8-ball dropped into the corner, she set her cue down and began unfastening her jeans. Cory stood up off the bar stool and laid his cue on the felt. His mother smiled at him and he tried to look annoyed, but he couldn't. He was fine with her reward. How could he not be happy to be eating her out again? He shook his head as his smile broke. "Erin may be okay with you kneeling behind her," she said, pulling off her boots and then her jeans and panties, "But I want you to have full access." She lay on the carpet in just her dark blue sweater and socks. "Come and get it," she said, stroking herself. Erin leaned forward so she could get a better look and her brother began by spreading his mother's knees further apart. He kissed from one knee to her mound and then repeated the process, bringing a series of light moans and sighs from her. "God, that feels good," she sighed. Her eyes were usually closed, but she did open them to watch him as he enjoyed her. He brought her to orgasm pretty quickly, but then again, she had been primed up since she came downstairs and saw Erin getting the same treatment. Michelle's orgasm was not her most intense, but it was certainly a strong one. He bathed her inner thighs, mound, and clitoris with his tongue, dipping inside her and even rimming her as he randomly wandered over her nether region. He caressed her g-spot with his first two fingers, but to bring her over the edge, he slipped his middle finger into her backdoor while he tongued her clit. As she came down off her high, she released his head and lightly stroked his hair. "Oh, wow," she breathed. "Perfect." She sat up and leaned back on her hands. "Thank you, Cory." "Well, you earned it. I guess." He smiled at her. "I would have done it without the pool game." "I know you would have. Erin and I have both cum because of your mouth, so now I'll give you a choice. I can either give you a blowjob here and now, or you can wait until later and fuck me any way you want." "How about this?" he countered, standing up to unfasten his jeans. "You give me a blowjob right now and I'll still fuck you any way I want tonight." Michelle looked at Erin and noticed that she was obviously aroused; she only hoped that her own arousal at his dominance wasn't so obvious. Her question was answered when she felt his hand grasp her hair and she turned just in time to see his purple dripping head being pushed toward her mouth. She opened it out of pure desire and he slid most of the way in, bumping her throat and bringing a shared moan from them both. Erin was on the couch, watching with her elbows on her knees. "Go, mom," she whispered. Cory used his mother's mouth for his own pleasure, but it didn't take long for her to return the fervor, gripping his ass with one hand and his shaft with the other while she bobbed and swirled her tongue around the shaft and knob. He knew he wasn't going to last long. He had just eaten both of his lovers while his own erection was left unattended. He ached for a feminine hand or mouth or cunt or ass to touch him there, to embrace him, to draw his own orgasm out of him. "Get up," he said forcibly, helping her up by her arm. She stood with a look of shock in her eyes and he turned her around pushing hard on her back, bending her over the table. She grunted and mumbled, squealing when the full length of his cock was buried in her. He stroked twice, bouncing hard on her ass before spinning her around and saying, "Suck it." She was enthralled with his demeanor and devoured him, tasting her own arousal, tracing it off his veins and ridge while his head bumped her throat in a repeated assault. Twice more he repeated the process, and after the third time he warned her, gripping the edge of the pool table. She stroked him with her hand, keeping only the head in her mouth, whipping it with her tongue before being blasted by ropes of his release. She swallowed it all as it came, leaving her clean on the outside, the only evidence of her activity being her slick hand, her smudged lipstick, and the taste in her mouth. Cory leaned on the pool table as he pulled his pants up. Erin clapped on the couch, drawing their attention. "Bravo," she said. "Wow, that was fucking amazing! Mom, you really went after it!" "Thank you, honey," blushed her mother. "That was fantastic, mom," Cory stroked her face. "Thank you." He helped her up and kissed her gently on the lips before helping her back into her jeans. She sat on the edge of the table and Cory put her boots back on her. When they were all presentable again, they went into town and got a few groceries, looked around and made sure they knew where their lunch destination was. As it started getting dark, they returned to the cabin and Cory again started a fire, leaving Erin and Michelle to make dinner. He went downstairs to check on the hot tub and to put the blanket in the dryer. The hot tub was still plenty cold, but the instruction sheet said it should heat overnight if it was not on before. After a dinner of steak fajitas, the three chatted, finally got to play their game of cutthroat, made love in