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The Orphans

Henry had woken up very cold due to way they had slept. The warmth of their bodies had helped to keep them warm throughout the night, but it can only do so much in the cold of the north. Henry woke up early, letting out a large yawn and stretching hard, after taking the time to cover his love and clothe himself, he prepared a campfire and decided to look around for some herbs to enhance the provisions that he had. The brisk northern wind felt great as he searching around the radius of the area they had set up camp, finding the herbs wasn't too hard and didn't take him but a minute, so he decided he'd look for something special for his partner. "Let's see..." he thought to himself as he scratched his head, "they like sun but dislike wind". "What does?" a feminine voice had questioned him quizzically. Henry jumped, had he said this out loud? Of course he had, it was always a bad habit of his. "Shit." Henry finally spouted after a pause. "Can't I ever do something for you without you catching me doing it?" he said giving Alice a warm smile. Alice walked up to him and gave him a soft peck on the cheek "I won't spoil it for you, I'll be waiting in the tent" she said, as she walked away she gave his member a gentle tug. Alice had played it smooth but she was actually quite nervous. She realized that it was very early in the morning but she wanted to try this again. Normally she has a steel resolve for certain things, but she couldn't help but feel emotionally vulnerable near him. She always had a soft spot for him, and had always spoken with him about her feelings on life, the universe, and everything. Eventually she was completely void of clothing and the only thing keeping her warm was the fur blanket she had wrapped around her. After a good deal of searching Henry had finally come across what he had been searching for, blue hearts. Shockingly bright blue flowers found in awkward positions throughout the forests, scattered and quite uncommon. He found them nestled in the middle of a shrub ring, thick and large enough to absorb the majority of wind, but wide and open enough to allow light to pass through the top. He was lucky enough to find a couple of them at once, while they weren't rare, they were obnoxious to find. He held the flowers gingerly in one of his hands, thinking back to the comment and gesture Alice had made earlier. If she had not made the gesture he'd have blamed his mind for what he got out of her comment. A few minutes he finally made his way to back into the camp and found his way to the entrance of the tent, as he opened up the flaps and crouched inside, he immediately found himself pulled onto the form of his partner, feeling her hold on his back and his head. He was hers. She pulled him onto her, quickly grasping the flowers and placing them away from their forms and into safety, at least for now. She pressed her lips deeply onto his, allowing her tongue to explore her man's mouth. The tongue always had a magical sort of feeling while interacting with his, and arousal quickly grabbed hold to both of their minds and hormones. She slipped off his pants with much ease – probably because he was helping her – and quickly found him without any of his gear or garments on. She allowed herself to fall back into the softness of the blankets and to crack him a seductive, suggestive grin. She spread her legs and guided him over by pressing on his back softly, giving a soft scratch onto his back with her nails. Henry saw her grin and nearly lost it then and there, shortly after that smile, he felt her claws seductively scratch his back. He gave her a few long, drawn out deep kisses, then worked his length into her, quickly beginning to thrust himself inside. Her seductive grin quickly faded into a mouth open in pleasure, with two closed eyes to seal the deal. She was so small under him, it made him feel strong. Well, stronger. These thoughts and the woman under him slammed into his brain and activated his primitive switch, getting deeper and faster with her, now making satisfying smacks against her as he did so. The feeling of the nails raking on his back didn't help to stop this, only to further it, by this time he heard her squeals and moans. The beast inside him loved to hear these, as if he's some sort of monster ravishing a fair maiden. He had finished and collapsed onto his back, breathing heavily, but she wasn't done yet. She had actually reached orgasm once during his ravishing, but she wanted more. He had never really grown soft, but she decided to massage the shaft anyways. The shaft was a strange mixture of stiffness of form, hardness of bulging, and softness of skin, and it felt nice in her hand. After a few moments of massaging the shaft, she climbed onto her mountain of a man and allowed her small body to be impaled on his pike. She leaned forward and held onto his shoulders, working up a good rhythm with her body, making sure her clit rubbed on him while she squished, bounced and grinded her way to her second orgasm, quickly realizing that he was on the verge of his very own blast of pleasure as well. The last smacks of her sex on him were loud, deep and full of pleasure, and she quickly found herself on her side in his embrace. While it had hurt in the beginning, and even a bit towards the end, the pain was part of the experience for now, and the signals of orgasm drowned out the signals of pain. Henry quickly found himself cooing to his lover, rubbing her cheek and whispering to her the words and feelings of his love. After a few minutes of panting and cuddling, then a few minutes of kissing and cooing, they finally mustered the will to get up and get dressed. While they would both love to lie in the covers together forever, they still had quests to find, and a mage to hire. After a good ten minutes strapping on their gear, gathering up the camp and thoughts of putting out the fire, they quickly realized that they hadn't eaten that morning, as Henry prepared the morning meal, Alice found a nice spot on her bag to attach the flowers to. They were beautiful, even someone who never paid much mind to flowers would find them so. Henry pulled out his coin pouch and dumped out the contents into his palm, quickly examining his funds. "How much do you have?" Henry asked, getting a fast response of "thirty". "I have nineteen pieces myself, should be enough for the mage's services I think." With a brief talk on direction and an agreeing nod, they continued to head down the path. After they had been enjoying the relatively safe travel for the next days, enjoying themselves at the stops along the way, then were unfortunate enough to come across something that following night upon the setup of their camp. The bolt came in, fast as a flash of light, but the attacker had been too hasty and impatient, the orphans still had their equipment on, Henry managed to snap his shield into sky, snagging the bolt from the air, making it land on the