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Carmen Panama

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Poolside with Amy

I'm excited. Not only did I win 'Best Ass' and 'Best Shoulders' in my latest fitness competition, I get to see Amy in just a couple hours. My muscles are still twitching from all of the flexing and posing I did for the judges and audience all weekend, but my cock has sprung alive with excitement knowing that in just a few short hours, I will be lying poolside with my most favorite chick from college. Amy and I were the best of friends all through college, and everyone knew it. 'Friends with benefits' was usually how people describe the relationship we had. Everyone knew that if they were to invite us to a party, there would be a show. Everyone knew how much fun we had; we were never afraid of displaying our affection in public. When I found out that one of my competitions would be in Los Angeles this year, I immediately called Amy and told her I'd be in town and that I'd love for her to attend. Much to my disappointment, she would be unable to cheer me on, due to an out of town wedding. However, she didn't have to work very hard to convince me to stay around one more day to catch up. She said she'd have to take off a day of work at her high power P.R. firm that she works for, but I assured her I'd have a little surprise to make it worth her while. More like a big surprise. Freshly off a competition, I have a fairly large collection of posing suits. Posing suits are tiny, usually have less fabric than the normal speedo you'd see on a competitive swimmer in order to show as much of the body as possible without displaying the competitor's cock and balls. And I have a special one, just for Amy. As I stand here in the shower, I can't stop thinking about those parties back in college where we'd put on such great fuck shows for everyone. With my mind in a state of fond memories and future fantasy, I know I have to get out of the shower and get her surprise ready. I turn off the water, open the curtain, and grab my towel. I begin to dry myself off. I step out of the tub and walk over in front of the floor length mirror the hotel has installed in the room. As I watch myself in the mirror drying off, I can't help but notice that my spray tan has faded. I no longer have that super dark tan usually worn by competitors, just the super dark tan from my days at the nudist club pool. The water wicks away easily off of my body, still void of any hair but on the top of my head. My muscles still have a sheen and glow thanks to the extreme oiling done over the weekend. The sharpness of my sculpted muscles and veins running over my body still show very well. With my thick cock hang almost to my knees, I walk over to the pile of posing suits on the bed. I sort through them, looking for the one I specifically have in mind for Amy. I find it. The shimmering silver suit stands out once uncovered in the pile. I pick it up and turn it around in my hands, ensuring I put it on the right way. There is a pouch in front for my veiny penis, and scrunch elastic for the back. I make my way over back to the mirror to put on my suit. I step one foot in the leg hole, then the other. I pull the suit snugly up, feeling the scrunch of the back of the suit wedgie up the slick, tanned crack of my award winning ass. I had issues with the front of my suit. My cock did not fit easily in the pouch made for that purpose. I had a difficult time manipulating my penis inside the fabric. Eventually, I was able to maneuver my flesh so that it was all covered. The edges of the front of my suit, going down each side of my groin did not touch my skin. They were held off by the flesh hanging low between my legs. The front of the suit rested on the very top of the base of my throbbing manhood. I turn around to check the back. I've always loved this suit and the scrunch look of the fabric up the center of my ass. The suit has a 'Rio' cut, not quite a thong, but covering about half of each of my solid glutes. My ass is firm and muscular. Fibers can be seen flexing in my ass with each step I take. Satisfied with my surprise, I walk over and grab the bathrobe next to the pile of suits on the bed. I put it on, noting how wonderful the black silk feels over my hairless, soft, skin. As I tie the waist band on my knee length black silk robe, I hear a knock on my door. I walk over and look through the peephole. On the other side is the obvious curves of a woman and blonde hair framing the blurriness of a face. Without hesitation, I step back and swing open the door. There she is, and she hasn't changed a bit. Amy has always been a blonde bombshell. She stands about 5 foot 5 without the heels. Standing in heels in front of me, she is just shy of my height. She has a voluptuous and curvy shape, with an always sexy and classic hourglass figure. Her breasts are full and large, creating a generous amount of cleavage in the neck of her red tank top. Her striking, soft blonde hair is held back from her face with aviator