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Shemale School: A Teacher Seduced

1. A PROLOGUE - After over fifteen years of teaching in public school systems in Canada, I was offered a job at a reclusive private school in southern California. I was in desperate need of a change in my teaching career, having been living an exhaustive mind-numbing routine. I was sick of the pressure to just pass everybody, I was sick of the entitlement issues of today's students and truth be told I was sick of the six months of winter (it really is depressing when there is snow on the ground by mid-October). At first, I balked at the job offer, but when the school's Headmistress committed to paying all my relocation costs and offered a salary that was double my current salary in Canada, I couldn't resist. Not to mention, southern California doesn't get snow. When the Headmistress of the school called me about the job, I was quite surprised since I never actually applied, but I remember the phone call vividly: "Hi, is this Ms. Jasmine Winston?" asked a friendly female voice. "Yes it is," I answered, having just gotten home from work a few minutes earlier, after a rather exhausting day that had tested my patience. "My name is Headmistress Alexis Carleton and I am in charge of an all girls' school in southern California," she introduced herself. I assumed I was about to be invited to come and speak to her school staff about one of my keynote presentations. Although not an expert, I have written about teaching assessments that work and also spoke on bringing learning to life. Last year, I won a teaching excellence award in Canada as one of the most innovative teachers in the country. She continued, "After seeing you speak a few weeks ago, I found myself wishing I had someone like you on my staff with such enthusiasm and such passion for teaching. I went back to my school rejuvenated by your lecture. Then a couple of days ago as I was planning for next years' school year a thought popped into my head. If I want someone like you, why not just go out and get you." I listened vaguely, tired from the day, even though her flattery was cheering me up slightly. Yet, her last sentence pulled me right into the conversation. "Pardon?" "I want to interview you for a position at my school, although I am already confident I want to hire you," she informed me. I was flattered and surprised. "Really?" I asked, still a bit dumbfounded by the call. "I must have you," she said, her voice showing a determination even over the phone. We spent ten more minutes on the phone before I agreed I would get back to her in a couple of days with an answer if I was interested in setting up a Skype interview. Over the next couple of days I considered the opportunity. My youngest son was in grade twelve and was already accepted to a university playing football hours away, my daughter was in second year university in Toronto, over 30 hours away and I was already worried about empty nest syndrome. A new school, a new start would be a great distraction from being home alone without kids. Secondly, since I divorced my husband after he cheated on me with his secretary a couple of years ago, how cliché is that, I had wanted to start over and had already been applying for jobs in other provinces...although California was in a whole other country. So, if I hadn't been bitter with my current job and lack of a strong education system, if my children were younger or if my husband hadn't been a cheating bastard I probably never would have considered such an extreme move, but the stars were all aligned and I decided what the fuck...why not?. Of course, I did my due diligence first and researched the school extensively. The school, Chateau Johnson for Girls, was a by invitation only school for gifted girls. Located in southern California, the school was in the middle of nowhere and all the girls lived in dorms at the school. The teachers also lived on campus and besides teaching duties were expected to be dorm mothers. The more I read the more mixed were my feelings about this unique opportunity. Reasons to take the job: 1. The idea of teaching only strong academic girls, young women, was really exciting, but all those hormones would also be exhausting. 2. I loved the idea of living in the fresh air of southern California, but wasn't so keen on living in the vast emptiness the school was located. The nearest town was forty minutes away. 3. The thought of being a dorm mother was also quite interesting; in public school I had over 200 students a year and truthfully only made real teacher-student relationships with a few. I spent so much time working with kids failing, skipping class and so forth, that making real connections with students was rare. Yet, at Chateau Johnson for Girls class size was capped at 18 (at my current school the cap was 28, but that was only a suggestion and 35 students in a room made for 30 maximum was very common). 4. I was thrilled I would be teaching the same girls all the classes I love: English, World History, Creative Writing, and Drama. I would finally get to teach creative writing. I had always wanted to but the Creative Writing teacher at every school I had ever worked at was already entrenched in the position (and trust me teaching staffs are like high school, full of cliques and hard to change). 5. Free housing was included as part of my salary thus saving me a ton of money on rent. 6. I would get six free round trip flights a year (with no restrictions to where I went). 7. I also had 20 percent preparation time (20 percent more than I had at my last school), 8. I would be in charge of the drama club, the graduation ceremony and would be the faculty advisor for the student council. I was excited by the additional duties as a dorm mother that would afford me the chance to interact with the students outside the classroom environment. 9. Also, I was in awe of the many famous alumni that this small school had. Politicians, lawyers, celebrities, doctors and every other high profile job was represented by the school's small, but seemingly elite, alumni. 10. Lastly, I was in awe with the dress code of the school. In every school I had ever worked at the dress code was just a suggestion. If I got a dollar for every time I saw a girl's thong or a boy's underwear I would be rich; if I got another dollar for every skirt that was too short, or cleavage too low I could feed a third world country. Yet, at the elite school there wasn't a complete school uniform but very clear rules the girls must follow: -they must wear a blouse (only one button could be undone) or sweater -they must wear one of three skirt choices (given to them by the school) -they must wear pantyhose (also given by the school) I was fascinated by the fact that pantyhose were mandatory (I had never seen that before; some schools required tights if the skirt was too short or leggings, but that had seldom been enforced). If I saw a dozen girls in pantyhose in a whole year that would be a lot at my school, unlike the eighties when I was in high school and they were worn every day. I had been wearing pantyhose or thigh highs since college when my boyfriend of the time liked me in them. I have always loved the feel of silky nylon on my legs and felt they accentuate my strongest asset perfectly. I have small breasts, 34b and a decent ass, but my legs are easily my best asset. Conversely, I always noticed women in pantyhose and although I am straight, I often fantasize about being with a woman. I am a published writer with a few plays published, a book of poetry, and a few articles on education. Yet, my most prolific writing was under the pseudonym Jasmine Walker. I love writing porn. I have written more than eighty stories on a website called Literotica, the majority of them rather popular. My themes are almost always about submission, seduction, humiliation, and stockings. My genres are varied, but my most common are lesbian, incest, group sex and gay. This was my dirty little secret, I lived vicariously through my writing. My real life being a lot less riveting and exciting in comparison to my fictional world, thus this move was a chance to rekindle the adventurous part of me that had never really taken the risks my characters took. I wanted to be like my characters, and every story always has pieces of the real me, yet I am much more conservative in real life (although I am not a complete innocent either), although like many of my characters I was just one temptation away from breaking free from the invisible chains society had put on me. Although no one who knows me knew this, it was the naughty side of me simmering just below the surface...bubbling like a volcano long dormant, but like all volcanoes they eventually erupt. In the end, the offer was too good to refuse, both financially and professionally and after two Skype interviews I was officially offered the job. I accepted, but due to an already planned trip with a couple of girlfriends, I could not arrive till the day before school started, not ideal but the reality. 2. THE FIRST DAY I arrived, disheveled, exhausted and PMS-ing after a five day drive that was one disaster after another and had me arriving a day later than anticipated. Headmistress Alexis, she refused to allow anyone to refer to her by her last name (and I quickly learned that all the teachers allowed their students to call them by their first names as well), was so sweet and helpful when I arrived. She wasn't fazed at all when I called her about my travel problems and after I finally did arrive she had students help me get settled in. I arrived just after 3:30 of the first day of school; I ended up finally meeting Headmistress Alexis in person at her office, curious if she was as commanding in person as she was on the phone and on Skype. Her secretary, a very pretty young woman, greeted me, "Headmistress Alexis, will be with you in a moment, ma'am." I smiled, "Please call me Jasmine." "Of course, Ms. Jasmine" the blonde smiled, before disappearing behind the door. I waited a couple of minutes before I was finally face to face with the woman who changed my life and would change it even more later. She walked directly to me and surprised me by embracing me in a warm hug the moment we met. Breaking the hug which seemed longer than usual non-family hugs she said, "Jasmine, I am so happy you made it here." "Sorry, I am late," I repeated my apology from a couple previous phone calls. "No problem, I am just so happy you have agreed to be a part of our family," she said, squeezing my arm. I thought she was very pretty during our Skype interview, but the Internet did not do her justice. She was a black haired beauty (like the ones you only see in fashion magazines or movies), dressed in a professional business suit, black pantyhose and five inch heels that had me feeling overwhelmed. She oozed a mixture of power and sex, something I always wished I had; I was instantly intimidated by her even though she was soft spoken, caring and excessively touchy-feely. I felt even more inferior as I was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, perfect for driving but not for meeting your well-dressed boss. "I am very thrilled to have been offered this opportunity," I replied, as she sat on her desk and crossed her pantyhose clad legs. My eyes watched her legs briefly, the pantyhose seeming to literally shine. Unfortunately, she noticed me looking and smiled, as if she knew of my secret fascination for pantyhose and my secret fantasies of submitting to a woman. "They are Wolffords." "What is?" I asked, confused. "My pantyhose," she said, seemingly noticing I was staring at her legs. "Ok," I said blushing, but trying to be casual about it. "Feel them," she offered, her voice soft and inviting. "Pardon?" I asked. "You need to feel how soft they are," she said, her heel dangling from her foot. "Ok," I said, nervous and yet curious. I moved to her and touched near her knee. I had worn silky smooth pantyhose my whole life, but I had never felt anything so outrageously soft. "Oh my," I said out loud. She agreed, "I know. They are what all the students wear too. I believe that for our school to be the best we must be the best in everything. We recruit the best students, we hire the best teachers, we have the best technology, and we must dress the best as well." "Wow," I said, so used to getting by with outdated computers, worn out textbooks, and teachers who hated their jobs. She continued, "The skirts the girls wear are Ralph Lauren and the pantyhose Wolford, I considered making the shirts all uniform too but I wanted the students to have it all." "How so?" I asked, impressed but curious. "Well the skirt and pantyhose implies conformity, family and team," she explained, before adding, "yet, choosing their own blouse or sweater gives them a chance to show their individuality." "Wow giving the resemblance of choice while still controlling it," I assessed impressed. "It's a mirage," she smiled back. "Ahhhh, with you being the puppet master," I joked back. Her smile widened, "I control everything that happens here, Jasmine." "So it seems," I replied, amazed by just how manipulative and yet brilliant the Headmistress was. She pressed her intercom and said, "Amanda, please bring in the pantyhose." "I have always believed how you dress commands a certain respect that is almost never questioned," she explained, her shoe slipping from her foot and dropping to the floor. I noticed her toenails were ruby red and the pantyhose were sandlefoot, the same kind I always wear. "I agree," I said, before adding, "I would have liked to meet you in person dressed more professionally than I am today." She laughed. "I don't always dress like this either." Amanda entered and I noticed she was wearing the same shiny type of pantyhose, although hers were a mocha color, the kind I liked the most (it made the pale me look like I have a tan). "Here you go, Headmistress." "Thank you Amanda," the Headmistress said, taking a small bag. I watched as Amanda silently knelt down, picked up Alexis's shoe and slipped it back on her foot. "Good girl," Alexis said, as if she was speaking to a child and Amanda left the room without a word. I must have looked as perplexed as I felt as the Headmistress explained, "Amanda used to be quite a handful, but through constant discipline she has learned to be very obedient." In retrospect, this was the second oddity that should have set off alarms in my head (the first was letting me touch her leg), but I was so in awe of her confidence and unexplainable allure I missed the clues completely. I nodded, "I wish students at my old schools were so obedient." "Oh here, you will learn the students are very well-behaved," she said, yet her tone implied she wasn't talking about school. Again, In retrospect there were so many clues as to what was underneath the surface (pun intended), but I was so taken with her confidence, beauty and intelligence that it never occurred to me that I was being pulled into a web of sin, being groomed for a position much different than what I was hired for. "I think I am going to like it here," I smiled. "I have never felt I had the support of my administration at any of my old schools. Oh sure they talked the talk, but they tripped anytime they tried to walk." She laughed, before her tone got serious, "That is funny. But here, I back up everything I say." I stammered, not wanting to imply I was doubting her, "I-I-I didn't mean to imply I was questioning you." "I know, dear," she smiled warmly. Being called 'dear' was odd considering I was no doubt a few years older than her. She handed me the bag and said, "Here are a dozen pair of Wolfford pantyhose for you in a variety of colors." Taking the bag, I replied, my face showing my surprise at such an odd gift, "Thank you." "You are welcome, Ms. Walker," she replied. My face went beet red. No one knew my secret erotica identity. She instantly corrected herself, "I mean, Ms. Winston. Sorry, I was just on the phone with a Mrs. Walker about a coaching opportunity at our school. I let out a sigh of relief, feeling my secret was still safe, completely oblivious to the reality that it wasn't an error and that the labyrinth of innuendo and seduction was underway. Again, in retrospect it was so obvious.... "Go have a shower and dress up, Jasmine, we have a faculty supper we delayed a day so you could meet the rest of the staff," she instructed. Happy to have a shower and present myself respectively, I didn't notice her words were an order and not a suggestion. "Ok, I definitely could use a long hot shower." "I will have Amanda come and get you at ten to seven," Alexis said. "Sounds good, I don't think I would be able to find anything around here on my own," I joked. Alexis smiled, "Don't worry my dear, we will look after you here." An hour later I had been shown my fully furnished apartment (it was nearly as luxurious as a Penthouse of a hotel), I unpacked a few dresses and clean undergarments and had a nice, long, hot shower. Deciding to try to impress the immaculate Headmistress, I choose a dress rather glamorous for a faculty supper, a red dress that I had only worn once at a wedding and I pulled out a pair of mocha pantyhose, identical to the ones Amanda was wearing earlier, and put them on. As I slid them on my legs I felt rich and decadent. It was like the time I was upgraded to first class