their bed again and drifted off to a crackling fire. "Happy Thanksgiving, gorgeous," Erin heard the whisper and felt the lips brush her ear before receiving a kiss on her cheek. "Mmm. Morning," she said, stretching before even opening her eyes. "Mom's making pancakes." "On Thanksgiving?" she opened her eyes and looked at her brother, whom had apparently already showered and dressed. "Yeah, well, she said she didn't have to make Thanksgiving dinner this year, so why not have a decent breakfast?" Erin sat up and the covers slid down to her waist, exposing her beauty to her brother. "And how are you ladies this morning?" he asked, looking down at the nipples. "You look perky and well-rested." "Shut up," she laughed, pulling the covers up and slapping him in the chest. "Okay. Well, breakfast is ready, so come on down when you get dressed. We don't have any schedule today. We'll just go eat whenever we're ready." He kissed her on the lips and made his way back down to the kitchen. He turned on the television, knowing that the parade would be on soon, and that was a tradition that his mother and sister would not go without. Erin made her way down in her lounge pants and hoodie. "Thanks for dressing up," her mother said, drawing an eye roll from her. "Hey, mom," she said, giving her a side hug as her mother flipped pancakes. "Sleep okay?" "Slept very well, thank you. This cabin is very relaxing. I'm so glad we came." "Me, too." "Me, too," Cory chimed in, walking up behind his sister. He helped carry the plate of pancakes to the table after refilling his juice and Erin grabbed the plate of bacon and sausage. They had a relaxing breakfast, talking about nothing and watching the parade when someone they wanted to see, stopped to sing. After breakfast Cory offered to clean up the kitchen so the ladies could relax. They both plopped down onto the big leather couch and decided it was as good a time as any to begin their Christmas movie season. Cory found himself scrubbing the griddle while Clark Griswold waxed poetic about family traditions and food additives. Soon enough he was joining them on the couch after refreshing the fire, and laughing with them, as they recited half the movie together. After the movie was over, it was late morning and Michelle excused herself to shower and get ready for their holiday lunch. As soon as she was in the bathroom upstairs with the shower running, Erin spoke. "Cor?" "Yeah?" He turned from adding another log on the dwindling flame. She gave him that sultry smile he loved. "While mom's getting clean, you want to get dirty?" "No, I'm good. Thanks, though." He turned his back to her, which was a huge mistake. It wasn't long before she was on his back, laughing, her arms around his neck. "You're going to fuck me and like it!" she said, laughing. "NO! I won't! You can't make me!" he whined, laughing as he tumbled backward onto the love seat. "AHA! Now I've got you trapped!" He pressed back against the couch, pinning her to the cushions as she squealed, squirmed and laughed, trying to break free. Because her legs were wrapped around his waist, he grabbed one ankle to cries of protest, and began tickling the bottom of her foot. She was strong, but so was he, and he had a good grip on her ankle. She was practically breathless when she finally called for mercy. "Matte! Matte!" she called out. When they were younger and wrestled, he would make her say, "Matte" as a form of surrender, after he watched Bloodsport. Until she said it, he wouldn't let her up. Taking his cue this time, he jumped up with both fists in the air, leaving her panting on the couch. "You've won this round," she said, shaking her fist at him. "But I haven't brought out my secret weapon yet." "Oh, yeah? And what would that be?" he asked smugly. She whipped of her hoodie and tank in one move, standing there topless. "This!" she said, pointing to her chest. "No! Must...resist...must...not..." He acted as if he was being dragged involuntarily toward her before finally lunging at her, causing them both to laugh. She squealed when he bit lightly onto her nipple, before her hand came up and trapped his head against her chest. "Okay," he nodded, "You win. I'll fuck you." She laughed and pulled him in for a kiss. She loved that they could still play like this. It made her feel like her fears of losing her brother were unfounded. They quickly moved from playful wrestling and kissing to full-on erotic making out. Their hands wandered and soon they were undressing each other unashamedly. "Trade places," Erin told him. She stood up and he dropped in her place. She knelt between his feet and took him into her mouth. They both moaned as she worked, each enjoying their connection. The blowjob was short-lived, however, when she straddled him without a word and settled onto his erection. Sinking down, she sighed, "Damn, that feels good." She leaned in to kiss him and their tongues dueled as he alternated squeezing her ass and groping her tits. "Hey, wait a minute," he said. "You said I was supposed to be fucking you, and here you are, fucking me." She smiled