Cinematic Experience
Joe and Devon waited in line for their turn at the ticket kiosk. The roommates had gone to the movie on a bit of a lark honestly. Nothing particularly good was playing, but as Devon had pointed out, going to the movies still beat the hell out of staying home studying. Joe couldn't really argue with that, especially having been so recently dumped by his girlfriend. Joe was a bit of a shy guy, not bad looking really but not what you'd call handsome either. He had nice eyes and beautiful lips, or so he'd been told, but not the kind of guy that picked up well at the clubs - definitely not in Devon's league by any means. African American, Devon had the look. Girls seemed to flock to him and in the time Joe had known him, Devon had never been short for a date for Friday night. But this was Tuesday night, cheap night at the movies, and Devon, probably tired of seeing his friend moping around the apartment, had suggested they get out. "And who knows," Devon had added. "You might find someone to replace 'what's-her-name'." Joe had just shaken his head. Devon knew exactly what her name was, just like he knew that the chance of him picking someone up at the theatre was slim to none. Still he appreciated the thought and as they stood, waiting their turn, they chatted amiably. "Hey," Devon announced suddenly, talking to a pair of ladies ahead of them. "Don't you to go to State?" The two ladies, who only looked sort of familiar to Joe turned towards Devon, the blonde on the right flashing a smile at Joe as she answered Devon. "Nice pick-up line," she replied. "Given State is the only real option, I'd say that was a safe bet." The brunette beside her rolled her eyes. "Come on Gwen," the brunette added. "Please tell me we aren't wasting our time with these two." "Ouch," answered Devon. "That was harsh. Joe wasn't that harsh?" Joe raised his hands up in defense. "Oh no," he commented. "Don't even think of dragging me into this. This is all you buddy. I came to see a movie... a bad one, but a movie all the same." The blonde who had replied to Devon laughed while the brunette responded to Devon. "See, even your wingman's bailing on you," she pointed out with a slight smile and a glint in her eyes. Joe saw the look and realized that she was playing. She was interested, but wasn't about to make it easy. Devon caught the look as well and a small predatory smile crossed his mouth as he focused on the pretty, little brunette. "Well, you and I have now ceased to exist," Gwen commented with an eye roll as her friend continued her verbal sparring match / foreplay with Devon. "I think you're right," Joe agreed. "I'm Joe by the way, my friend there is Devon." "Gwen," she replied in kind and accepted his proffered hand. "And Cathy," she waved vaguely in the brunette's direction. Over the course of the next ten minutes or so, Joe and Gwen chatted amiably. Devon had been right the ladies did go to State though both were in their first year at the College. Though, as Gwen had so succinctly pointed out, pretty much all the young adults their age went to State – it was the only real education option after high school. More interesting to Joe was that they seemed to share an interest in sci-fi and comics. Joe was used to being ridiculed for his 'lame' interest, as Devon had so harshly put it, and even his last girlfriend had just sort of looked sadly at him whenever he'd spoken about it. Gwen on the other hand, seemed to be as big a geek as he was and time seemed to fly by as they chattered. There turn finally came at the kiosk and Cathy and Devon turned to them and announced. "We're going to see 'Blood Through the Moon' okay?" "NO!" replied Gwen and Joe at the same time. It had come up earlier that neither of the two enjoyed horror movies and 'Blood Through the Moon' looked particularly messy. Cathy immediately went into pout mode and Devon gave Joe that look that said "Please man, help me out here." "How about this," Joe suggested. "Why don't you guys go see 'Blood whatever' and Gwen and I can go see something else." "Are you sure, man?" asked Devon, while the look on his face clearly thanked him. "Yeah," added Cathy. "We're supposed to be going to a movie together Gwen. I don't want to just bail on you." "Go have fun Cat," Gwen assured her. "Joe and I will find something less messy to watch." "Okay," Cathy and Devon replied together and turned to buy their tickets. It would have been too much to hope that a superhero movie would be playing, but Gwen and Joe managed to find something that at least held some interest, and wasn't likely to make either of them to feel sick. Joe let Gwen pick the seats while he picked up some snacks for them to share. He was pleasantly surprised to find that like him, Gwen preferred the front of the theatre. "I hope you don't mind," she explained when she saw him. "I figure the whole point to going to the theatre is to have a sensory overload experience. I like the movie to fill my vision." "And three to four rows back from the front the screen does that," he continued for her. "Any closer and you have to turn your head to see what's happening, any farther back and..." "You might as well be watching TV," she finished with a smile. "Exactly." The pair chatted until