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Carmen Panama

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The Mediterranean Guesthouse

The cold air coming in from darkness of the open window wakes me up. I am sleeping naked with only the sheet and no blanket, which was enough on the previous nights. But tonight is clearly much colder. Shivering, I rise up and look outside via the open window. It is still perfectly dark, and Kate turns off all the outside lights for the night. I can just about make out the trees close to the house, and only seeing the light of the stars change to total darkness gives out where the sky ends and the hills begin. The night is silent, no sound coming even from the road in the valley. It seems like the whole world is sleeping. Wide awake now, slightly cold, I lean to the windowsill and continue to look out. The house is silent, I can't hear anything from the room next to me, and Kate's room downstairs is in a different wing of the house, I have not heard anything from that part of the house even on previous nights. Although, from her reaction on the breakfast, evidently the sounds from our lovemaking did reach her on the night before. Stars appear so bright here, outside the city lights. The look of the sky is different from back home, it must be because this place is so much further south than where I live. I listen to the night as my thoughts return to the fact that this one week of vacation is now halfway over. In a few days I will be returning back home. Somehow, at this moment, the daily grind of waking up, going to work, shopping, gym, back home, watch TV, go to sleep, it all seems so distant. Like from a another life. I have never had a vacation like this before, and somehow, deep down I know I will never again feel the same as I do just now. There is never a second chance to live your fantasy for the first time. Last two nights with Christine and Julien were my first time making love with another couple. I have fantasized about that for years, but just have not met anyone to make my fantasy a reality until now. Thinking about the perfect couple in the next room, I am stunned how lucky I have been to meet them here. Also, I am feeling sad that as fast and unexpected as our meeting was, it will also be over so soon. They are staying here only for two more nights. The thought enters my mind that I have no right to assume the events on the two previous nights are repeated on the remaining nights with them in the next room. Even if I do feel a connection to them, especially to Christine. Everything seems to snap in place so easily when we are together, chatting on the terrace or over breakfast, and I think I am getting the same feeling of being in sync from them. But will it change, now that we lived out Christine's fantasy? I hope and I believe that it would not change, and that perhaps the coming two nights would be as exciting as the two before. My body remembers the incredible feeling of making love to Christine some hours ago. I remember the feeling of my dick sliding inside her when she was bent backwards, her back resting on my legs with her head receiving Julien's cock. My eyes drank the sight as eagerly as the parched throat of a thirsty wanderer would drink from an oasis. The sight of me entering her perfect ass from behind, holding her from the elbows as I enter her again and again with Julien's hands on her waist and his mouth on her tits, her sighs and moans exposing her pleasure at our thrusts and touch. Right at this moment, It feels like these sights of Christine are burned to my memory forever. I can remember the soft candlelight on Christine's skin, the smell of soap and the sight of foam on her breasts while we were in bath, and the jumble of our limbs in the cramped bathtub, my cock between her thighs next to her waiting pussy. And maybe there is still two nights more with them! Even after two unbelievably thrilling nights, we still might have more time together if we all still want to explore this further. After feeling slightly sad at only having them in my life for such short time, I realize that possibly our time together is still not over, and I will anyway have the most exciting memories from this vacation. My mood lifts up. Breathing in the cool night air, I hear the earliest rooster cry in the valley. I glance at the night clock app on the cell, it is a little after 3 am. Closing the windows, I go back to the bed, grabbing a blanket. Under the sheet and the blanket, sleepy warmth soon returns to my body, and I picture the couple next door sleeping tightly curled next to each other, breathing in harmony in their sleep. I feel the longing of having someone next to me, a warm body under the same covers. The last thought I have before sleep reaches me is that Kate is downstairs, probably soundly asleep in her own bed, but as alone as I am right now. Sun is already high when I wake up, sweaty under the sheets. The extra blanket was too much. Looking at the clock, it is close to breakfast time, so I jump up and do my short morning workout and stretching. After a quick shower, I feel rested, fresh and ready to welcome the rest day. No riding today, I want to tour some of the local sights and maybe find a nice beach for the evening to do a sunset swim. Taking the lonely planet guidebook with me, I head downstairs for breakfast. Walking past the kitchen, I spot Kate carrying plates to the breakfast table. 'Good morning, Kate.' 'Good morning, Archie! I trust you had a nice night again?' she asks with a twinkle in her look. It seems that again, what happened upstairs wasn't kept secret, and I admit in all the excitement last evening, I forgot to watch out for crying out too loudly. But, as before, Kate doesn't seem to mind, and this is a relief to me. 'Well, yes I did have a nice day, and evening yesterday.' I reply with a smile. 'Can I help you with any of the breakfast stuff?' She accepts, pointing at the tray on the kitchen table, full of jam and butter and fresh loaves of bread. We walk outside and I sit down at my usual place as she finishes setting the table. She asks me about my ride yesterday and I tell her that it was really great, but today I want to rest and act like a normal tourist, touring some of the sights and then head for a beach. 'Sounds good, I might be able to give you some hints on what beach to choose. I love to go to the beaches, and there are so many here to choose from. Just a minute, I will have your coffee ready soon.' she says as she goes back into kitchen to set up the coffee. Enjoying some muesli and yogurt and local fruit, I read through the guidebook on some of the ruins and museums. I did not get details yesterday from Christine and Julien, so I am eager to ask to which places they went yesterday. They must be are sleeping in this morning as they are nowhere to be seen. 'What kind of beach would you like to visit?' Kate asks when she shows up with the steaming coffee pot. The delicious smell of the freshly ground coffee is like a drug. 'Well, I really don't like crowds, so I was hoping to find a beach that would be farther out and without a lot of tourists. Actually, my plan was to drive to the west of the island, and check out a beach during sunset in the evening.' 'Oh, well, I have not been to the beaches on the west coast yet so I can't really offer you any advice what to choose, although I have heard a lot of good things on the beaches on the Lara peninsula.' Lara rings a bell, I have read about it in the guidebook. The undeveloped stretch of beach about half an hour to the north of Paphos was highly recommended in the guidebook. I look it up on the book and read on what the experts had to say. It seems the beach is reached with a very rough road so it is usually almost deserted and the sunsets are the best on the island. 'Sounds excellent! I think I would like to go and check it out today!' I say. 'You know, Archie, if you are going, and if it is no trouble, I would like to see the beach also. I have not been there before.' she says, slightly timidly and with a question in her voice. I look up to her and realize that to have company on the beach would be really nice, and especially to have a pretty woman like Kate there with me. 'That is a great idea, I would love to have company.' I answer truthfully. 