at him, "I guess you're right." She stood up and lay back on the couch. Cory planted one foot on the floor and the other knee on the cushion between her legs, and plowed into her in one hard thrust. "FUCK!" she cried, grabbing his shoulder. "Too much?" asked Cory. She shook her head no, gritting her teeth as she smiled at him. She was filled with passion this morning. "I told you I wanted you to fuck me, so fuck me," she demanded breathily. As if to emphasize her point, she grabbed both ankles and straightened her legs out, displaying her flexibility. When she pulled her feet back toward her head, it rolled her hips up and he knew he would get some depth that way. He leaned over her and watched as he buried himself, his patch of hair resting firmly against her splayed lips. "Fuck, that's deep," she moaned. She felt tight around him, even up at the head; it's almost as if when she spread out further, it pushed her vaginal canal in at the top. He could feel her embrace all the way from the base to the head. "Dammit, Erin, you feel fucking fantastic like this. What are you doing?" "I don't know," she whined, "But stop asking questions and get to work. Plow me deep." "Yes, ma'am," he smiled, withdrawing almost all the way out before quickly pressing back in to the hilt. Each time he bottomed out, she would grunt or yelp or curse, but it was always in ecstasy. "I'm getting close, Cor," she gasped. He was pounding into her hard and fast now. "I'm gonna cum all over you! Make me cum on you!" she belted out. "Fuck, Erin!" he yelled, feeling his own release building. He picked up the pace for her benefit while trying to hold out a little longer. She clenched up around him, her flood running down his shaft and balls onto the leather sofa, her mouth open in a silent scream. There was no way he couldn't cum now. Grabbing her hips, he forced himself deep into her while pulling her back onto him and growled as his ropes fired into her. Erin let her legs down and Cory helped pull her up onto his lap to straddle him again while she was still impaled. They were both sweating, hair sticking to their foreheads as Erin rested her chest against his. They both fought to catch their breath as they settled down. "Holy shit, Erin." "Yeah," she laughed, "Me, too." She grabbed her tank top out of her hoodie that was hanging over the back of the couch and placed it between her legs to catch the drip when she dismounted. She wiped him with it a little bit, but was mostly worried about preserving the furniture and rug. She stood and backed away from him, extending her hand to help him up. He watched her ass swing and bounce lightly as she walked up the stairs, he following closely. As they rounded the corner in the bathroom, they saw their mother putting on her make-up, wearing only a black bra and panties. She just smiled and shook her head. Erin reached in with her free hand and turned the shower on before stepping in, pulling her brother with her. It had turned into a nice day by the time they made it into town. The restaurant they had chosen was right on the main drag and the parking lot was completely full, so they had to park along the curb about a block away in front of a closed attorney's office. The brick sidewalks helped the town maintain a quaint feel and the little downtown area was nicely maintained. Between the beautiful view, the nice town, the cool air and the sunshine, the three of them had a nice, unhurried walk to lunch. Once inside Cory gave their name and was invited to look at the gift shop while they waited. The restaurant had apparently annexed the small storefront next door, opened the wall and filled it with items made by local artisans. Twenty minutes later, they were being escorted to a small table by the front windows, the buzz of happy families surrounding them. They ate some complimentary biscuits while waiting on their Thanksgiving dinner, just enjoying each other's company. The dinner had been advertised as homemade; "Just like Grandma used to make," it said. It was pretty close and there were no complaints from the table. Unfortunately, they had to get their desserts to go, so the waitress put three large slices of pumpkin pie in plastic pie containers and bagged them up to send. By the time they were on their way back home, the sky had started to darken and a light snow had begun to fall. Back at the cabin Cory started another fire in the living room before going down to the back porch and checking on the hot tub. "Right at a hundred," he announced, coming up the stairs. "Who wants to join me in the hot tub?" "In this cold?" Michelle asked. "I'll go!" Erin announced. "Come on, mom. How many times do we get to be in a hot tub anyway, much less in the snow?" She sighed as she pushed herself off the couch. "All right. Let's go." She had obviously resigned herself to the fact that her children were going to enjoy it whether she was there or not, so what the hell, she would, too. She grabbed a new bottle of wine and three glasses, and followed her obviously excited son and daughter down the stairs. Once in the basement, Cory