the lights began to dim for the feature and then settled down to watch. Within the first ten minutes, Joe realized the movie was going to be a dud. The characters were weak and the plot would have to improve significantly if it was going to have any chance of capturing his attention. Well, he thought to himself with a look towards Gwen, at least he was in good company. And he realized as he inhaled, she smelled absolutely wonderful. Joe turned back to face the movie and settled back, a wide smile on his face. Another fifteen minutes in, the movie still not getting any better, Joe noticed Gwen squirming a bit uncomfortably in her seat. She pulled her jacket from the empty seat beside her and laid it over her lap. Cold, he guessed. The back of Gwen's hand brushed up against the side of his thigh as she shifted and even as Joe dismissed the contact as accidental, he could swear that shivers ran through his flesh. Gwen's hand brushed against his leg again, caressing up and back against the cotton of his jeans. Joe blinked in surprise, reflexively looking toward the teasing appendage before looking back to the screen. Okay Joe, he thought to himself. That is happening. For a moment, Joe felt like a forest animal caught in the beam of bright lights. He was frozen, unsure how to respond this very welcome attention. Gwen's hand moved back down his leg then pulled back to her own lap. Ugh, idiot, he chastised himself! You're blowing it. Reaching out, butterflies in his stomach, he gently brushed the back of his fingers across Gwen's thigh before moving his hand away. Gwen shifted in her seat and confusion surged in Joe's mind. Was she moving away? Had he misread the situation? Argh! Why was it always so hard? Warm fingers teased lightly along his arm tracing down to his palm. The touch was light enough to be exquisite torture, walking that line between tickle and caress. As Gwen's fingers touched his palm, his own closed gently to reach hers. Pulling hers free she caressed down the backs of his, lightly capturing him. And so began the softest, gentlest game of capture that Joe had ever experienced. As the game went on he caught Gwen looking at him from the corner of his eye. She replied with a small smile that made his pulse race. Gwen lightly captured his fingers and pulled his hand towards her. She gently placed his palm on her thigh before releasing him and caressing up his forearm. Joe might be slow sometimes, he admitted that freely, but this was a signal he couldn't confuse. Kneading with his fingers, he savoured the feel of her thigh muscle through her denim skirt. Caressing her leg with firm strokes he moved up and down her leg. While he massaged, Gwen moved her own hand to his thigh and was mirroring his motions. Her fingers pressed firmly against his leg, then everyone once in a while she switched to her nails, raking those fine edges deep into the fabric of his pants. Joe's breath caught whenever she did this. Growing bolder, he let his hand slide down to the hem of her skirt, his fingers warm on the bare flesh he found just past the fabric's edge. Gwen shivered at the touch. When her hand left his thigh, Joe thought he'd gone too far – crossed the line, so to speak. As Gwen pulled her jacket over his hand, he realized he'd worried for nothing. She wasn't moving him, he realized, she was ensuring their privacy – no point in attracting an audience. He pulled his own jacket across his lap as her hand returned to his thigh. With growing confidence, he moved his hand back, his fingers trailing up the bare flesh of her thigh as he pulled the hem of her skirt higher and higher. She replied by running her hand high up his leg, the back of her hand brushing lightly against his testicles. Even through his jeans, he shivered. Her skirt high on her thigh now, Joe caressed inwards. Her flesh was warm and smooth as his fingers massaged her inner thigh. She shifted, opening her legs slightly. Reflexive or intentional, he wondered but soon stopped caring as the back of his pinky brushed up against moist lace. He could swear that a small moan escaped Gwen's lips, though it was lost in the soundtrack of the movie playing on the screen. What there was no denying was Gwen's immediate response. Her hand moved over his groin, briefly cupping him before stroking his stiffening member. Emboldened, Joe caressed back and forth with his pinky, teasing it across the fabric of Gwen's panties. The lacey fabric grew wetter and wetter as he slowly began to increase the pressure of his touch. Gwen meanwhile had moved her hand to the waist of his jeans and was currently make short work of his belt. Joe smiled, his belt opened and he realized she had very dexterous fingers. She moved to the button on his jeans next, it didn't slow her down and soon she'd pulled his hardened shaft free from the confining fabrics. Parting her legs further, Gwen allowed him greater access and Joe responded. His fingers moved to cup her vagina before slipping her panties aside and sliding between the lips of her labia. She was soaked, her lips slick with her arousal. Joe's fingers slid along the soft skin easily, spreading her lips before delving into her slit. Gwen's eyes closed in pleasure, her head tilted to the side and she bit at her own lip gently. He was sure she was purring. Joe had never seen anything so erotic in his life, his penis spasmed in excitement, slapping against her exploring hand in the process. Gwen smiled, her eyes opening to gaze at Joe as she closed her hand around his cock. Joe returned her smile even as he allowed two fingers to dive deeply into her wet slit. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure and there was no denying the moan this time. Joe had a moment to pray that no one had heard, before realizing that he didn't care. He slid his fingers back between the folds of her inner labia as he searched for her rising nub. The sailor in her boat was awake and excited as Joe played his fingers lightly across the surface. Small circles around her clitoris quickened her breathing. She wriggled and writhed under his touch, while fluid seeped from her vagina. Feeling her movements beside him, feeling her grip tighten on his shaft, Joe knew it was time to take her to the next level. He shifted from circles to a quick side-to-side motion that hit the nub of her clit on its sensitive edges. She almost cried out at the sudden direction and sensation change, but managed to turn her face into his shoulder and bite down, muffling her cry. He continued his assault and she brought her free hand across to grip his arm, holding him in place for fear he'd stop before she reached her climax. She needn't have worried. Joe had no intention of stopping, not until she'd climaxed for him. He maintained the pace and pressure against her clit and knew she was close. Just a little more, he thought as he quickened his pace yet again the muscles of his forearm straining under the effort. It was enough. Gwen's back arched as her muscles constricted. Her whole body stiffened against him, her fingertips dug into his forearm, the grip on his penis constricted to the fine line between pleasure and pain. She again buried her mouth into his shoulder. The climax hit hard and Joe slowed the motion of his fingers as her body finally began to unlock. In the aftermath of her orgasm, every light touch of Joe's fingers across her clit caused a sudden shiver throughout her body. He teased her this way a couple of times before she finally slid her freehand down his forearm and pulled his hand from her sensitive vagina and nestled up against him. The movie continued to play as Joe savoured the sensation of having Gwen's form pressed against him, her hand still held his hardened penis, but she seemed to have forgotten about it, lost as she was in her own orgasm. Surprisingly, Joe found he didn't mind. He was already marking this movie down as the best ever, who cared if things were reciprocated. He settled back to watch the rest of the awful film, his hand resting against Gwen's bare thigh. Gwen's hand contracted against his penis and his shaft surged against her palm. Gwen was not about to let things go unreciprocated. Slowly at first, she began moving her hand up and down against the hardness of his penis. She used her nails to tease lightly against the underside of his cock, her fingers teasing against the head of his penis. It was Joe's turn to moan and he bit his lip to contain it. Her grip tightened, the pressure of her fingers ecstasy against the underside of his cock as she began masturbating him. Harder and faster, she moved her hand along his shaft and Joe felt his balls tightening as he neared the point of no return. Gwen was relentless. She kept up the pressure, pushing him closer and closer to his climax. He writhed against her. His freehand gripped her arm, the fingers against her thigh dug in to her flesh. And still she kept going. Harder. Faster. Harder! He came with a sigh of ecstasy, his cum exploding from the head of his cock as she continued to jerk his shaft. Each pump, shot out more and more cum as his balls slowly emptied. It seemed to take ages, but finally Joe was spent. His body slumped in exhaustion and he gently pulled her hand from his cock, finding even the lightest of her touches were almost painful to his super-sensitive member. She favoured him with a smile before reaching for the serviettes to help him clean up. The movie was winding down as they finished, the final moments as the credits began to roll offering enough darkness to allow them both to fix their disheveled clothes. "Only one thing missing," Gwen commented as they prepared to leave and Joe raised an brow in curiousity. "This," she announced as she reached for Joe and pulled him to her. There lips touched, lightly at first, then parted as urgency overwhelmed both of them. Hard and passionate, their tongues teasing and playing with each other's, they kissed. All the excitement and passion of the last two hours flooded back into them as they savoured the taste of the other. When they finally broke, they were both breathless. Staring into each other's eyes, Joe leaned in and gave a lighter kiss to her lips. "I suppose we should go find Devon and Cindy," he said softly as they broke from their kiss. "Cathy," Gwen corrected with a laugh before taking his hand and leading him out of the theatre. "I wonder how their movie was?" she pondered aloud. Joe laughed. "It couldn't have been better than ours." The End.... ... more to come?