'Great! Actually, I have some other maps of the area, let me fetch them.' She smiles at this and gives me a long look and then goes out to fetch the other maps. Kate on the beach with me. In a swimsuit. A sunset, warm evening. My mind races to overdrive, only now really understanding what a romantic setting it is probably going to be. But what kind of signal is this? What is Kate thinking? What am I thinking? I have been so overwhelmed at the events with Christine and Julien, I have not given any thought at all that Kate might be interested in me. Is she? I now remember her smiles and her teasing references at the obvious erotic escapades upstairs, and I realize that it is possible, she might be interested in me. But I can't be sure yet. Am I interested in her? It takes me a few seconds to admit that I am, and the thought of a private and intimate trip to a secluded, deserted beach suddenly hits me like a hammer. This vacation is throwing me curveballs like no other before. The meeting of the wonderful, sexy couple upstairs and now with the trip to a beach with Kate? 'Here we are. Let's see now.' Kate gets back with a couple more detailed maps of the Lara area. She sets them on the table and we both bend over to get a better look. She is quite close to me now. I can feel the warmth of her shoulder and I can smell her hair in the morning breeze. We are not quite touching, but as I lean in to get a better look and get even closer to her, she does not move, and I can think I can sense that she is enjoying the closeness of me. Is this just me being hopeful, imagining things? The next few minutes, I find it difficult to concentrate on the maps. I think I am saying the "uh" and "ah" in all the right places, but I am just so stunned at her standing so close to me. I am confused by the lack of signals from her before, and now when Kate seems like another person, I am doubting my skill to read her right. Looking at Kate and trying to see if she is thinking same kind of thoughts as me, but I fail to figure her out. I curse myself, my over-analyzing style and sensitivity to what other people might be thinking. A more bold person would just go in the moment, taking what life offers, without thinking so much, without trying to understand everything and making decisions. She looks at me and I look into her light gray eyes and I think I see interest and possibly desire there. Or maybe it is just potential desire. Like when you are hiking and happen to a log cabin, and go out back to check the stack of wood piled against to the back wall, you don't know if the wood is dry and if it catches fire instantly and leaps into flames. You have to touch it and feel it and try it to know if the flames are there just waiting to be unleashed. Or, the wood could be new and fresh and it will not light. I don't know Kate so well yet, and she doesn't know me, but all the signals are there that the wood is bone dry, just waiting for a match. I shake myself and decide that for once, I want to be bold and live, take the things life throws my way. Weirdly, even with all these thoughts running trough my head, we seem to have reached a plan, agreeing that we should leave to the beach in the afternoon, around three o'clock, she has some errands to run during the day. I sit back and finish my breakfast, browsing through the guidebook to look for something interesting to do during the day, when I hear Julien and Christine coming down. 'Good morning, Archie!' Christine says, arriving to the table. 'Good morning!' I say, standing up. Christine leans in and kisses my cheek briefly, with her hands on mine. She is wearing khaki capris and a blouse. The scent of the bath soap on her skin brings back the memory of her in the bath with me last night. I nod to Julien, who sits down at his usual place next to mine. 'I trust you slept well?' I ask. 'Oh, yes.', she says and slightly blushing, continues in a whisper, 'I think after last night, I was so tired and satisfied and I had the most enjoyable dream... and you were in it.' I look at Julien, who winks at me. 'She woke up in the night and was pretty excited.' Christine is blushing even more. She gives her husband a teasing look and goes around the table and sits down. What does he mean? They woke up in the night and made love again? I look at both of them and realize that my jaw has dropped. Finally Christine smiles apologetically. 'We missed you.', she whispers. These people are unbelievable. Kate storms out of the house and brings another steaming pot of coffee for Julien and Christine. The moment in which we returned to the evening before, passes. After checking that we have everything we need and after chatting for a while with Julien and Christine, Kate leaves us to enjoy our breakfast in the morning air. Today it is slightly cooler than on the previous mornings. As she goes back to the kitchen she briefly puts her hand on my shoulder. The brief squeeze she gives me seems to hold promise, and after a minute I realize that, apart from the handshake on the very first night, it is the first time we have really touched. My thoughts start to wander again to the trip to the beach and for a moment I am lost in my thoughts. 'So, how are you going to spend your rest day, Archie?' Julien asks I tell them about my plan to check out the beach this evening together with Kate. 'Sounds like a lot of fun. We are thinking to go out this evening to a nice restaurant we spotted yesterday.' Hearing about Kate and me going to the beach together seems to have captivated Christine. As soon as the words left my mouth she stopped buttering her toast and now she looks quite funny with a half buttered toast on one hand and the butter knife on her other hand. She is not quite staring at me, but giving me long looks of disbelief. What does it mean? Does she feel somehow betrayed? Up until now I have got the impression from her that our "thing" is purely a sexual encounter. I consider that we are friends, and the lovemaking is exceptional, but there surely wasn't anything beyond that in our relationship? Still, I admit, we have been pretty intimate the last two days. Or rather, nights. I look at her with a silent question on my face. She turns, and looks at Julien, then looks towards the kitchen where we can hear Kate cleaning up. Finally Christine returns to look at me and with a shake of her head she seems to recover. Why was she so shocked? I am all finished with my breakfast, but I would hate to leave them like this, with unanswered questions in my mind, so I linger for a while, asking if I can get a half a cup from their coffee pot. Julien pours me some coffee and I look at him and Christine. Julien is smiling and seems to find something really amusing. It must mean that I have not offended them? Christine is still shaking her head. I burn from the desire to ask Christine about her reaction, but I don't find the words, nor the courage to do so. Finally I manage 'Christine, what is it? You look so... surprised.' She breathes in deeply, and looks at me with a smile. 'I am sorry Archie. Do not worry about it. I just...' she starts but then pauses, 'No, I will tell you later, maybe tonight.' I suddenly feel her foot touching mine under the table and she continues 'Archie, truly, I am sorry, it wasn't anything to worry about. Please, I so want you to enjoy your trip to the beach. I hope you and Kate can tell us all about it in the evening?' Returning the pressure of her foot, I feel that the old Christine I thought I knew is back. I am relieved. We are still ok. And this evening, she wants to hear about my day? It could mean that she still wants something more about next night? I breathe out, noticing only now that I have been so tense in the past few minutes. If this vacation has been full of surprises, this breakfast has been equally strange, an emotional roller coaster, but now my mood is high. I have some time to kill but a sunset trip to the beach with Kate, and then I still have potentially some time with Christine and Julien tonight. We chat some more and Kate also has finished cleaning up in the kitchen and shows up. Thinking that Kate and me will probably be back from the beach trip at around nine in the evening, we agree with Julien and Christine to meet over a glass of wine in the living room when we are all back at the guesthouse. Just as we are finished breakfast I suddenly remember to ask Julien about the places they went to see the day before. We spend a few minutes more around the map as he explains where they had been, the prehistoric settlement in Choirokotia and then the Kourion site. They both sound like nice places to see. I thank Julien and wish them a nice day. I am feeling slightly overwhelmed by all the events of the morning, I have so much to wait for from today. I decide to sit back down at the table as Julien and Christine leave for their room, and Kate is taking the last of the cereal boxes and plates inside into the kitchen. I listen the sounds of the morning. Even though the weather this morning seems slightly cooler, I think it is going to be a pretty warm day. I can hear the sounds from the village reaching the covered terrace, cars driving on the road, a dog barking, someone driving a street cleaning machine on the village main street. My thoughts keep on wandering to this afternoon's beach trip with Kate. Kate comes back from the kitchen. 