and was treated like royalty. The nylon was so soft I got myself slightly damp touching my own legs. I resisted the temptation to masturbate even though I had not had an orgasm for a few days (the long days of driving exhausting me past the point of my usual daily self-exploration and I was just finishing my period). Instead, I did my make-up and hair and tried to look my best. A knock on my door, at exactly ten to seven startled me as did Amanda's outfit. She was dressed in a skin tight red dress, five-inch heels and black pantyhose that seemed to shimmer and shine. She was easily one of the prettiest young women I had ever seen in person and I knew the temptation to misbehave was going to be very difficult. The apple was right in front of me and seemingly offering for me to take a bite. "You look beautiful, Ms. Walker," she complimented. "As do you," I returned the compliment. "Are you ready?" she asked. "Almost," I said, adding, "I just have to slip on my heels." "Let me help you with that," she offered, entering my room. "It's ok," I replied, but she was already on her knees grabbing my foot. "No, I insist, Ms. Walker," she countered, as I looked down at her, my pussy getting an uncontrollable tingle. I lifted up my foot and she slipped my first heel on and then did the same to the other. Once done, she stood back up and smiled, "There, is there anything else I can do for you, Ms. Walker?" Her tone was so sweet, sincere and yet seemingly implying almost anything I was so distracted by her beauty, eagerness and unspoken implications. I stammered, "N-n-no I think that will be all." "Yes, Ma'am," she shrugged, "Well are you ready to go then?" "As ready as I ever will be," I said, nervous to be meeting all my new colleagues. She offered her arm, which was strange, but I took it and she began leading me through endless hallways with my arm hooked in hers, feeling a little lightheaded by her touch, no matter how innocent it was. A slight wetness formed in my panties as my body pondered the taboo possibilities with this young beauty. Thankfully before I got to wet, we arrived at the hall, which was rather extravagant like everything else at the school so far. I was the last to arrive and as soon as I did I was thankful I spent the time to look my best. Each member of the faculty was dressed in either a skirt and blouse or a dress, and all were wearing similar glimmering pantyhose. I was introduced to the rest of the small staff, each one seemed as sweet and genuine as the next. They all offered their assistance in whatever I needed. I learned that everyone on staff had been here at least five years and the woman I was replacing resigned only because she was offered a job on Senator Erica Smith's staff, an alumnus of the school. We had a great evening of getting to know each other and socializing. The dinner was delicious and I was surprised when three hours had so quickly passed. When I realized the time, my body suddenly hit the wall and I said to Alexis, "Thanks for the great welcome, but I am completely beat." "You're welcome," she smiled, squeezing my hand. "Let me just text Nicole and make sure they are done in your room." "Done what?" I asked. "Unpacking you," she answered, as if the answer was obvious. Instantly I panicked. What if they opened my box of toys? Being single for a while now I had purchased a few self-help toys. Although it wasn't a massive collection, it was definitely in the category of things students didn't need to know about me. "They are just finishing up," Alexis said. "You can meet some of your seniors before you officially meet them in class tomorrow." The thought of meeting some of my students was exciting, the thought of my students holding my dildo, vibrator, rabbit, or butt plug (I bought out of curiosity, but had never actually tried always chickening out at the last second) was mortifying. I said my goodbyes and headed back to my room. After all the surprises of the day, I received another one when I entered my room and four girls, all still dressed in their school uniforms, were breaking boxes down. A pretty blonde saw me first and said, her accent heavily English, "Welcome to Chateau Johnson, I am Lisa." "And I am Priya," added a dark skinned beauty who's breasts were barely held in by her tight blouse, two buttons at the top undone, her pink lace bra easy to see. "Wow, you are a knockout," she added. I blushed at the compliment from a student, but before I could respond a red haired beauty, with green eyes, sauntered over to me, clearly the leader of the group, extended her hand and greeted, "Hi, Ms. Jasmine, I am Nicole. President of the Class of 2013." "Hi Lisa, Priya and Nicole," I replied, scanning for the box that had my toys in it. "Don't forget me," called a girl with a very clear Aussie accent from the kitchen. Peaking around the corner, a short hair blonde greeted, "Hi, I'm Christine." "Well it is nice to meet you all," I smiled, "but I hope there won't be a name test tomorrow, I am way too tired to promise I will remember." Lisa joked, "I thought you were supposed to give the tests?" I laughed back, "Good, we are on the same wavelength." "Well, we will let you get some rest before you are fed to the lions," Nicole smiled, her eyes drawing me in. "Thanks ladies, you saved me hours of work," I said. "At Chateau Johnson we are one big happy family," Priya added. "Well, thanks again," I said. "My cell number is on the table in case you can't find anything," Nicole added, before moving to my ear and whispering, "Your box of toys is under your bed." My face flushed and I stammered, "T-t-thanks." "No worries, Ms. Jasmine, we all have our skeletons," the redhead added, her tone ominous. The girls said goodbye and left me alone. I was a bit rattled and worried that the whole school would end up knowing about my box of toys. Luckily, I was so overtired, I got undressed and collapsed into bed, oblivious to the many subtle clues that hinted at the things to come. 3. DRIPPING WITH INNUENDO The first couple of days flew by and I was in awe of just how different the school was. It was like I had been beamed up by a UFO and transported to an alternative universe where all students respected their teachers, used manners and cared about their grades. During the school week the curfew is 10:30, while it is midnight on the weekends, except on special events, the first which was homecoming in three weeks. The school had quite a variety of activities for the girls after school. There were a lot of clubs to join: debate, drama, cosmetology, fashion, culture club, cooking, United Nations, student council among others that held meetings Tuesday and Thursday after classes. On Monday and Wednesday the student council held fun activities. For example on Wednesday they did a massive scavenger hunt. Sports teams practiced after dinner, which was held in a large dining hall for the entire student body, and free time for homework followed. It was a very full packed schedule with the belief that busy students were good students without time to get in trouble. It was a theory that seemed to be working brilliantly, as every student was involved in clubs or sports, most both. The evenings were fun but allowed for little downtime. I did drama on Tuesdays, helped with student council on Thursdays and helped run other events on Mondays and Wednesdays. I didn't coach sports so I did get some downtime which I used to have a nice bubble bath, read a novel, prepare lesson plans or write one of my stories. Not surprisingly, the first new story I began writing was a lesbian story about a submissive teacher being seduced by her headmistress, although the plot was rather vague so far I based my characters on Alexis and myself. My seniors were like a world UN, a multicultural smorgasbord of races and nationalities. My English class consisted of students from Australia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Russia, South Africa and the United States. My other classes were equally diverse and overall there was over forty different countries represented at the school (and over eighty in the history of the school), something the school was very proud of and celebrated. The rest of the first week was amazing, truthfully the best week of my teaching career. I loved the diversity, I loved how every girl was academically strong, I loved that most girls eagerly offered their opinion and I just loved the positive learning environment. The only oddity during the first week was the daily interruption of my senior English class by Headmistress Alexis. Each day she would have Amanda come to my classroom and remove a girl to go see Headmistress Alexis for the majority of the class which ended right before lunch. It wouldn't be out if the ordinary in theory as she made it clear she was a hands on leader and wanted to know what each student's goals were for their senior year and beyond. It was actually a very proactive piece that I greatly supported when she mentioned it to me that first day. But each day the girl who was taken from my class returned looking completely flushed (their faces red, seeming slightly sweaty and their uniforms slightly askew). I noticed it the first day when Lisa was called to the Headmistress's office, but didn't think much of it and again the second day when my student from Japan Reiko returned similarly flushed. The third day, which was Thursday because I missed Monday, I watched intently out of curiosity for the return of the dark skinned Priya; unfortunately although I thought she too looked flushed, I couldn't tell for sure because of her dark skin, but her hair which was in a ponytail when she left was now down. On Friday when the very shy Kala returned flushed and unable to make eye contact with anyone I was baffled. My preparation period was after lunch so I decided to go and inform Alexis that her meetings with the girls had the girls coming back from seeing her rather flustered and out of sorts. Amanda wasn't back from lunch yet so I knocked on the door and Alexis called, "Come on in." I entered and was surprised by how she was seated. Her black pantyhose covered legs on her desk, her heels off as she reclined back in her chair. I asked distracted by her legs, "D-d-do you have a moment to speak with me?" "I always have time for my staff," she smiled. "Thank you," I said, pulling my eyes away from her pantyhose-clad legs. "Please sit down, Jasmine," she offered. I sat down on the chair where I was only a few feet away from her feet. Nylon clad legs and feet are my fetish, my weakness...the one thing that turned me on even though I had never crossed the line from straight to, well, less straight. "I hope you don't mind me being comfortable. I am trying to get used to five inch heels and it has been a bit of a transition," she explained, stretching her leg up in the air. "My feet are killing me." I laughed. "No problem at all. I can barely wear two inch heels without wanting to end my life before the day is through. Balance is not one of my strengths." "We will have to work on that," she said, although she didn't clarify if she meant my balance or walking in heels. After a brief moment, she asked, "What can I do for you, Jasmine?" she asked I couldn't take my eyes of the soles of her feet, as I stammered, "U-u-um, I was curious about what you discuss with the girls when you see them. They all came back flushed and, well, disoriented." "I imagine they do," Alexis smiled. "I just thought I would let you know that once they come back from seeing you they are pretty much useless for the rest of the class," I explained, breaking my eyes away from her perfect feet and instead staring into her just as alluring eyes. "That is very flattering," she said, her answers cryptic riddles that only had me more mystified, more intrigued, more frustrated and more concerned. "Um," I began, not sure what to say. "Do you know why I really hired you, Jasmine?" she asked, lifting her left leg up and repositioning her legs so the right was crossing the left. "I thought it was because you had to have me," I replied smiling, the words that had flattered me so much and started the ball rolling in my dramatic move to another country, not realizing the meaning of those same words could be construed in a completely different manner. "Exactly," she said, smiling wide, her tone playful. When she said no more, I continued, "And because you saw something in me that impressed you and thought I was perfect for this position." "Again, exactly," she agreed, adding, more cryptic words," you will be perfect in many POSITIONS." "Ok," I agreed, dragging out the word, clearly showing my confusion at the way she stressed the word 'positions'. "I take a very keen interest in every student in this school. The individual meetings are for me to get to know each one IN and OUT," she said, the stressing of 'in and out' confusing me. "Oh, oh, ok," I stammered, completely overwhelmed by the powerful Headmistress, my eyes unable to stop taking quick peeks at her legs and feet. "I give every student and teacher here exactly what they need, but it is only through understanding their every need that I can keep them completely SATISFIED," she explained. Although hard to confirm or pinpoint, it seemed every last word of her responses were dripping with sexual innuendo. I replied, "Well that is very commendable of you. I have never had a principal that really seemed to care about the staff or students. They were always too busy playing the education game." Her tone shifted slightly, hinting at annoyance, "I am not a principal Jasmine, I am a Headmistress and the distinction is important. I am only accountable to MY students and MY staff and I take my job very seriously." I stammered, not wanting in any way to imply I was questioning her dedication or leadership. "S-s-sorry if you misinterpreted my words, I simply meant that is actually why I came here, to serve under someone who is more than just a paper pusher or a career climber." I noticed after I used 'serve' which was an odd word choice, but her stocking-clad legs were a real distraction and after having touched them once, ever so briefly, I wanted to again. So many of my fantasies, especially after the betrayal of that bastard who will remain nameless, involved being seduced by a woman (sometimes younger like in my stories Pet Teacher, Deconstructing the Professor or the Lesbian MILF Seductress series and sometimes older like in Training Teacher or Turning Teacher Black). My fetish for stockings always figured into the seduction as it was always what I first noticed in a woman (well that and their eyes which made Alexis two for two). Yet, living in Canada, where it snows six months of the year, very few girls or women wear stockings or pantyhose...tights were more the logical fashion (although tights look sexy, they do not feel sexy). She smiled, her brief annoyance gone as quick as it had surfaced, "Sorry. I get a little defensive when I am associated with the pencil pushers of the public school systems." Trying to compliment her I replied, "Well, as far as I can tell you are the exact opposite of all the past administrators I have worked under." Again I noticed my own accidental potentially sexual implication of my word choic, first 'serve' and now 'work under'. Was my subconscious desperately screaming to get out and make one of my long-time fantasies a reality? Alexis was beautiful, was powerful, and assumedly dominant, and she wore pantyhose every day. If ever there was a person to make my fantasy a reality it was her, but she was my boss and mixing work and pleasure is never a good idea. Her answer only enhanced my naughty thoughts as she quipped, her voice seemingly sensual, yet it could have been my growing libido that made it seem that way. "Oh I hope you will be working UNDER me for a long, long time, Jasmine." My pussy leaked a bit at her words, that could easily be taken as sexual, although could just as easily just be a response to a statement, although Alexis's tone, smile and facial expression spoke to the former. "Now back to your concern, Jasmine. I will be spending a lot of one on one time and sometimes two or three on one time with each of the senior girls," she said, her words innocent and yet my head went into the sexual gutter of lesbian orgies. I tried to push away my growing inappropriate thoughts and yet they wouldn't go away. It didn't help that Alexis's voice was naturally sultry and that her legs and feet were a constant distraction. I desperately wanted to see her toes in the sheer fabric as all I could see from my current sitting position was the soles of her feet and glimpses of her legs. She continued, as I tried to focus on her words, "They need lots of guidance in all aspects of their life and with coming to grips with who they are and what makes them different." Her words were again cryptic, particularly in hindsight, but at the time her answers seemed very logical. I agreed, "Yes, in today's still male dominated world, it is important for young woman to understand who they are as they prepare for the sometimes unfair work world." "I couldn't agree more, although the girls here have a 99 percent college graduation rate and an almost as impressive professional career rate. Here at Chateau Johnson we prepare our girls to be successful no matter the circumstances," Alexis bragged. "I love how proactive and inspirational you are, Alexis," I