Angel Savior
Even though those three demons were very strong they were defeated pretty easily. But two young angels couldn't take full credit for it. They've got help... from human. Even though he was built like a car but it's just impossible to be that strong against supernatural creatures. Now they were just staying silently and eyeing each other. Both angels understood immediately that it was him. They could feel enormously strong dark energy a man was radiating. It was none other than John Murlok a runaway from hell. Every single angel was ordered to terminate him but why did he come to rescue them? And looking at how he fought angels understood that there's a big possibility it can be the last mission in their lives. Suddenly John broke the silence. "So what? Even after that you're still considering me a threat?" "There's an order in this World and you... your case... well it should be solved," big tall male angel answered before his partner had a chance to open her mouth. "Heh I like it how you call killing an innocent human being solving a case," John replied sarcastically. "Listen, we understand that you just happened to be in the wrong place at wrong time and demons drugged you to hell alive and somehow you managed to escape. But your body absorbed hell's dark energy and now you're changed. The mere fact that you can feel our energy and know that we're angels despite our masking appearances as two humans in black suits..." "And your strength and speed," female angel suddenly added in a kind of fascinated tone of voice. "Ok so now you'll kill me and where's my soul going? I suppose I'm not going to heaven." "As I said earlier you're filled with dark energy and it changed you on every level so you're not a part of natural order now. Your soul should go to hell. I'm sorry." "Well in that case you leave me no choice... listen guys how about you just leave and let's pretend it never happened?" "Well..." "Don't be weak!" male angel yelled at his partner "Attack!" Heavenly swords appeared in their hands out of nowhere and they both jumped at Murlok. John ended up being much stronger than they expected. He was blocking and evading all their blows. He instead was fighting with his bare hands and his strikes constantly reached their targets. After every series of strikes he was throwing angels away like showing them that he still doesn't want to fight them and they're free to stop and just leave. After a while Murlock felt that he's getting tired and his mercifulness can be fatal. So he jumped at the angels and sent a female on the ground with heavy elbow blow to the face, then he grabbed male angel by the hand in which he held his sword and directed its blade right through the angel's chest. Angel started screaming and blue light started pouring from his eyes and mouth and after blinding blue flash he completely perished. Now John turned his sights to female and just stood frozen. She was so exhausted by a fight that she didn't even have enough energy to maintain her human appearance. It was his first time when he saw how angel really looks like. She didn't have any clothing. She had beautiful human like female body with long strong legs, flat stomach and big round breasts. But unlike human she had white shining hair, white eyes without pupils and big white wings. And her skin was non human like pale but looked beautiful. And she was completely hairless. John was just mesmerized by her beauty. He walked up to her and kneeled. He offered her his hand to help her get up. She accepted the offer. When she was standing he started. "What is your name?" "Rogneda." "Wow it's beautiful." "Thanks." "Listen I don't wanna kill you, you're not my enemy, you can go." "Thanks, it's very kind of you but I refuse." "Why?" "I can see that you're a good man. And after your kind gesture, I don't know but I don't see why you deserve to die and your soul definitely shouldn't go to hell... If you don't mind I'd like to accompany you." "I don't know maybe it's crazy but... but I trust you and you can go with me. Well you're very weak now so you need to recuperate. Is there any way for angel to fasten up her recovery?" "Actually there's a way," she started smiling. Rogneda gently touched his cheek and started kissing him on the lips. John responded to her advances and they started kissing passionately. Then she started helping him to get out of his clothing. When Murlok was fully naked he went down covering her whole body with kisses. After that he teased her pussy with his tongue a little bit and laid on his back. Rogneda sat on him and started riding his cock. She was grinding his cock like crazy. They climaxed at the same time and she squirted all over his belly. Her squirt wasn't like human's it had blue shade and was shining in the dark. "I feel much better now, if you want I can get back to my human appearance." "Umm no... don't get me wrong your human appearance is stunning too but I like your real looks I just can't take my eyes of you." Rogneda smiled and kissed him on the lips "Right from the begging I felt there's something strange about you and I was drawn to it." "Both worlds want to kill me, aren't you afraid to be with me?" "I'm a big girl and I understand all the risks. But I feel that we're connected, especially during sex. We're intertwined. However it goes I'm with you." And they started kissing.