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Brutal Shemale Lovers

Jake looked over the dash of the new mini. It was so neat...silver, the new model, all sparkling wheels and comfortable seats...shame it wasn't his. He looked across at the girl driving, who glanced at him. "look if you're going to critique my driving get your OWN car" Sarah said, only half-jokingly. Jake simply smiled, as he knew he'd lost that battle. He could drive, but he didn't have a daddy who got him nice shiny cars for his birthday. This was yet another night that he was out with this particular friend, and damn she was a fine sight. She had a dancing pole in her room, and did an hour solid every day, leaving not a single role of fat on her body. Way out of his league -- he was slim, and below average height, although he did look half-decent in the suit he was wearing. She on the other hand was lean, had legs to die for, slender body, and wore a black mini-dress. In other words -- an absolute stunner. By far one of the hottest girls he knew, and then only through work! The guys all fancied her, but the worst part was probably the fact that she was super upfront about most issues, and as she came to see him as a 'friend', she started talking to him about sex. ALL THE TIME. Once, she had whispered in his ear right out of the blue "God, I need a fuck." He'd nearly cum in his pants right there on the spot, and his erection had lasted for a long time. Difficult when you're working on a supermarket shop floor. One other time, She was talking about a penis she'd seen once that was the size of her forearm, and he stupidly talked about one of his only sex stories, as the intimidation of Sarah's apparently care-free nature had him feeling slightly down about his own minimal experiences. In an instant, she had jokingly labelled him 'Slut', which was soon picked up on by her trio of friends. He always laughed those conversations off as being not bothered of course, but the truth is, he hadn't had any in a while. Thinking back depressed him a little, so he pushed it out of his mind and turned to see the small block of flats they were arriving at. Sarah pulled into the corner of the mini-car park, beeped the horn and turned off the engine. "She's going to take ages" she said rolling her eyes. "Don't worry, guess we get some quality time together" he replied, before wincing inwardly at the jokey awkwardness. She looked at him oddly before replying "Trust me, you can't handle that." She turned to look back at the flats leaving Jake feeling nonplussed as to what she meant. He decided to pass over it and responded, "Ha, well guess that's the final straw, I'm divorcing you, all that's left is the breakup sex and I'll collect my CDs!" Sarah turned back to him again quizzically. "Oh baby, if you flirt with me, you'd best be prepared for the consequences." It was said in a light way, but the look she gave him was not exactly warm, and Jake decided it best if he didn't respond. Tanya eventually appeared in a skin-tight black translucent outfit that left little to the imagination, and although she didn't have the knife edge perfection of Sarah's toned physique, she had a beautiful body, together with a face that was cute, but in a quirky, interesting way. She was also taller and still extremely hot to Jake, who would have given anything to be intimate with either girl, even for a moment. Another thing about Tanya (and Sarah to a certain extent) was the fact that she was bossy. VERY bossy. If she didn't agree with something, you'd know about it. She often talked down to Jake, and had once spanked his butt when he was bent over at work with a naughty grin and sashayed away leaving him to go back home and masturbate over the thought of her spanking him more thoroughly in private. Tanya opened the door and looked at Jake like he'd just tried to steal her purse. "Move." Jake looked incredulously. "What? There's plenty of space in the back." Sarah looked over at him annoyed. "Get in the back." She said, resigned to Tanya's sometimes quirky habits. Jake didn't like being pushed around, and decided fuck it, if they can be dicks about it so can he. "Well I guess we can chill here then, this car park is pretty cool!" Tanya's eyes took on a dangerous glint. "Jake, get in the back. Move" she said with a little more menace. Sarah looked at him, almost with pity. "Jake, trust me, just fucking do it." Jake stood his ground. "Has anyone ever thought of doing astronomy from here? The car park lights are so low you could get away with anything here! Luckily I'm n...." Tanya slipped her leg into the car beside his and shoved Jake half over the gearstick, leaving them both sitting on the chair. She forced her way in beside him and slammed the door behind her before pushing him over the middle of the car, head in Sarah's boobs, and butt sticking out in front of Tanya. "TANYA, what the F...!" Jake was about to say, until she whipped her hand down on his ass, stinging his cheek. He let out an involuntary gasp of surprise, and was dumbstruck when she kept her hand clasped firmly to his buttock! "OH Tanya, hey what...look, I.." He was cut off by Sarah, who wrapped her hands around his head and pulled his lips to