agreed, her philosophy of preparation similar to mine. She smiled, "We make sure they always RISE to the challenge so to speak." "A great philosophy," I concurred, oblivious to plethora of hints thrown at me that nothing was as at appeared on the surface. She seemed to hold back a laugh as she added, "Whenever they are in a HARD situation they just go with it and use their unique gifts to their advantage." "And I hope I can be a BIG part of the preparation for these girls," I eagerly added, stressing the word 'big' like she had 'rise' and 'hard', again oblivious to the real commitment I was making. Unable to completely hold back her laughter, she chuckled softly, "Oh Jasmine, trust me you are indeed going to play a very BIG role in fulfilling our students EVERY need. Although I must stress such a commitment is exhausting." "I am here to give everything for my students," I again offered, making a commitment much broader and deeper than I meant at the time. She added, "Of course you do, Jasmine. That is one of the reasons I recruited you so aggressively, your dedication to doing whatever it takes to assist in your students' learning. Of course, you understand that true pleasure COMES from complete servitude to your students." So pulled into her inspirational words, words I had always said myself but never saw come to fruition in the schools I had worked at, had me buying in completely to her every word and missing every obvious innuendo. "I do get a weird tingling sensation of accomplishment any time one of my students succeeds." "Yes, It is can be completely FULFILLING in so many unexpected ways," she smiled, uncrossing her legs. As I watched transfixed, it felt like the simple shift was in slow motion. "Sorry, my leg was falling asleep." "No problem," I shrugged, adding, "my butt was constantly asleep on that tedious drive from Canada to here." "Well I hope that we keep you hopping here so that never happens again," Alexis quipped back. "Actually, it is happening now," I said, standing up on the pretense of my butt going numb but really so I could get a better view of her legs and feet. Standing up I did get a much better view of her perfect legs, displayed so tantalizingly on her desk and in those shimmering pantyhose. It was like she knew my real intentions, her smile so knowing, her eyes so smug (can eyes be smug?). "Well," she began before being interrupted by the intercom. "Headmistress, your car is here," Amanda announced. "Well, if that isn't perfect timing. I was building up the rising action in hopes of a riveting climax," she sighed, using the plot diagram of a short story to symbolize our conversation, before moving her legs off the desk and standing up. "I have to get ready for class anyways," I shrugged, even as I wondered where she was going with so many odd references. "We will continue this conversation later, Jasmine," she promised. "I am not going anywhere," I joked, referring to our middle of nowhere location. She smiled, " Good, because I want to FILL you in completely." After a moment as she slipped into her high heeled shoes, a different pair than last time I saw her and added, "With our full expectations of your role here in the school." "I look forward to it," I replied, wanting to be a team player. "I bet you are," she quipped ominously, sending a chill down my spine. She hugged me, definitely longer than social rules would dictate, her breath on my ear, "You and I are going to have so much fun." Another chill tingled through me but this one went directly down below as I took her hot breath, soft tone, and earlier conversation to all add up to something more than just teacher colleagues. I replied, my voice shaky, attempting to just give the slightest subtle hint that I would be interested in crossing the line from colleagues to something more, "I am a team player, Alexis, and am willing to do ANYTHING to prove it." As she moved away, she smiled, "You know the word anything has a pretty wide scope." Like when I was with my ex-husband, once my pussy started burning my mind shifted from shy and full of trepidation to hungry and eager (my ex would call it submissive). No longer breaking eye contact, I agreed, "Yes, yes it does." "We are going to get along famously," she replied, not seeming to miss my counter innuendo. She gave my hand a squeeze and said, "We will continue this conversation, my dear." "Again, I look forward to that day," I smiled back. Once she left, I took a deep breath and wondered...what was I getting myself into? 4. A STRANGE WEEKEND OF INTRIGUE I returned to my classroom with a few minutes to calm down before I had to teach creative writing. Each girl was to write a poem for class that they would read aloud. The idea was that the class was a comfortable and safe environment to present your writing. The first time there would be no commentary or discussion from the class just listening. In future weeks we would have different focuses on what was expected. Creative writing was scheduled the same time as media studies and journalism and thus I got only some of my senior class while the rest of the class was filled with seniors from Ms. Angela's class. This was only my second class in creative writing as it occurred every second day as the last class of the day, while on the other days I had drama which was backed with home economics, thus I was still getting to know the students who were not in my home room. Because there were three classes offered at once, I only had twelve students which made the classroom more intimate for sharing. Each student read their poem to the class and I was in awe of the breadth of talent these girls had. The girls used tone, they used metaphors and they wrote poems that were honest and raw. I was giddy with excitement of where I could take these girls as the year progressed. Yet, it was Nicole's poem that had me intrigued, because even as she told me exactly what she was I didn't hear a word of the truth but instead heard words she didn't say. Ambivalence What do you see? Do you see the real me? Because... Perception is deception as the flickering light obscures the truth. What do you want? Do you like what I flaunt? Because... Underneath the exterior is a stunning interior that defies society's conformity. What do you see? Who do you want me to be? Because... I am man AND woman a blurred reality to Adam and Eve's simplicity. What do you crave? Are you mistress or slave? Because... Behind the power and control lies the submission we all dream to extoll. What do you see? A she or a he? Because... What you see is not what you get You don't know the half of it yet Because... I can give and I can become a fog consumed between what's real and fake. You can't see, The real me, I can be man or woman or both like the moon can be all or nothing but usually is somewhere in between.... I thought it was a cry of hope from a girl who was questioning her sexuality when in reality she was playing me like a fiddle, reeling me in with her words. After all the girls presented their work, I asked them to hand in a hard copy of their poem, so I could assess their format and style, even though really it was so I could read Nicole's poem again and try to understand her heartfelt confession. I considered telling Nicole if she needed to talk to someone, I was always available, but realized that offering such a thing was breaking the sanctuary of the creative writing classroom. The poets could write, share their words and not be judged. It was just a poem after all, yet it lingered with me all weekend. ..... The weekend was a blast as they had silly initiation activities with the freshman all Friday evening and Saturday. I won't get into all the events but, again in retrospect, there were so many clues that I was not at a normal school. Some of the games included: On Friday a banana relay where each freshman had to walk, or waddle would be the better term, from one end of the soccer field to the other. Of course, it looked like they had small curved cocks. It was hilarious to watch. On Saturday a fashion show where each of the freshman were dressed up as a man and they had a fashion show where the freshman hammed it up. In total there were over a dozen fun team-building activities and the Saturday evening ended with a dance where each of the girls dressed up like princesses. The shift from boy to girl was stunning. After a supper and dancing, there was the final initiation. Each freshman was given a glass of non-alcoholic bubbly just as a big screen popped up and Headmistress Alexis appeared on the screen. Although Alexis could not be present, she Skyped from Washington where she was working with Senator Smith, to give a speech officially welcoming the freshman to the elite school. I noticed that this time it was Alexis who was quite flushed, but didn't put much thought into it at the time. In retrospect, her speech should have added pieces to an already big puzzle. Sorry ladies I could not be there in person, but I am in Washington with Senator Smith word-smithing a bill for school funding, it is not riveting stuff but it can't all be glamorous. Anyway, without further adieu here is my welcome speech: Young ladies of Chateau Johnson for Girls, I hope each of you had a good first week and an enjoyable initiation. It is only through constant mingling with your peers that you will slowly come to accept who you are. Here we do not judge. Here we only help in building on your unlimited potential. Being different isn't bad, it's good. Society has forever labelled us as outcasts as not equal. Yet, the reality is it is women like us that really rule this world. We allow men to live in their charade of power, but the truth is they bow down to us and are literally at our beck and call. Here we are one big family. You were selected because you have the perfect mix of strengths and you will spend the next four years grooming those strengths until you graduate. Then you will be whatever you want to be. A lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, a politician, a fashion designer, an actress or whatever you dream to be. Our alumni are very loyal to the school and to you...our future...if you are loyal to us. And where is Ms. Winston? I realized she was speaking to me. I moved in view of the camera. Oh there you are. You are one of us now too, Ms. Winston. So please join the freshman for our Chateau Johnson pledge. Repeat after me: I did as suggested, honored to be included in such an elite circle. I am now a sister. A lifelong member of the Chateau Johnson sisterhood. Sisterhood is family and family is sisterhood. I will always protect my sisters, love my sisters and respect my sisters. I will be proud of who I am, my differences and will ignore societies judgmental attitudes towards me. I will always rise to any challenge and overcome any obstacle. I will be an advocate for my sisters, the school, and others like us. I am now a sister. A sister of Chateau Johnson. Girls you are all now forever members of one of the most powerful groups in the world. If you work hard, play even harder, you can achieve whatever you want. There are Chateau Johnson alumni in every major profession in the world in over 50 countries and Chateau Johnson alumni ALWAYS look after fellow alumni. Now raise your glass for a toast to you. As of today you are forever Chateau Johnson ladies. After a quick toast, Alexis finished her speech: Have a good rest of the evening and a great first year here at Chateau Johnson for Girls and remember once a Chateau Johnson girl forever a Chateau Johnson girl. She waved and signed off. The dance continued for another hour before I noticed something that caught my attention. My fellow colleague Ms. Angela came out the bathroom red faced and her hair a mess. A moment later Nicole came out of the bathroom similarly red faced but her hair still perfectly in place. Instantly a naughty thought popped into my head. Did Ms. Angela just have sex with Nicole, a student? It seemed unlikely, especially in such a public place, but yet the red cheeks and messed hair did imply something. I have never once seriously considered crossing the line with a student. Sure there had been some very sexy girls in my classes, but other than brief thoughts while home alone with my toys it was nothing more than a harmless fantasy. I did have one student a couple of years ago, right after I got rid of my cheating bastard of a husband that proved very tempting. He was sexy, rugged and domineering all things that turn me on. He flirted with me shamelessly and being single I suddenly felt eighteen again. The temptation, like Eve's apple was very appealing and I was both hungry and vulnerable, but I resisted the temptation, no matter how appetizing the forbidden fruit appeared. Yet, I had only been here a few days and already I could feel my pussy begging for attention, the temptation of taking a bite out of the juicy, ripe apple becoming more and more tantalizing. The conversation with Alexis only intensified the hunger, the innuendos dripping with temptation. Of course, I had been consumed with thoughts of sexual submission with Alexis, but after one fleeting moment of potentially seeing what may have been a lesbian rendezvous between a teacher and a student, had my mind reeling. I spent over three hours a day teaching my students and noticing their legs clad in the most sensual pantyhose I had ever felt. The Wolford pantyhose literally seemed to shine and caused me to get distracted on numerous occasions already. Nicole was sitting in the front row of my English class when her shoe hit the floor and like Pavlov's dog I instantly looked at her stocking-clad foot. Over the course of the past week, Nicole had on many occasions allowed her shoe to hit the ground or simply slid her feet out of her shoes (one day three inch heels, another day flats another day open toed two inch heels and sadly on Friday boots...don't get me wrong the boots were hot and really brought out the best of her but there was no foot glimpses). I thought it was all coincidence, that Nicole had no idea what she was doing to me, but after seeing her leave the bathroom seconds after my colleague I began to wonder was I Pavlov's dog and she the sexy psychologist? Curious, I walked over to Ms Angela who was getting a drink of punch which she downed completely. "Are the social events always this much fun?" I asked, trying to be casual. She shrugged, oblivious to what I was thinking, "They tend to be pretty crazy usually." "The girl's can just go and go," I said, adding, "I am not sure I can keep up." again, in retrospect my last two sentences were greatly ironic, but I did not know that yet. She laughed not in fun, but in an odd resignation, "If you only knew the half of it." Looking closer I noticed some white in her black as night hair. Oblivious to what it actually was, my mind still not putting the puzzle pieces together, I pointed out, "You got something in your hair." Her face went flush again as she moved her hand to her hair and sighed. "I should probably go and get this out," she said and left me before I could ask any more questions. I turned around, poured myself some punch and saw Nicole staring at me, a wide smile on her face. She lifted up her glass to me and after a slight nod she downed her drink. The night ended shortly after and I went home horny as hell and slightly dazed. On Friday evening, after the first couple of initiation activities were done I went home and wrote more on my new lesbian submission story about a teacher being seduced by her powerful principal. The story hit a road block when I tried to figure out how to make the seduction believable. By then though I was horny as hell and pulled out my wi-vibe and got myself off imagining what could have happened if Alexis would not have had to leave. I imagined her opening her legs and revealing her silk pantyhose were crotchless and her pussy was displayed perfectly. My orgasm came hard and fast as I replayed our conversation, the innuendos, and my own hopeful fantasy. On Saturday night after everything I thought I saw, I again retired to my room horny and this time I went directly to my bedroom and toys. I put the wi-vibe in my pussy and opened my laptop, deciding to tease myself while I wrote. After ten minutes of starts and stops on my Alexis story, I gave up and started a story about a teacher being seduced by a student. The story flowed with ease as I created a vivid tale of a divorced teacher being pulled into the wonderful world of lesbian seduction by a student. Closing my eyes, my story getting me revved up, I imagined being taken on my desk, a fantasy I had never made a reality; I imagined her under my desk as I taught, while she was licking my pussy; I imagined her sneaking into my room after curfew and making me her pet; lastly, I imagined her sharing me with the whole class as I was made to sexually pleasure each of my beautiful, young, just barely legal students. I came even harder than last night at the naughty thought of such a twisted submission. On Sunday, I spent the day prepping for my next week's classes, had lunch with the other teachers (where I constantly wanted to ask Angela a question I couldn't get out of my mouth). I worked out in the gym, had a long bath, watched a movie and relaxed, purposely avoiding writing and getting myself horny again. Like always, once I came, I am ashamed of my naughty