turned on the satellite radio and switched it to the mounted outdoor speakers before finding the 80s rock station. He looked at his mother and said, "I remember cooking steaks while you and Erin danced to this a few months ago." She blushed a little and smiled, "And I remember you coming inside to dance with me." "And look at us now," he said. "What do you say, mom? Want to give him a show?" suggested Erin. "What do you mean?" she asked. "A strip. Maybe a lap dance?" "Really?" she laughed nervously. "Hell, yeah! Why not?" "I'd love to see that," Cory smiled. "You don't think that would be weird?" Asked Michelle. "I'm not much of a dancer." "Listen," Erin said, standing behind her mother, and placing her hands on her hips, "Just let the music move you." She whispered in her mother's ear as her hands prompted her to roll her hips. "Imagine the music making love to you. Know that your lover is watching, wanting to touch you." Michelle closed her eyes as her daughter spoke, and began to shift, visualizing the music wrapping around her, leading her in a dance. She felt her daughter back away, her voice a little more distant. Michelle suddenly felt alone; it was just her and Peter Gabriel. Her mind saw herself on stage, surrounded by blue and red lights, the audience darkened. She began to move on her own, her own hands caressing her thighs, up her belly, grazing her breasts before brushing through her hair. Damn this sweater, she thought to herself, uncomfortably warm. She was dancing mindlessly now, the music truly driving her. She felt unbelievably sexy. She pulled at the hem of her sweater, lifting it up, feeling the cooler air brush her skin. She ran her hand across her stomach, noting its softness, but also the sticky moisture as she became more and more warm. Michelle was dazed. Somewhere else. The DJ faded from Peter Gabriel to Crowded House, allowing Michelle's dance to continue unfettered. Her sweater slid off one arm before being tossed mindlessly to the side. Her skin was raw, feeling the eyes of her audience and being grazed by the air and the music. Why? Why was she so turned on? Her heartbeat sent morse code signals to her groin, raw sexuality being drummed into her panties. She unfastened her jeans and slid the zipper down feeling the teeth grab at each other in resistance, but she would not be restrained. The carpet on her feet was soft, yet coarse. She was deeply aware of the feel of it, yet was unconcerned at the same time. She just had to be free of these jeans. She wanted it. Her audience wanted it. She had never felt so sexy in removing a pair of jeans before. What would they want to see? What would she want to see? What would excite her to show them? She pictured herself facing away on stage bending forward, legs straight, pushing the waist of her jeans down past her knees, taking a seat on the floor, she pulled one leg free of her foot, swinging that leg out as she pulled the denim over her other foot. With the lights so bright on her, could they see the moisture soaking through the crotch of her panties? Could she take her panties off in a club like this? She would risk it, she thought. Her audience remained silent. She wanted them to see her, to want her. She was confident they would be pleased. She rose to her knees, touching herself, her fingers caressing the smooth satin of her panties. Her other hand tucked under the strap of her bra, pushing it slowly down over her shoulder as the chorus again brewed in a falsetto, "Don't dream it's over..." She cupped both hands under her breasts and pressed them up, tossing her head back as she pinched her nipples. Fire again bolted to her crotch. She knew her panties were wet and wondered again if the lights would pick that up, showing the audience how hot she was. Flicking her bra open with a quick snap of her fingers between the cups, the bra broke loose. She pressed her chest forward, arms back, allowing the satin straps to slide down her arms. Catching it in one hand, she tossed it to the side, offstage. She felt her nipples digging into her palms as she squeezed her own breasts. She couldn't believe how hard her nipples were. She liked being watched. She knew that now. Rising back to her feet, she twirled her hips, tucking her fingers into her waistband, her other hand traveling back over her breast before she sucked on her finger. Running it over her lips, she knew it looked like she wanted to suck a cock. She did. She wanted that. Michelle brushed her hand through her hair before making the trip back down. She wanted to masturbate for her audience. She wanted them to see her cum. Suddenly Poison jumped in, jolting her and the house lights slammed on. She was surprised to see only one leather armchair in the audience. Sitting in the chair was her son, Cory. "Holy fuck, mom," he said. "That was hot as shit!" Erin laughed. Michelle was jolted back to reality. She was back in the cabin, her son on the couch with a look of absolute disbelief. His sister was on his lap, both of them holding glasses of wine. She was suddenly self-conscious, trying to