hers, letting out a deep moan as he let her passionately probe him with her tongue, licking and dancing around his mouth. Jake felt like he was in a dream. His face flushed as he let her control his movement, pulling his head to the side to allow her to go deeper, before pulling out to tease and nibble his lips, smiling as she did so. "Now, get in the back" Tanya said, in a sultry tone. Jake looked around at her dazed, and managed an awestruck "Urm oh, ok," before climbing dazedly into the back of the car, still unable to believe what had just occurred. Tanya and Sarah smiled at each other, communicating something unseen to him, before opening their doors, stepping out, and walking to the back. As one they entered the car either side of him, shutting the doors. Jake was so excited he didn't register the audible *CLICK* of the car door locks activating, or Sarah shove the electronic keys down under the front seat, safely hidden away. No-one was getting in or out of this car unless they wanted them to. Jake however was too busy being swallowed up by Tanya's lustful stare, as she leaned over until she was right on top of him, gazing down on him like a lioness at her prey. He lifted up his hands to rub her boobs lightly, and she grinned at his tameness. Licking her lips, she brought a hand up gently, before wrapping it around his throat. Tanya plunged her tongue into his mouth as he opened it in shock, squashing him down into his seat, using her tongue to shove his aside and mashing her face hard against his, brief moans and grunts escaping their tight embrace. Jake felt her weight squeezed against him, and could only allow her to crush her tits into his chest whilst she violently sucked and licked his tongue and lips. Sarah meanwhile watched on with a look of satisfaction, before slipping out of her dress in a few easy motions, allowing her tits to spring free, and revelling in the sexual indecencies that were about to take place. Jake's face began to turn red from the force of Tanya's brutal grip and snogging, and when she finally released him, he gasped in relief, head back as he gulped down air whilst Sarah watched. Tanya looked over to see her friend naked and had to stifle a laugh owing to the fact that Jake was utterly unaware of her nakedness, or Sarah's rather large surprise in full view. Eventually, Sarah leaned over, gently putting her hands around his head again and pulled him over to her side of the tiny vehicle, kissing him softly and sensually with her smooth lips, smiling at him, teasing him. Tanya meanwhile undid Jake's belt, pulling his trousers and underwear down to his knees to reveal a 6 inch reasonably sized cock, fully erect. That's nice she thought, caressing it in the palm of her hand; it would make a nice contrast to her and Sarah. Jake meanwhile closed his eyes and moaned as he felt Tanya's hand squeeze his hard manhood, and nearly came all over himself when he realised that Sarah's boobs were just under his chin whilst she glided her tongue beneath his, exploring him. he felt his trousers and boxers being removed and manoeuvred to let Tanya complete the job, throwing them into the front of the car whilst he bathed in the probing passion of Sarah's deep kisses, moving his fingers around her hard nipples causing her to gasp with pleasure. Further stroking from Tanya caused his cock to twitch and he would have been unable to continue had she not put her other hand firmly on his balls and squeezed. "Uggghhhnn...UH..?!" he exclaimed as she pulled him by his balls, leading him from the seated position he was in, to turn onto his front across the seats. "Ooooohh....SHIT, Tanya Pleeaase!" he whimpered as she forced him onto all fours on the seats facing Sarah. It was at that moment that he caught sight of Sarah, manoeuvring onto her knees in front of him, perky, nubile tits posed before him....with an 11 inch cock pointing straight out in front of her. Jake's jaw dropped at the sight of the sheer length....not wide, but certainly longer than anything he'd seen before, her hairless balls hanging just underneath. The toned young woman smiled down at him, drinking in the sight of this vulnerable young male in front of her, her blood flowing into her organ which bobbed in front of his face, inches from his nose. The realisation began to dawn on him that Sarah and Tanya were going to do things tonight that he wasn't expecting. He began to beg: "wha....Oh wait, I don't understand! Please, Sarah..... OOOOooooooo" Tanya had taken that opportune moment whilst he pleaded to grip Jake's testicals and pull his ass back, keeping him at a whimper on all fours before putting her other hand down between her legs. Her friend looked on as she began to gently slide something from underneath her, almost from nowhere. Tanya looked up and saw Sarah with an eyebrow raised. Tanya smirked before responding "Yes, I kept it in my ass, a skin-tight dress isn't going to get the right looks with a bulge the size of my arm now is it!" Sarah tittered and looked down with some slight sympathy at Jake on his hands and knees in front of her, his fear obvious to see. "I wouldn't look back if I were you" she said, winking to him. "Just concentrate on me...." And with that she