'Archie, I was thinking. I have some shopping to do right now, but if you would like it, we could go and see the Kourion site together, and then I know a nice restaurant in the Paphos harbor, we could have a late lunch there before going to the beach?' 'That sounds nice! What time would you be ready to leave?' I answer. 'Maybe around noon?' 'In that case, I could drive to see the other museum Julien said and be back around that time. Yes it would be fun to go together and go to some restaurant before heading to the beach!'. The thought of spending more time with Kate before going to the beach makes me happy. She probably has had the same thought. We have not had so much time to get to know each other yet, so it will be great to get a chance to talk with her some more. 'Great!' she says. 'well, I need to hurry now, I will see you in a few hours, then!' I have a warm feeling in my chest as I go upstairs to my room. The day holds so much promise, somehow I feel even more anxious for this afternoon than on the previous day for the evening. Checking the maps, I gather the stuff I need for the Choirokotia trip and after some minutes, head back to the car and drive south towards the freeway. The drive to the ruins at Choirokotia takes a little over 40 minutes, and after some map-gazing, I spot the signs that lead me to the site. The place is a world heritage site, a village from something like eight thousand years ago. Walking up the steep hill to look at the stone and concrete round buildings it is difficult to understand the vast history of this island. There were people here living, thousands of years ago, fishing, farming, probably building shelters from bandits and weather. The feeling of history is amazing. There is only couple other tourists on the ruins, and although the freeway is quite close and the sounds of the cars passing by reach us easily, the visit is still a nice one. I walk around the paths and look at the different stone buildings and read the signs explaining the archaeological dig, and I am really enjoying myself. I hope the Kourion site is as interesting. After half an hour or so, I decide to head back to the car, checking out the reconstructed model near the entrance. The model is built like the best estimate how the buildings would have looked like all those thousands of years ago. The buildings look cozy enough and with the roofs it is easy to picture families living here, grinding grain to flour and roasting fish on the fire pit. Thanking the guard at the entrance I head back to the car and start the drive back to the guesthouse. It is half past eleven when I arrive, and Kate has not yet returned from her shopping. I go to my room and think about the afternoon trip. I better take a towel, some warmer clothes in case it gets chilly in the evening, and I also pack some soda, a couple cans of beer and some sun lotion. What else do I need? The guidebook, maybe a spare set of shorts and a shirt, but I think that is it. It is close to noon, and I heard Kate come back a while ago, so I go downstairs with my bag. Kate is in the kitchen. 'Hi!' 'Hi Archie, how was the museum?' she asks. 'It was nice.'. I tell her more about the visit as she is packing the cooler with cans of beer and cider and soft drinks. 'I am almost ready,' she says 'I will be just a minute. Could you take this to the car. Can we take your car?' 'Sure. I will just unpack the bike. Can I leave it here, to your storage shed?', I ask, as I have seen the garage behind the main house. 'Of course!' She hands me the cooler and says she will be out shortly. I go and pack my bag and the cooler to the car and take out the bike. Even though the car is small, with the rear seats folded down, the bike fits inside with the saddle and the front wheel removed. I attach the saddle and front wheel and take the bike to Kate's garage. The noon air is hot and the sun is shining high above. I put on my sunglasses and look around the house. I felt so natural and normal when talking to Kate just moments ago, but now my nerves start to come to the surface again. I feel excited, yet confused at our trip together. Kate comes out from the house, wearing dark shorts and a white top, under which I can see is a yellow bikini top. My heart jumps as I see the yellow bikini strings on her shoulders. In some hours time I will see her in just that small yellow bikini, maybe next to me on the beach! I watch her as she closes the front door. I can see the muscles in her delicate shoulders as she handles the heavy oak door. Her arms are thin but strong, like from a fitness advertisement. I try to tear my eyes away from her as she closes the door and walks to the car. I realize she is not wearing her glasses, she must have switched for contacts for the beach trip. I look at her face that I see first time without glasses. She has a pretty face, tan from all the sunlight here. While she is squinting in the sun, I can see a little bit of wrinkles around her eyes, which I think just make her look more sexy. She has her hair tied up in a ponytail, and her neck looks delicious, I can see the curve of her neck and briefly I imagine how it would feel to kiss each inch of that neck, starting from her shoulder and ending up kissing her earlobes. I have to shake myself out of these dreams as she walks to me. 'I told Julien how to get in via the back door, so they can enter the house when they want, and we don't have to hurry back.', she says, smiling at me. We sit into the car and leave towards the village, and then turn towards the freeway some kilometers to the south. The small rental car which I have been driving these past days suddenly seems a blessing, Kate in the left front seat is very close to me. As I shift gears, my left hand comes close to her knee. Her shorts ride up a little when she is sitting down, and I can see her tan legs perfectly, and as I look to her occasionally as we chat, I can feel her closeness. With my sunglasses on, she does not see where I look, so occasionally I can glance at her top, seeing her breasts bounce as the car hits a bump in the road. I ask her to tell me more about herself, how she ended up here in Cyprus, how long has she been living here. She tells me in her previous life, she had been touring the world in all manner of jobs and locations, working for companies and some organizations in the UK, US, Canada, even some of the Arab countries, but finally the traveling lifestyle got to be too much for her, and she settled down on Cyprus, at least for now. She asks about my life, and I tell her that I have been working most of my life in Finland, for Nokia, although I have been couple times working for a year in US and Canada. With Nokia's problems, I had to change jobs a few years ago, and now I work for a smaller software company, but I am loving my work very much right now. She is curious about Finland. Us Finns, we love to talk about our country to foreigners, so time flies as we drive towards Kourion. When we reach the museum entrance, I realize that we have been chatting constantly during the 40 minute drive, and I feel oddly familiar and relaxed about Kate, like she is a friend I have had for a long time already. Somehow I think she is feeling the same way. How can one feel such a connection to a person one has met a couple days ago, but only really spent a couple hours together with? It feels at the same time amazing and still weirdly true, like our personalities have instantly found a match, clicked. Getting out of the air conditioned car, the afternoon's hot air hits me like a hammer. I reach into my bag and take out a hat, to offer me at least some shade. Kate does not seem