The Secret Lives of Goddesses
Friday, December 30, 1994. "You know, some people are nervous during their first flight," Marla said. She was boredly leafing through the airline's complimentary magazine. "I knew you wouldn't be that type though. Never hesitating to try something new, if it's worth it, that's my baby girl..." "Sorry, what did you say?" Jessica was spellbound, with her face practically glued to the window as their snow-covered urban home disappeared beneath the clouds. Marla chuckled, "oh, nothing darling... Stewardess? May I have a refill please?" The uniformed brunette smiled at her with a formal sweetness. "Of course." She cracked the seal on a tiny bottle of cognac and poured it over the ice cubes in Marla's plastic tumbler. You didn't have to wait for service in first class. "Thank you." She turned back to Jessica, and was pleased to see that she now had her attention. "Beautiful, isn't it?" "Oh my god, yes. Just as much as I envisioned it to be." Marla smiled warmly and gave her hand a loving squeeze. "Well then that window seat didn't go to waste. I myself have quite the lovely view also..." She pulled that dainty hand up to her mouth and kissed it, as a prince would a princess. Smiling sweetly, Jessica came close as if to place another kiss on Marla's lips, though instead she playfully flicked her tongue over them and giggled. Marla wrinkled her nose at her, smirking at her open flirtation. They were going to have an exotic week together in Barbados, packed with all the pleasures they could hope for. No expenses were spared as Marla had booked a private villa on a secluded beach, where they would have the freedom to do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. Jessica was born on the second of January, so it was a combination birthday present and New Year's getaway. *** As if the flight weren't beautiful enough, Jessica's fantasies of a perfect tropical paradise became reality once she beheld the idyllic scene. Save for the occasional palm tree they had miles of uninterrupted golden beach to themselves. The ocean was richly sapphire blue and the sound of its waves crashing were a relaxing constant. They had brought a lot of suitcases, though the bulk of the weight was in bottles of rum and wine Marla had picked up at the airport. They had their fair share of clothing with them but none of those scanty items, save for the ones they wore on the way to and during their flight, took up much space at all. A rental car could take them into town for anything else they needed. Jessica was strapping on her familiar bikini, pink with black polka dots. This time she wasn't surprised when she found that while it was a little too small during the summer, by midwinter the cups of that top were offering little coverage at all to the expanding swells of her bosom. Marla was similarly dressed in a brand new bikini which Jessica had ordered in the mail. It suited her very well, in fact she had no idea where she could have found such a marvellous swimsuit. The green top was elegantly attached by stretchy laces while below it was more like hot pants than a bikini bottom. The tiny shorts hugged her rear while the front was more of those stretchy laces, which were able to adapt to her unique endowments. It was a good thing they were so accommodating, because by the way the slightest movement had Jessica jiggling in her tiny top, she was almost always in some state of arousal. Their beach towels were right where they'd left them the previous night, undisturbed by the gentle breeze and their seclusion. Jessica laid herself down, ready to soak up some rays while Marla continued to make her way down to the water. Jessica was loving the sun. For all of her life her fair skin would burn at he slightest hint of sunlight, but lately that wasn't the case. Days under the tropical sun had tinted her ever-so-slightly darker, a very healthy shade that looked radiantly beautiful. Factoring in how quickly that cut to her finger around Halloween had healed, it was as if her skin had become resilient to damage. It must have been something Marla was feeding her. She wasn't tanning at all. Without a worry in the world Jessica's eyes slowly shut and she drifted off into a lazy afternoon nap. Chapter 18 "Jessica, wake up. I want to show you something." Marla was looming over her, dripping with ocean water. "Mm...? What is it?" "Just come with me." Jessica drowsily washed the taste of sleep out of her mouth with a sip from her fruit punch and got to her feet. Marla started to lead her into the warm water. As they waded deeper something Jessica hadn't expected came into view. By the time the water was up to their necks a distant storm cell was visible, previously obscured by a verdant grove of palm trees. The clouds were thick and dark, promising a hefty downpour. "Oh wow. I haven't seen a cloud in days," Jessica said. "Yeah. This is definitely out of the ordinary. It's getting closer, too." "Should we go inside...?" "Nah, I don't see why. Only if there's lightning." "Okay." Jessica wrapped her arms around Marla's hips and stepped close. Marla did the same, and they silently watched the clouds approach. Those vacation days together were often punctuated by such moments of tranquil silence in each others loving embrace, for it felt like they were in a far off land of their own where words weren't always needed. Marla pulled her gaze away from that oncoming storm, turning it upon her young lover's beautiful visage. Jessica saw those violet eyes fixed on her own, and responded by getting closer... Their lips joined and they slowly kissed. Alone by that perfect beach, it was like they had all the time in the world for their gradual expressions of dreamy affection. A distant peel of thunder rumbled, and they turned to see that the clouds had gotten closer. They looked even meaner than before. A bolt struck the water, followed a moment after by another rumble. "We'd better get back to land," Marla said. By the time they waded out of the