rested her hands on the side of his face, stroking away a small tear that rested at the top of his cheek. "Shhhhh, shh... You're going to love this.....look up at me" she said, tilting his head up slightly, her kind eyes making Jack smile, her beautiful features making him feel that passion and desire again. Behind him, he heard a tearing sound, and tried to turn, but Sarah's hands had locked on his head, and he was only able to continue looking up at her, those beautiful features for a moment changing, revealing a slight annoyance. "Baby, you heard me the first time. Look at me, don't turn, come closer." She moved up to him and brought his head up to her pert, B cup breasts, and rubbed her nipples over his lips, letting him rub them with his tongue. Jake began sucking and caressing her nipples with his mouth, sucking hard on one, causing Sarah to let out a girlish whimper as he made love to her beautiful tits. She was so close that her erect cock began to push into his chest, and he put his hand up to push it away, but as he did so she put her hand quickly over his, starting to jerk on her lengthy womanhood. Jack looked up to see her lusting expression gazing down at him, enjoying the attention she was receiving, and realised he was making her feel deep physical satisfaction. He realised this was beyond anything he had wanted ever since he had met her, and brought his other hand up to cover another few inches of her love-pipe, jerking in time to his other hand, and she moaned as he gently pumped her sausage, whilst caressing her nipples. Another tearing sound happened behind him, but Jake was too busy pleasuring Sarah to notice as Tanya's erect cock tore a hole in the front of her skin-tight black outfit. Sarah's eyes flicked up briefly and enviously took in the familiar sight of her friend, wearing the sluttiest skin-tight number imaginable whilst her veiny monster jutted out in front of her. The purple head was nearly twice as thick as her own, and the 13 inch length was so big that it reached up to her tits fully erect. Tanya looked down at Jake smugly as she placed one hand on her cock, like a ship's mast jutting from her curvier body and revelled in her own wild beast-like beauty. She smirked as she mouthed the word lube to Sarah who flicked her eyes towards the back seat mini compartment, before focusing once more on Jake who was pumping her cock steadily and kissing his way down her chest. Sarah let him, and beamed at him as he slowly pressed his lips to the head of her dick, swirling his tongue around, tasting her slightly tangy pre-cum and lapping it up. Sarah swooned as Jake drooled over her cock, swallowing the head and running his tongue up and down the shift causing her to utter small feminine whimpers of delight. "OHHHHhhhh yes Jake....please....don't stop...." she said as he began swallowing her erect penis, attempting to deep throat her but gagging slightly at the length of her turgid cock. Tanya meanwhile, was covering her shaft in swathes of lube, running it up and down the steel hard length of woman meat, making it a frictionless torpedo in preparation for Jake's beautiful little ass. Jake in the meantime had become fully consumed in his task of pleasuring Sarah into emptying the contents of her balls into his mouth, and was busy trying to put the full 11 inches of her genitals into his mouth, tears welling up from his eyes as he attempted to swallow her cock. His lips formed a vacuum as he sucked his way to the base of her shaft, nestling his nose in the pubic hair there, before turning his watery eyes upwards to see his beautiful Sarah staring and groaning at him in pleasure, loving every second of the constricting blowjob he was giving to her. "MMMmmmm....oh you dirty cock don't stop...." she said as he slurped up and down her pole, taking every inch of her meat down his throat. Jake felt his heart beat rapidly at Sarah calling him dirty names, and had no intention of stopping his submission to her will, fondling Sarah's shallow balls with his left hand whilst the other continued to wank her with steadily more rapid strokes, causing her beautiful chest to swell in and out with quickened breaths. And then a hand was placed firmly on the young boy's back, as Tanya lined him up squarely in front of her, keeping him on all fours in case he tried to buck. Jake wanted to look around but was unable to remove the long female cock extending down his throat, and his eyes widened as he felt the head of something large and slippery touch the rim of his ass and rest there. Tanya rested her cock at his entrance, smiling down at the boy's pert butt-cheeks as she slipped her cock between them, splitting them in two. Jake whined in alarm, but all that got past Sarah's dick was a muffled cough of fear as Tanya began to feed herself into him, the sheer girth of her phallus causing Jake to pull up off Sarah's cock and let out a small shriek. "OH!!...please....noooOOOOOHHHHh..!!." An audible POP sounded from where Tanya's cock had entered, past his sphincter, causing him to panic as she pressed herself into him. 2 inches of Tanya had found their way into Jake's unprepared ass, and she smiled as she fed more into him, her strong arms grabbing his hip