at all bothered by the almost 30 degree heat, nor by the bright sunlight. We walk to the shop and purchase the tickets. From the guidebook, the visit here was recommended to take a few hours, and the site really is huge, expanding to different directions. Kate says she was here once before, but did not see everything that time, so she is glad at the second chance. She guides me around the place as we look at the ancient greek ruins set in the beautiful seaside scenery. The coast here reminds me of south california coast. The bushes and the coastal hills look similar to the ones around San Diego. In the mid-day heat there are not a lot of tourists around, and we are relatively alone as we take in the different sights. I admire at the sight of Kate walking. She has a nice way to walk, her walking looks like she has springs in her feet, she moves so lightly. As we climb some steep stairs, I reach and offer her a hand to steady herself, and she takes my hand and holds it tightly, while looking me into my eyes. Our eyes lock for an instant and I think I feel that she is squeezing my hand a bit harder than necessary. Is that a signal? Is that her way of telling me that that short touch is what she was waiting for? In another place, we go down another stairs into a cave of sorts. It is nice and dark and cool in there, a break from the (for me) infernal heat outside, and I breathe eagerly at the cooler air. I linger, and as she starts to climb out, I forget to be a gentleman and follow her in the stairs, looking at her as she climbs out ahead of me. I can see the lines of her bikini through the fabric of her shorts. The bikini looks delightfully small, and her legs and the curve of her hips is hypnotic, swaying in front of me. When we reach outside, she stands still and turns, waiting for me. I drop my gaze and I think I am blushing a bit, but she just smiles at me. After maybe a little over an hour of touring the museum, we think we have seen enough, and we agree we are both getting hungry, so we head back to the car, and start to drive towards the city and the restaurant she was telling me about. The car with the AC on is blissfully cool after the heat. We park in the harbor and the walk to the restaurant is just a few minutes. The place is just at the water, and with a nice shade, and a breeze from the sea it is nice to sit down after all the walking. It is past two in the afternoon, and I decide it is not too early for a pint, so I order a large pint of local Keo beer. She has some house white, and we enjoy our drinks after the waiter takes our order. The ice cold beer cools me down a bit. I continue to be curious at Kate, why is she alone? I would think a pretty woman such as her would have found a companion. But I don't know how to approach this, it feels to private a topic to ask after knowing her so short time. Somehow I think she is wondering about the same thing about me. We talk some more and she asks about my family. I tell her about mine, I have one brother who is couple years younger than me and has a wife and two small kids who I love meet as often as I can. My parents are recently retired and are traveling around the world a lot. I ask about her family and she says she has two sisters living in UK as well as also her parents are retired. They visit her here at Cyprus quite often. The food arrives, and even though a second beer would be awesome, as I am driving I order a coke instead. We eat the grilled fish and it is really good, fresh from the sea. We talk some more over the meal. The conversation feels natural with her, I have no feeling of talking to a stranger. It feels like I have known her much longer. We finish, and pay leaving a suitable tip, and head back to the car. It is close to four in the afternoon, the siesta is soon over, and we head out to find the road to the beach. The road is initially going through the city center, then the suburbs, and then the houses thin out altogether. We reach the Lara peninsula natural protection site, and the road really does become more like a trail, with rough surface of pointy, sharp rocks. I feel pity at the small car and actually fear that a tire could puncture, so I drive really slowly in first gear. The car is snailing along the road. There are some other cars on the road, also rental cars. It seems no locals brave this road. I understand now why the beach must be deserted. Kate says to me that she is happy I am driving. Finally after about almost an hour of creeping along, we see a sign that points to the Lara beach on the left. The road is slightly smoother, but still full of deep holes and I have to continue to drive carefully. We reach the parking area, and there is a restaurant at the hill overlooking the beach. I park the car and we get out, looking at the beach and the sea. The sun is still some ways up on the sky. 'Well, we are finally here.' I say 'It looks lovely! There is hardly anybody on the beach.' We take our stuff and walk across the parking place to the restaurant, the steps down to the beach, which is at places dark gray sand, at other places round pebbles. There were some people at the restaurant terrace, but the beach is totally empty, we have the kilometer of sandy shore all to ourselves. I walk next to Kate as we stay silent for a while, just walking, now barefoot on the sand, and listening to the sound of the waves. With a silent agreement, we head up to the other end of the beach, as far away from the restaurant as possible. After all the tourists that I have seen on the other beaches, it feels weird to be all alone here. The sea looks inviting, it has been a hot day, and I am all for a quick splash in the cool waves. Plus, I cannot wait to see Kate in her scanty swimsuit! We reach the end of the beach and pick a spot with soft sand and spread our beach towels. She lays her towel next to mine. I am thirsty and sit down on the towel and grab a coke from the cooler. 'I am going for a swim.' she says and steps out of her shorts and pulls her top over her head. I am frozen as her long legs are revealed and the tight small bikini does little to hide her fit body. The yellow bikini is even smaller than I had hoped, and her tits stretch the top deliciously, pushing her bust to form a little cleavage. I am captivated by the sight. She turns to me. 'Want to join me?' I don't have to be asked twice. I stand up and start to unbutton my shirt as she gives me a long, teasing look and turns then and walks slowly towards the sea. Her butt is awesome in the tight bikini, and her narrow waist forms the perfect hourglass figure. I suddenly realize I would like to make love to her right there, right now. Oh, how I would like to hold my hands on that waist as she would lower herself on my cock slowly, looking at me with her hands on my chest. She reaches the waves and turns around to look at me. I finish unbuttoning my shirt and take it off. I feel her gaze on my body as I remove my shorts. I have my blue speedos underneath, now slightly showing a bulge as my dick has swollen a bit at the sight of Kate in the waves before me, waiting me to join her. I walk toward the waterline. The water feels cool initially, but not too cold. The waves hit us and we shriek as the splashes feel cool on our hot skin. The rays of the sun are bright on our eyes, we walk deeper and then swim some distance out to the waves. Being in the water feels so good after the day's heat. Kate is swimming close to me and we wonder at the clear blue water. We can see the bottom through meters of water. After some time, I decide to go back to the shore and Kate follows me. We dry up with towels and sit down on the beach towels. Kate has brought a large blanket and she folds it up to form a pillow and, opening a beer for me and a cider for herself, we lay on the beach to warm up in the late afternoon sun. The cool seawater felt so good after a hot day, but now the wind feels a bit cold on my skin after the swim. Thankfully the sun is still some ways up the horizon and the sun's rays soon warm me up. I glance over to Kate, and notice that she still has goosebumps on her skin. 'You cold?', I ask. 'A bit, she says. The sun isn't as warm now as it was earlier.', she answers, 'I have to sit up to get more rays.'