sunglasses sitting on top her head. Her hair falls past her shoulders. She is wearing a jean skirt that ends halfway to her knees, with creamy, silky legs shapely forming curves to her toes. On her feet are strappy heels, accentuating her metallic painted toes. My eyes slowly inch back up her body, admiring each and every bit of her. I meet her piercing blue eyed gaze, and see her bright red lips frame a perfect smile. For a moment, neither one of us can find the words to say. "Oh my gosh! It's so great to see you!" she says. "You, too! I've missed you so much. I really appreciate you taking a day off of work to hang out," I stammer out. "Oh it's all my pleasure. I partied pretty hard this weekend, so I actually need a day to sit by the pool and relax. You make the perfect partner for that," she says with a smile. "Well I'm glad I could oblige. I need a day to recoup after my competition this weekend, too." "Well I'm sure you did great! You look fantastic!" "Thank you! And you look absolutely fantastic as always," I reply. "So how did you do?" "Actually I did quite well. I won for 'Best Glutes' and 'Best Shoulders' and 5th all around," I reply. "Well I can certainly see why. I'm very excited to see what this surprise you have for me," she says coyly with little pout in her lip. "Well how about we make our way up to the pool, and I'll make good on my promise." "Sounds great to me!" she says. Together we walk to the elevator and start to talk about her job, all of the celebrity clients she has and major corporations that turn to her for public relations. I hit the button for the top floor pool deck as I continue to listen to her crazy celebrity stories. Reaching the top floor the doors open to reveal a beautiful rooftop terrace with a somewhat small pool. Beyond the walls of the pool area I see the skyline of downtown Los Angeles and the mountains in the distance. There are lounge chairs around the perimeter of the pool. The pool area was completely empty except for one woman sitting by herself reading, and two women in the far corner talking to each another. Amy walks over to two lounges and positions one to face downtown LA, and the other in the opposite direction. They parallel the pool and perpendicular to the other women. I walk over with towels and hand a couple to her to place on the lounges. As I kick my flip flops off, I notice the other women in the pool area. The brunette in a white bikini is sitting facing us on the opposite side of the pool. She is reading a magazine, and is discreetly checking us newcomers out; watching us through her dark sunglasses and beyond the pages she was reading. I'm close enough to see she is reading the most recent People magazine. She is clearly a MILF herself and her tan contrasts nicely against her white bathing suit. The two girls in the corner are talking and their conversation echos around the walls of the pool area. They seem to be talking loud to begin with, not seeming to worry about any other listeners to the gossip they are sharing. They seem to be in their early twenties. I place them as nursing students after gathering parts of their stories. One seems to be paying attention to us as we settle, the other continues to make grand gestures with her hands as she talks. I realize Amy is not in front of me anymore. I turn around to look for her and notice her walking back with more towels. "It's such a perfect day to lay in the sun," she remarks. All of a sudden, I am paralyzed and unable to respond. I watch in awe as Amy takes a step back, removes the sunglasses from the top of her head and shakes her silky strands of hair on her head, letting them loose and free. She places the sunglasses on her nose. Her arms cross, and her hands grip the bottom of her tank top. As I'm sure she has done a thousand times before, she swiftly yanks her tank top over her head to reveal the matching red string bikini underneath. The strings of her bikini are struggling to hold up the mass of her breasts as they jiggle from the motion of the tank top removal. The little red triangles of fabric are small enough to show plenty of underboob, but are more than adequate to cover her areolas. Her areolas. I see them, her bikini top is the tiniest bit sheer, and I see her large nipples. Not erect, but certainly show the potential to poke a hole through her sheer bikini top. She tosses her tank top aside. As the tease she is, she turns away from me, facing the MILF across the pool. The MILF is staring as intently as I am, her magazine almost flat on her lap, making no effort to conceal her voyeurism. I hear the distinct sound of a zipper as Amy arches her back some and inserts her thumbs to either side of her skirt. Slowly, she pushes the denim skirt over her hips and down her legs. Inch by inch she lowers her skirt, revealing her red G-string thong perfectly framing the top of her creamy ass and a thin piece of fabric splitting her ass crack. She bends over in front of me, ensuring her skirt makes it past her heels and on to the floor. Her perfect anus is begging for