fantasies and my very unprofessional thoughts. I checked my author e-mail account after supper, which I had not checked in a week and was surprised to have so many e-mails. My new story 'Finding Euphoria' had been released and was doing pretty well in the Literotica summer contest, it wouldn't win but it had lots of personal responses from females wanting to explore their own lesbian curiosity. I answered every e-mail as I usually try to do including giving advice on how to dress, answering questions about how to let someone know you were submissive. Rejecting offers to meet in person, taking suggestions for future stories, admitting I didn't plan a sequel to a story. Lastly, I occasionally gave advice to a few women who saw themselves in my main characters and were bi-curious and wanted guidance as they came to grips with their sexuality or feelings of submission. Yet, it wasn't till near the end of reading all the e-mails, when I was getting tired, that I was shocked awake, as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on me. From: MistressA To: Jasmine Walker You WOW me Silkstockinglover Ms. Jasmine I have read all your stories and had to write to you. Your underlying theme of submission is clearly a cry for help as you write your fantasies instead of living them. You need a Mistress! You crave submission and the need to just let go and allow someone to guide you to real sexual enlightenment. Thankfully, your princess in shiny pantyhose has cum (yes cum not come). I expect you to respond to my e-mail instantly by replying instantly with three fantasies you have. I can only help you if I know you inside and out. Now be a good girl and obey your new Mistress. Luv Mistress A P.S.: Don't hesitate, don't consider the pros and cons of my offer...OBEY now. I stared at the e-mail. I have had lots of aggressive presumptuous e-mails in my years of writing, but mostly by men. I had been asked to be a Mistress to submissive women and, to help guide them in their self-discovery. I have even helped men come to grips with their own curiosity, but this was new. I should have pressed delete and moved on, but instead I clicked reply. I don't know why I clicked reply (well I was damn curious truth be told) but before I knew it I was responding. From: Jasmine Walker To: MistressA Re: You WOW me Silkstockinglover Miss A, Thank you for the e-mail, which stories did you most enjoy? I don't know why I am answering, but below are my three biggest fantasies: 1. I recently started a new job and although I know it is wrong, I have started to fantasize about my students...particularly one. I imagine her seducing me or blackmailing me to submit to her unconditionally...because I have fantasized for years of submitting to a woman but have never been able to cross that invisible line between fantasy and reality. 2. I have a new principal and she is easily one of the most beautiful, powerful women I have ever met. I was instantly smitten with her and have had many fantasies of being her submissive pet. Being taken in her office or licking her pussy under her desk as she meets with a student. The idea of doing things no one expects me to do is a major turn on, so is the risk that I could be caught. 3. Being the centerpiece of an orgy. It sounds nasty and it is I guess, but I have always wanted to be a part of a threesome or more some. Being ravished by cock after cock, or licked by tongue after tongue. Conversely, the idea of a glory hole and sucking cock after cock or a sorority party where I licked pussy after pussy is also a major turn-on. Anyway, again I am not sure why I am answering this e-mail, but it was nice to just list my fantasies. Jaz I clicked send before I had a chance to reconsider. I checked the remainder of my e-mails and was intrigued by another that requested I write a she-male story. I had never considered such a story even though I had written gay stories and a cross-dressing story. I responded back that I was curious about the idea and asked for suggestions on what the plot would be. As I clicked send I noticed the e-mail ID was prettyandhung, which made me even more curious. Was she an actual she-male, I just assumed it was some guy with a she-male fantasy. I wished I would have asked, but figured if she-he(?) was serious they would respond back. I finished the last three e-mails, including a couple replies from my earlier replies before deciding it was time for bed. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and redid my nails, ruby red like Alexis (a color I usually refrained from using during the school year). I was about to get into bed when I decided to check if MistressA had responded to my e-mail yet, I know I shouldn't care but it I was curious to see her response. Also, writing the fantasies to her, no matter how brief, had my pussy begging for some attention. I opened up my laptop and was excited to see an email from the intriguing stranger. From: MistressA To: Jasmine Walker Re: You WOW me Silkstockinglover Pet Jaz, I was quite disappointed by your response. Do I sound like someone who is a Miss? I am a Mistress, your Mistress. Also, I know why you responded to my e-mail I knew you were lost from your stories...which screamed sexually repressed and yet ready to erupt. As your fantasies scream out, you need to make them a reality and you need someone who can make that happen. That someone is me. I will send you a task once a week...every Sunday...and you WILL obey. Respond immediately to learn your first task. YOUR MistressA PS: I loved Pet Teacher, Training Teacher, Deconstructing the Professor, and Spanked to Submission. I stared at the words...reading them over and over. It was impossible to deny she was wrong. My stories have, for the most part, been my fantasies, the things I wished I had the reckless carefree attitude to full fill. Yet, like the first email I felt myself hitting reply even as my mind still pondered the decision. From: Jasmine Walker To: MistressA Re: You WOW me Silkstockinglover MistressA Sorry for not referring to you properly, it will not happen again. I am curious what you have in mind for me. Jaz I waited wanting to know the task and knowing there was no way I could go to bed without knowing, even though I wasn't convinced I planned to actually obey. From: MistressA To: Jasmine Walker Re: You WOW me Silkstockinglover Pet Jaz, You are such a good girl. Task 1: Starting tomorrow you will no longer where panties (unless of course Aunt Ruby is visiting). Is that understood, my pet? MistressA I didn't even hesitate as I quickly replied, being pulled into the harmless game. From: Jasmine Walker To: MistressA Re: You WOW me Silkstockinglover MistressA I will obey. Pet Jasmine Using the word 'pet' seemed satisfying in a way I couldn't explain. I had written many stories about being a submissive pet, but using the words in reference to myself was somehow quite exciting. I went to bed horny yet again and this time I pleasured myself imagining being a pet. Crawling on all fours between the legs of my Mistress. Looking up I saw Alexis smiling down at me and yet heard the voice of Nicole ordering, "Lick me my pet," I came moments later, delirious at the fantasy of submitting to both Alexis and Nicole. 5. PANTYHOSE TEMPTATION I woke up and considered not obeying the order of some stranger, but then decided 'What the Hell?' With my pantyhose on, it was not going to be much different and the slight rush of obedience was kind of exciting. During my first class of the day it was liberating to know that all the students saw was their history teacher, oblivious to the fact that I had gone commando. Alexis was still not back from her emergency trip to Washington, so my English class was not interrupted for the first time. By lunch, I was used to not having underwear on and the day proceeded as it usually did until drama. For drama class, we played a game where they each drew a word out of a hat and then had to go in front of the class and create a one-minute monologue involving their word. The class went as I hoped with lots of hilarity and some serious pieces. Maria got the word 'stars' and did a humorous one about becoming a movie star one day. Ambra got the word 'cell phone' and created a mock eulogy for her just killed phone. I laughed so hard I almost peed into my pantyhose. Estrella drew the word 'pink' and spent her whole time acting as Barbie having a pink breakdown. She finished with, "Why always pink? What about green, or blue or any other color? Why is society deciding what I wear and who I am? What if I decide to hate pink, play rugby and get myself a girlfriend?" We exploded with laughter at her over-the-top breakdown Barbie. Then Lisa shocked us all. "You know what I love more than anything in the world? No? I give you a hint. They come in so many different sizes and thicknesses and are always so, so, so, juicy. I mean there really is nothing as appetizing as a glistening...long...foot dog. I mean does anyone ever forget their first hotdog? All the excitement and anticipation of how good it will taste and how utterly satisfying it will feel once it is in your mouth. I mean I love all hotdogs. Foot longs, wiener dogs, sausages of all kinds, each satisfy me in different ways. Actually, I am craving a nice juicy foot long right now." Lisa looked directly at Nicole. Nicole quipped, "Thank God it is almost lunch then." Samantha got stuck with the color 'blue' and did a whole ordeal about being blue because she was blue, but inside she felt red. The color crisis was tearing her apart as she tried to let her inner red out, but the powerful outer blue kept her trapped. Nicole went last. As if fate was giggling hysterically, Nicole drew the word 'pantyhose'. Her speech dripped with innuendo that everyone in the class got but me. "The greatest inventions of all time include the cell phone, TV, computers and, of course, pantyhose," the beautiful girl started. She lifted her leg onto a desk and explained while rubbing her hands up and down her legs, "You see pantyhose like these have a ton of purposes. They are so soft, smooth and comfortable I couldn't imagine not wearing them. They also accentuate my legs that have men and women taking a second and third looks." Putting her foot down she walked towards me at the back of the room as she continued again, her confidence oozing out of her, "Pantyhose are to women what suits are to men...POWER. They tease and they please." Arriving at where I was sitting, she slipped her foot out of her high heeled shoe and asked, "And don't my blue painted toenails look so tantalizing in these sheer pantyhose?" My pussy tingled and I had to resist the urge to touch her nylon-clad stocking toes or do what I loved having done to me, suck her toes through the nylon. Before I could respond, she moved her foot back down and continued her monologue, her smile seemingly so knowing of the impact she and her pantyhose had on me. "Of course pantyhose do more than just tease and please and woo and wow, they also keep everything underneath kept in perfect place, don't they girls?" Laughter exploded as Nicole finished her monologue and I was lost in thought at how hungry I was to make my submission fantasies a reality. I briefly wondered if Nicole could see past my strong teacher exterior to the insecure, submissive sexual being I wanted to be. Putting on my teacher facade I said, "Well, that was enlightening Nicole." "I aim to please," she quipped back, sitting back down at her desk. I wanted to stand up, but without panties on I was worried that my wetness would leak down my pantyhose clad leg. But desperate to clean myself up, I stood up, suggested they could chat for the last few minutes of class and headed to the nearest restroom which are shared with students and staff (another inclusion piece that Alexis believed in). I was sitting on the toilet after wiping myself when the bell rang. A couple of girls entered the restroom and their conversation stunned me. "Did you see Ms. Jasmine's face? I thought she was going to bend down and kiss Nicole's foot," a voice said, which I recognized was Sarah. "I did! Nicole is clearly already on the hunt for a new teacher plaything," another voice agreed. My head was spinning at the perception these girl's had of me...was I that transparent? Teacher plaything? "For sure. Nicole will have her on her knees ready to please in no time," Sarah predicted. "Like she did you?" the other voice questioned, her tone playful. "Fuck you, Samantha, ass if you said no the first time she called you to her room," Sarah countered. "I played hard to get," Samantha replied, her tone playful. "Until you got hard," Sarah joked back as the girls started leaving the bathroom. I barely heard Samantha's reply other than the phrase, "I couldn't believe how big...." My head was spinning. I was completely pulled into the bizarre banter of my two eighteen year old students. They had both obviously had sex with Nicole. Who else was a part of this? Was I Nicole's next target? My pussy gushed at the thought and I couldn't help but begin to pleasure myself, my need to come overtaking any sense of propriety. I closed my eyes imagined submitting to Nicole and allowed the build up of the past hour to rush through me. The orgasm hit hard and fast and I had to clench my teeth together to not allow the scream that was desperate to escape. Once done, I shook my head, wiped my pussy clean of my cum and quickly exited the restroom my head spinning. ..... That night I worked on my story of lesbian submission, which was becoming more real in both my mind and body. Around 10:30 I decided to check my e-mail after refraining from checking all day. A few replies from my e-mails last night, a couple new fan mails, one comment that I should get a day job and a new one from MistressA. From: MistressA To: Jasmine Walker Did you obey my pet? Pet Jaz, Did you obey my order? If you did like the good girl you are, please tell me how you felt going to work without panties. MistressA I didn't hesitate as I clicked reply and answered. From: Jasmine Walker To: MistressA Re: Did you obey my pet? MistressA Yes ma'am, I obeyed your order like a good girl. Going sans panties was very liberating although a bit intense when I got kind of horny because of a student. Your pet Jaz As soon as I clicked send, I wondered why it felt so good to obey an order from a complete stranger. I replied to a couple of e-mails and was just about to call it a night when there was a reply from my online Mistress. From: MistressA To: Jasmine Walker Re: Did you obey my pet? My pet, You really are a nasty little slut wannabe aren't you? I want you to go and get yourself off pleasuring yourself thinking of submitting to this student and tomorrow I want you to compliment this student at least three times. Obey like the good pet you crave to be... MistressA Her orders triggered a gush of wetness in my pantyhose crotch and I knew I was going to obey her first order, but her second one seemed more challenging. Regardless, I figured I would continue obeying, at least in theory. From: Jasmine Walker To: MistressA Re: Did you obey my pet? MistressA I will obey every order you give. I am going to go and use my wi-vibe to pleasure myself and will find a way to compliment my sexy student as instructed. Good night.... Your eager pet I quickly undressed and slipped under my covers. I pleasured myself with my wi-vibe as my Lesbian submission fantasy shifted from Alexis to Nicole. I imagined doing a last late night check of the rooms and noticing that Nicole's door was ajar. I could hear clear moans of pleasure coming from inside and I slowly opened the door. Nicole seeing the door open called, "Come in Ms. Jasmine, I have been waiting for you." I blushed but obeyed and as I entered the room, I saw Samantha between Nicole's legs eagerly lapping away. "Did you come to submit to me, Ms. Jasmine?" Nicole asked, smiling. "What, no?" I protested weakly. "Come get a closer look, Ms. Jasmine," the teenage seductress offered, letting out a slight moan, submitting becoming even more tantalizing. I obeyed, so taken in by the lesbian act occurring before me. I watched for a minute, forgetting I was the adult in charge of stopping such inappropriate acts, yet instead I just stared. Nicole finally spoke, "Go ahead, Ms. Jasmine, do what you are dying to do, submit to me. Fall to your knees and replace pet Sammy." I froze. I knew it was wrong, I was her teacher. Yet, I was no longer in control of my mind or body as I felt myself fall to my knees like a leaf falls from a tree...helpless. "Good girl," Nicole purred, as Samantha crawled out from beneath Nicole's pantyhose-clad legs leaving a path for me to continue my journey of submission. Without instruction, as if I was being drawn in by a magnet of submission, I crawled between my teenage student's legs. Her pussy was so perfectly framed by her dark mocha pantyhose, a convenient hole revealing her trimmed pussy. My mouth watered as years of fantasy were about to became reality. I leaned forward, extended my tongue and began my journey into submission. "Shiiiiit," I screamed, my naughty teen submission fantasy bringing me to a messy, hot climax. My body quivered for an eternity as my fantasy of lesbian submission seemed so real. Once the orgasm had finished its thorough journey through me, I lay in my bed spent and confused. The temptations were getting harder and