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My Bucket List Wish

My path into the exciting world of escorting started 18 months ago in a most unusual and unexpected way.... I had better start at the beginning by giving you some insight into my life. Being a wife, mother and professional in a normal world was working well for me, but had some glitches like any life. Demands of two teenage kids and a relationship with my husband of twenty plus years although solid was needing some spark. Having always dreamt of becoming something sophisticated I decided to book a Male escort for the night to see if I was attractive to someone else other than my husband. I was happily surprised to find that yes I was and the years of exercise had not gone to waste. With the help and guidance of my now good friend the Male escort and my husband who YES knows what I do here, I am Susie Wilding... Escorting for me is not only about the cash that can be earned, it's about the fun and challenge of making a new client comfortable, selfishly expecting pleasure for myself and the connection of two enjoying each other for the time we are together. Bucket list dreams can come true, don't stop believing or dreaming in what yours is. Come and see me for some seriously good GFE time and the rest of my story...

Susie xx