water onto the beach the rain had begun, and it was coming down hard. The air rang with the sound of warm fat raindrops pelting the sand. "Can we stay out here? I kind of like it," Jessica yelled over the torrent. "Sure, but let's take cover where we're less of a target for lightning." Holding hands they quickly made their way to an area dotted with rocks and palm trees. With the urgency of their pace Marla couldn't help but eye the lewd bounce in Jessica's top, springy straps tossing those lush jugs up down and side to side with each step. Feeling a stirring in her bikini bottom, she knew she was going to take her again beneath one of those palms. They stopped below a tree and without waiting another moment joined lips, passionately kissing as they trailed their hands up and down the statuesque curves of each others bodies. The contents of Marla's bikini bottom had already grown heavy as she pressed Jessica against the trunk of that tree, grinding her waist against her as she handled the soft flesh on the sides of her tits. Jessica murmured softly, a sound lost to the sound of the rain battering down as she felt Marla's length burst out from between those laces and begin to rise. With her arms already wrapped tightly around her it was easy enough to undo the green laces of Marla's top, and it remained pinned to her only by the pressure of their breasts pressed so tightly together in their embrace. Marla tilted her head, plunging her tongue deeper into Jessica's mouth as her lengthening cock began to invade the space between their bosoms. She continued to grind, her movements having a much more profound effect on Jessica now that so much hardness was so tightly pressed between them. Jessica broke that kiss and with a naughty smirk pushed Marla back. That freed her bikini top and it fell down, only to land on her long tense rod, which stiffly stood out and slightly up through the split in the laces. With a hungry lick of her lips Jessica got to her knees before her and grabbed the discarded bikini top, pulling to bring Marla's length down to mouth level. Marla smiled, amused at the new use for her bathing wear as Jessica trailed her warm tongue up and down her shaft. She had her eyes shut against the rainfall, which warmly pattered against her beautiful face and the taut skin of Marla's enormous endowment. Jessica leaned back slightly, putting the end of her cock within range of her lips, which parted to please the tense flesh with immediate passes of her tongue. She smiled, opening her eyes a crack to gaze up at her goddess. Ceasing those gentle passes of her tongue, she spoke some words to Marla, though they were obscured by the din of the downpour. She then rose off of her knees and made her way to another palm tree some thirty meters away which was slanted hard, perhaps due to a previous storm. Standing beside it she slipped out of her pink bikini bottom, then laid against the trunk, and as she stared at Marla with a naughty smirk she began to toy with her little clit... readying herself. Marla took in that sight, biting down on her bottom lip with a lusty hunger as her need for Jessica grew. At a very measured pace she made her way over to her, letting her watch that rod sway and bob with each step heavily, dauntingly. The bikini top fell forgotten to the sand as she approached. As Marla drew near Jessica inched a bit higher up that leaning tree trunk, optimizing her level, and once the distance between them was closed the tip of that cock was nestled against her sex. Marla plunged inch after inch of lengthy shaft deep inside of her, and her hands were quick to settle over the undersized cups of her bikini top. The rain had washed away any natural lubrication on Marla and the only thing that eased that tight entry was the moisture of Jessica's arousal. She cried out at the sensation of her huge lover's sudden entry. Marla responded by tenderly kissing her, letting her recover as she only gently began to rock her hips while kneading her grand breasts. Helplessly pinned to the tree, Jessica wrapped her legs around Marla and offered some tongue into that kiss. She moaned softly as her body accepted her, allowing more of her in as her feelings heightened into the wonderful pleasures only Marla's unbelievable endowments could induce. As she felt Jessica open up to her Marla began to thrust harder, soon assuming the steady pace of lovemaking. The feel of Marla penetrating her so deeply threw Jessica's head back against the tree. She felt so huge, so hard. Though they'd done it hundreds of times and a dozen times on that beach it never stopped feeling amazing, overwhelming and so deliciously over the top the way she could hit every spot at once. Marla leaned back a bit to behold the sight of her rain soaked lover as she writhed in ecstacy, shifting her hold down to her hips. She pulled herself out slightly and began to slowly nudge the tip of her cock against that special spot that made her squirm. Jessica moaned and licked her lips as she trembled at the sensation, running her hands up and down the tree trunk above her. With a throb Marla jet a burst of precum into her, then slid herself back in as far as she could take her. Aided by that added lubrication Marla started to pump in and out Jessica with a renewed vigour. The ecstatic girl's legs tightened around her as she writhed, overwhelmed once more. As she felt a climactic sensation building within her Marla became dissatisfied with that position and retreated from her grip, grabbing a leg and laying it across her body and over her shoulder. In that stable stance she could pull herself out until just the tip lay buried, only to spear into Jessica's deepest regions over and over and over. Jessica's voluminous tits bounced within that bikini top with each powerful thrust, flinging themselves free of its hold. That slanted tree was at the perfect angle for her to repeatedly spear into her, and within moments, despite the pouring rain and occasional cracks of thunder Marla