harder to resist. Yet, like the rest of my life I convinced myself fantasy is just that...a healthy way to rejuvenate yourself. Alas...sometimes the lines between fantasy and reality merge and once they do there is no turning back. 6. SHADES OF SUBMISSION I woke up refreshed and determined to resist the growing temptation and yet still I wanted to obey my online Mistress. The morning flew by until English class when I learned Alexis was back when she called Maria out of my class for her one-on-one meeting. Today's class was about each student's favorite book. The assignment given last week was for each student to write a brief summary of the best book they have ever read. The girls tastes in literature were quite diverse and thus their choices ranged from Charles Dickens Great Expectations, to Shakespeare's Hamlet, to Steven King's Shawshank Redemption, to Jane Austin's Sense and Sensibility, to Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, to To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. A few others picked more recent literature like Steven King's 9/22/63, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, John Green's A Fault in Our Stars and sadly two picked Twilight. Of course, not surprisingly, it was Nicole whose choice surprised me the most. I had already complimented her hair in the hallway this morning which was simple and inconspicuous. She stood up and said, "Although the writing itself needs work, the psychological inner workings of Christian and Anastasia in 50 Shades of Grey was masterful." Her eyes bore into me as she continued her summary of the trashy submission novel that millions of lonely housewives had read this past year. "You see, everybody by nature is either submissive or dominant and yet most women live in denial of their true sexuality. They marry someone who fits the image of today's society of job, marriage and kids; but never reaches the true euphoria and enlightenment that all women get from letting go from society's long held mainstream beliefs." It felt as if she was seeing right into my soul. I felt completely vulnerable and again the hunger to submit to this teenage seductress grew. "In the end, although the sex scenes are weak and boring, the books psychological manipulation is fascinating," Nicole concluded. I could feel the heat on my cheeks as I stood up from behind my desk and moved to the front sitting on the edge, crossing my legs. I tried to hide my true inner turmoil as I joked, "Shakespeare, Dickens, Austen and James...hmmmm...which one of these doesn't belong?" Nicole shrugged, "Just because it's old doesn't make it good. I like Dickens and some Shakespeare although Hamlet is terrible. Like seriously, what is the message? Indecision is bad? Thanks Shakespeare, really enlightening. And don't get me started on the pretentious crap Austen wrote...all women must be married to be happy? Are you kidding me?" I played along, "Tell us how you really feel Nicole." Nicole laughed before asking, "What is your favorite book, Ms. Jasmine?" I paused in reflection. "Well it is hard to narrow it down to one book, but if I had to I would have to say the book that has stayed with me all these years is To Kill A Mockingbird." "Bzzzzzzz," Nicole said, "No, no, no, I want a non teacher answer." "You do, do you?" I questioned jokingly. Her tone was firm. "Yes, I do, Ms. Jasmine." I thought about it for awhile and admitted, "Well I love those James Patterson murder mysteries, I like the odd 18th century romance book and if I want to laugh I read Dave Barry's Big Trouble." "She is a person," Nicole joked, her usual playful tone back. "What is the last book you read?" Samantha asked. "David Levithan's Everyday," I answered, the book a strange one that questioned religion, society and sexuality. Just then Maria returned to class, her face similarly flushed like the previous students who had visited Alexis. The bell rang a moment later and I gave Nicole her second compliment of the day. "Nicole I am really impressed with your oratory skills. You have great potential." "So do you, Ms. Jasmine," Nicole smiled, before adding ominously, "so do you." She sauntered out of class with a smug confidence that oozed sex and again it triggered a fire down below. I shook my head and tried to focus on the rest of my day. I gave Nicole another compliment in drama class and fulfilled MistressA's task. The rest of the day was uneventful until bedtime. It was my day to be on supervision and as I ushered the girls into their room at curfew I saw Emily come out of Nicole's room, her face flushed, her hair a mess and what looked like cum all over her face. She saw me, her face went ghostly white and she quickly turned the other way guilt written all over her face. Assuming Nicole had a boy in her room, I walked in her room unannounced to hear the shower running. It figures that Nicole would have her own bathroom while the others had communal bathroom and showers. I looked around. The bed was a mess, but there was no evidence of a boy. I went to the window and looked outside, but again saw nothing. I pondered the possibilities. Either there was a boy in the shower with Nicole, or the boy had somehow snuck out without being caught or Nicole was a flooder whose juices had coated Emily's face. That seemed to be the obvious reality, yet no matter how I spun it, it sure looked like cum. I patiently waited to see Nicole come out and when she did, in a long black robe, it was she who was surprised. She quickly recovered, readjusting her robe, "What can I do for you, Ms. Jasmine?" "Oh, I was just doing curfew rounds," I said, walking casually into the steamy bathroom, which was empty. "You are very thorough, Ms. Jasmine," Nicole said. "Well, I take pride in my work," I replied, realizing immediately it sounded pretentious. "Hmmmmm, is that so?" she responded playfully, which I instantly could feel was a power play on her part. "Well, good night," I said, deciding to get out of her room before Sarah's prediction from earlier became true. "You can COME by to visit anytime you want," Nicole purred, not even remotely hiding her flirtatious innuendo. Lisa, Nicole's roommate, walked in and gave a look of amusement. "Oh hi, Ms. Jasmine." "Hi, Lisa. I was just leaving," I replied. "Oh, because I can give you two alone time if you need to talk about anything," Lisa smiled. My face flushed as I stammered, rattled by all the implied innuendo, "N-n-no, I was just finishing my rounds." "Ok," Lisa shrugged. Nicole purred, "Sweet dreams, Ms. Jasmine." "You too," I absurdly replied and left. Fifteen minutes later I was in my room and checking my e-mail. There was no e-mail from MistressA which was actually rather disappointing, but there was an intriguing new e-mail from a reader. From: TransNikki To: silkstockingslover Literotica: feedback for Ma'am, I really have enjoyed all your stories and your underlying theme of submission, particularly submission of older woman to younger, even more particularly teacher to student. Your vivid details and character development makes for authentic reading and makes me wonder about your sexuality (are you domme or submissive for example, although I think I know). My real reason for writing though is three-fold: 1. To let you know how much I enjoy your writing 2. Hopefully to get to know you better 3. Lastly, to request you write a type of story you have never written before. If interested, please get back to me by e-mail or on yahoo at the same e-mail address. I will be on for a while. TransNikki Many fans request stories and I write some as time permits and if it turns me on. Stories like Deconstructing the Professor, Spanked to Submission, "Oh" Submissive Town, Sorority Submission and Hot Tub Fuck Machine were all requests from fans to name a few. Her vague hint had me curious and I was pretty wired after my brief conversation with Nicole so I logged into yahoo and clicked on her username. Nylon_lover69: Hi, Nikki it is silkstockingslover TransNikki: Hi... I was hoping but not expecting you to reply. You must get many fan e-mails. Nylon_lover69: Some days I do, usually on the day a story is released, but your request for a story had me curious. TransNikki: Cool! Are your stories true? Nylon_lover69: Sadly, mostly no. They are fantasies of mine mostly, although A Night of Unconditional Surrender is mostly true TransNikki: So you write instead of do? Nylon_lover69: I suppose. I am a teacher and thus making fantasy a reality is rather difficult. TransNikki: What do you teach? Nylon_lover69: high school TransNikki: it must be hard resisting the temptations of all those boys and girls Nylon_lover69: don't even get me started TransNikki: So I don't mean to be blunt, but I assume you are submissive Nylon_lover69: mostly yes...what do u do for a living? TransNikki: I am in high school Nylon_lover69: Oh god... TransNikki: Don't worry, I am 18...19 in a couple of months Nylon_lover69: Ok TransNikki: So do you ever fantasize about your students? Nylon_lover69: Usually not...once you get to know them they become students and nothing more TransNikki: Always? Nylon_lover69: Usually TransNikki: Do you always wear nylons? Nylon_lover69: Usually TransNikki: me too...I think they give me a sense of POWER Nylon_lover69: Me too, plus my legs are my best asset and I like to showcase them which nylons do. TransNikki: We think alike. So I have a story idea for you Nylon_lover69: Share away TransNikki: Well, have you ever met a transgendered person? At first I thought what an odd question, but then realized her username implied she was transgendered. Nylon_lover69: I don't think so TransNikki: How would you know? Nylon_lover69: Good point. TransNikki: I am transgendered, or t-girl or a she-male or the more crude term chick with a dick Nylon_lover69: Well I don't judge TransNikki: That is exactly why I choose to ask you to write my story idea Nylon_lover69: which is? TransNikki: a story of a teacher who is seduced and then dommed by her beautiful she-male student completely unaware that she has a penis Nylon_lover69: Interesting... TransNikki: the teacher is bi-curious, but unable to cross that ethical line with a student nor can she cross the society expectation line of a lesbian affair It was like she was describing me. Nylon_lover69: Sounds like me TransNikki: Exactly what I thought from reading your stories. But imagine if you did cross that ethical line and the girl had a penis Nylon_lover69: Wow TransNikki: a big hard penis Nylon_lover69: double wow TransNikki: will you write it? Nylon_lover69: I can try, the idea is unique and something different for me TransNikki: exactly and yet fits into your style of writing Nylon_lover69: true TransNikki: can I be the main character? Nylon_lover69: sure TransNikki: and can you be the teacher? Nylon_lover69: I guess TransNikki: Yummy... Nylon_lover69: tell me about yourself TransNikki: I have red hair, green eyes, 36c breasts and a nine inch member Nylon_lover69: No?!?!?! TransNikki: Yes!!!! Nylon_lover69: And you have used it? TransNikki: Almost every day for quite some time Nylon_lover69: Wow TransNikki: So you will write it? Nylon_lover69: idea is already forming TransNikki: Awesome... Nylon_lover69: but I need to hit the hay it has been a long day TransNikki: Mine was LONG and HARD Nylon_lover69: U r so bad TransNikki: if u only knew! Nylon_lover69: Good night, I will e-mail u a draft once I write it TransNikki: Please do...good night and do me a favor Nylon_lover69: sure TransNikki: masturbate about being seduced by a girl with a lovely nine inch cock Nylon_lover69: I don't think that will be a problem TransNikki: good night, my pet Her reference to me being her pet surprised me and had my pussy tingling with needy attention. Nylon_lover69: Good night Ms. Nikki I logged out and saw there was another e-mail from MistressA. From: MistressA To: Jasmine Walker Cum 4 Me Now!!! Slut Jasmine As soon as you get this, grab something to fuck your tight little cunt, it can't be a toy, and come like the submissive little slut you are. YOUR MISTRESS I gasped at the aggressive sentence and task and yet the wetness in my pantyhose liked the suggestion. I quickly went to the fridge, opened it up and pulled out a long, thick cucumber. I scurried to my couch, my need to obey and come controlling me, and pulled my pantyhose down and began rubbing the cucumber up and down my wet pussy lips. In one quick swoosh I slid the thick green vegetable fuck-toy inside my wanton pussy. Closing my eyes, I pumped the hard perfect green cock in and out if me like a hungry slut and allowed my fantasies to run wild. Nicole walked out of the shower in her robe and said, "What can I do for you, Ms. Jasmine?" "Oh, I was just doing my nightly curfew rounds," I said, walking casually into the steamy bathroom, which was empty. "You are very thorough, Ms. Jasmine," Nicole said. "Well, I take pride in my work," I replied, realizing immediately it sounded pretentious. "Hmmmmm, is that so?" she responded playfully, allowing her robe to drop to the floor as she added, "Let's see just how thoroughly you suck cock." I stared at her nine inch penis saluting me where a vagina should be. "Y-y-you have a penis," I stammered shocked, but unable to tear my eyes away from the most beautiful penis I had ever seen. "It's a cock, Ms. Jasmine. A big hard cock that has your mouth watering, doesn't it?" she confidently assessed. "Well, I, um, should go," I babbled, although my legs refused to move. "Or you could stay, get on your knees, crawl over here and suck my cock like we both know you want to do," she countered, smiling. She was right. I loved sucking cock, I loved the power I had over a man when his member was in my mouth. I controlled his pleasure. I also loved the feeling of being told what to do. Combine that with the fact I had not had sex with anyone in over two years, I was an easy target. My pussy was on fire, my mouth was drooling, and my submissive nature was dying to break out. My last weak resistance was, "but I am your teacher." "My pet teacher," she purred, before adding, "now crawl over here, and worship your Mistress's cock." Being called her pet only enhanced my desire to submit as did the blunt reality that I indeed wanted her to be my mistress. I felt myself falling to my knees. I crawled robotically to her big cock and looked up from my submissive position. "Go ahead my pet, take your Mistress's cock in your cocksucking mouth," she ordered, tapping her cock onto my lips. I obeyed, opening my mouth and taking her huge member between my lips. The sordid submission was too much and I came like Niagara Falls all over the cucumber. I continued pumping it in and out of my cunt throughout my orgasm that I never wanted to end. As soon as my orgasm subsided as always I felt guilt and that feeling led to a sense of shame. Unfortunately, the pleasure pulses eventually came to an end and I pulled the now a little less hard cucumber out of my cunt and tossed it in the garbage. I returned to my computer and quickly typed an e-mail to my online Mistress. From: Jasmine Walker To: MistressA Re: Cum 4 Me Now!!! MistressA I obeyed your command, I used a cucumber from the fridge and fucked myself to an earth-shattering orgasm. It has completely wiped me out. I will check my e-mail in the morning for any further tasks from you. Good night your obedient pet Jaz I shut my computer down, walked to my bedroom and collapsed into my bed...diving into slumber in seconds. 7. THE POWER (HISTORICALLY SPEAKING) The next morning after showering, I checked my e-mail and was excited to find e-mails from both MistressA and TransNikki. I clicked on MistressA first. From: MistressA To: Jasmine Walker Orgasm Control Good girl my pet. A cucumber was a delicious substitute. Now in order to train you properly, you must learn orgasm control. Thus, you will not be allowed to come until Friday at 11:25. MistressA Usually such a task would be no big deal, I could go a few days without pleasuring myself. But this recent onslaught of sexual innuendo had really revved up my sexual appetite and this task would be difficult. I also wondered if she meant AM or PM, but figured it didn't really matter at this moment. I replied. From: Jasmine Walker To: MistressA Re: Orgasm Control MistressA I will obey. Your eager submissive Jasmine It was bizarre, but putting the words and obedience out there, I suddenly felt more free, which was odd considering I was doing as I was told from a complete stranger. I clicked on the email from TransNikki which included attachments. From: TransNikki To: Jasmine Walker To motivate my pet My pet teacher, You want to be my pet teacher, don't you Jasmine? Attached are a few pictures of me so you know I am real. The first one is of my cock hard and ready for your mouth, or pussy or ass (have you ever had a cock in your ass, pet teacher?). The second photo is off me in a dress I wore at wedding of my aunt this summer. You can see my long beautiful legs in black pantyhose and heels. The third photo is of my feet, toenails painted red, also from this summer, as I assume you have a foot fetish based on your many stocking-clad foot references in your stories. The forth picture is also from the wedding. The girl was a bridesmaid who got more than she bargained for when she hit on me at the reception dinner. Doesn't she look adorable with a mouthful of cock? I bet you would look equally adorable with a mouthful of my cock. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your day, my pictures and are ready to be the pet teacher you have written about in so many of your stories. Your Mistress to be Nikki My pussy was tingling already, the earlier promise to MistressA now seeming very inconvenient; I clicked on the first picture. I was now staring at the biggest cock I had ever seen. Like in my fantasy fuck session last night, I could feel my mouth watering and wishing I could submit to it. After saving the picture to my hard drive, I clicked on the second picture. Unfortunately, it was only from the waist down but her legs looked absolutely delicious. The third pic of her toes was also tantalizing and had me wanting to touch myself, but I refrained....always being one to keep any promise or commitment I made. Lastly, I clicked on the last picture and my jaw dropped open. A pretty blonde, probably in her mid-twenties in a green dress, was on her knees and had half of Nikki's cock in her mouth. Nikki's red dress was lifted up and her black pantyhose were down to her ankles. Again, the photo was from the waist down, but curiously the photo was taken from far enough away there was no way it could have been taken by Nikki herself. I saved the last three pictures and replied to Nikki's e-mail, realizing I had to start getting ready for work soon. From: Jasmine Walker To: TransNikki Re: To motivate my pet WOW! WOW! Did I mention...WOW!!!!! I am literally in awe of your beautiful bottom half...ass, legs and cock. I am not sure I would be able to resist the temptation if you were my student!!!!! I will start the story as time permits, a dozen ideas are bouncing around in my head. Your very motivated pet, Jasmine I closed my computer without reading any of my other e-mails and headed for breakfast. ..... Today it was in History class when the sexual innuendos started flowing. The discussion was what defines power in today's world. It started as a military discussion through history with the Romans, Vikings, Turks, British, French, Russians and Americans being talked about as powerful at one time. Yet, it was Hua, my Chinese student, that pointed out that in 2013 it is economy that matters and not military. This led to a lengthy, intriguing discussion over whether the military powers that still ran the UN were actually relevant. Clearly superpowers like Britain and France had faded over the years and the fall of Communism in Russia had weakened its power and the global recession had greatly hindered the once dominant United States. So who was a world power now was when the discussion got heated. Arguments arose over what country was most powerful in 2013. Hua argued China had a strong military, a stable economy and the population to thrive, while Priya pointed out that India also has a large population, economy and isn't communist. Lisa argued that the British empire never died but was still a powerful economic country because of its vast alliances in the commonwealth, while Kala pointed out that although Canada's population is tiny and it's army inconsequential in terms of power (although she argued it played a key role in the UN as a mediator) it had a vast, diverse economy that could withstand the global recession better than most. Reiko pointed out that Japan has just silently kept on producing consumer goods immune to the ups and downs of the stock markets. Erin pointed out that even in a recession, the United States has the greatest global impact on economy, military, entertainment and is the only 21st century world power that still remains. Finally, as usual, Nicole spoke. "This debate is futile. This discussion is all glorified, yet delusional, nationalistic patriotism, which is so World War One. Half of China lives in fear, half of India's jobs are from outsourcing, Britain hasn't been relevant in decades, Canada is like our 51st state, we just let them think they are a country and Japan doesn't even have a military it is defended by America. That said, America is in similar turmoil as we have lost our identity as half the country supports Obama, while the other half resents him. Again, nationalism is deceiving in that people are blind to their countries flaws or dirty little secrets and focus instead on their glory days. But the truth is countries don't matter. What matters is money and who has it controls everybody and everything. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the middle class bounces around like a buoy on a stormy day." I asked, curious by her theory, "So you are saying politicians don't matter, the rich CEO's do?" "Exactly. The rich control the price of oil, the rich allowed the market to crash, the rich control the government," Nicole continued. "What do you think of Nicole's theory, Hua?" I asked, Hua who had come out of her shy shell and being the most defensive about her country. "Nicole is right," Hua replied avoiding eye contact, suddenly back to her shy self. "How about you Kala?" I asked. "Nicole is right," Kala repeated Hua's three word answer. "Well, Nicole you seem to be very persuasive," I said, although it was obvious that there was an unwritten rule that you didn't question your President, or maybe it was you didn't question Nicole. Either way, it was obvious who ran the senior class. She shrugged, "I have been told that before." The bell rang and I pondered the unique dynamics of the senior class where it seemed nationalities didn't matter, only power did and Nicole clearly had the power. ..... In English class, Christine was called down for her visit with the Headmistress and like all the others came back to class face flushed as if she had just ran a marathon. I was dying to know what transpired during these sessions and decided to question Christine after class. "Christine, could you stay a moment," I asked. "Of course, Ms. Jasmine," she agreed. After the rest of the class left for lunch, I asked, "If you don't mind me asking, you seem a little out of sorts after you returned to class, are you ok?" "Never better," Christine replied. "Can I ask what you and Headmistress Alexis discussed?" I queried. "Everything. Headmistress Alexis is very thorough," she answered, with an odd smile. "How so?" I asked, trying to get past the vague cryptic answers. "She has got to know me inside and out," the Australian answered, again giving me no real explanation. Trying to get any sort of inside information I said, "I was worried you were not feeling well. You returned to class all flushed." "Oh, Headmistress Alexis had me sweating," Christine said, as she stood up. "Is that all, Ms. Jasmine." Giving up, I said, "Yes, yes, you may go." After she left, I sat at my desk, curious what could possibly be happening to have the girl's come back so red faced. Not knowing I would find out for myself in a couple of days. ..... The rest of the day flew by and I spent the evening starting my she-male story. I only got a few pages written as I spent time researching the concept of transgender, intersex and she-males. The more I read, the more complex the issue became and my head was spinning. In the end, I decided to stick with she-male as my story focus, ignoring the Biology aspect. I checked my e-mail every hour or so, but there were no new ones which surprisingly sent a wave of disappointment through me. I suddenly craved the tasks, the simple submission. My pussy tingling for attention, I decided to take a long bath to squelch the flame below. By the time I got out, I had three e-mails, one from TransNikki. After skimming and replying to two readers flattering comments from previous stories, I clicked on the e-mail from TransNikki. From: TransNikki To: Jasmine Walker Hungry? How was your day my pet? Did my pictures get you hungry? Did you imagine one of your pretty students with a big cock underneath their skirt or dress? Be honest...would you have sex with someone like me? Your Mistress to be Nikki Questions that a couple of days ago would not even pop into my head, yet last night's fantasy was of Nicole indeed having a big cock. I responded: From: Jasmine Walker To: TransNikki Re: Hungry? Ms. Nikki, Truth be told I had never in my life considered a transgendered person before, yet since your e-mails and our chat it has become a bit of an obsession. I have read a few stories on Literotica about she-males the most intriguing being 'T-Girl University' by vicjohnson and 'Tortured by the T-Girl Tutor' by SugarandSalt and I have done some research on the different variants of transgendered people before I began writing your story. So yes, your pictures made me hungry. And yes, I did imagine one of my students with a big cock. And double yes, I would LOVE to have sex with someone like you. Your very intrigued teacher pet, Jasmine I clicked send and finished getting ready for bed. Just before hitting the sheets, I checked my e-mail and saw a response with an attachment from TransNikki. From: TransNikki To: Jasmine Walker Re: Hungry? (1) My pet, I have a task for you. Tomorrow I want you to squeeze the hand of the girl you fantasized about. She, of course, will have no idea what the squeeze means, but you will. Also, here are a few photos taken just a few minutes ago in my dorm room. Would you do what this slut eagerly did? Sweet dreams my pet Your Mistress Nikki I noticed the shift in her name, but was too excited about the pictures to focus on the underlying intent of such a change. I clicked on the first picture: A black girl's lips were wrapped around Nikki's big cock. My pussy tingled at just how much I suddenly wanted that cock. I clicked on the second photo: A black ass was bent over and Nikki's big cock was half way in it. It was a close-up side view. I suddenly wondered what it would be like to have such a big cock not only in my mouth and pussy, but in my ass. I clicked on the last photo: The black ass was covered with white sticky goo. My mouth watered, my pussy tingled and yet I refrained from doing what I desperately wanted to do...deciding to instead obey MistressA. Instead I quickly wrote a reply, one where my needy cunt was doing the talking: From: Jasmine Walker To: TransNikki Re: Hungry (2) Mistress Nikki, The pictures got me so horny and so wet. I would do anything you ask me to do if I was there with you. I would suck your big cock taking as much into my cocksucking mouth as I could; I would eagerly spread my legs while you fucked my wet HUNGRY cunt; I would bend over and let you ravage my virgin myself to you utterly and without hesitation. Your submissive pet teacher Jasmine My e-mail only made me hotter and I decided to shut my computer down, before I couldn't resist the temptation to pleasure myself any longer. I went to bed, but truthfully, my sleep was not really great...I tossed and turned as thoughts of submitting to a teenage she-male bounced inside my head. 8. THE APPLE IS RIPE I woke up and, of course, went directly to my laptop. There were messages from both MistressA and TransNikki. I clicked on TransNikki first: From: TransNikki To: Jasmine Walker Re: Hungry (3) My pet teacher, Your e-mail got me instantly hard and I had my roommate suck my cock while I finished up my homework for my HOT English teacher. E-mail me tonight to let me know if you accomplish your task. Attached is a pic of my cum all over my roommates' cocksucking mouth. I bet you wish it was you...don't you slut? Mistress Nikki Again I clicked on the picture and gasped at what I saw. A close-up of a girl's lips, chin and nose coated with sticky white goo. My pussy woke up instantly and I ignored its tingling neediness as I clicked on the message from Mistress A. From: MistressA To: Jasmine Walker Did u obey? My pet, I assumed you obeyed my order like a good girl. If you did, I bet you didn't sleep well and your needy little cunt is begging for attention. I promise you the resistance will be worth the wait. On Friday, you will have the most glorious, earth-shattering orgasm of your that will change your life FOREVER! Your MistressA The promise was intriguing, although seemed a bit farfetched. I have gone days without orgasm before and there was little if any difference in pleasure between dry spells. But like a good girl, I replied. From: Jasmine Walker To: MistressA Re: Did u obey? Mistress, Yes, I obeyed like a good girl. It was very difficult as temptation suddenly seemed to appear everywhere since you gave me the task. The story I am writing is also quite exhilarating and gets me rather revved up. But I will matter how difficult it becomes. Your pet Jaz I showered, had breakfast and headed to work my only task being to somehow, squeeze Nicole's hand before the day's end. As usual, the morning went by rather uneventful, until English class, when Emily, my German student, was called at the beginning of class for her one-on-one with Alexis. Today's lesson was on the introduction of Shakespeare as we prepared for an intensive look at Shakespeare's Hamlet. I always believed understanding society at the time and the life of the author was important. For example, reading the book 'To Kill A Mockingbird' the racism is so obviously wrong to us reading it now, yet was way more common back then. Like Atticus says in the book, "You have got to walk in another man's shoes," to truly understand his motivation. So in class we watched a brief documentary about the life and times of Shakespeare, one of the more current ones that discussed his assumed bisexuality and that many of his love poems were likely written about men. It also highlighted how all girl roles were played in theatre by young boys, as women were not allowed to act. Once the video was done, I asked, "So what did you learn about life back in Shakespearean times?" Estrella answered, "It is the same as now. Men try to control and manipulate the world." Christine agreed, "I agree. It is still a big boy's club where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer." "Or die," added my Mexican student Maria. Priya, my dark skinned student, disagreed, "I disagree. Women have come a long way in equality since the time of Shakespeare." "Especially the past fifty years," Lisa added. "Have we? How many female Presidents have we had?" Erin asked. "We had Thatcher," Lisa proudly beamed. "And she ran the country like a man," Kala retorted. "She did not," Lisa argued back. "Maybe she was a man," Kala teased the proud Brit. "That is what we need then," Nicole finally spoke and silence instantly filled the room. "What?" I asked, curious where she was going with her statement. "A woman with balls," Nicole smiled, before adding, "literally a woman on the outside, but a man underneath. What do they call them?" "A she-male?" Lisa answered, smiling slightly herself. My face went red as my mind flashed back to TransNikki. Nicole added, "But seriously. Men don't rule the world anymore, we just let them think they do. During Shakespearean times they dress as women in plays and truthfully in fashion and now they play dress-up too, but as men with power. They say behind every great man is a woman and that has never been more true than today. Oh sure it looks like men rule the world in their suit-and-tie-Wall-Street- corporate-buyout-oil-company-environment-killing-sort-of-way, but the reality is they play dress up. They write a script and do whatever they have to, to make the script real, but it is all a charade. Real power lays in the hands of the 21st century women. We still let them think they are running things, but it is all smoke and mirrors." I heard her words but they didn't compute as a stunning reality popped into my head. Could Nicole be TransNikki? "Are you alright, Ms. Jasmine?" Nicole asked, standing up. "You look like you just saw a ghost." I stammered, "I-I-I'm fine." Nicole reached me and said, "You need to sit down. Someone go get Ms. Jasmine some water." Three girls quickly got up as Nicole led me to my desk, I had been standing at my podium. As I sat down, I took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, obeying the order that may have come from her. Thankfully, she gave no recognition of my submissive act and my suspicions quickly began to subside. The next few minutes the girls looked after me with water and fruit. Emily returned, red-faced like all the other girls who had spent time with Headmistress Alexis. Then the bell rang and the girls disappeared for lunch and I was alone in my room with Nicole I finally thought I was safe, when my whole world came crumbling down in one brief moment. Nicole leaned into my ear, her hot breath sending a chill up my spine as her hand fell onto my knee, "I think I know what you need to get some color in your cheeks, Ms. Jasmine," "P-p-pardon?" I stammered, even though it was becoming crystal clear what she was implying. "My favorite story of yours was Pet Teacher," she whispered, her hand moving ever so slightly under my skirt. Her warm hand on my leg and her hot breath on my ear and neck had me a complete mess as my career flashed before my eyes as she added, "Now you are my pet teacher, aren't you?" I was paralyzed by both fear and excitement. I couldn't deny the impact her touch was having on my body, nor could I ignore just how hot her e-mails and pictures made me, her big cock suddenly flashing into my head. "Y-y-you are TransNikki?" I weakly got out. "In the flesh," she smiled, her hand slithering further under my skirt. "Do-do-do you really have a...." I began, but