me to come lick it and taste the inevitable line of sweat that will be guided by the small string of her bikini. Amy stands up, and still in her strappy heels, walks to the side of her lounge and sits down. She positions the towel on the chair and positions herself with her heeled feet on the chair, laying back and fidgets to try to get comfortable. The MILF across the pool has assumed the same position in her chair, and placed her magazine to the side. She apparently unwilling to be distracted by the beauty in front of her. The one nurse across the pool has not stopped talking since we arrived, and I don't even think she noticed we were there. Her friend on the other hand, has. Her jaw is hanging wide open. "So what's this big surprise you have for me?" Amy asks. "Oh, well I have it right here," I say as I stammer out of my trance, "but I'm not sure you want it bad enough." "Oh, but please?" she begs with a pouty lip. "Well since you asked so nicely," I said. I take a step back, facing her, the pool, the MILF and the girls across the way. I keep my attention on Amy's smile as I undo the tie around my robe. I grab the robe, up by my shoulders and slide it down my arms, and away from the front of my body. The front acts as a curtain, opening to reveal my shapely pecs and abdomen, and the large bulge in my suit that has been growing since Amy arrived. I feel my cock jump a little bit as I felt the breeze blow across my exposed skin. Amy licked her lips in reaction to the bulge in my suit bouncing. "Holy fuck!" I hear someone say. But Amy's mouth does not move, except for her seductive lick. It was the nurse from across the pool. "What? What is it?" her talkative friend asks. In almost a whisper, "I can totally see the outline of that guy's dick through that speedo!" I could hear her loud and clear as her voice bounced around the walls of the pool area. Her talkative friend, finally notices we are there. Both nurses stop their conversation and take notice of the two newcomers. The MILF, except now wearing a huge smile, hasn't moved. Amy's smile hasn't changed. "That is the best surprise I've ever had," she says. I turn around to hang my robe on one of the upright chairs, showing off my flexing ass, highlighted by the tiny amount of silver scrunch fabric up wedging my ass. "Look at that ass! He's like a greek god!" I hear the quiet nurse whisper. I walk back to the chairs and take my seat. From my vantage point I see both nurses still watching me adjust and twitch, trying to get comfortable. The MILF now has her knees open wider, and arms up above her head, playing with her hair, allowing her mature breasts to jiggle. I face Amy, our knees even with each other's. I can see the front side of her bikini bottoms are just as sheer as her top. Her nipples now erect, cast shadows on her bikini triangle. "Your suit is amazing," I say. "And your suit is fucking fantastic. I can totally see the head of your cock, and the veins on your shaft," she says. "And your ass is perfect for that scrunch bottom. Just incredible." "Well thanks. I love the sheerness of your bikini. It's just sheer enough to give a show, but not sheer enough to tell from a distance," I say. "Are you sure?" "Yes, perfect. But why did you keep your heels on?" I ask. "I only take my heels off for two things: pedicures and foot massages. Otherwise, they stay on." "Well thats kinda hot," I say. "Its damn near impossible to split a woman from her shoes. My feet are terribly sore from the dancing I did this weekend though." "Well how I give you an excuse to take them off, and give your feet my best rub down?" I offer. "Would you, please?" she says with that pouty lip. Surely, I excitedly said. Amy twists in her lounger, placing her heeled feet in my lap. As I lossen the straps of her gorgeous shoes, my eyes are devour the most perfect feet ever made. Her shoe straps release from her slender yet strong ankles, gliding past the two pronounced veins on the top of her feet. Her silver manicured toes wiggle in excitement as the heel of her shoe tickles her soles as they slide off. I grab her right foot in my hand and begin to knead my thumbs into her sole. My mouth starts to water with the thought of taking each of her round, soft toes into my mouth. As my thumbs continue to feel the distinct ridges and valleys of her footprint, Amy confirms she is in total bliss. "Fuck yes," she says. "You were always the best foot massager. Tell me, do you still like to taste feet, too?" Without any thought, I pull her shimmering toes to my mouth. I open my mouth wide. As her saltiness reaches my tongue, Amy moans. I feel the pressure in my balls building. My one hand is on her heel, and the other is guiding her toes around my mouth. My tongue focuses on the big toe first, salty and flowery. With each circle of my tongue, she flinches as I find the crease between her toes. every few swirls, I migrate down her feet until I've cleaned them all of their flowery and salty aroma. I take her heel to my lips and guide my tongue from her heel down her deep, high, arch