hide her breasts with her arm. Erin stood up, prompting Cory to do the same. "Mom," he said, as he walked toward her, "I've never seen anything so hot in my life." "Yeah," agreed Erin. "Me, neither." "Well...I...uhh...Thank you." She took the glass Cory handed her. He kissed her gently on the lips and she felt something like paper sliding into the front of her panties. When Cory backed away he winked. "Thanks for the show," he whispered. She looked down and saw a $20 bill tucked into her waistband. She laughed nervously, a little embarrassed. She untucked it and handed it back. "Nope. That's yours. If you were a pro you'd have a stage full of them," he smiled. She smiled in return and took a sip of her wine. Erin hugged her tightly. "Mom, that was fucking fantastic! Maybe you can teach me how to dance like that." "Oh, god, I don't know about that." "You want proof?" She unsnapped her pants and tucked her mother's hand into her panties. She was soaking wet. Michelle's eyes grew. "Yeah. That's you. You did that." She reached over and squeezed Cory's erection. "You did this, too." Michelle looked at Cory. He just nodded. "Hottest thing I've ever seen." "Come on," Erin said, "Let's go get in the hot tub." She and Cory undressed right there, and Michelle pulled her panties down, noticing all three people were in a state of intense arousal. Cory led the way, his erection bobbing in front of him. Erin was right behind him. He helped each of the ladies in, making it a point to enjoy the view, before he settled in. "This feels nice," Michelle sighed. "It does feel nice," agreed Cory. "Too bad I'm so horny, though. Damn." "You want to fuck us in the hot tub," Erin laughed. "Not necessarily. In the pussy or ass is fine, too." "Pervert," she snickered. "Don't blame me," he defended. "Mom's the one who got me all worked up." "Aww, poor baby," whined Michelle. "Too bad it's so cold out here or I'd give you a blowjob. Unless you want to sit on the edge in 25 degree weather while you're dripping wet?" Cory reached back onto the control box and pulled out a bottle of silicone lubricant. "This stuff is great in the water." "You're terrible!" Michelle laughed. "You brought that down here so you could have sex in the hot tub?" "No, I brought it down here so WE could have sex in the hot tub." He moved closer to his mom. "What do you say?" He cupped her pussy. "Wanna fuck?" She didn't say anything, but instead attacked his mouth with hers, ravishing his cock with her hand. She gripped him and stroked him. "I want to fuck you so bad! Stand up." He stood quickly, gripping the side of the hot tub for balance. She took him into her mouth for a moment, bobbing on him while his sister watched. They didn't know she was stroking herself, but they should have. Michelle grabbed the bottle of lubricant from his hand and squirted some into her palm before smearing it along his shaft, making sure not to miss any spots. He was already dripping pre-cum. "Erin, come get me ready." She handed her the lubricant and Erin poured some on her mother's pussy and ass as she bent over, smearing it around. She suddenly felt her mother's fingers, slick with the lubricant, driving into her pussy, working her toward an orgasm. "Cory, sit down." He did. She straddled him and grabbed him with her hand, holding him steady while she dropped onto him in the water. "Oh, fuck," she whined. "You feel so good. I love you." Erin held her mother's wrist as she thrust back and forth on her fingers, bringing herself off while her mother rode her son's cock. Erin came in just a couple of minutes, screaming and grabbing the side of the tub before dropping beside her coupled family. She watched her mother's face twist into her look of bliss and heard her grunt as her body convulsed beneath the water line. Cory kissed his mother as he picked her up and lowered her onto him, working to bring his own much-needed release. "Wait," she breathed, backing away with a smile. "I have a better idea." She stood, turned around and backed up, lying against his chest. "Erin," she said, looking over at her daughter, "Hold him steady for me." Erin smiled and reached down. When she found his prick, she held it in place. Michelle worked down and rotated her hips, smiling when she found what she was looking for. Cory squeezed the backs of her thighs when he finally broke through that tight ring of muscle. This silicone lubricant is great, he thought. She continued to lower herself and when Erin felt her hand get bumped by her mother's ass, she let go and went to work on her mother's clit. Michelle was rising and lowering slowly, but was increasing in speed and depth until she reached the maximum pleasure for herself. "Damn, mom," her son grunted. "Your ass is fucking tight." "You like it in my ass?" she grunted through gritted teeth. "Fuck, yeah!" "The pump it full, baby doll. Hose me down inside." She was practically breathless. Erin took a chance, sliding two silicone-lubed fingers into her mother's pussy and thrusting in and out, making sure to graze her g-spot by hugging the front wall. "OH MY GOD!" screamed