could finally hear her lover's voice as she cried out for more. Marla gave her just that, and soon Jessica was lost in the throes of an intense orgasm. Marla was almost there herself, and with a couple last tense movements her seed erupted out. Winded, she fell on top of the girl, crying out in ecstasy as each fitful twitch of her hips blasted her insides with a hot surge of cum. It gushed out of Jessica with each pulse, gradually coating the lower bark of the tree they lay against. Utterly shattered, they lay there in each others arms gently kissing until the rain stopped. Chapter 19 The storm left as suddenly as it had come, revealing the sun to bake the rain water off of the sand. It was soon to set though, and as day turned to night they lay on their beach towels and beheld the tropical scene. They had opened a bottle of wine and were sharing a plate of light finger foods: sliced fruits, crackers, pieces of cheese. "That was a pretty amazing storm, hm?" Marla said. "Oh yeah, totally. In fact this entire trip was amazing," Jessica said, before she opened her mouth to accept an offered grape. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. A change of scenery is nice, isn't it?" "Yeah, and this is some amazing scenery." Jessica swept her wineglass across their surroundings, then took a sip. "Some other amazing things have been happening, too..." "You mean the sex?" Marla said with a smirk. Jessica giggled, "yes, the sex is amazing. But I mean other things. Like, look at me... I've never developed a tan in my life. I've always sunburned. But then... see?" She held her forearm up. She was still a fair skinned girl but she had definitely darkened a little... and without a hint of a burn. "Fantastic, isn't it?" "Yes. And I don't think I've had a cut or bruise lately that lasted more than two days. That really is fantastic." Marla nodded, though this time she was giving Jessica her full attention... watching, waiting for her to ask the important questions. "And we can add to that how I've been growing. I think it's related. I was pretty sure I was done when we met, but then... look at me!" She arched her back and hoisted her breasts toward Marla with a giggle. They had grown significantly since May, though they remained as round and pert as ever. "And you're a tiny bit taller, too. You really are developing into quite the lusty little goddess." "Yes, that's what I'm getting at. I think... that I've been changing. Into what you are." "You were one of the most beautiful young ladies I'd ever seen, when we met. But now your beauty has almost doubled. It increases every day, and as time passes it becomes harder and harder to resist my temptations." Marla's words were flattering but they didn't say anything to confirm or deny Jessica's statement. "Okay, but is it true? Am I changing because of you? Becoming like you?" Marla smiled mysteriously and sipped the last of her glass. After a thoughtful pause she replied, "we once had a conversation similar to this. An instructive one, all about what I am and where I came from." Jessica nodded, listening closely now that Marla was ready to spill the beans. "And I told you that... Hmm, how did I explain it? That my people, though intellectually very advanced, are driven mainly by their instincts to procreate?" "Yes," Jessica said. "Because the process takes so long." Marla nodded. "It takes so long because when we find a partner, a mate, we have to convert them to our own species before there can ever be a child." "Uh huh... and that's what has been happening to me all this time, isn't it." Again Marla nodded. She was watchful, careful in case Jessica might not like what she was hearing. Chances were that there was no risk of upsetting her, though, when the girl was so madly in love with her. She would probably accept anything, as long as they could be together. "How has it been happening?" "I don't know the science, or perhaps even the magic behind it. But every time you swallow my seed, or take it in, or even if it is touching you... that fuels the changes." Jessica slowly nodded as she began to understand. That must explain why I love her cum so much. Whenever we make love, I want to drink it down, or to have her finish inside of me. When we were first together, the taste of her drove me nuts - it was over after that! My body craves it, it wants to transform. "What are the changes?" With a loving smile Marla stroked a hand down Jessica's side. "You mean, other than turning beauty into utter perfection? Well darling... let's see: You're becoming less vulnerable to damages... from the sun, from injuries. That's one thing. You've developed sexually, as if experiencing a second puberty... that's another, and those are the things we have observed together. What you don't yet realize is that you're also getting stronger. I suppose that's my fault, for providing you these days with such luxury that you barely have to lift a finger. If you were to test it, you would find you are physically much more powerful than you were when you were a normal girl." "Really?" Jessica said. She started to glance around, looking for something heavy to lift. Marla had a little laugh at that, "haha, please, we can play X-Men later darling. There is still more to explain." "Okay. Like what?" "Like what will happen should the process be completed." Jessica nodded her head soberly. Her mood was darkening at the prospect of having Marla's baby -- unthinkable! "...Then we would probably become parents." "Yes, that is correct, but-" "Marla... I'm not ready for that! I'm only nineteen years old. My whole life is ahead of me." Marla soothingly stroked Jessica's cheek. "Darling, please, let me explain. There is still so much more to be said. Yes, your whole life is ahead of you. But my gift to you, is... eternity itself." It took a moment to register exactly what Marla meant, then as realization dawned on Jessica her eyes widened. Marla is almost a thousand years old. If I become like her, I will also live