and shoulder as he shook with fear, pulling him up into a position to be invaded more easily by her. "UNNGGHH ...UGHHH ....please ....UUUUGGGGGHHHH!" Jake began to mewl and beg through tears, unable to form words as inch after unholy inch of sheer girth was slowly forced into him, his body taut as it was gradually plundered by a strong beautiful woman. His pleas fell on deaf ears as Tanya was lost in the task of spearing the young boy on her womanhood, eyes glued to his quaking body as it accepted her meaty offering. "Uhn, take it you bitch....." Tanya murmured. Sarah sat in front of Jake as he mewled like a young girl, her wank-pole hard as a rock as Tanya pushed her cock further into him. Sarah decided to try and take Jake's attention away, pulling his head back onto her cock. His lips clamped down on her and he moaned, as Tanya took a firm grip on his shoulder and muscled her cock further into the boy's ass. Jake was unable to think too clearly with 9 inches of cock in him, but Sarah's face had changed to a look of wickedness and she put her hands either side of his face, sliding her cock without warning all the way down his throat to hold him against her, his nose tickled by her pubes. His throat squeezed her as he tried not to gag, spit lathering her shaft which had Sarah breathless with lust. At the same time Tanya brutally drove all the way into Jake from behind, her pelvis pressing against his tailbone causing him to gasp as Tanya's 13 inches of steel cock flexed inside him. The girls shared a moment of affection as their eyes met, Jake squirming and whining beneath them, before they pulled their cocks out and slammed hard back into him, spit-roasting his vulnerable little body with deep pelvic thrusts. Jake's mind was in shock as they sawed in and out of him. It felt like they were meeting in the middle as their two cocks pressed deep into his insides. The girls began to grunt and groan as the sounds of Sarah's balls hitting Jake's chin reverberated through his skull. Tears sprang from his eyes as the girls pile-drived their schlongs into the centre of his body, their bodies crushing him, seizing him between them. He could feel every centimetre of Tanya as she delved into him, his insides squeezing her, her weapon almost unending. Jake then whimpered in pleasure as she hit something deep inside him, sending waves of pleasure through his system, feeling her full girth flex again inside him. Tanya felt him shudder and laughed softly, his entire body at her mercy as she drew herself halfway out before penetrating the boy again. He could hear her breathing heavily as she continued to pull out and push into him, hitting that sweet spot, laying down on top of him so that her nipples pressed into his back as she did so. The two girls moaned in unison as they enjoyed the feeling of Jake around their meat, grinding their hips against his face and ass. Jake groaned as another Tanya thrust, harder this time, sent ripples of satisfaction through his body, whilst Sarah's cock slid steadily between his lips. He let her push into him and then licked his tongue under the bottom of it, wetting it with his saliva which caused Sarah to grip his hair harder. He couldn't believe he was being made a cock-sucker for this girl, but it felt so hot that all he wanted to do was taste her cum on his tongue. It felt so wrong.... but all of those feelings were washed away as Tanya drove her cock into him again, Jake whimpering in a high girly voice as her huge balls slapped into his, her abuse making him feel so GOOD. Tanya and Sarah then drew themselves all the way out, until they were poised in front and behind. Tanya grinned and winked. "Playtime's over." And as one their cocks drove into him, their grips like iron as their steel wangs were buried repeatedly in his ass and throat. Jake mewled in surprise and tried to push them off as they ploughed him hard and fast, shaking as their bodies thudded against his at lightning speed, their young female bodies hammering his helpless male one. Tanya was utterly brutal, sawing her cock through him with abandon, grunting like a maniac as she wreaked havoc on Jake's abused ass. Sarah was wild-eyed and heaving as she forced herself into his throat repeatedly whilst he gagged, covering her pole in heaps of saliva. Jake felt Tanya spank him so hard it was like a whip, and couldn't stifle his groan of pleasure, which he knew was a mistake as soon as she began to smack his ass with her palm like a sprinting jockey, leaving red marks all over his rear as her tool plunged into his behind unabated. He couldn't stop himself him from enjoying her unbelievable pounding as she hit his perfect sweet spot repeatedly, leaving him dazed and elated with each thrust. Sweat rolled of their bodies and onto Jake as they gyrated at blinding speed, giving every last bit of effort into slickly pummelling him like a whore, never stopping even when his eyes rolled up and he let out screams of pleasure every time Sarah pulled her cock out of his throat. "AGGGHHHHHpmmhmh oooohhhhhmpphhphhh!" Tanya bellowed, in a beast-like frenzy as she fucked Jake, his body bucking like a piƱata as it was invaded from both sides and the car jiggling from side to side in