. With this, she sits up as I lie down on my back. Her bikini looks awesome against her tan skin. She is in great shape. She leans back on her hands and I steal looks at her tight abdomen and the curve of her tits. She really has very nice breasts, not large but very shapely and the bikini is really doing them justice. Her long, tan legs are spread out to catch the sun's last rays and the string of her bikini bottom is right there, next to my right hand. I sit up also, and look over to her, with her head leaning back and her neck exposed to the sun. Her tits are soaking in the sun, slightly whiter than the rest of her skin, looking soft and smooth. I can see her nipples through the fabric of the bikini, and as I drop my gaze lower, I can see her hips stretch the bikini bottom so as to lift if clear off her lower abdomen, and I can almost see down her bikini front. I spy more smoothness down there. I do not know what will happen now. I would like to touch her, the feeling of wanting to feel her skin under my fingers is burning. Looking at her face, her eyes closed with her soaking in the last rays of the afternoon, looking at her tan cheeks and her lips I feel desire to rise up in me, desire to kiss her lips, to feel her respond to my kisses and touch, and to feel her body touch mine. She still looks cold, so I look behind us, and take the blanket, spreading it out. I then throw it around my shoulders. 'Kate, we would be warmer here together, under the blanket.' With a smile, she moves closer without saying a word. I put my hand on her shoulders holding the blanket and she moves so that our legs are touching and her side is next to my side. She puts her left hand on my thigh. It feels cool, even cold, but most of all, the touch of her hand on my skin feels good. 'Wow, your hands are pretty cold.' 'You feel so warm, thanks for the blanket. I actually was almost freezing after the swim.' she says. Her right hand moves to touch my belly. It feels even better, and I have to actually fight a little not to sigh out in pleasure as her hand reaches around me and touches my sensitive side. She lays her head on my shoulder as we watch the sun drop ever closer to the horizon. The day has been unbelievable, and this moment is all I ever could have hoped. A sunset on a empty beach, with beautiful Kate sitting next to me, touching me, and after talking with her all day, we are now silent, just listening the waves and the evening breeze. My day with Kate has been so great, and we seem to get along so well, that I feel she might want the evening to still hold more promise. I realize that I want to make love to her, and I hope that she is thinking the same thing, hoping that I want her too. 'Kate, today has been perfect. I have really enjoyed it.', I whisper, in timid voice. But she is so close she has no trouble to hear me. She turns to look at me and her pretty face is so close to mine. 'Me too, Archie.' I lean in closer and she lifts her face and parts her lips and slowly our lips meet in a kiss. The sound of the waves seem to disappear, I only have the hearing for her excited breathing. The feel of the cool wind troubles me no longer, I only feel the closeness of her body how her hands now dig deeper into my side, then by back as we turn more towards each other. Neither one of us wants to break the first kiss, and our lips and now tongues continue to explore. In the instant of the first touch I felt her desire and hunger for my touch, and it is now growing in both of us. Without fully aware of it and without breaking off the kiss, we have fallen back to the towels, her on her back beneath me and me on my side, with my hand on her smooth belly, caressing her belly and her sides, our bodies touching, her hands now tightly grabbing my shoulders and pulling me closer. Our breathing is harder now and my desire for her makes my manhood grow in the speedos as if clawing for a way out, a release from the thin fabric prison. Finally, I pull away and look at her eyes, finding there understanding. We have crossed a line, together. We both want this, and the happy anticipation of a moment ago we both shared is now morphing to realization that what we both hoped is now coming true. We want to make love, we want to be lovers on this perfect beach. Her expression is of longing, of longing for our lips to meet again, for longing for my body to be even closer to hers. She is pulling on my shoulders. 'Archie, please, kiss me again.' I obey, and press closer to her. She can now feel my excitement as my erection presses against her thigh and I can feel her eager reaction at this, she is hungry for me, for my touch. My hands wander more bravely on her body, down at her hips, then up, almost at her tits, but not quite. She reacts to each move of my hand and I can feel the disappointment as I do not proceed to touch her breasts. I turn so that I am on top of her, on my knees and elbows, with my cock bulging in my swimming trunks, I now lower myself so that my cock is touching her pussy through her bikini. I am rewarded with a sharp sigh of pleasure from her as my dick touches her mound, and I can feel her hips rising to meet me, to add to the pleasurable pressure. I am now kissing her neck and with the rhythm of the waves I start to thrust my bulge against her pussy, making love to her with both of our swimsuits still on. She has now broken off our kiss and her eyes are closed as she is breathing heavier and heavier, meeting each of my thrusts, and I can feel the hot moistness between her legs grow as I fuck her without penetrating her. My cock is now fully hard and the head is peeking out of my trunks and I move slightly lower, and push the head of my cock against Kate's crotch. She is moaning now and I speed up my pushes and with one hand I now finally move to touch her tits, first through the bikini, then moving my hand slowly under the cloth and caressing her sensitive nipples. She cannot take this anymore and with a muffled cry, she gasps and I can feel her whole body arc in spasms as she orgasms. I slow my movement and allow her to recover, slowly kissing her face as the tension of the climax melts away. Her eyes are closed and she is still out of this world, but my touches and kisses gently land her back to the present, back to the beach. The sound of waves return, the sun is now almost touching the horizon and the red rays of the sunset highlight the blushing, beautiful Kate beneath me. 'Archie... wow. That was... just... unbelievable.' 'Hmm, it was my pleasure.' I answer her, kissing her still salty lips. I look around, but in the dusk, the beach is still completely empty. The lights from the restaurant have faded, it looks like we are still completely alone. Kate feels hot beneath me, her earlier cool hands now warm on my shoulders. 'Archie, I ... I just wanted you to know... it has been a while for me... you know... with a man...'. She seems to want me to ask so I go ahead. 'Oh, how long?' 'Six years.' I am slightly surprised. I mean she is a pretty woman, surely there would have been men wanting to make love to her. But I do not really know why she is telling me this. I do not know what to say, so I just kiss her to show my compassion. 'I think I was waiting for someone I really wanted.. and when I met you.. I realized... I... was hoping that it would be with you.', she says. Thinking that out of all the places where I could have stayed in, I chose Kate's guesthouse completely by random. I almost stayed in a large four star hotel. The things I would have missed. I do not know how to answer her in words, so I kiss her. She responds and after a while, I say 'Kate, I want to make love to you.' She answers with a nod and a hungry kiss. Moving my hand on her knee, I move her right leg to the side, and position myself between her legs, spreading them wide. I pull the blanket off my back and position it under her butt, raising it up slightly. She watches me eagerly. I grab her hands by the wrists and bend them up. 'I want you to keep your hands behind your head.', I say to her. She does as she is told and locks her hands behind her head, raising her head also up slightly from the towel. I now stand up on my knees in front of her, between her legs, and slowly take my hands to the knot on her bikini on her hip. I start pulling on the strings, slowly opening the knot. Slowly, the strings run through and finally the front of her bikini is released, and I pull it off her pussy. She has a neat triangle of brown hair over her beautiful pussy, and I glide my fingers through her bush and she shudders with pleasure at my touch. I then slowly pull my speedos down and my hard dick is finally released and jumps to full attention. 