forever. I'll never grow old. We will be... goddesses! "...Furthermore you will become easily twice as intelligent as you are now," Marla added rather matter-of-factly. "Smarter than any human... sharper." Jessica shook her head, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the implications of what she, out of all the women of the world, had been chosen for. "Twice as intelligent... plus those instincts?" "Sure, yes, you will have your own new set of biological imperatives. A new sense of priority." Jessica was afraid to ask what those priorities would be. Something sexual or maternal, surely. Probably both. It was all so strange, yet the only thing she could do was chuckle sardonically. "Okay... so you flew me to a beautiful tropical paradise, to offer me immortality... with the price of motherhood." Marla looked a little hurt by what she was implying. "I... please, darling. You are the one who wanted to ask questions! I didn't bring you here to issue an ultimatum." Jessica nodded slowly, looking down at their plate of fruit thoughtfully. Sure... but you probably knew I was about to ask. When she looked back up she saw that Marla was looking at her with a smile that plead for her trust. Gazing into those violet eyes, she could see that she truly loved her and only meant the best for her, and also that she deeply wanted them to finish their journey together. "So now that you know everything, I suppose you have a decision to make. Do you choose to return to a normal life, like the other humans? All that you have gained will fade, and you will grow old. Or, do you choose to remain with me?" Jessica did not respond with words. Instead, she leaned in and tenderly kissed Marla's lips. Her bosom knocked her empty wine glass onto the plate of fruit with a soft clatter as she leaned in closer still, passionately offering her tongue to Marla, who accepted it with a grateful sigh. The tropical sky was painted a brilliant spread of oranges and reds, pinks and purples as it set into the ocean. Lovingly holding themselves in each others arms, Marla and Jessica beheld the beautiful sight. Though there was still some trepidation in her heart, Jessica had made her decision. The sun was not only setting upon the conclusion of a day - soon it would also set for the conclusion of Jessica's life as a mortal human. Chapter 20. Monday, April 10, 1995. Marla's anticipation mounted as she turned the key to her home. For her, the past week had been quietly tense. She could sense that something big was coming. It was coming, and it was going to completely change the way she and Jessica lived. She couldn't help but feel the urgency; her instincts were in play, giving her an impatience which could not be rationalized away. Because she'd woken up earlier than her late-to-rise lover for business matters she hadn't interacted with her that morning, and now that it was the evening she was damn eager to get a look at her, to see if the time had yet come. Yet knowing whether or not the final changes had taken place was not the only reason she was so anxious. At so pivotal a point in their relationship Marla dealt with cravings for Jessica intensely, on a purely physical level. Her body hungered for her. It was as if the tables had turned, and now it was she who needed the other so desperately. She entered the apartment and strode past her office, tossing her briefcase onto her desk, and made her way to the living room. Nope, not there. Perhaps the kitchen then? That was the next most likely place to find her. In the kitchen she saw Jessica closing the fridge, an open carton of orange juice in her hand. "Oh, hi Marla," she said with a bored smile. "Hey, Jess." Marla leered at her, scanning. "Uhm... would you prefer if I used a glass?" "...Oh, no, go ahead. I was just... nothing." Internally, Marla breathed a sigh. She felt a conflicting mixture of disappointment and relief. Not today. Jessica was still human, as she'd always been. That wasn't to say that she hadn't come a long way though... no, she had come very far indeed. It had been nearly a year since the two got together, and the changes were very easy to appreciate. If Jessica was a beautiful girl the first day Marla had brought her home, now there was a breathtaking demigoddess of a woman living in her apartment. She was female perfection, if one's idea of perfection involved slender elegance contrasted to childbearing hips and huge, pert, ever-quivering jugs which had no chance whatsoever of fitting into her old school uniform. At that point in their relationship they spent their private time dressed in scant things which they could get out of as quickly as possible. Anything more was just in the way since they were making love four, sometimes five times a day. Jessica wore a black halter top, really just a piece of stretchy cloth with laces to tie behind her neck and ribs. It clung to her immense breasts, securing them in a trouser tightening display of cleavage and spherical lushness as her nipples boldly pressed into the fabric, leaving her trim stomach and back revealed. On her hips a sheet of elegant translucent black fabric was wrapped, draping down her beautiful legs. Her orange-gold hair was tied up and out of her way. Marla silently watched her take a last sip from that carton of juice, close it, open the fridge and place it back inside. Gazing at her naked back, she marvelled at how she could make such a mundane everyday activity look so good. Scanning downward she could see the outer hemispheres of each breast, the subtle ripple of feminine muscle as she opened and closed the fridge, the gorgeous thinning of her slender waist and swelling of her hips, then the thin material of her skirt gracing every curve of her perfect rear. If she were to untie those two sets of laces at her back, then unclasp the clip at her hip, the few clothes Jessica wore would fall to the ground... Awakening from her lustful reverie, Marla realized that she'd already become uncomfortably aroused inside of