to her dainty and feminine pinky toe. As I do this, I notice the MILF across the pool guide her fingers into her bikini bottoms. The nurses each have their smart phones in their hand; trying to be discreet, but recording every savory moment in front of them. "Do the other one." I drop her clean foot to my lap and onto my throbbing cock. I lift her other foot to my mouth and repeat the same sensual cycle again. This time, I am about to explode. Amy's clean, saliva covered foot has found its way past my suit and she has begun to trace every vein of my pulsing cock with her soft toes. Amy's suit bottom has gone from almost sheer to completely sheer as a result of the perspiration and wetness dripping off her body in this hot LA heat. With her toes, Amy masterfully slides my suit to the side off of my cock. She lifts my throbbing cock with her pretty toes so that it is squished between my toned abs and her slippery wet toes. She begins to apply pressure up and down my shaft, using the area between her big and second toe. There is just the right amount of lubrication from my leftover saliva, her lotion, my sweat and precum. Every few strokes she uses the balls of her feet to retrieve the precum pooling on my abs. My tongue continues to swirl around the toes on her left foot, savoring the delicious taste. I hear more moaning, mostly coming from Amy, but increasingly coming from across the pool from the hot MILF. My balls begin to fill with more pressure, and the rigidness of my cock increases. Amy can feel through her toes that I am going to explode. Instinctive, she pulls her toes out of my mouth and takes my cock between the soles of her perfect feet. Her arches squeeze together, trying to force my semen out with explosive ferocity. With a warning groan from myself, I begin to spurt my seed over Amy's silver toes. With each pump, a shower of semen overwhelms Amy's feet. It drips into the area between her toes and follows her veins down towards her ankles. A complete man milk mess extends from my abs down the length of my cock, and down her lovely feet to her ankles. My breathing begins to recover from the intense public orgasm I just experienced. I look down at Amy smiling, running her fingers down her ankles, scooping as much of my cum as she can, then drawing her fingers to her mouth. "Mmmmmmmmmm," she purrs. I lay back in the lounge, panting, still trying to catch my breath. "I'm gonna go wash the rest of this off. It's delicious but you came a ton!!" Amy gets up and walks over to the shower area, leaving footprints of cum on the pool deck as she does. Feeling hot myself,I decide to take a dip in the pool. I rearrange my cock back into my suit, which now barely contains any of my swollen dick. "I better pace myself. This could be an awesome, long day," I thought. ****** end of part one ****** Part two I get up off of the lounge chair with my penis barely contained in my tiny suit, having just been foot fucked to explosive orgasm. And the day is just starting. The MILF watched us the entire time, clearly had an intense orgasm her own. She is having a more difficult time than I regaining her composure. The nurses are sitting mouths wide, frantically working away at their smart phones. Probably sending the video they just recorded of me getting an amazing footjob to all of their friends. I enter the pool using the steps closest to me, and wade the length of the pool towards the stairs next to the nurses. With their eyes on me, I slowly step out of the pool, water dripping down my body. "I'd sure like copies of those videos you girls took. Do you think we could arrange that before you leave?" I ask. Mouths wide open, and heads nodding was the only response I received. "Excellent. Thanks ladies!" I turn to walk back to my lover. From behind me I hear in a whisper, "I want to bite that ass." "I wanna suck that cock!" I turn back and say, "Both of those arrangements can be made, ladies," with a wink. Amy is sexy as hell with her wet, shiny body and sheer, clingy suit. My cock is beginning to throb once again. Amy is sitting on the lounger facing me as I walk away from the nursing students. With a come hither grin and a lick of her lips, she starts to envision what is next in store for me. Without saying a word, she kneels in front of me on a towel to protect her knees. We are side on to the other women; one having resumed fingering herself, and the others having resumed filming. Amy runs her hands over my sculpted abs, using her perfectly manicured nails to trace the veins leading down to groin. She curls her fingers around my suit, pulling it down away from my body, revealing my swollen cock. I kick off my suit and Amy wraps her warm, soft hands around my penis. She lifts the head of cock to her bright red, shiny lips and envelops it, inch by inch, swirling her tongue around the tip of shaft. She begins to pump her hands, up and down, using a slight twisting motion. Amy is an expert in blowjobs, and ensures that there is excessive saliva to keep the entire length of my erect penis