'Archie, I am not... do you have...', she says. I am one step ahead of her, and reach into my bag, producing a condom, and roll it over my erect cock. I then lower myself to her, with my dick right at her pussy lips, still moist from her orgasm minutes ago. When my cock touches her she again shudders and tries to move her hands, but I tell her not to. She has her hands behind her head, raising her head up, and she can look down on her own pussy, and slowly I enter her, first thrust only entering half of the end of my cock into her hot moist cave, then at the rhythm of the waves I slowly enter her deeper and deeper. She has her head raised up and can see my thick cock entering her pussy with the waves painted orange by the setting sun in the background. Sticking to the slow pace of the waves, I refuse to speed up. She meets each of my thrusts with increasing lusty craving, but I control the speed of our motions. Each push into her feels divine, her tightness squeezing my cock, and I fear moving any faster would make me come too soon and spoil my plan. She is begging me to move faster now, looking at my face, then returning to look at my dick entering her and the setting sun now visible between our legs each time I pull out of her. The sun is now halfway beneath the waves. The few clouds that there are are various shades of red and the first stars start to twinkle over the hills in the east. It is time. I slowly start to pick up pace, and Kate sighs in relief as she senses the intervals between the thrusts that drive her pleasure higher and higher shorten with each push. I pull my dick completely out of her tight pussy each time, then sink it in slow but determined movement back into her hot, dripping wet love cave. All the time I speed up my rhythm, each push arriving ever so slightly faster. I am very close to coming now, and each time I enter her, the pleasure is on another level, I am very soon on the point of no return. Now I put my hand behind Kate's neck and lift her head and kiss her, then I put my head next to her and look towards the last red rays of the sun. We both look at the setting sun disappear beneath the waves, and in front of the beautiful sunset we both see my shaft now entering Kate with frenetic speed, as I speed up. I do not hold back anymore and I thrust into her as fast as I can, by hips slamming into her as my dick now pushes in and out, her moans meeting my rhythm and then with the last rays of the sun on her face I can see her expression change as she finds another release and I can feel her pussy pulsing around me, and I cannot hold back anymore, and shoot my load into her, slamming my dick in and out until we both fall back to the cooling sand in the darkening night, our breathing slowing down, the world slowly expanding again beyond our bodies. We seem to both be without words for a while. I lie next to her, she has her hands on my chest and her legs on mine. We are covered by the blanket as we lie on the towels and listen to the sea. 'Archie, I liked it... a lot.' she finally says, without looking at me. I smile to her. 'I liked it too.', then reach in and kiss her forehead. We lie together for some minutes, and now I feel it is getting darker and the air is colder. 'It is lovely here, with you, but maybe we should head back?' I ask. 'Maybe we should.' She seems disappointed at the thought. 'Kate, maybe tonight is not over yet.' I say and she looks up to me, with a hopeful expression on her face. We kiss again and both of us are thinking that maybe we can continue our evening in bed together when we reach the guesthouse. As we start back, we take the other road which heads inland towards the hills. It is much smoother and I think this must be the road servicing the restaurant on the beach. The road is still bumpy but at least I can drive on second gear and it takes only about 10 minutes to reach a tarmac road at the top of the hill. Kate has been silent since we started, something is bothering her. I ask what is it. She takes a while to answer me, she seems to be having a struggle to bring out the words. Finally with a deep breath, she answers to me. 'Archie, don't be angry at me, but you know I heard you on the previous nights, together with Julien and Christine.' 'Kate, I am not angry, why should I be? Earlier I was a bit scared at what you would think about us, but you did not seem to mind, so that was a relief to me. 'I was just... Archie, after today, I would like for us to be together tonight. I would like us in my bed when we get to the guesthouse. But I was just thinking, that maybe you want to be with them again tonight.' I look at her and she has her head turned away, looking at the dark roadside sweeping past, as if she is scared to hear what I would say. I remember only now that we agreed to meet Julien and Christine tonight after we are all back at the guesthouse. I have not even thought about them today with Kate with me. At the instant that the words came out of Kate, I realize that I would rather spend the night with her. I pull over, stopping the car at a bus stop, turning to Kate I lean in and take her head in my hands, and in the small car, I kiss her. ' I would rather be with you tonight, Kate.' I whisper finally when breaking the kiss. 'I had a wonderful day with you, and the beach... I want the beach to be only the beginning.' Holding her shoulders I can feel the tension leave her at my words. She is relieved and her mouth invites me to kiss her again, more hungrily this time, with promise. Her hands move to touch me and I let my hands fall to her waist, touching her breasts on the way down, and the brief touch rewards me with a sigh of pleasure and expectation from her. 'We will never get back home like this.' I say to her with a smile. I can see her return the smile and we silently agree to finish this, until later. The rest of the drive we are talking more freely, the promise of tonight still fresh on both of our minds. We talk about meeting Christine and Julien soon, and we are wondering how they will take this, I think it will be rather obvious what has happened at the beach. As we arrive at the guesthouse and get out of the car, I can see the light is on in the living room, and sure enough, as we get in the front door, we are greeted with Christine and Julien sitting at the sofas beside the fireplace. 'Kate! Archie! You are back! How was the beach?' Christine stands up and comes to greet us. She sees us and I do not know how, maybe it is a gift or skill only given to women, she reads our body language and in seconds arrives to correct conclusion at what took place at the beach. She smiles and comes closer and hugs first Kate, and then me. 'Hmm, I can see that the trip to the beach was pretty good, am I right?' I think me and Kate are both blushing a little, which only confirms Christine's deductions. 'I am so glad! Julien and me would still like it if you would join us for a glass of wine, if you are not too tired?' she says with a teasing voice. I look at Kate and we agree that it would be nice to chat with them for a minute. The night is still early, it is only half past eight. We have a long night ahead of us. But we need to take a shower and clean up first. I give Kate a brief kiss and head up to my room to shower. In the shower, I feel slightly disappointed that Kate is not there with me, but it feels good to wash away the salt and I take the opportunity to shave as well. The evening is chillier, so I put on some pants and a shirt and taking a bottle of red wine with me, I head back downstairs. Kate is not there yet, Julien is sitting at one of the chairs, Christine is sitting on the sofa. I go and sit at the other end of the three seater sofa. Julien offers me some wine from their bottle, a rich French red, and I sit back and raise my glass and we toast to the concept of vacation. I look at Christine, she is still smiling. She is wearing another dress, a white linen dress with lace on the hem. Even though she again looks gorgeous, I do not feel quite the same desire for her tonight than what I felt earlier. Right now my mind and my body is aching for the touch and feel of Kate next to me, between the smooth sheets, naked, with her body next to mine and our breathing and movement synchronized with the sighs of our pleasure. Christine seems to have some sort of sixth sense and she seems to read my mind or somehow still she is