time with their tireless thrusting. A cute neighbour of Tanya's crossed the car park and saw the steamed windows of the mini and the sounds of brutal, sweaty sex taking place inside. She smirked; the girl inside sounded like she was enjoying it, she thought mildly. The 'girl' Jake was being so deeply plundered between his so-called friends' powerful sweaty bodies that his mind was struggling to deal with the deep sensations of sexual fulfilment, and he was now pushing back himself along with Tanya to help bury her cock in him as deep as possible, screaming in orgasmic bliss as he came from the anal pounding again whilst Sarah's now saliva-drenched cock continued to assault his throat. Sarah loved the feeling of Jake's throat...she could feel him constricting around her lengthy prick, and she let out a feminine cry of pleasure as she felt her balls tighten. Tanya heard the cry and rapid fired a set of Humungous thrusts so deep that Jake's body was smacked forward each time, his face planted into Sarah's pubes with every snap of her hips. He felt her dick thumping that perfect place inside him hard, and felt the third anal orgasm fire through his bruised body, his cock hard as a rock. "CUM FOR ME BITCH!" Tanya roared and with that she grabbed his hair and hips whilst she fucked him, slammed her body down on top of his and yelled into his ear "TAKE IT YOU SLUTTY LITTLE CUNT!" Tanya's heavy body slamming down on Jake caused his elbows to quake, but somehow he stayed upright as her sweaty body heaved on his back, his insides getting pummelled as Tanya took every inch of tight-assed pleasure that she could from him. The smell of Sarah's cock in his mouth, along with their steel-hard dicks inside him and the feeling of Tanya's meaty body sweating on top of his, caused Jake's cock to teeter on the brink, and he suddenly felt an unexpected grip squeeze hard and begin to rapidly jerk him. He looked up to see Sarah bent over wanking his pole with one hand whilst she continued fucking his mouth with her she-cock. Sarah looked into his eyes and just smiled at him in breathless delight. Jake's cock twitched for a second and then exploded so hard he thought he might empty himself of every last drop of liquid his body had. Sarah saw him respond to her gaze and cried out as she pulled her nob to the edge of Jake's throat and began to cum with him, splattering huge globs of ejaculate into his belly. His thin ropes of jizz splattered over the leather seats as Sarah looked on, eyes glued to him as she rubbed his cock and fondled his balls. He swallowed down each thick salty wave as she provided it to him, before she pulled her cock to the edge of his chin and douse his lips and open mouth in heavy doses of spunk, his thankful gaze taking in the sight of the majestic girl screaming as she came like a train all over his face. Tanya meanwhile was still pounding away at Jake's ass, trying not to cum as his entrance squeezed her cock, his little butt thrusting to meet her monster dong. She watched as Sarah's viscous ejaculate continued to coat his upper body, Jake's own brief spurts having run out after a few quick moments. Jake simply tried to catch every last drop; it went in his mouth, in his hair, on his face, neck and torso. A fat strand of milky jizz hung from the bottom of his chin, wobbling in time to Tanya's lengthy thrusts. Suddenly she froze, holding back the huge impending orgasm with her body resting on Jake's, breathing heavily. Slowly, tenderly, she pulled her cock out of his anus, still rock hard and ready to blow at any second. Jake mewled as the head left his body, feeling a huge space inside him. Tanya's pre-cum ran down his legs as he tried to adjust to not having her inside him. It felt wrong not to have a dick inside his body, and he couldn't help but crave the sensation of submissive fulfilment. Tanya meanwhile had sat back against the door, breathing heavily, her erection throbbing up in the air. Sarah had finished her load and was now draped over the opposite passenger seat, letting out soft purrs of pleasure. Jake simply remained on his hands and knees, feeling Sarah's spunk running down his chest and arms and onto the now filthy upholstery. "Look at me, slut" said Tanya, a small smile playing at her lips as she lazily beckoned Jake to face her. He turned to face her, gingerly moving his legs around until he was looking at her naked form in all it's glory. And the sight of her proud mast, veiny and thick with a huge head jutting up, made him wonder how he ever could have fit that weapon inside him. Tanya had noticed the expressive interactions between Jake and would be fun to emotionally fuck with them for a little while. But then....a 13 inch horse-cock can do that to people..... She had broken up relationships just for fun after fucking girls who could never be satisfied in the same way again by their boyfriend. She loved to take the guy afterwards as well, sometimes with the girl watching. Seeing a girl's respect for a man die as she came in their ass was so deplorably pleasurable. "Do you like my cock Jake?" she said. "Oh.....yes. Yes, I loved your cock in me." He replied sheepishly, almost disbelieving. But he had felt it inside him....that deep