her pantyhose. With Jessica so terribly far into her development, so ripe, she was helpless to her body's hormonal drives. Jessica turned to Marla and was quick to notice what was pressed against her leg beneath her business clothes, long shaft and swell of the head unmistakeably outlined by the taut fabric of her skirt. She didn't hide her stare, in fact she bit down on her bottom lip hotly and smiled. Marla's heart skipped a beat as the beauty approached, the bounce of her chest and sway of her hips provoking yet more of her lust. She'd been craving Jessica all day, and now there was only one thing to do. They shared a brief kiss as Jessica immediately trailed a hand up and down Marla's constricted length, the tip of that fourteen inch lovemaker already too low to grasp. "Maybe you should get into something more comfortable," she purred. She was ready to go also. Her naughty touch had Marla throbbing hard. "I think we can skip that altogether... unless by something more 'comfortable', you mean nothing at all." Jessica giggled softly and shrugged, eliciting another tantalizing bounce. "I guess that's what I meant, sure." Marla tossed off her jacket, then got to work on the buttons of her blouse, never breaking eye contact with Jessica, who flirtatiously licked her lips in a playful show of horniness before unzipping Marla's skirt and sliding it down. Marla tossed down her blouse and kicked away the skirt, leaving her in just her black bra and pantyhose. The left leg of those hose was dragged halfway down her thigh and tented outwards by her captive erection, already stained with hot pre. Jessica groaned at the sight of Marla, for seeing her hugely endowed lover so instantly aroused was having the very same effect on her. She dropped to her knees, hands adoringly trailing up and down those hose-clad legs as she nudged her cheek against her twitching restricted shaft. Gazing down at the young woman who so lovingly clung to her, Marla's pulse quickened in anticipation of yet another night of pleasures. It was getting terribly painful being so hard in those pantyhose, so she held the exposed part of her shaft with one hand, carefully pulling the wettened material off of the rest of it. Her hold prevented it from springing up and slapping Jessica in the chin once uncovered. As soon as it was free Jessica's hands joined her own, so she let go as she began to slowly stroke. Those motions were coaxing out more of her eager pre, and Jessica just had to back up and plunge the slobbering tip into her mouth. Normally Marla had plenty of that slippery treat on tap during the moments before sex, but on that night somehow there was a good deal more -- no doubt because of the increased sex drive she was experiencing during those final days with her human lover. Jessica shut her eyes and slowly gulped down her slow and steady flow as she stroked, silently surprised and grateful for how generously she was producing it for her. Marla could only groan, her long and straight cock so absolutely rock solid. As an after thought she unclasped her bra, and it fell, bouncing off Jessica's hands on the way down. Growing impatient, Jessica let go and backed up a bit further, putting herself in plain view. Marla watched silently as she trailed her fingertips along the vast roundness of her breasts to reach behind her neck with one hand and behind her back with the other. With a little tug at the laces the over-stretched fabric of her halter top came free of its burden with an audible 'snap', her immense globes spitting the little garment to the ground as they quivered free of their constraint. "Oh-hoh, god," Marla groaned. With a demure grin Jessica got to her feet and started to make her way to the bedroom, her hips swaying as she undid the clasp that held what served as a skirt on to her. Before she'd made it through the bedroom door and out of Marla's sight that fabric fluttered to the floor. Marla was quick to follow, her shaft held steady in her hand as it throbbed and ached. Entering the bedroom she beheld Jessica getting down on all fours on the bed, her rear tilted up to display her beautiful little slit. It glistened, just asking to be stuffed. She didn't even bother to shed her pantyhose before she kneeled behind Jessica and slowly sunk inch after inch of her length deep into her. They shared a groan of delight as she hit her deepest. "Oooh... you feel so good inside me." Marla leaned over her, grabbing two handfuls of that dangling bosom. She kneaded the beautiful flesh as she began to rock her hips, quick jabs that never took her far out of her hot slit. She then smoothed her hands all over every voluminous inch of those wondrous prizes, not squeezing, just admiring their shape and expanse. She continued to gently buck, eventually settling with her fingers around Jessica's nipples, which she pinched teasingly as she smushed them to her chest. Those pinches made Jessica squeal, sensitive nips hardening between Marla's thumb and forefingers. Feeling that her body offered less resistance to her Marla let go of her breasts and slid her hands up to her hips. She assumed a more erect posture and began to lay into Jessica with proper thrusts. "Mmm, that is so perfect," Marla moaned. "Ahh... uh-huh," Jessica replied, the act of replying a laborious act indeed as Marla steadily drove into her from behind. "God... I think you're even harder than usual!" Marla nodded distractedly. She had to agree - her cock was so heavily engorged that it felt like she was driving a rod of hot steel into her younger lover. Jessica fell into a clump on their bed, her rear still raised high as Marla drove in and out of her. "Ohh... yes, that feels so good! Keep going." "Oh, darling," Marla said. "I'm just getting started." To prove her point she doubled her speed for a moment, ramming herself in and out with a well practised fury. Jessica wailed at the overwhelming sensations, but Marla slowed down before either one of them could reach the breaking point. Jessica