aware of what I feel. I ask them about their day, and the restaurant they went to. The restaurant was good they say, it was some sort of fusion of greek and cypriot and italian, maybe not fully authentic but the service was good and the food delicious. Otherwise they have taken today easier, with not as many sights as previous days. I can hear Kate opening the door behind me and turn around. She looks beautiful. Before, I have seen her in her everyday clothes, and the shorts and top she wore today, and she was always pretty. In the bikini, I could see she had a great, fit body. But now she has also put on a dress and I don't understand how women do it, but the evening seems to have made her glow. As she walks to meet us, I stand up and just cannot resist it, I kiss her as she joins us, and she sits between me and Christine on the sofa. Julien offers her too a glass of wine. Christine asks us about our day, and we tell her about the museums I and Kate visited. The Kourion site was so big that they too did not visit every exhibit, but they are mostly insterested in the beach. We blush a little when we describe the beach part of the day, and Christine is clearly amused. Julien is smiling too. I feel Kate warming up and she is sitting so close to me. Her hand occasionally touches my leg and it sends shivers up and down my body, each touch leaving me wanting more. I suddenly remember that Christine promised to tell me something tonight. 'Christine, you said that you would explain tonight what you were so shocked about at breakfast.' Christine's smile suddenly fades and I wonder what is it that she is thinking. 'Oh, no, I don't think... maybe I should not.' she says and I notice she is now blushing again. All of us are not intrigued at this, also Julien. But finally it is Kate who whispers something to Christine's ear, and finally Christine seems to unwind and she confesses. 'It was just that when I heard Archie you were going to the beach with Kate, it was a surprise to me, and I... I did not is because of my dream last night.' 'What about it dear?' now even Julien is asking. I thought he already knew what was happening in Christine's dream last night? Christine is blushing even more and now she drops her eyes to her wine glass. 'Kate, Archie, I dont know... you might think I am weird or something.' I look at Kate and she is looking at Christine, and we are both encouraging her to speak, she clearly wants to and we want to hear what made her this awkward. 'Well, sorry Kate, but you know last night me and Archie and Julien, we...' 'Christine, I know. And I am not offended the least bit.' Kate says and she puts her hand on Christine's thigh. Christine seems to jump a little at Kate's touch. 'Well, then, I am... this morning I was so confused and shocked to hear you and Archie going to the beach today, because... in my dream last night, it was me and Julien, and we made love, but it was also, Archie was there with us, and ... and also you Kate.' Christine was saying the final words in a whisper, but suddenly the room is so quiet that we can hear each others breathing. Me and Kate in Christine's dream? I do not yet know what my mind thinks about this, but I know what my body thinks about the thought. I look at Kate who is still looking at Christine, with her hand on her leg. Is she squeezing her leg? Are her breaths slightly deeper? She turns to look at me, and seeing the excitement on my face, she turns back to Christine. 'Hmm... sounds interesting. We would like to hear more, I think. Wouldn't we, guys?' she asks me and Julien. Suddenly my throat seems dry and I cannot make a sound, but nodding to answer her, take a gulp of wine to recover. Slightly recovered at our reaction, Christine seems to regain her nerves and speaks up slightly louder. 'Well, oh.. this is embarrassing. Well, all right. I was dreaming that we all were... you know... in our room... in our bed...' She looks at us and sees us expecting still more it seems we are all slightly blushing now. 'I ... I was kissing you Kate. I was... kissing with you when Julien was making love to me and Archie was making love to you.' Hearing these words from Christine, it seems as if time stands still. Everyone in the room, including Julien is now frozen, taking in what Christine just said. After a moment, I realize that I am very excited at the thought, and my body reacts instantly, my cock starts to get harder. The image forms to my mind of me fucking Kate from behind, my hands on her perfect ass and my dick entering her pussy, as she is meeting Christine, them kissing as Christine is on the other side of the double bed, being pounded from behind by Julien, our combined thrusting pushing Kate and Christine together. The image is incredibly arousing. I cannot believe what happens next. As if in a slow motion film, Kate sets down her glass of wine, and with her other hand still on Christine's leg, she puts her other hand behind Christine's head and leans in and kisses Christine. I can see Christine's initial surprise turn to delight and she responds to Kate's kiss, and they continue the sensual kiss, their breathing now more excited. I cannot take my eyes away from the sight, Kate kissing beautiful Christine, now her hand moving on Christine's leg, taking her dress hem higher and higher and exposing more of Christine's thighs. They finally break the kiss, but Kate stays close to Christine and they watch into each others eyes, as if silently asking how the experience was, and do they want more. I see them both smile a little and Christine's eyes drop for a moment to look at Kate's lips, and her lips part slightly as she leans in slowly, clearly wanting that first kiss not to be the last. They kiss again, this time more eagerly, and Kate's hands are exploring more of Christine's perfect body, making her sigh in pleasure and expectation. It seems the girls have totally forgotten me and Julien, but I am not complaining, the sight before us is erotic beyond belief. Christine now sets down her glass and with both of her hands free, she seems now to lose all of her earlier inhibitions and stands up, and sits on Kate's lap. Kate kisses her exposed neck and caresses her breasts through the fabric of her white thin dress. I can see Christine's nipples hard against the dress and Kate kisses them through the dress. The hem of Christine's dress has now climbed up, showing her small white panties. I am barely able to stop myself joining them, as they continue to kiss and touch each other right next to me on the sofa. My breathing is deep and hard now, and my cock is fully hard, straining against my pants. Christine now stands up, and never leaving Kate's eyes, she slowly lifts her dress up on her waist, puts her hands up on her white panties, playing with the lace edge on the top. I can see a darker spot on her panties as her pussy is already dripping wet. She teasingly slowly pulls her panties off and lets the dress fall back down, and then she goes on her knees in front of Kate, with her hands on Kate's knees. She starts to move Kate's dress up her thighs, slowly, inch by inch, all the time looking at Kate. She kisses Kate's knees, then her thighs, then the soft skin inside her thighs. I can hear Kate sigh and I can feel her waiting, wanting Christine's kisses to go further, to climb ever closer. Kate's own hands are now on her tits, pushing them up, touching them through the dress. Christine pushes Kate's dress up to her waist and I see that she is not wearing any underwear. Christine's kisses are now inches away from Kate's also wet pussy, and she is edging closer all the time, every kiss fractions of an inch closer, driving Kate mad at the teasingly slow but inevitable speed of Christine's lips and her tongue, the waiting driving Kate's arousal even higher. Finally Christine's lips are right at Kate's pussy, she is still looking directly at Kate, she blows slightly on her pussy and then slowly she kisses her wet lips. 