couldn't finish. "A cock?" she finished for me. "Y-y-yes," I barely got out. "I do, my pet, does that excite you? I know in your e-mails it did," she purred, her hand now at my pantyhose clad pussy. "Please stop," I said, although my wet pussy begged to differ. "I was impressed that even as the thought that I was TransNikki you were still focused on completing the task I gave you," the sultry teen said, her finger rubbing ever so gently my pussy lips through the sheer nylon. "I've got to go," I said, abruptly standing up. "Ok, my pet," she smiled, putting her finger to her nose. "Hmmmm, you smell heavenly, my pet. Plus, no panties, Ms. Jasmine, very, very interesting." My face went beat red and I started to leave when she called out, "Very soon I will take you up on those promises you made me, Ms. Jasmine." I scurried out of the classroom, out of the school and directly to my room where tears began to I realized the predicament I was in. Not only was I writing naughty submission e-mails with one of my students, I was also writing a sex story for her and she knew my secret alter-ego...Jasmine Walker the writer. Calming down, I called Alexis and told her I was not feeling well and she told me she would cancel my afternoon classes for me (the nice thing about a small, private school) and that I should get some much-needed rest. Hanging up, I tried to figure out what I was going to do. As I replayed all my interactions with Nicole suddenly everything made sense. She gave so many hints that she was different, I just didn't realize how different. Also, the more I replayed my time here, I concluded that Nicole was clearly running the school. Assumedly having sex with a few of the girls and her next target was me. I was so exhausted from my morning and lack of sleep last night; I decided to take an afternoon nap. Surprisingly, I crashed instantly, not waking up for a few hours. ..... When I woke up everything felt like a dream...a crazy very authentic feeling dream. As I opened my eyes though, reality came flooding back like a fast flowing river. Looking at the clock, I took a deep breath and decided to check my e-mail. I was just logging in when there was a knock at my door. I called out, petrified it was Nicole, "Who is it?" "Cherise, Ms. Jasmine," her French accent unmistakeable. Relaxing a bit, I went to the door and opened it. She handed me a tray of food. "Ms. Nicole thought you might be hungry." I wondered if Cherise had been fucked by Nicole as I took the tray and replied, "Thank you, Cherise. Please thank Nicole for her thoughtfulness." "Yes, Ms. Jasmine I will. I am also suppose to tell you that if you decide you would like some dessert to stop by her room later," Cherise said, clearly embarrassed to say it to me, but doing as she was told. "I will keep that in mind, Cherise," I replied using my best poker face, before closing the door. Once alone again, I took a deep breath and returned to my computer. As I ate, I had a few new e-mails including one from MistressA and thankfully none from TransNikki which relaxed me just a bit. I took a deep breath and clicked on her e-mail. From: MistressA To: Jasmine Walker U may CUM soon! My pet, Under 24 hours until you get to reach the crescendo of euphoria. I promised you pleasure that you can only have imagined until now, as long as you resist the growing almost irresistible temptation to pleasure yourself. Promise me and yourself you can obey this simple command as with such complete obedience will CUM unlimited life-altering pleasure. Your Mistress Yesterday such words would have had my pussy gushing with anticipation and eagerness, yet after this morning's stunning revelation I was played out. I had no idea how I was going to face Nicole tomorrow, never mind the rest of my class that may know my secret as well. The rest of the night, I considered my options: 1. Quit immediately! 2. Have a talk with Nicole praying she had kept my secret and clarify in no uncertain terms that we must keep our teacher-student relationship professional. 3. Admit to Headmistress Alexis my secret past and my current predicament and let the chips fall as they may. 4. Get a sweet Delorean and go back in time a few days before I responded to Nicole's seemingly innocent fan e-mail. 5. Give in, and submit to Nicole completely, allowing my long held-in temptation to submit to a woman (was Nicole a woman? A half woman? Would a sexual relationship with her still be considered a lesbian relationship?) and risk my career. As I looked at my options, I was always a list person, I considered the pros and cons of each of my 5 choices: 1. Of course this was the most expedient of the options, it solved all my issues (except I would be jobless in a different country). 2. This was also a logical option, although it would be such an awkward conversation, and I had no idea if she had told anyone what she knew or that she would agree with me. 3. Also a reasonable solution as if anyone could quell such a critical situation it would be Alexis, yet I would surely be fired (which is worse than quitting). 4. The best of the options if you ignored the fact that time travel is impossible. 5. Appealing in theory, yet but deep down I knew the real me. In writing erotica, I was a risk-taker, a sexual explorer and did not worry about consequences (disease, pregnancy, moral issues, etc.). Yet in reality I was a coward who talked the talk but didn't often walk the walk. In the end, I was like so many other women in the world following society's expectations and never crossing the line that was so tempting. As I got ready for bed, deciding to not respond to MistressA either or answer any of my fan e-mails which were beginning to grow due to neglect, I concluded that the best course of action was a heartfelt one-on-one plea with Nicole. I quickly typed an e-mail to her: From: Jasmine Walker To: TransNikki Urgent Please stop by my classroom at 8:30 tomorrow morning for a quick discussion about our situation. J I went to the bathroom, pulled out a sleeping pill (I often can't of the reasons I have become such a prolific writer quantity wise the past three years) and took it, desperate to get a great night's sleep before dealing with the life-altering discussion I had to have. Oddly, I was completely oblivious to the life-altering conversation I was actually going to have tomorrow. 9. THE APPLE IS EATEN The sleeping pill really worked as I was awakened by banging on my door. Looking at my clock it was five after nine; I was late for class and had completely missed my meeting with Nicole. I went to the door and my whole class was there. "We were so worried about you," Samantha said, giving me a hug. "Yeah, you are never late and when we realized no one saw you last night we got worried," Lisa added. I laughed, "I'm fine, just took a really good sleeping pill last night apparently. Go back to class and I will be there in a few minutes." I saw Nicole at the back, her usual smile on her face, one that was unreadable. I quickly got dressed, thankfully I had showered last night and got to class. The morning flew by as I resisted looking towards Nicole and she thankfully refrained from talking, giving me the space, I needed to teach and think. It was the beginning of English class when Ms. Penelope, a lovely woman who taught juniors, came and said, "I was to go and see Headmistress Alexis." "Now?" I asked, petrified my secret was out. "No worries, I got your class covered," Ms. Penelope answered, her voice cheery giving me a brief moment of hope that it was just a quick meeting. I gave her my lesson plan for today's class and headed to see Alexis, my fate unknown. As I walked to the gallows, I figured that the worst-case scenario was I would be fired. Even though I had not deliberately or knowingly done anything unprofessional. When I arrived at the Headmistress's office Amanda seemed oblivious to my arrival. I went to speak when I realized what Amanda was doing. She was reading a story from Literotica on her computer, the website that I was a regular contributor. At the time it never occurred to me that she could be reading one of my stories, there are over 250,000 stories on the website, but I asked, pretending to not notice she was reading porn at work, that was not my role, "What you reading?" "A story called 'Taking Jasmine Walker'," she replied looking up at me. "It's a pretty good story." My face I imagined went sunburn red as I realized it was not only one of my stories, but a story with me as the main character getting sexually dominated by a young British girl. "You are here to see Mistress Alexis are you not, Ms. Jasmine?" she asked. I noticed the fact she said 'Mistress' and not 'Headmistress'. I stammered, my mind reeling from the domino of oddities, "Y-y-yes." "I will check if she is ready to meet with you," Amanda said, standing up, leaving my story up on the screen as she disappeared. The coincidences were getting to close to home and I now assumed they knew I was 'the' Jasmine Walker?' Yet, the more I pondered it while I waited the more I figured it just didn't seem possible. I had been very protective of my identity and why would they hire me if they did know the truth? Yet, Alexis called me by my Literotica pseudonym the first day we met and now Amanda had a story about me as a submissive lesbian was all a little too much of a coincidence. Amanda came out smiling and said, "She will see you now, Ms. Jasmine." I walked in the room a bundle of anxiety desperate to make sure my crazy fears were just that...crazy fears. Like the last time I was in her office, her legs were on her desk, although this time she had thigh high black boots on that somehow made her look even more powerful. "Take a seat, Ms. Jasmine," Alexis greeted, her tone giving away nothing. "Yes, ma'am," I obeyed, moving to the chair across from her desk. The Headmistress opened with a surprise. "Jasmine, remember our first conversation? I didn't get to finish telling you the real reason you were hired. Your compassion for students and your vast academic past were impressive, but there are tons of qualified teachers who have similar experience as you?" Her statement confused me even more. The first half was the reason I assumed I was hired and yet she was clearly implying that was not why I was hired. "Then why was I hired?" I asked, my insecurity suddenly bubbling to the surface, desperately trying to ignore the Headmistress's knee high black boots. "Shoot, please hold onto that question for a moment," Alexis said, pressing her intercom button. "Amanda, please come in here now." "Yes, Mistress Alexis," Amanda's voice replied through the intercom, before joining us in the office a brief moment later. "These boots are killing me, please take them off for me," Alexis ordered. I thought it was a strange request, but I watched in intrigued voyeuristic awe. As Amanda unzipped the first boot, Alexis explained, "I got these new boots, but I think I may have gotten them a size to small. Senator Smith bought them for me while I was in Washington." "They are very nice," I said, as I imagined the two powerful women shopping, my thoughts briefly going to the gutter as I imagined the Senator on her knees between Alexis' legs. "I know, but I have never worn boots before. They take a while to get used to" Alexis explained, as the first boot slipped off her foot. I couldn't help but take a look at her stocking-clad foot and her perfectly painted toenails, so close to me, suddenly forgetting my predicament, my hunger to submit suddenly taking control...again. As the second boot was taken off, Alexis cursed, "Ah shit, there is a run in my pantyhose. Go get me a new pair, Amanda." "Of course," Amanda replied, immediately leaving to retrieve another pair of pantyhose as ordered. "There is nothing worse than a run in your pantyhose," the beautiful woman said. I joked, "Other than world poverty." "Well yes, obviously after world poverty," she joked back. I was slowly getting more relaxed as I realized if she was going to fire me it would already have happened by now. Amanda returned with a package of pantyhose and Alexis stood up and in one quick motion, she tore off her pantyhose. Alexis sat back down and I watched as Amanda fell to her knees and slowly put the new pantyhose on her boss. I could only see the top of Amanda's head from my chair and again imagined Alexis having her pussy pleasured by the pretty blonde. Alexis continued talking as if it was normal to have another woman put pantyhose on her. "So where were we?" "The real reason I was hired," I reminded her, curious where she was going with that statement before the boot situation. "Right," Alexis smiled, "just one more moment." Suddenly she stood up, turned around so her back was facing me as Amanda pulled the pantyhose up her boss's legs. I got a good look at her red panties that seemed to match perfectly her painted toenails. "Thanks my dear," Alexis said, turning back around and returning to her chair. "It was my pleasure," Amanda replied, although she was looking directly at me. "Ok, back to our conversation," Alexis continued, as she returned her stocking-clad feet to her desk, again a constant distraction to my crazy fetish mind. "Y-y-yes," I stammered, distracted. "You love pantyhose don't you?" Alexis asked, wiggling her toes. "I do find them s-s-sexy," I admitted, memorized by her toes. "Go ahead," she said. "Go ahead, what?" I asked, confused. "Massage my feet," she offered, shocking me. I didn't say a word, surprised by what she just said. "You can't resist, Jasmine. Your eyes don't lie," she assessed correctly. "I-I-I should get back to work," I stammered, the temptation to obey becoming increasingly tempting. "You are working," she said. "Pardon?" I asked, unable to not take another glance at her legs and feet. Her tone shifted slightly, "Look Jasmine I know everything about you." My eyes went big as all my earlier worries bubbled to the surface. "You have a stocking fetish, particularly stocking-clad feet and even more particularly stocking-clad toes, am I correct?" "How do you...." I began. "Answer the question," Alexis interrupted her tone suddenly authoritative. "Yes?" I admitted in a whisper, unable to make eye contact. "My feet, Jasmine, they need attention. Start with a nice massage, my pet," she ordered, before adding, stressing each word, "my pet teacher." My red face went another shade darker at her referencing a story I had wrote about a submissive teacher becoming a submissive pet to a strong-willed seductive student. I knew I should protest, I knew from years of writing about submissive characters that once you obeyed even the tiniest trivial order of intimacy the fall was inevitable. Yet her words seemed logical, like it was what I was meant to obey her commands. Still avoiding eye contact, I moved to her desk, and took her foot in my hands. "Good girl," Alex purred. The pantyhose were so silky smooth that I felt my pussy tingling the moment I touched her foot. I gently rubbed her foot as she continued talking. "As I was saying Jasmine, I know everything about you. I know you are submissive for example and have been sexually lost since your husband left you. To fill the emptiness of your sexual hunger, you started writing out your naughty submission fantasies," she revealed yet another bombshell of her knowledge of me. I tried not to react as I continued rubbing her beautiful nylon covered foot trying to figure out how she found out. As if reading my mind, she said, "I bet you are wondering how I know that you write under the pseudonym of Jasmine Walker." I nodded. "I expect you to look at me when you answer me, is that clear?" she asked, her tone implying there was only one answer to the question. I looked at her and answered, purposely avoiding any terms that would increase her power, "Yes." "Good girl, Jasmine," she said, her voice sweet again. "Well, after you spoke at the conference I thought you were interesting and I wanted to talk to you about your assessment ideas," she began, as I continued massaging her silky foot. "Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance that day, but as fate would have it you were at the airport in the Internet cafe when I was grabbing a mocha, do you remember what you were doing?" I flashed back and recalled that I had arrived extra early and was editing an updated version of my story Spanked to Submission as I fixed a bunch of errors from the original release suggested by my new and thorough editor MAB7991. "Yeah, I was doing some editing." "Yes, a story I have read online and enjoyed immensely. Actually, it gave me some great ideas to use myself," she complimented, before ordering, "Other foot, my pet." I obeyed and continued the submissive task as she continued, "It was a BDSM interracial story that was full of naughtiness. I recall even a scene where a phone is used to get the submissive pet off. Have you ever done that, Jasmine?" "No, ma'am," I answered and then cursed myself for using the word ma'am. "Well, it was an intriguing idea but not overly useful at this school," she said, which was odd. I assumed she meant because they were students, but the true reality would not be revealed yet. I remained silent massaging her stocking-clad foot like a servant as I tried to figure out what was really happening. "So why did I hire you then, you are probably asking yourself," she said, again reading my mind. 