was reduced to a heaving pile beneath her after that. She turned her head, pressing her cheek against the bedsheets as she mumbled, "Please... do, do that again..." "Alright. If you insist..." Marla firmed her grip on Jessica's hips and again began to savagely ram her burning length in and out her. Not wanting to be the first to climax, she put her mind somewhere distant, focusing on anything but the cum curdling pleasure of laying into her lover in such a primal fashion. She chose to detachedly admire her body from behind... the perfect hourglass of her slim figure, the firey locks that were coming undone from the tie in her hair. Her breasts were piled beneath her on the bed, as round and lovely as the day they'd met, yet so much bigger. Jessica had the body of a woman who was on the verge of conversion to whatever being Marla was, with the benefit of beginning the process already with an extraordinarily blessed figure. The months they'd spent together had truly made her Marla's mate, and now that the end was near she needed her just as intensely as Jessica did her. Marla was so far off that she didn't realize Jessica was cumming... not until her trance was broken by her desperately lurching forward, no longer able to withstand another thrust. Once released her rod bobbed heavily, then stood throbbing and drooling, on the verge of eruption. Marla felt like the slightest touch would be the end, the tension of pent up seed like a river behind a dam. Jessica lay on her side, some two or three feet away, gasping for breath in utter immobilization from what she just withstood. "Oh, darling... are you alright?" "Ho, god... yes, I'm fine, but... that was... oh my god." Marla nodded, relieved that she didn't hurt her during her flight of fancy. On her body's insistence she inched closer, as if some magnetic force was pulling her throbbing shaft to its orange haired target. Jessica could see what was coming, so she rolled onto her back. She looked at Marla with an expectant stare; she wanted her cum. Marla settled herself over her belly, letting her length extend across her chest. "So close," she whispered, willing herself not to erupt as she settled the head in front of Jessica's gorgeous lips. Jessica opened up, and Marla let go. Without need for any touch the dam broke, and with a mighty throb a thick surge of cum blasted out. It was enough to overflow Jessica's mouth, and the rope spattered onto her chin and neck as with a joyful moan she swallowed before the next shot. She sealed her lips against the head as she hoisted her breasts up and around the shaft, and the combined pumps of her bosom and sucks of her mouth urged on more massive shots. She sighed with
fitful ecstasy as she gulped down burning the goddess nectar, the excess flowing down her chin and cheeks with each burst. Wracked with intense sensations, Marla fell to her hands and knees over her as her spasms pumped more and more of her cum all over and into Jessica. "Oh my... don't stop baby, keep going," she moaned, still feeling the pressure of more to be released. Jessica nodded as she continued to drink, though Marla was showing no signs of slowing down while she was starting to feel full. Eventually Jessica had to tear her lips away, and she turned her head to the side as she mumbled, "no more... can't." She was still holding her breasts high and proud, so Marla shifted back a few inches and took matters into her own hands: With one on her shaft she aimed her continued spurts into the pool of cum that sat within Jessica's cleavage, pumping them out with quick strokes beneath the head. Jessica giggled softly as she sat up and hugged her tits higher, optimizing them to hold the growing volume of thick cum. In amazement she watched that fleshy reservoir begin to overflow and drip thick pearly cream down her rounded beauties and onto her arms. With a girlish grin she licked her lips and looked up at Marla. "Why... why so much today? Is it ever going to stop?" Still on her hand and knees and wracked with pleasure, Marla could only shake her head in reply as she continued to pump that night's exceptionally prodigious load onto her. Finally she let go and let her arm fall to her side, her flow slowing to smaller spurts. Jessica let go of her breasts and inched away from Marla enough that she could fully sit up, and in doing so dumped that thick pile of goo all over herself. She looked down, awed by the glistening coat of hot fluid that she was kneeling in, which covered her from mouth to thigh and glazed her arms. It was beginning to drop off of her breasts onto the bed in thick globs. "Oh god, it's... everywhere," she moaned. She slicked her forearms around her slippery bosom, then began to massage Marla's cum into the soft flesh. "Mmm, baby..." Marla kneeled before her, ventilating deeply as a string of cum dripped slowly onto the bed from her cock, still as hard as ever. She watched Jessica rubbing it into her breasts, and though she savoured the sight all she could do was breathe, still weak from the daze of orgasm. When she felt her wits returning she crawled toward Jessica and kissed her creamy lips. "Okay... why don't you start up the jacuzzi. I'll replace these sheets... before it gets into the mattress." Jessica nodded and daintily got to her feet to make her way to their bathroom, her arms supporting her breasts so their bounces wouldn't toss Marla's pearly gel onto the ground as she went. God damn, Marla thought to herself as she slowly got off the bed. I haven't cum like that for centuries. Chapter 21. Jessica spread the blinds upon the bathroom window, glancing outside as the combination bathtub-slash-jacuzzi filled with hot, clean water. By then the sun had almost set in the early spring sky, creating a truly splendid display of colours. The horizon was pink and streaked with clouds, while the sky above was a wonderful deep violet. With the tub sufficiently filled she stepped one slender leg into the water, then the other. It felt great on her