edge of his heavy wooden shield. There was a good handful of them, rough, strong, raggedy looking men with an allotment and variation of armor and weaponry. A few sported tattered leather and maces, others short swords and padded coats, and two lucky individuals found themselves wearing chain shirts and sporting long swords. A flurry of iron, steel and blond soon ensued. Henry was immediately placed inside his warrior trance, his mind locked out from the distractions of the outside world and his body taking a natural stance, the muscle memory taking after years of homemade training and practice. His shield was of poor quality but he was able to make up for this with the angels at which he made the attacks strike, forcing attacks to slide off of the shield, rather than slam into it. With each of his swings he had found and met a mark, the hardened steel of his long sword cutting and penetrating deep into the flesh of his aggressors, seemingly ignoring the armor all together with the force and aim he had given his swings. Alice was quickly entering the fight as well, weather she wanted to or not, he daggers flashing at her opponents with such speed and accuracy, any of the men why came within her reach instantly found themselves to be injured, not to say they hadn't injured Alice themselves, of course they did, she could not stop them all, and neither could henry, there were too many of them for a flawless victory, and as henry had impaled the last man standing on his sword, he found himself finally doubling over from all of the punishment he had received. His brain was able to block the pain for some time, but not the waves of pain were corroding his beaches of tolerance. Alice had received a few blows, none of which were lethal, they would only have her ache for a few days, Henry on the other hand, after taking the time to think about the fight in slow motion, came to the conclusion that he had cracked a few ribs, smashed his nose, and had broken his left arm, which now launched signals of agony into his brain. "Let's hope the bastards had gold on them." Henry barely managed to spurt out in between one of the barrages of pain. They did in fact have an immense amount of gold, a total of 247 pieces. The couple stared at the bounty almost in disbelief "Gods" henry exclaimed "apparently the fools hadn't managed to spend their gold before they met us". Alice let out a grin "Good thing, too, that arm looks horrible." Henry grimaced, it wasn't the first time he had broken something, mages have fixed things before but it always costs quite the pretty copper. Due to their decision to travel during the night, the couple managed to come across a large town. Upon entry of the town, it was very clear that this town wait fairly poor and down on its' luck. The streets were muddy, and so were the buildings. The town however, did have the nice smell of the local tavern's cooking, stew maybe, and a bakery as well, which massively helped to dampen the depression the poor look brought to the town. After being assisted to town's mage, which thankfully they had, and henry quickly found him-self laying on bed with a very old man giving a chant and making a complex set of hand movements that he didn't understand. Eventually his eyes closed as he thought of the battle he had earlier, it bothered him how he got hit so many times. He took a powerful right handed swing on one of the men that sported the chain, cutting through the rusted and un-kept mess like a hot knife through butter, one of the brigands sporting leather and a mace was approaching him on the left so he threw his arm that way, testing his reflexes. To his surprise, the shield collided with his face and broke something, presumably his nose. Taking his sword out of the body of the opponent he had hit wasn't simply an action it was an attack as well. He managed enough force to cut into the only other person who had sported the un-kept chainmail and the man doubled over from the blow, a deep gash in his side letting loose a waterfall of thick, dark blood. This was when the first blow had hit him, right into the ribs a mace had clashed, probably due to his surprise at the broken nose one of his aggressors had received. The dented mace made a satisfying thud followed quickly by a CRACK. He pulled the shield close to protect his side instinctively and he swung his sword to his throat, beheading him quickly allowing him to pull back and cut down the man in chain while he was still stunned. This was when his shield arm was rendered useless. Someone came up behind him a bit later on in the fight, slamming a mace into the top of his arm, giving away an obvious cracking sound. Henry slammed his shield to the left while turning around to his the new opponent and allowed this momentum to travel with his new swing into the man with the broken nose, cutting deep into his chest and having him collapse instantly. His shield staggered his last aggressor, furthering the breaking of his arm on the impact, and this was when the fight was ended, the man was impaled to the hilt on his sword, and slid off with ease. Then the pain tackled him like an angry ogre. Henry grinned "It could have gone much worse come to think of it they hardly knew what they were doing." The wizard furrowed his brow and gave him a look "Done. You should be more careful next time." Henry gave him a nod and counted out 50 gold pieces and handed it to the man "thank you for your services, mage." And the couple quickly headed towards the tavern. The tavern was looked really dirty and was obviously ran and made for the farmers and peasants of this town. The wood looked old and cracked, the floor littered with mud and holes, but the people were happy. This wasn't new to the couple, they understood them completely. While their establishment wasn't the nicest looking of places, they knew the food would be good and the company just the same. The meal was a nice stew consisting of bread, corn, beef, and some sort of gravy. The meal looked bad but tasted of the heavens. Looking around the tavern one would notice the subtle theme of farming. A small plaque dedicated to some Robert Hills, who had apparently devised a way to make corn seeds more plentiful and useful, and the hoe he had used to farm with. A small fireplace lay at the base of this plaque with a group of men gathered around it, no doubt telling tales of the outside world. It was the type of home that they're used to. Later that night, after henry was healed and supper was enjoyed, they found themselves in each other's company once more, this time in a cozy tavern room, all to themselves, with the warmness of the meal still hugging their stomachs and the smell of the deliciousness still entering their noses. Henry rubbed a thumb over Alice's cheek, "That was quite the stunt you pulled in the tent a while back." He said with a grind. Alice gave him the same seductive grin she had during their session "I know..." and she pulled him in for a kiss, and eventually, some love.