pleasure was more than he could have dreamed of getting from any ordinary woman.... Tanya's lips continued to curl upwards, and she murmured in satisfaction. "Prove it." She gestured casually to her own flagpole before speaking. "Drop your cute butt on top of this.....I want to see you fuck yourself on me." Sarah was watching with interest as Jake struggled with his thoughts. She loved watching Tanya fuck people....but she felt unusually compassionate about Jake..... dare she think it, he was actually kinda cute! Funny too, in a pushover way...but she liked that. Jake looked back at Sarah for a moment, who grinned and nodded....after all, it's not every day that you get a gorgeous girl with the biggest rod in town telling you to sit on her lap.... He began to pull himself up til he was half-standing, almost pressed up against the roof of the car to crouch over Tanya's swollen head. She was grinning at him like a Cheshire cat, a thrill running through her at the thought of him literally GIVING his body to her. Jake felt his entrance come into contact with Tanya's rod for the second time that evening and shivered as he mentally readied himself to accept her unnatural girth inside him. "Sit on my lap, you fucking whore" said Tanya, watching him flinch, loving the effect her words had on the fragile young man. The order seemed to kick something in him and Jake sat down, her rod slipping into him a little easier than last time but still making him groan as he began to sink down slowly towards her huge balls. "Ohhhhhh God Tanya, you're big...." Jake said achingly, wincing at her girth stretching him. Her pulsing erection of steel seemed to have no end as he continued down, letting her fill him up, own him. He had to feel that special place deep inside again..... Finally his knees were on the seats, his smaller body level with Tanya's, his ass impaled to the hilt of her dong, tightly sheathed around it's girth. Tanya didn't even bat an eyelid as she spoke. "Now bounce. I want you to ride me until you scream my name you little bitch." She waited for a few seconds before delicately placing two fingers on her right nipple and rubbing back and forth, causing her breaths to become shallow once more. Jake was entranced, but underneath the casualness Tanya was on the edge of a humungous orgasm. "Bounce you little faggot or I'll fuck your cute girlfriend over there instead whilst you watch" Jake had a second of incomprehension until he looked around and saw Sarah had a look of tension on her face...and was that...affection? She made a small smile at him and he couldn't help but smile back, despite what had happened earlier between them. In fact....was that affection for him? "Awwww, are the love birds planning their wedding already?" Tanya said in a scornful manner. "I think we'd better put this relationship to the test then!" And with that she lifted Jake a foot up in the blink of an eye before snapping her hips up hard to punish him with her dong, a small involuntary moan of pleasure coming from her lips as she desperately tried to push back the impending ocean of jizz waiting for Jake. Jake screamed as she pushed in hard. He almost came right there again, instead his cry rang through the car as he steadied himself. Sarah despite herself was getting super hot watching Jake squeal whilst Tanya held him firm on her lap, Sarah could feel her cock beginning to edge it's way upwards to her stomach again, despite wishing he was making those sounds for her. Jake was crying with pleasure as Tanya remained still, tears of sexual gratification mixed with the leftover jizz still running down his face from Sarah's facial. "Now for the last time...BOUNCE know you want the cock, slut. You're salivating for it...." Jake began to bounce except that Tanya wouldn't let him, holding his hips in place so he could only struggle in vain. "Oh, didn't you want the cock? Why not, is it not big enough for you?" Tanya said in mock concern, inwardly crying with laughter as the young man desperately tried to free his hips so he could plunge his ass onto the veiny monster. "I WANT YOUR COCK TANYA, SO BAD, OH FUCK ME TANYA PLEEEEAASE!!!" Jake cried out, lost to the feelings she gave him, that he had never felt before and may never feel again. He couldn't lose that.... Tanya pouted "Oh.......then tell me you love me." Jake stopped mewling as he tried to process what she had said..... She clearly had no regard for hadn't had any regard for his emotions up to this point. To her he was a fuck-toy, so why make him do this? And then he felt his head turn to Sarah, whose beautiful slender body was still tired and sweaty. She wore a pained expression and he felt his heart murmur as those glassy blue eyes stared back at his...he just wanted to reach out and kiss those beautiful which point Tanya flung him halfway up her shaft and explosively snapped her legs to smack her big cock right back into his asshole, causing his mind to reel and another scream to escape his lips as his whole body trembled again, Tanya reeled off a hideous series of thrusts into him; once, twice, three times, each thunderous smack of their hips causing the car to jump. Jake was in overload, his cock rigid, pleasure firing inside