skin, tinglingly hot on her skin but neutral, unlike the slippery fluids that clung to her. Settling in she rested her head on the edge of the tub and closed her eyes, indulging in the warm jets of water that massaged her body clean. At the sound of Marla entering she opened them and beheld her in the doorway, dressed in her bathrobe, her pantyhose finally discarded. They shared a gaze, and Jessica could see that even after what they had just shared, the hunger was still in her eyes. Marla untied her robe, unbinding her cock, and now that it was free it sprung outward, still as stiff and huge as ever. Marla shrugged the robe off and approached, glancing down at her insatiable swaying member with a slight look of embarrassment. "Wha... oh my god, Marla. You're still so hard!" She nodded solemnly. She wasn't done yet, but from the way Jessica was lazily lying in that jacuzzi she looked like she was. She sat herself down on the edge of the tub, letting her legs get a feel for the temperature of the water. "Yes, that seems to be the case. I..." Marla hesitated a moment. "I just can't help myself right now. You are just... so... I hunger for you." Jessica could only stare, taken aback by Marla's uncharacteristic tone. "If I get in the water I'm afraid we'll have to do it all over again," she said as she began to slowly stroke her length, her teeth lustfully clamping down on her bottom lip as she admired Jessica's ripened form. "Could you handle that?" Instead of replying Jessica made her way over to Marla's side of the tub. She got up onto her knees, hot water dripping off her as she emerged from the roiling water, and took Marla's throbbing ever-hard cock in her hand. Without even glancing up at her she dutifully plunged the end of it into her mouth and began tonguing with a renewed enthusiasm. Marla let go of her cock and leaned back, giving Jessica free reign. "Oh...! Ohhh, darling. I'll take that as a yes." Jessica continued to stroke and suck, her hunger returning all over again. Those motions had Marla returning from hard to 'rod of hot steel' in a matter of seconds. As she'd warned she wanted to sink it back inside of her, right there in the tub. She started to slide herself into the water, so Jessica let go and backed away to make room. Marla plunged herself down until the bubbling water covered her to the tops of her breasts. Jessica rose to her feet, pure hot drops of bathwater spilling off of her twice blessed figure as she stood over Marla. Slowly she lowered herself, shutting her eyes and moaning blissfully as again that long and straight hardness slid up into and stretched her. She lightly placed her hands on Marla's shoulders as she accepted inch after inch. As always there was more length to offer but she was fully packed. "Ohhh... Magnificent, wonderful, my gorgeous little goddess," Marla groaned. She throbbed with fitful anticipation inside her tight warmth. Eyes still shut, Jessica felt a wave of heat wash over her, so hot that in comparison the bath water seemed lukewarm. It was a pleasant, tingly fuzz that slowly dissipated, an unfamiliar sensation to her. She opened her eyes. The walls of Marla's apartment were gone. The deep violet sky was all around them, and the light of the bathroom was replaced with the soft white glow of the full moon and twinkling stars. The air was now hot and humid, and what was once a roiling jacuzzi was now the placid clear waters of Marla's pond... The pond from her dreams. "What...?" She'd seen that situation before, but from a different vantage point. She had grown to be the physically advanced version of herself she'd watched take Marla in her dreams a year prior, and that scenario was finally, truly playing out. It was such a shock to suddenly be somewhere else, a place that surely didn't actually exist, but at that moment there was only one thing do. She rose, sliding up Marla's length, then lowered herself... down, down... down! Until their bodies met, with a soft thud! For the first time she had taken every inch of Marla, and though as always it seemed wonderfully huge, it didn't hurt a bit. It felt perfect. Marla beamed at her, seeing the shock on her face. "Well, that's different isn't it? Don't just sit there. Do it again." Jessica rose, quicker now, and dropped back down slowly, counting every inch her body accepted until her rear thudded against Marla's thighs. God, that felt amazing! "Oh god Marla, god," she whispered. "I feel like I was made for this." "Yes, darling... you are now. You truly have become my match." Jessica continued to raise and lower herself, as if to prove that statement. Beneath the cool water she was slowly and steadily drawing Marla's entire length out until just the head lay buried, only to slide back down until hilted, again and again. The way they used to make love seemed worthless in comparison to that deep penetration, that integration. She started to quicken her pace, bouncing up and down on Marla's hips. In doing so she remained close enough that Marla could take one of her nipples in her mouth, which she did with greedy sucks and flicks of her tongue. Each time she descended Marla's cock the other breast slapped the surface of the water, and it was the only sound to be heard in that silent forest until Marla groaned deeply, the tension of what would soon be another dose of seed announcing its arrival. She gripped Jessica's hips firmly and began to return those movements, pulling herself out as Jessica rose, plunging upwards as she descended. Their combined efforts had her full shaft steadily pumping into her faster. "Yes, oh god yes," Jessica wailed as the throes of climax opened up to her again. She thrashed up and down Marla's shaft madly, though her movements became forced as her body stiffened. As the immobilizing effect of her orgasm took hold she tensely wrapped her arms around Marla's neck and let the waves of pleasure overcome her. Marla dutifully continued to thrust herself into her love, hips repeatedly bashing into her plush