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Phone Sex

"What are you wearing?" "My robe." "Nothing else?" "No" "Nervous?" "Yeh... I'm shaking a little." "Just relax. This'll be fun. Where are you?" "On the couch in the living room" "Alone? "Oh, yes." "Put one leg over the back of the couch. Get really comfortable. Did you bring a pillow?" "Yes" "Put it under your butt." "OK." "Comfy?" "Very." "Open your robe... expose your whole body to me." "OK." "Are you wet?" "I don't know, maybe." "Check." "Oh, I'm a little wet." "Good." "Is there light in the room?" "Just the candle you said I should have." "Touch your lips lightly." "Oh." "Tingle?" (Laughs) "Yes!" "Keep touching them. Trace lines across them with your finger tips... Pretend it's my lips touching yours. Touch your fingers to your tongue. Lick them. It's my tongue. Get your fingers a little damp." "OK." "Trace the line from your lips to just under your left ear. Make the tingles spread along the lines you trace." "Ohhh... nice... I didn't know I could... " "Trace back to the other side and then down your neck." "Oh, nice... what are you wearing?" "A t-shirt. Some sweats that are below my ass now. My cock is beginning to tell me how much it wants you... how much I want you... I'm lying outside by the pool in a hammock." "You're outside?" "It's very private. Lick your fingers again... I love that sound... I wish it were my cock. I'd love to have you tasting me right now." "Yes... " "Take your wet fingers and trace around your nipples." "Ohhh..." "That's my lips. My hungry lips gently tracing your nipples... wanting you desperately... Would you like me to make you come tonight?" "God, yes." "Squeeze your nipples... " (deep breath) "That's it... now harder... as hard as you can stand..." "I want you." "I want you, too, darling... now caress your breasts... can you lift one nipple to your mouth?" "Yes... " "Good... I can hear the licking sounds. It's my mouth and tongue on you now... Use the other hand to trace a line from the breast you're kissing all the way down your tummy... just to your pubic bone... can you feel the connection?" "Yes. How did you know... " "Now the other breast. Kiss it... let me hear you kiss it... that's it. Are your nipples hard now?" "Oh yes." "Now nibble on your nipple while you trace the line down that side of our body to your pubic bone... Feel the tingles? "Yes." "Squeeze your breast. Knead it like a loaf of bread with both hands... now the other one... " (breathing heavily...) "Oh God... " "From now on, as much as you can, breathe in through your mouth and our through your nose... slowly, deliberately. That's right... I'll remind you if it changes too much or too soon..." "OK." "Now, use both hands and trace a line from each breast down to your pubic bone... use your fingernails... that's it. Keep the tingles happening... Now take your left hand and squeeze your right nipple... twist gently... with your right hand, trace a line from the inside of your knee to your vulva... feel the tingles?" "Yes." "Feel the connection between your inner thighs and your nipples?" "Yes... " "Now trace a circle around your pussy." "Uhhhh... " "That's it. Keep it gentle... Nothing inside... just gentle touching and tracing... now squeeze your left nipple while you keep tracing around your pussy... Switch back and forth between them as they become less sensitive... We are in a resort in Hawaii... it's our first day here, and we're both excited to be together finally. We are in a hot tub on our balcony overlooking the ocean at dusk. The sun is huge in the distance and colors the sky a bright red... my mouth is exploring yours as we connect in a very sensual way." "My favorite place... " "My favorite place is the one you're tracing with your right hand. Now stop tracing and cup your cunt... it's electric isn't it?" "Very..." "Good... now lightly brush your clitoris... " (deep intake of breath) "Ohhhh.... nice..." "Reach inside a little bit and bring the dampness up to your clit. Is she standing up for us now?" "And applauding..." "My cock is so hard right now. Theres a huge drop of clear liquid at the top of it, spilling down over the head... which right now feels as big as a grapefruit... It wants to be inside you fucking right now. But we'll let him wait a bit. This is beautiful for me... I have little orgasms streaming down my back to the base of my penis... I'm moving my hand just a little bit to keep the feelings going." "I want you inside me..." "God, me, too... put your middle finger as deep as it will go inside you... " "Yesssss... " "Reach for your g-spot... tell me when you find it... " "It's there... " "I knew it would be... just caress it gently... don't expect much yet... just go with it... now put two fingers inside and move them gently back and forth against Ms G... Ok... this is where I have to remind you to breath gently and evenly. Don't try to make anything happen. just let it happen... when it's ready... " "I can feel it growing a little bit... " "Good... now take your fingers out slowly and lift them to your lips... lightly caress your lips with your wetness... then taste... what does it taste like?" "Spice... musk..." "It tastes very much like I do... especially right now when I'm dripping all over my very hard cock... I'm lifting my hand to my mouth now, and tasting you... you taste wonderful... I can't wait to put him inside you... " "Oh I want that, too." "Dip both fingers back inside your pussy again... push deeply and feel Ms G spot... rub back and forth across her... that's it... back and forth... breath gently... " "Sorry... I'm just so ready... " "Don't be sorry... and I'm ready, too... but it'll be better to wait... now take your fingers and tap in your G-spot..." "Tap?" "Yes... like you're typing or playing the piano...gently tap over and over again... " "Oh my god... " "That's it. Not too hard yet... that'll come later... I'm stroking my cock head right now... thinking about your lips all over it... " "That sounds tasty." "Speaking of tasty, taste your fingers again... rub your cum all over your lips... " "Mmmm... " "Put some on your nipples and rub it in... " "I need to come, now... " "Trust me... let's go slowly... my guess is that you are going somewhere you've never been before... " "Oh yes... please..." "Now gently trace circles around your clit... then move to trace a circle around your vagina... that's it... then back you your clit... two fingers inside now... gently move in and out... make sure it's wet enough to be comfortable." "Oh it's wet enough... it's ready for your cock now." "She just thinks she's ready." "Please." "Take your time. Put two fingers inside now... cup your hand over your clit... move your hand up and down so you're rubbing your g-aspot lightly as well as rubbing your clit gently... We're still in that hot tub and I'm holding you against me... " "ughhhh." "Breathe slowly, honey... I have you floating in the water now, your lips against mine... the sun is down now... we hear waves in the distance... " "I can't wait any more.." "Take your hand out now and caress your breasts with our juices... " "Ohhhhhh... " "I'm kissing your breasts now... holding you gently... squeeze your nipples for me... that's it... breathe slower now... don't try to come... now put your right hand back while you caress your breasts with your left... My cock is dripping so much, my hand is covered in come... " "Mine, too." Now... using those piano trained fingers of yours, push hard against your g-spot... then relax... now start to squeeze your fingers with your cunt muscles... then relax... squeeze... relax... now, when you squeeze, push your g-spot... " "unh... " "That's it... now relax... now squeeze and push... now relax... keep that up for a while... I'm almost coming without any friction... you have me soooo turned on... My kisses are more insistant now... my hand strays to your pussy, tracing lines from your breasts to your cunt... do that with your left hand... " "Oh my God... " "Breathe slowly, Baby... there's time... let it happen slowly... no rush... keep squeezing and pushing... " "I'm gonna come... " "Me, too, Baby... my cock is so big now... I'm pumping slowly... this will be a deep one... Now squeeze and rub and push as hard as you want... " "God, I can't... uhhhh... uhhhh.... uhhhh... " "I'm splashing my come all over you now... " "Take me... fuck me... " "I'm yours and you're mine... "