lubricated. Amy's tongue is dancing over my tip, savoring the precum she is forcing out. With each sucking action, Amy drives her tongue into the opening of my cock. My cock is fully hard, and Amy is struggling to keep it under control with two hands and mouth. All of a sudden, Amy pulls me out of her mouth, with a pooping sound. And looks up at me with her bright blue eyes. "Kneel on the lounger and stick that prize ass in the air," she says. Good thing since my legs were getting shaky and weak despite their muscularity. I kneel on the chair and lay my head on the towel. My ass now facing my audience on the other side of the pool. Amy kneels behind me and assumes stroking my dick from her position. Her tongue begins to lick the under side of my scrotum now hanging down low off of my body. Amy's tongue takes its time licking up the flavor off of my balls. Her nose tickles the area towards my ass. Slowly, Amy makes her way with her tongue up my crack towards my hole, continuing to pump my dick with one hand and massages my ass cheek with the other. As if i didn't know it was going to happen, Amy starts to tickle my ass hole with her tongue. Enjoying the softness of my skin as a result of all of my grooming and oiling in recent days, Amy takes in the pleasure of tonguing my bald, tan, soft ass hole. Like she did during her blowjob, Amy uses her excessive saliva to ensure pleasurable slickness. I feel the spit dripping down towards my sack. Amy cups her mouth over my ass, lightly biting my toned cheeks. Moving over my anus, she lightly sucks, like trying to give me a hickey, while she darts her tongue in and out of my hole. Her fingers release my ass cheek and glide along my spit lubricated crack to my hole. Amy's mouth again finds my sack, sucking and licking, one hand pumping away on my dick. Slowly, Amy slides her finger into my ass. First one, then two, then three. I'm now beginning to cum again. Amy finds the pleasure spot in my ass with her fingers massaging my prostate while adding pressure to my balls and squeezing her pumping hand. In and out. Up and down. Sucking, dripping, tongue swirls. I can't take it any more! With a loud grunt my balls begin to empty, my asshole tightens around her darting fingers. I let out a loud, low pitched, "Aggggghhhhhhhhh!" Every muscle in my body tightens as my cum sports out of my penis. Amy still pumps with both hands and tongue as my explosive orgasm continues. On the verge of passing out from pleasure. I reach back to grab Amy's hand to stop her ass fingering. "Holy shit! Ok! Ok! Enough. Enough," I plead to Amy. "But it tastes so good!" As I lay there with my ass in air, I can't help but wonder what it looked like from across the pool. Finally catching my breath, I say, "I sure hope those girls got that on film." I turn over stand up on my shaking legs. I glance over at the MILF, her bikini top now removed, and laying legs wide open. The nurses, now making no effort to conceal it, holding their phones up to get a clear shot of the action. Amy stands and I put one hand on her waist and the other behind her head, drawing her in for a passionate kiss. My tongue dances around hers, and I taste the mixture of sweat, baby oil, and sex. As our tongues merge together, I unfasten her bikini top and guide it to the ground. I disengage from her lips, kissing down her neck and shoulder blades down to chest. I take each large orb of flesh in my hands, gently squeezing and massaging each one. Amy's nipples are erect, casting shadows in the southern California sun. I lick and suck on each nipple, trying to pull them out even farther. Amy approves with a moan. My hands glide down her body and I wrap my fingers around her bottoms, removing them to see her beautiful bare pussy. Without saying a word, Amy knows I want to taste her. She sits on the lounger, leaving back on her elbows, head leaned back in anticipation. She spreads her legs wide and draws her knees up so that her feet are resting the edge of chair. Her bare womanhood shines in the sun, glistening with sweat and sex. Slowly but without hesitation, I guide my face to her vagina, hungry for her juices. The scent approaching is sweet and flowery, tropical; after all, this is my paradise. My first taste sends shivers down my spine, causing Amy to shake as well. My tongue mimics the routine Amy performed on me a few moments ago. My mouth completely engaging her slit. With moderate sucking and lapping of my tongue, more of Amy's juices flow to me. Coating my mouth with her love. Deeper and deeper my tongue probes, searching for the moment that will send her to ecstasy. With faster swirls in my mouth, come more twitches and shakes from Amy. I look up towards her face with her hands on the back of head, guiding me harder and deeper. Amy looks back at me with piercing blue eyes beyond her large jiggling tits. Her eyes are telling me to keep going, her moans say she's getting close. Without any other warning, Amy shrieks in ecstasy, gripping my hair, throwing her head back. A warm rush fills my mouth, her juices