Michelle. "Fuck it, baby girl!" She continued to bounce and then muttered to herself, "Both my babies are fucking me. Both my babies are fucking me." Cory grabbed her tit with one hand, his other still squeezing the back of her thigh. "I'm cumming, mom!" "Oh, yeah, do it!" She dropped down completely onto him, allowing Erin to stimulate both of them from inside. Michelle felt her son blast rope after rope of fire into her, his shaft throbbing against the death grip of her sphincter. She was right on top of him, gripping the cock and fingers buried in her as she was awash with lightning. When her orgasm subsided, the only sound was the thumping of her own heart in her ears and the churning bubbles driven by the motor in the tub. Erin slowly withdrew her fingers and Michelle gradually dismounted to sit beside her son. Erin nestled in beside her, resting her hand on her knee, and presented her with her glass of wine. They enjoyed the hot tub for a while longer, but soon enough it was dark, getting colder, and the hot tub had served its purpose for the day. They warmed up by the fire in the living room as they ate their pie and glasses of milk. "I have to say, Cory, that this has been both my favorite vacation and my favorite Thanksgiving. Thank you for suggesting it." "I've enjoyed it, too, mom," he smiled, taking another bite of his pie. "Me, too," Erin chimed in. "This has been pretty incredible." "We still have a few days, too. It looks like we'll be snowed in for a couple of days, which could be good or bad, but I'm sure we'll make the most of it," Michelle giggled. Cory took his last bite of pie, finished his milk and added another log onto the flame before sitting on the hearth and watching the fire, listening to it crackle. He sighed, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I've been thinking," he began, continuing to search for his words in the fire. "This is Thanksgiving and I think it's important to tell you both what I'm thankful for. I don't know where to start, so forgive me if I kind of wander around, and there's no way I can list everything." He glanced over at them and they were both watching him, waiting patiently. They had looks of gentle concern and deep love. He looked back toward the fire and paused as he tried to find his place. "I love this family. I always have. Even dad, though it was different with him. There's a lot that he taught me, especially when I was younger. I know about tools and repairing things and sports because of the things he taught me. Even as he started drinking more and getting angrier, he taught me self-control. He may not have meant to, but he did. I got a sense of my potential for anger and for regret if I didn't get a handle on myself and learn to control my temper. Even though I think he pushed it too far, he also taught me about personal responsibility. So as much as I hate to admit it, there are things about dad that I'm thankful for." He looked up and saw tears in his mother's eyes, but a burning ember in Erin's as she looked past him at the rocks in the hearth. "I'm thankful for you, Erin," he said, starting to feel a lump in his throat. She looked at him, still with an angry leer. "You're my best friend. You always have been." She began to soften. "You told me that first night we were together that you always looked up to me, but what I never told you was that I depended on you to be my compass. I'm not strong or respectable because I'm strong and respectable. I'm only as strong as you let me be. After bad dates, you listened and even advised me, but you never took the girls' sides over mine." He laughed a little. "If I fucked up, you never said I did, but you would say, 'That probably wasn't the best choice, but now you know.' You nursed more of my cuts and scrapes than anyone and you played rough with me in the pool. You make me laugh more than anyone I've ever met. You're so easygoing that when I get overwhelmed with things, you're the one who brings me back to the middle and makes me laugh. You keep me sane, Erin, and I love you for it. "Even before all this," he said pointing in a circle between the three of them, "you've held my heart. I've been jealous of your boyfriends for a long time. Not sexually; I didn't really think of you sexually really until the last year or so. I've thought you were pretty and fun and I could see why so many guys were attracted to you, but I never really considered myself in that category. But I was jealous that you were sharing our laughs and our time with them. And that the heart which had been connected to mine for so long was now going out to others. But I didn't fault you for it. I would never do that. I was happy for you, but I would miss you. I'm glad we have this time together to deepen our relationship. Even if it's strange or wrong or secret, I'm glad we're together. I love you." He wiped a tear from his eye, just as she was wiping at hers. She nodded at his words and mouthed, "Thank you," as her throat was probably unable to open to make a noise. He nodded back. "Mom," he said before choking up. She made a