his body as another anal orgasm turned his thoughts to mush. Tanya slowed until he was bent over her, slumped and breathing heavily, and sitting at the head of her cock, positioned above her so that he would be unable to stop her from slamming her shaft right into him from the deepest possible angle if she wished it. Jake whined as his body desperately waited for Tanya to be back inside him. Sarah looked on unhappily as the young man helplessly wiggled himself to try and get a bit more cock in him, held in place by the Tanya's iron grip. She looked up at him and put a hand to his sticky cheek, and almost affectionately, said to him "I love you love me too, beautiful boy?" Jake's eyes managed to focus on Tanya, every inch a goddess, her superior body covered in a sheen of sweat which only made her look more radiant and voluptuous, droplets running slowly down her curves and between her bouncy breasts. She was smiling gently at him, and made the gentlest of pleasurable sounds, almost a small breath, as she slipped a tiny way further into him, teasing him. The movements caused him to whimper in anticipation of her making love to him instead of her earlier brutality....... "Oh God Tanya... I......" "Yes...." she said, gifting him another tiny centimetre of her love. In her peripheral vision, she could see Sarah desperately watching, but unwilling to intervene for fear of Tanya's wrath. Her expression was pensive as she stared, looking on as her friend made a human fuck-puppet out of Jake, attempting to humiliate him to the utmost degree. Jake's knees were weak as Tanya continued to tenderly stroke his face and dip her shaft in and out ever so slightly. "Say it Jake....say it for me." Jake focused on her smiling features and uttered the words "Oh God Tanya I love you....." Sarah's eyes shuddered but she breathed and tried to ignore it as Jake exclaimed his love for Tanya. Despite herself her womanhood was still achingly solid. Tanya let out a few excited breaths before bringing his head to hers, this time softly kissing him, caressing his lips with hers. She gave him another soft, innocent pout and then said to him slowly: "You are nothing but a soaking wet pussy to ride my dick cowgirl," flashing a cheesy wink and grin as she did so. Tanya had time to see Jake's features fall and drink it in before motoring her cock like a pneumatic drill into his deep anus. Despite feeling emotionally ruined, Jake couldn't help screaming as her monster sawed in and out of him. It didn't matter what she had done to him, Tanya knew how to fuck him like a bitch. She pushed in deep, thrusting as far in as she physically could, ensuring he felt every inch of her dick punching his insides to leave his whole body in tremors of pleasure. Her ass was a blur as she manically smacked her hips up to his butt at tremendous pace, grunting loudly again as Jake bounced up and down like a sock puppet being controlled by her cock. He pushed back down with her thrusts to assist her invasion of his body, vision blurred through jizz and tears as she forced him into multiple orgasms, refusing to let up as words tumbled out of his trembling mouth unbidden. "Tanya...Oh Tanya....unh TANYA.. YES, OH FUCKING GOD, YES!!!!" Jake's unexpected pornstar impression had Tanya foaming at the mouth, and she spanked his ass as he rode her like a stripper, his butt burying itself on the pole beneath it. Her hand shot up to hold his face and push her thumb into his mouth, forcing him to suck it as he almost bounced into the roof before being slammed back down on top of her. Sarah was stroking herself, unable to look away from the transfixing site of the couple as Tanya grappled and debased Jake like he was a two dollar whore, a sheen of sweat on her body, muscles rippling with every scream that came out of Jake's mouth. Sarah shivered and then erupted, her salty cum pouring our of her and onto her own face and tits as she jerked her dick hard, her grip like iron as she took every last ounce of pleasure from her emptying balls and shaft. Jake meanwhile struggled to maintain consciousness as Tanya fucked him half to death, all thoughts and feelings replaced by one insatiable lust for Tanya's complete domination of his body and soul. Tanya was bellowing abuse which filled the car with her powerful voice as he rode her, telling him to bounce harder, calling him her whore, shouting that she was ruining him for every other girl he would ever meet as their bodies collided. Jake loved it, and he wanted her to cum. He NEEDED her to cum Tanya could feel herself tensing and started to scream as her balls throbbed and her rigid shaft flexed. Jake felt it and knew she was going to explode, squeezing the steel-hard penis with his ass as best he could. Tanya felt the huge amounts of cum swelling inside her balls and shaft, ready to mark Jake's ass and body as their property. She continued a few final titanic thrusts into Jake who thrust back, impaling himself on her, before the orgasm hit her like a train, her dick exploding as cum blasted out of her like a fire hydrant, so deep into Jake's body that he thought it might come out of his mouth and ears. Her previously smooth brutal movements were now rapid and jerky as she took