overwhelming my face. I continue to tongue her pussy slit as she shakes in pulsing waves. So much sex comes from Amy, that I'm able to take two good swallows of her juices, the rest rolling off of my chin and down my chest, and down her ass crack. I have the desire for more. I place my hands behind her knees, forcing them to her bouncing chest. Now in perfect position to probe her ass with my tongue, I dive face first into her crack. I circle her hole, feeling every puckering and reflex trying to deny me the pleasure of tossing salad. With great effort, I continue my sucking and sloppy twirling tongue dance that feverishness brought Amy to orgasm. Amy begins to use her own fingers massage her clit, bringing herself towards climax once again. Amy fingers faster and faster, my mouth moving slicker and deeper in her hole, savoring the pussy juices that dripped there. Again without warning, her anus constricts around my tongue, and waves of orgasmic love juice soak my hair. Drips of her woman-cum rolling down my back, gathering with sweat beads, and eventually down my own crack. By my hair, Amy pulls me up, face to face. Tongues entwined, we kiss, sharing the juices of one another, feeling each other twitch as our nerve endings relax. My hands massage her breasts as we continue to kiss, and my cock once again hard and ready to promote pleasurable punishment to Amy anyway she wants next. I take a step back with my cock throbbing full of blood, wanting to fill Amy's pussy. She lifts one leg in the air, toes pointing towards the L.A. sky, accepting my primal urge to fuck her brains out. I turn around, and realized I shouldn't be selfish in the moment, "Come on over girls, you're gonna want to get closer for this." The nursing students, in a daze, get up and delicately make their way to a better camera angle. The MILF reaches into her bag and pulls out a thick, flesh colored dildo. I turn back around to Amy, smiling at my invitation to the others. She slides on her sunglasses and lays back. "Give it to me now, and don't make me ask for more." Those are all the instructions I needed. I step forward and guide my penis into her glistening vagina. With one motion, I enter her and the head of my shaft bottoms out in her. In unison, I hear gasps all around me. I bottom out, but that doesn't keep me from going further. With each rhythmic cycle, my pelvis slams my probe deeper into Amy. Amy starts screaming, "Ah yes, yes, yes. Grrr, yes like that, ow! Ow! Yes! Fuck! ME! YES!" Wet smacking sounds begin to overpower Amy's screaming echoing around the pool area. My cock is pounding Amy's pussy with no mercy. My heavy balls slap the under side of Amy's crotch, beating it into submission. With each slap, sweat and sex splatter over my legs. I grab Amy's ankle that's in the air, and guide her beautiful toes into my mouth. Amy approves with a shriek. My thick, veiny cock continues in and out. In and out. In and out. In and out. Harder, deeper, my hips thrust into her vagina. As I do, my tongue swirls around her toes, sucking as if I'm trying to take the paint right off of her toe nails. "Keep going, I'm going to cum. I want you to blow inside me," she instructs. With this command I pound faster, aching my balls as they slap, I suck her toes harder, trying to taste each cell of flesh on them. I hear Amy moan, louder, breathing faster, I know she was ready to cum. So was I. My cock, full of sperm was waiting to explode, waiting for that moment that Amy releases. I throb in Amy. "Oh shit! OH SHIT! Here I cum!" Amy convulses, she shakes, squirting her sex all over my cock and balls. Her toes curl in my mouth, forcing them deeper down my throat. I can't hold it, I explode my semen deep in Amy's vagina. With each pulse of my orgasm, I unload my cum, filling whatever void there could have been. I feel my warm jizz, unable to stay inside Amy, drip out of her wet cunt, on to my balls. I release her toes out of my mouth and bend down to kiss Amy on the lips. My cock, still pulsing from the waning orgasm remains inside as we share this moment tasting each other, swirling our tongues together. The students make their way back to their lounge chairs. "I wish you'd come into town more often," says Amy, panting, trying to catch her breath. "I'll make it a point to," I reply. I pull out of Amy with a wet, sloppy sound and find my way back to my lounge. I see the MILF gathering herself, and her belongings and the students diligently texting on their phones. The MILF gets up and walks over to the girls, hands them what looks like a business card and tells them something. She walks around the pool towards Amy and I. "Thanks for the show. Here's my card. If either or both of you make it up towards Seattle, give me a call. My name is Karen, and I'd like an encore." Amy and I look at each other and smile. "Of course, it's a pleasure to meet you," Amy replies. As Karen walks away, Amy turns to me and smiles, "We are always the best show in town. Ready for act two?" "The day is young my dear," I say as Amy pouts with her sexy red lips.