hiccup noise as she tried not to sob, nodding quickly to let him know she was listening. Her eyes and nose were red, tears streaking her cheeks, and the sleeve of her robe was covering her hand since she was using it to blot at her eyes and nose. He cried for a minute, his face in his hands as he tried to regain his composure. Taking a deep breath he looked at her and began again. "Mom, you are the most amazing woman I've ever met. These last few months have shown me even more how incredible you are. I'm not talking about the sexual side of you, but the nurturing side, the enduring side, the brilliant and creative and caring sides. I don't know how you have been through so much and still maintained the strength and attitude you have. You have taught me so much about perseverance, but also about trust and about following your heart. You have every reason to be scared and bitter, but you're not. You're just amazing. You're a beautiful, confident, gifted woman. You deserved so much better than what you got with dad, but if being with dad gave me life so that I could get to know you, then I'm glad you were with him. "I've watched you care for both of us our whole lives, making a difficult home feel safe. When you were stressed from dad or work or whatever, you never took it out on us, but you always loved us. You were my big supporter growing up, encouraging me in school and sports and even in girls. It's no secret that you have taught your daughter how to be a woman, but you've also taught me what it means to be a man. I respect women because I respect you. You demanded my respect, mom, but you also earned it. You are a gentle soul when I need one, but a disciplinarian when I need that, too. I don't know how you balance everything that makes up who you are, but you do it, and you do it well." He sighed and shook his head, looking at the carpet. "This...this whole thing with me and Erin could have thrown you for a loop. Especially when we invited you in with that massage and the skinny dip. You could have been firm and harsh, berating us for what we were doing, but you didn't. Even when you drew a line in the sand that first time, you were firm, but you didn't beat us over the head. And you worked through your own feelings in your own time, and made your own choices regardless of what we were doing. I'm glad you joined us, mom. It's been amazing. YOU'RE amazing. But even if you hadn't become involved with me, everything I'm saying is true. I love you, mom." "I love you, too, baby," she croaked, breaking down. He looked back and forth between them. "So here I am. I've been thinking for a long time about what I want. The truth is, what I want is a family. I want to be a dad one day, and have a wife, a woman to love for the rest of my life. I can't do that and be a part of this relationship. I can't make love to my mother and to my sister and search for a bride. I can't move away for a job opportunity while being in a romantic relationship with the two of you. I have to be responsible about this." He looked back at the fire beside him and sighed. "Cory..." Michelle choked. "Don't, mom. I have to take responsibility and make a hard choice. I have to give up something." He dropped his head before looking up at the darkness in the eyes of his sister and his mother. "So I'm going to trust that I can find a job here. I'm not giving either of you up. I can't." His eyes filled with tears and his sister jumped up and landed on him, crying into his shoulder. "Oh, Cory, thank you. I'm never leaving, either. Never!" He looked over her shoulder to see his mother smiling through her tears, nodding at him as she wept. "I love you both," he said, kissing Erin on the head. "I love you, too, Cor," Erin squeaked into his shirt. "I love you, baby doll," smiled Michelle. Epilogue "Go, Michael!" Cory yelled, clapping as the dark-haired six-year-old nabbed the ball and bolted toward the goal. When he kicked it to another gold jersey, Cory cheered him on again, "Good job, buddy!" He looked at the two ladies in the stands with him, squeezing Erin's hand as he said, "He's getting a lot better." "Well, Erin keeps working with him at home. You should see them, Cor." "I can imagine." They watched the swarm of Yellow Jackets battling on the field to defend against the blue Cobras. When the air horn sounded, Michael and his team came running to their families. He ran right into Cory's arms, who picked him up and swung him around. "I'm so proud of you, buddy! You did great!" Erin's heart always melted when she watched them together. They loved each other deeply. Cory pulled him in close for a hug, closing his eyes as he rested a hand on the back of Michael's head. "Hey, Michael. It's Nana's birthday, so we're going to go see her before we stop for lunch, okay?" Erin asked. "Okay, momma." Megan took Erin's hand in hers, intertwining her fingers. They walked behind Cory, who had picked up Michael and put him on his shoulders as they made their way to the van. "He loves that boy, doesn't he?" asked Megan. "He loves all of us," she said, looking into the deep blue