'Aah!' Kate cannot hold back, her pleasure is too much, she now takes her right hand and grabs Christine's head and pulls her tighter against her pussy, and Christine willingly buries her face in Kate's crotch and starts to lick her pussy, her tongue now dipping deep inside Kate and her hands on Kate's thighs. Kate's hand is pulling Christine's head and they arrive at a rhythm and in seconds, we can see Kate's stimulation reach levels of no return and her head bends back as her body spasms and she climaxes with Christine's tongue licking her clit. She cries out in her orgasm and her hands release Christine's head and she reaches me and grabs my shirt. I grab her hand and I can feel her waves of pleasure as she squeezes mine. Her climax seems to take forever but finally she stops her cries and her breathing slows down, and she falls back to the sofa, with her every limb totally relaxed. Christine is still kissing the inside of Kate's thighs, and now she slowly stands up and sits down next to Kate, kissing her forehead which is shining from a thin layer of sweat. 'You taste good, Kate.' she says. 'Oh my god. Thank you Christine. That was... epic.', Kate answers after she gathers her breath. They take a sip of wine and kiss again. After a minute Kate says 'But I think I want to return the favor.' and she takes Christine's wine glass and sets it on the windowsill. Then she stands up and goes down on her knees in front of Christine, and starts to kiss Christine's legs and teasing her the same way as she herself was teased some minutes ago. Julien and me are watching this incredible show with our cocks hard and ready, but fearing to intervene, as if any action from our side would somehow make the sight disappear, as if the two beautiful ladies kissing and Kate licking Christine's pussy is a mirage. Kate suddenly stops her kisses and, looking first to me, seeing my pent-up desire and then to Christine, she asks her 'The boys seem to be suffering. Shall we let them join us?' 'Oh, yes, please!' Christine sighs. I do not need further encouragement. I put away my glass of wine, and standing up, unbutton my shirt, and with my eyes locked at the two ladies in front of me, I remove my pants. My dick is hard, pulsing at the time of my excited heartbeats. Putting on a condom, I walk behind Kate, and kneel behind her, my hands on her ass. I see Julien strip also, but he does not move in just yet. He is waiting his moment, stroking his cock, looking at his wife being pleasured by another beautiful woman. I slowly lift Kate's dress so that her butt is naked in front of me. I see her pussy waiting, wet from her orgasm, waiting for my cock to enter it for the second time today. I move closer, the head of my cock at her entrance, and she can feel me there, she is pushing back, trying to make my dick enter her pussy, but every time she pushes back, she has to stop her licking of Christine's pussy, and Christine now has her hand on Kate's head and she pulls her back. I allow my dick to touch Kate's soft and warm pussy lips, but not yet entering her. She is now moaning in anticipation. I use my hand to push my hard dick against her soft pussy lips and rub my dick against them. The pleasure is almost enough to make me come right there, and Kate is now almost hurting in her desire to get fucked from behind by me. Finally I allow her her wish, and slowly I push my dick inside her, holding her from her waist, inch by inch I push inside her, until my full length is buried in her pussy. Immediately I start to slowly fuck her and she responds with moans of pleasure while continuing to lick Christine's slit. Christine is watching the erotic sight in front of her, with one hand on Kate's head, the other hand on her own tits. She looks at me with a hungry, yet satisfied expression, her mouth slightly open, her eyes dropping at my tool moving in and out Kate's pussy and then her gaze drops at Kate's face, now wet with Christine's juices. Julien now moves in, standing on the sofa, his dick in front of Christine's face. Christine opens her mouth and starts to suck his husband, taking him deep inside her and squeezing his shaft. I increase my rhythm and my dick is now moving in and out Kate's pussy faster and faster. I can feel her enjoyment, I can sense Kate is close to coming, and so am I. I tentatively slap her ass gently and am rewarded with a moan and more eager pushes against my cock. In front of me, I can see Christine sinking Julien's hard dick in and out her mouth, with long dripping strains of saliva dripping on her breasts. Julien is breathing hard now. We are all close to orgasming together. Suddenly I can hear Julien grunt and he shoots spurt after spurt of cum in his wife's mouth. Christine pulls him out of her mouth and holds his shaft in her hand and strokes him as he shoots his load on her tongue and chin. The white sticky load drips from Christine's lips onto her breasts and as Kate sees this erotic sight, she pushes two fingers inside Christine and licking her clit, she brings Christine into the brink and over, and we can see Christine's body tensing and releasing as waves of pleasure break over her. My hands on Kate's ass, I fuck her harder than ever before and it seems my thrusts are impossibly fast now, my hard dick pulling out and slamming in Kate and seeing Christine come with Julien's load dripping from her mouth, I cannot hold back anymore, and sensing Kate reach her climax at the same time, I shoot my load inside her. After a while, I pull out of her, and tired and exhausted, we sit down on the thick carpet on the floor in front of the sofa. Christine is on the sofa, smiling, wiping her cum covered face on Julien's shirt. Julien is sitting next to her, with a large grin on his face. We all look at each other and I sense everyone of us is wondering how on earth this orgy just sort of happened, without planning. I turn to Kate and kiss her, tasting Christine on her lips. 'Christine, we seem to have a habit of living your dreams and fantasies.' I finally say. 'It was amazing! Kate, I could not imagine it would be so good. It was even better than I dreamed. I mean I almost came instantly when I saw Archie fuck you and you were kissing me there..' 'Mmm, you tasted really good.' Kate says and standing up on her knees, she leans in and kisses Christine, letting her taste herself on her lips. The sight of the two beautiful ladies kissing with their white dresses a mess after our session is incredibly erotic. But after the long day I am feeling now tired and satisfied. Tomorrow is another day, and I remember that Julien and Christine have one more evening here. Maybe tomorrow we can explore this foursome some more? Julien looks at me and I think he is thinking the same thing, because after a while he says 'Christine, we have been sort of making your fantasies come true until now. I think it would be fair tomorrow, that we ask Kate and Archie about their fantasies.' At this, Christine's face lights up and she is excited at the thought. 'Yes, yes! Great idea! Kate, Archie, please? Can we do that tomorrow? Please!?' I am suddenly struck at the idea of explaining some of my fantasies to the others, and I look at Kate and she is also somewhat apprehensive. But Christine's continuing pleas are irresistible. We finally nod and agree that tomorrow we will share at least some of our fantasies with them. We agree that we will just initially talk about them and then decide what to really do. Me and Julien are putting our clothes back on, we finish the wine there is left and toast for our newfound friendship and our courage to explore our sensuality. With last hugs and kisses, Christine and Julien go up to their room, leaving me and Kate in the living room. She turns off the ceiling light, and we are left into the dark room but I can still see her well in the light coming in from the outside. I go to her, put my hands to her shoulders and she puts her hands on my back. I look into her eyes and feel the warmth of her body. I am tired, but the day has been so amazing, and I would not want it to end just yet. I move my hands behind her, to her lower back and pull her closer. Her beautiful body is now pressing against mine, the body I have made love to so many times today. I feel her every breath as we stand in the darkness, each of us enjoying the silent moment together. I love the feeling of her body next to mine. I realize that if there is anything in the world right now I want, it would be to take a shower with Kate together and then go to bed with her, naked next to me, and fall asleep. Gathering my courage, I say as much. 'Kate, a shower, together?' 'Yes. I would like that.' she says, her eyes not leaving mine. 'And.. would you like to sleep with me?' 'I would love to.' she answers as she looks at me, and then, as if coordinated by some higher power, we both lean in slowly and our lips part and we kiss in the darkness of the guesthouse living room.