rear. Finally she could hold it in no longer, and with one last push she buried herself deep. Her seed boiled out, bathing Jessica's velvet insides with smooth heat. Blackness started to creep into Jessica's vision, her peripherals turning to fuzz and darkness. Sound was drowned out by a ringing in her ears. She could still smell Marla's distinct floral warmth, and she could feel that majestic pillar emptying itself into her with mighty shudders, but there was nothing else. In that blackness Jessica was suddenly overtaken by drowsiness, as if tranquilized. She laid her head on Marla's shoulder and fell asleep. Chapter 21. She awoke to the feeling of warm sunlight on her naked skin. She was lying on a patch of grass, still nude, her skin dried by those golden rays. It must have been early morning, for the sun was slowly rising over the land. She sat up to survey her surroundings. Behind her lay the forest, and through an opening in the shrubs she could see the sparkle of water; Marla's pond, surely. Dead ahead of her she could see that she sat a few meters from the edge of a rocky cliff, some four or five storeys high. To her left and right the dense forest enclosed the area. It was a vantage a point, cleared of all but soft grass for the purpose of viewing the land below. Marla was nowhere to be found. Jessica got to her feet and made her way back into the forest, peeking in to the lovely grotto of the pond. No sign of her there. It was an unfamiliar place and she never particularly liked forests. Marla would surely never abandon her, but if she were to stray too far she could easily get lost. She returned to the spot where she had awoke, awaiting her lover's return. She took the chance to examine the unfamiliar scene below. It was a place of green grasses and jagged grey rocks. By then the sun had risen high enough to colour the sky a brilliantly deep blue. Fluffy clouds serenely floated by, carried by the gentle breeze. There were buildings sparsely scattered, though they were not of any modern variety. They were elegant affairs, built of white stone levels and columns, marble perhaps. Some were small, while others had multiple floors and were spectacular works of architecture. At the centre of that cluster of buildings lay a pyramid, also made of white marble. It dwarfed the other buildings. Its tip was capped with gold, gleaming brightly in the morning light. It appeared the way the ancient ruins of today must have once looked, before they were eroded by the elements and abused by future generations. Like modern ruins though, it was completely devoid of people. Whoever had built and cared for the place was gone. Turning back toward the forest, Jessica cupped her hands to her mouth and called: "Marla? Marla, are you there?" Yes, I'm here. "What... where," Jessica whispered. "...I can hear you in my head. Why aren't you here?" This is no place for me. What you are seeing is only for you. "How..." Jessica gazed down at the lonely scene below. "Where are we?" An ancient place without a name. "The place of your ancestors." Yes, indeed. They're your ancestors now, also. Jessica had to pause thoughtfully at that. "Shouldn't it be underwater?" Oh, it will be soon enough. "So is that why everyone is gone? This place is about to be destroyed." Yes. "How sad..." There was a tremor in the ground beneath, a minor quaking that made the taller blades of grass sway. Jessica steadied herself until it subsided. "It's happening already, isn't it." It's about to. Look far, to your right. On the horizon, there's the sea. Jessica squinted hard. "Yes, I see it. And ships... they're sailing away from here." Yes. Some left for safer lands long ago. They'll be the survivors. The stubborn majority stayed until now. They will perish out on the water... Jessica nodded her head slowly. She felt sadness and a sort of kinship for whoever was in those boats. If only she could see them... There was another tremor, a much more violent one that shook the branches on the trees and knocked Jessica back onto the grass. It persisted for several seconds. It's beginning. You must leave now... Chapter 22. Jessica opened her eyes. She was lying on her and Marla's bed, and it was dark outside. She felt terribly drowsy, as she did after any nap. "Marla...? Are you there?" Marla made her way into the room, dressed in a bra and pyjama pants. She flicked on their bedside lamp. "I'm here darling. How do you feel?" "I'm okay... just, drowsy. I hate waking up from naps." Jessica sat up, blinking her puffy eyes. Marla was sitting down on the bed, looking at her intently. "Did the hot tub really happen, or was it just a dream?" Marla laughed softly, "oh darling, it happened alright. You were amazing." "Oh. And... the pond? That cliff?" "Hmm...?" Marla tilted her head, looking like she didn't have the slightest clue what Jessica was talking about. "I think that, you must have dreamt." "Oh, okay. What time is it?" "Eleven pm." Marla snuggled up against her, still staring at her intently... studying her. "Okay, I wasn't asleep that long." "Well, actually darling... It's eleven pm, the next day. You've been asleep for over twenty four hours." Jessica's jaw dropped. "No," she whispered. Her drowsiness was fading, allowing her senses to awaken. She looked around their familiar bedroom, and realized that her vision was incredibly sharp. As her brain geared up into waking capacity she found that her thoughts raced by with a newfound precision and order. Marla could see realization dawning on Jessica's face, and she smiled slowly. "Marla... it's happened, hasn't it." "Yes, darling." She tenderly stroked her cheek. "You and I. ...We are the same kind, now." "We... I... I'm like you." "Yes. Strong. Smart. Eternal youth is yours." "Oh my god," she whispered. "There's more than just that, though." "What," Jessica breathed, even quieter now. A single tear streaked down her cheek, expressing neither joy nor sorrow, yet also a tumbling mixture of both. "You are bearing my child."
~ FIN ~