eyes of her partner. Megan lifted Erin's hand and kissed the back of it before lowering it again. They pulled into the circular drive and Cory helped Michael out of his seat. "Don't forget her flowers," he reminded. Michael reached down into the floor and pulled up a brightly colored bouquet before hopping out of the van and stepping onto the manicured lawn. "Happy birthday, Nana," Michael said, reaching out with the flowers and laying them at the base of the marble stone. "We'll give you two some time," Megan said, stroking Erin's back. Erin nodded. "Come on, Michael." She extended her hand out and the little boy took it, walking with his mother toward the bench under the giant pecan tree. "Happy birthday, mom," Cory said, choking back his tears. Erin's fingers were interlaced with his and he felt her squeeze his hand as she drew closer to him. "I miss you so much. I miss you every day." He began to weep, his voice catching in his throat and dropping him to his knees. Erin settled with him, her arm wrapped around his shoulder, her other hand caressing his cheek. "We both miss you, mom." She sniffled and wiped her tear away before returning her hand to Cory's face. "We're doing okay, though. Michael won his game today. He's growing so fast," she said, beginning to sob. "You would have loved him." Megan watched her partner and her baby's father grieve again for the loss of their mother. She had been their whole world after the divorce. They had taken care of her and she grew closer to them as an adult than she had been even as children, to hear Erin tell it. Megan remembered the day she got the call from Erin to come over because she needed her. She rushed over and found Erin sobbing on the living room floor, her back against the couch. She rushed to her, a knot in her stomach. "What happened, blondie?" she asked, hugging her tightly. It had taken Erin a minute to be able to say anything. "Cory...." she began to sob again. "Oh, my god. Something happened to Cory?" Erin shook her head. "Cory just called and said mom's really sick. Can you take me over there?" "Sure, baby. Let's go." She had driven her to her mother's house as quickly as she could, knowing she was in no state to drive. Cory greeted them at the door and ushered them to the living room. Michelle was sitting in her chair. "I wanted to tell you myself," she had said. "I've had some tests done since I haven't been feeling well," she took a deep breath. "I have pancreatic cancer." Erin wailed and collapsed onto Megan. "Erin, baby, I need you to listen." She was trying to be strong. Cory held her hand, providing a foundation for her. "Listen, baby girl." Erin looked up, unable to focus through the tears. "I've decided not to do any treatments because it's not curable and I only have a short time. I'm not going to saddle you two with debt for a hopeless cause." The next three months saw her decline rapidly and Cory, Erin, and Megan made sure she was never alone. That was nine years ago. "Mommy, tell me about Nana." Michael's voice interrupted Megan's memorial. "Oh, she was beautiful." She pinched his nose with a smile, "And she would have loved you. You're named after her, you know." "I am? Her name was Michael?" "Her name was Michelle, which is like a girl's name for Michael. She was smart and funny and was good at sports, just like you. And she was very nice. You know what else?" "What?" She pointed at Erin and Cory. "She loved them very much, just like you do." "Did they love her?" "More than anything, sweetie. And now they both love you more than anything. Just like I do." She caught movement out of the corner of her eye and looked up to see Cory and Erin walking toward them. She stood and walked toward them to give them each a hug. "You okay?" she asked. "I think so," Erin said, looking at Cory. He nodded, taking a deep breath. "If you need more time, go ahead. Michael and I..." "No, no. We're fine. Besides," Cory said a little louder, looking past Megan to his son, "We owe the champ some lunch and ice cream!" "Yay!" Michael yelled, running to jump into his uncle's arms. Over a burger and fries, Cory looked around the table to count his blessings. He grieves for his mother every day, but he wakes up each morning to the abundance of blessings in his life. As the executor of his mother's estate, he had to handle a lot of things, but he also got to be his sister's best man at her civil union ceremony where she and Megan officially bonded themselves together. He was asked a year later to father a child for them. They wanted to get pregnant the old fashioned way. He spent a lot of time in their bed, making love to Megan and his sister. Yes, they found a way to stay together. It began with Megan by reapplying the resistant play that had been done that day at the pool. With gentle prodding by Megan, Erin began to become more involved: kissing, then touching, eventually oral, and finally full-on fucking. Michael still had no idea that "Uncle Cory" was really his father, but Cory was okay with that. He had everything he needed right here. It's all he had ever wanted.