in the pleasure Jake's ass was giving her. The hot cum was filling him up and was soon spewing out of his hole around Tanya's cock and balls, splattering across the seats and Jake's worn out legs. Tanya was screaming like an animal as she filled him up, and she knew she had to see his face get covered before the day was done. She put both hands on his hips, lifting him up until her cock popped out of his ass firing cum across her own face and tits. She moaned as it soaked her hair and covered her like a river before shoving Jake onto his back and thrusting herself up and over him so she was kneeling above his chest, before pointing her cum machine right at his face. Jake had time to say "OH....!!!" before the milky ejaculate hosed onto his face, dousing his features in sticky white cream as Tanya grunted like a wild animal, slapping her cock on his chest like a gorilla as it sprayed his body, flying onto Sarah as well who was sitting dazed in a pool of her own jizz. Tanya sunk her fingernails into the seats as her balls emptied, body racked with an unbelievable orgasm as her snake pooled cum onto Jake's face. He could only close his eyes and let her drown him in her kids, sperm firing into his mouth and nostrils at tremendous speed. Eventually the stream of cum slowed to a trickle until Tanya was slumped on top of Jake's young body, her cock laid across his stomach and chest as she looked over her handiwork. His face was submerged, his mouth trying to clear his airways of her copious love-milk, thick and viscous. The salty aroma of her cock was all over him, still trickling out of his ass and off of his chest and arms. His expression (which she could just barely make out beneath the semen) was dazed, and utterly contented. He could have been a lottery winner, the way he continued gently stroking the shaft of her cock with his fingers, like a prized possession, like a lover. Tanya let out a deep hum of satisfaction and looked over at the discarded clothes in the front seats. There was one dress that needed replacing..... guess that could be for when she was back at her place, no need for covering her cock up there, she thought wryly to herself. She pulled herself up and let out a sigh of satisfaction, mimicked by Sarah who stroked Jake's cum-ridden hair a little, before pulling out a large amount of tissues from the back seat compartment. Tanya couldn't help smiling at her friend's preparation levels before proceeding to use swathes of it on her cock, face and chest, all the while still sat on Jake's belly. Jake had fallen asleep, utterly exhausted, and was breathing softly while jizz trickled down off his face and onto the car seats. Tanya meanwhile wiped herself off and grabbed her dress and heels from the front, stepping out into the cool evening air, utterly naked, before walking towards her apartment door. She'd got what she wanted from the evening, so as far as she was concerned, it was a successful night. Sarah sat a little longer and watched her friend walk back into her flat naked. What a sight she was, she thought dreamily, before looking back down at Jake, who looked like he had bathed in sperm. She smiled and realised....she had him all to herself. Grinning from ear to ear now, she slipped into the front seats, retrieved the keys and slipped into her dress. She'd have to find her way into the house the back way, but she was pretty sure she could get him upstairs to her room without anyone noticing....after a wash first, she thought.. The Next Day.... Jake woke up to find himself in bed....and utterly confused. His body ached, and he had planned to go out with Sarah and Tanya but....he must have got drunk. Maybe his drink got spiked? And his dreams....he remember groaning, deep fulfilment...the smell of ....jizz??! He tried to concentrate and as he did felt his cock begin to straighten. Embarrassed he stopped and thought about how he had come to be here, which was when he realised.....this wasn't his room. He looked over at the was white, large and had three minimal wardrobes, the open one of which contained swathes of pretty dresses and shoes. The walls were also white, and a silver pole stood in the centre of the room. And on it, a girl was doing lithe, supple movements, almost floating on air as her body controlled a perfect spin, her back arching as she gracefully morphed from one complex movement to the next. Jake thought he was in love...and then Sarah noticed him stir, and flashed the smallest of smiles at him. Elegantly, she lowered herself to the floor and sashayed towards the bed, coming up to stand over him, a playful smirk still showing on her lips. Jake was breathless, and tried to speak, but she simply but a finger over his mouth before he could say anything stupid, crouching down over him, and placed a long, lingering kiss between his lips, tongue snaking in to coax and intertwine with his. It all came flooding back to Jake and he watched her as she pulled back slowly. She grinned at him and flicked his hair before walking deliberately back to the pole to continue her movements. Jake watched spellbound, and realised that whatever happened in the near future.....he was definitely looking forward to Sarah being a part of it.