'Yes, dammit I wanted to scream', but instead answered, "I thought I knew that answer." My insecure tone must have been obvious as she said, trying to build me back up, "Oh Jasmine, your education background played a key role in your hiring, as did your passion for student learning and your creative style of teaching, but besides all those great assets you are the complete package of what we were looking for here." "The complete package," I asked, oblivious to her full intent. "Yes. After reading your whole online catalogue of erotica I was confident I knew you and how you would be a perfect addition to my school," she continued. "I-I-I don't understand. You hired me knowing I write porn," I asked. "Porn? God, no. You don't write porn, porn is wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am crap. No you write deeply developed, believable erotica that brings out the inner slut in everyone," she complimented. "Thanks," I said, bewildered by just how odd this conversation was, as was what I was currently doing. "You are welcome my pet," she smiled. "So, I was confident that you would be the complete package for our school." "I still don't understand," I said. "It's 11:30," she announced out of the blue. "Yes, it is," I agreed, looking at her clock. "I need to quickly send a text," she said, grabbing her phone. "Ok," I said, moving my hand to her calf. A few seconds later my phone buzzed. "You should check that in case it is Ms. Penelope," Alexis suggested. Reluctantly, I let go of Alexis's perfect legs and reached for my phone. Grabbing it, I saw an unknown number from this area code. Assuming it was Ms. Penelope I clicked on the message. My pet, It is time for the orgasmic bliss I promised. Fall to your knees instantly and crawl to your Mistress. Mistress Alexis! I dropped my phone as the waterfalls of reality cascaded through me. MistressA was Headmistress Alexis. My face flushed, my head got light and instead of obeying I passed out from the shock of the stunning revelation. When I came to, I was on the couch still in Alexis's office and she was standing above me with a glass of water. "Drink up, my pet." I took the water and shot the whole glass as my surreal last twenty-four hours continued. "Have you heard of the story of Hermaphroditus?" she asked. I shook my head no. "Well in Greek mythology he is the child of the Gods Hermes and Aphrodite. He-she was a two-sexed being that historically has been portrayed as a female figure with male genitals, what we could label now as intersex, transgendered or she-male. Regardless the term used, today's society, and history itself, has mostly condemned them as blasphemies of nature. Ironically, the mixtures of masculine and feminine qualities were perceived as a scared symbol of marriage when two become one. Anyway, the point my pet is that she-males have always been judged based on things out of their control, their genetic DNA, and thus this school was created as a safe haven for them." Suddenly it was like the sun came out from behind a dark ominous cloud and I saw the light. I asked, confirming my clarity, "All my students are she-males?" "Yes, my pet," she smiled, joining me on the couch, her hand slowly caressing my legs. "And all the alumni?" I continued. "Yes?" she smiled gently. "You too?" I questioned, although I already knew the answer. "Again, yes," she confirmed, before adding, "Your Mistress has a cock." Hearing your boss use the word 'cock' was strange and yet during this surreal moment it was just a natural progression. "Are all the teachers?" I asked, the only thing I wasn't sure of. "No, we have a strict no she-male teacher rule," she said, her hand sliding under my skirt. "So, w-w-why me?" I questioned, as I eagerly anticipated her touch. "As I said you are the complete package," Alexis said, adding, "Did you obey my order?" "Yes, Mistress," I replied, covering my mouth when I realized I had declared my submissiveness to her. "It's ok, my pet. I am your Mistress, it was meant to be when I realized who you were at the airport," she continued, her finger touching my wet crotch through my pantyhose. "I still don't understand," I said, desperate to understand why me. "You are a great teacher, open-minded, dedicated, beautiful and submissive," she said, before adding as she flicked my clit, "and someone who would fit in perfectly in my school." I let out a low moan at having my clit touched. "On your knees, my pet, it is time to make all my promises come true," Alexis ordered, standing up. I didn't hesitate as I slid off the couch and onto my knees. "Good girl," she purred. "You see usually by now I would have done a very thorough inspection of one of my students." "Y-y-you have sex with them?" I asked, once again surprised. "You must understand Jasmine the benefits of being a member of our secret she-male society. Once you are in you are in for life, but like a sorority undying loyalty is critical. Their senior meeting, once they have officially turned 18, is where they submit to me unconditionally and become an official member of the secret society of the she-male sisterhood for life," Alexis explained. She looked down at me from her position of power and asked, "Are you ready to join the sisterhood, Jasmine?" I walked into the room expecting to get fired and was now about to declare my loyalty to a secret obviously had been a strange last twenty-four hours. I answered, like a good submissive, "Yes, Mistress." "Bow down to your Mistress and kiss my feet," she ordered. I bent down and kissed each of her ten toes individually. "Your cunt must be soaking wet," Alexis predicted correctly. "I am leaking into my pantyhose," I admitted. "Do you want to see my cock?" she asked. Looking up into her eyes, hungry to be sucking her cock, dying to be fucked by her cock, I honestly answered, "Desperately." "It's been a while since you had a nice big cock in you," she questioned. "Since college," I smiled, my ex-husband not really having been blessed in the size department. "Well, then you must be famished," she again correctly assessed. "I'm a woman who has been in the desert of denial for many years, Mistress," I replied. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Her firm package barely being held in by her panties, the black pantyhose showcasing her cock so beautifully. "Go ahead, retrieve my cock," she ordered. Wanting to be mysterious and intriguing myself, I didn't go directly to her very appetizing cock, but instead extended my tongue and slowly slithered up her silky leg to her crotch. I put my mouth directly on her cock and blew warm air onto her stiffness. I felt it flinch in its restrictive shell and smiled as I moved away from her cock, slithering down her other leg. "You naughty little cock-tease," Alexis purred, "I am going to make you pay for that my slut." Being called a slut was a surprise, yet the gush into my pantyhose betrayed any hint that I was offended. I moved back to her cock, my hands trembling, I pulled her pantyhose down, followed by her underwear and unleashed the biggest cock I had ever seen in person. It was over nine inches erect and ready. "You like my cock, my pet?" Alexis asked, her tone implying she knew the answer. "It is so huge," I said, in awe of it as I put my left hand around it. "Show me how much you like it, Jasmine," Alexis instructed. I obeyed, my mouth watering in anticipation. I opened my mouth and took her mushroom top in my mouth. I used my tongue teasingly as I swirled around and around clockwise, bathing her cockhead. "You are a natural little cocksucker, aren't you Jasmine?" she moaned. I moaned in agreement on her cock, creating slight vibrations that were meant to tease. I wanted to give her the best flow job ever, to prove my worth to her and thus did my special saliva trick. I created an abundance of wetness in my mouth which created a whirlpool effect on her cock (my ex-bastard loved it and I hoped she would too). "Oh, my, that feels soooo good, my pet," she teased, her fingers in my hair, her tone sounding pleasantly surprised. I continued my unique style as I ever so slowly began taking more of her cock in my mouth. I wasn't convinced I could get all nine inches in, it was twice the size of my husband's pathetic cock, but I was sure going to try. "Fuuuck, I clearly made a good choice hiring you," Alexis said as I took over two-thirds of her rock hard perfection in my mouth the head now teasing the entrance to my throat. I again moaned in agreement, as I continued my determination to deep throat my first ever she-male cock. As if reading my mind, she purred, "You want it all, don't you my little cocksucking teacher?" I took her cock out briefly to move my jaw and answered, "Yes, Mistress, I want all of you in my mouth." "And cunt?" she questioned. "Fuck, yes," I replied, my pussy again gushing at the thought. "And how about your ass, my pet? Is that mine, too?" she asked. "It has been years, Mistress, but I am your pet so you know what is best for me," I answered, like a good submissive. "That sounds like a line out of one of your stories," she smiled, pulling me up and kissing me hard. Breaking the kiss, she asked, her hand going under my skirt and directly to my wet, needy pussy, "Is reality as good as fantasy, my pet?" "Aaaah, yes," I babbled. "You are soaking wet, my slut? Why?" she asked, wanting me to say it. "Years of fantasy becoming reality, becoming the submissive I've longed to be, a lengthy dry spell and, of course, your big cock," I answered. "Ready for my big cock, Jasmine?" she asked. "Ready and willing," I whimpered, her finger putting pressure on my pussy lips through my sheer pantyhose. "Now bend over my desk, my pet," she ordered. I scurried a little too eagerly to her desk, lifted up my skirt and bent over. "So fucking eager just as I anticipated when I hired you," she said, sauntering over to me, her big fuck stick swaying in the wind. I wanted her in me more than I had ever wanted anyone in me before. Reaching me, she pulled my pantyhose down and rubbed her cock up and down my ass crack. I was praying she wasn't going to take my ass, at least not now and was thankful when I felt her cock touch my pussy lips. She leaned over me and asked, "Ready for me to make my earlier e-mail promises come true." "Yeeeeeees," I moaned, her cock between my pussy lips but not yet in me. "You will always obey?" she asked, her cock so close to being in me. "Yes, Mistress, like in my stories I will be a very good submissive," I replied. "Hmmmm," was all she said before slowly pushing forward into my hot box. "Fuuuuuck," I half-screamed, the feeling of a cock in me bringing instant euphoria. She slowly filled me and I was surprised when I felt her full body against my ass cheeks meaning all nine inches were in me. I felt so full, yet wanted more. "I'm all in your cunt, my pet." "It feels soooooooo good," I moaned, before asking, "Will you fuck me, Mistress?" "As you wish," she answered and began to slide in and out of me slowly. "Fuck yes, sooooo good," I whimpered deliriously as my cunt was given the attention it had long craved. For a couple of minutes she fucked me slowly and my over two day orgasm build-up was growing. As if reading my body, Alexis instructed, "You may want to hold onto the desk, my pet, it is time for you to get a good hard fucking." I grabbed the corner of the desk for balance and screamed as her body slammed into me, going deeper than anything had ever gone inside me. "Shiiiiiiiiiit." Unlike the smooth strokes earlier, Alexis began pounding me. "You like that, slut," she grunted, as she continued slamming into me aggressively. "Yes, Mistreeeeess," I answered, by body giving in entirely to the pleasure her hard fucking was giving it. "Don't come yet," Alexis ordered, as her body continued her fast-paced assault on mine. "Kkkkkk," I weakly answered, not sure I would be able to control my body or the rising tide when it was so close to come crashing down. "I want us to come together my pet," she said, before adding with a warning, "So don't you dare come until I tell you." "Yes, Mistress," I agreed, her threatening tone a departure from her usual sweet demeanor. Another minute or two of hard, deep thrusts in my pussy and I knew I was on the brink of bliss and would have to concentrate to not explode before I was told. Her owns grunts were getting heavier and I wasn't surprised when she grunted, "I'm close my pet, are you?" "Yeeeeeeess," I answered, concentrating fully now on not coming until the magic words were said. "So close, my pet, in five, four, three, get ready my slut, two, one, now!" she demanded as her first spray of cum filled me triggering my own life-changing, earth-quaking orgasm. The sounds out of my mouth did not sound human as I screamed like a dog in heat. "Aaaaaahfuuuuuuuckoooooooooheeeeeeeeeeeeeegod." Our juices collided in one lust filled climatic moment as my body became limp as the most euphoric, unreal pleasure quaked through me like an earthquake hitting ten on the Richter Scale. Unlike men who seemed to just quit the moment they had shot their load, Alexis continued fucking me throughout my orgasm which didn't seem to want to end. Finally, a couple of the most satisfying minutes of my life came to an end as she pulled her cock out of me and just as quickly pulled me up, turned me around and kissed me hard. Her tongue danced inside mine and I returned the intensity as I explored hers. Breaking the kiss, she looked at the clock and said, "Sorry, my pet, but you need to get back to class." "I do?" I asked surprised. "The girls need to see your red I-just-got-totally-fucked-by-the-Headmistress cheeks to know that you are one of us," Alexis explained, bending down and pulling my pantyhose back up. "O-I-ok," I stammered, reality becoming apparent. All my students would know I just got fucked. "We will continue your training later, my pet, now go," Alexis ordered, smacking my ass. "Yes, Mistress," I agreed, walking a bit disoriented out of her office. Amanda looked at me knowingly and said smiling, "I am happy you have decided to stay, Ms. Jasmine." "Me too," I agreed, meaning it. "By the way, 'Taking Jasmine Walker' is a great story," Amanda complimented. "Thanks," I blushed, the conversation seeming so surreal. "I hope to take Jasmine one day soon too," she smiled deviously. "I look forward to that," I replied flirtatiously, already imagining her cock. Our playful banter ended and I began the brief walk back to class entering my classroom, with my submissive sin written all over my face. Reaching my classroom door, I took a deep breath and figured 'What the hell? Half my class had already did what I just did, no one was going to judge.' I opened the door and walked into my classroom as I silently declared my new role as a full member of the secret she-male society with my red cheeks and a just been fucked smell as my cum and Alexis' cum leaked out of me and into my very soiled pantyhose. 10. THE SEXUAL FOOD CHAIN (REVELATIONS) In class, my students were in groups doing questions from the first two scenes of Hamlet when I entered. I am not sure it is true, but it felt like everyone there was judging me and knew exactly where I had been and what I just did. I went to my desk and asked Ms. Penelope, "Did things go well?" "Perfectly," she answered, "these girls have really matured since I taught them." "Great," I said, "well thanks for covering for me." "No problem," she said, "It is always nice to see my ex-students again and I miss teaching Hamlet." Although nervous and feeling every set of eyes bearing in on me, I acted nonchalant as I walked up and down the room checking how the girls were doing with the quiz questions I had scheduled for class today. Not surprisingly, it was Nicole who asked me a question, "I understand why Hamlet is so melancholy, but what I don't understand is why he isn't speaking up over his disgust of his Mother's marriage with his uncle." "Back then you didn't question the king," I answered, "plus Hamlet's flaw we will see is his indecisiveness and lack of being able to act on his feelings in a timely manner." "That is a problem I think I just had," Nicole smiled, just as the bell rang. As students filtered out, Nicole came over to me and whispered, "Did Headmistress Alexis get you first?" I didn't respond, but my bright red cheeks and lack of eye contact was an answer in itself. "Just like Hamlet," she said. "I waited a day to long. I originally planned to make you mine last night, but decided to give you time to come to grips with your fate." "My fate?" I asked, confused by her word choice. "Yes, as my personal teacher plaything," she said. As she began moving away, added, her tone authoritative, "Leave your door unlocked tomorrow night, Ms. Jasmine." She walked away as I protested, "Nicole, this can't happen." Nicole turned at the door, smiled and said, "Ms. Jasmine, this isn't a negotiation. Do as you're told and leave the door unlocked." "But," I began, but was cut off by a cold as ice Nicole. "Enough, one more hint of disobedience and you will be punished," Nicole threatened, playing her power threat on me (the one I had used so many times in my erotica at the key moment of my plot when the submissive is torn between crossing the line to the unknown, scary and exciting, world of submission). I didn't respond, instead giving her a look I hoped pleaded reconsideration. "Good girl, Ms. Jasmine, tomorrow your ass is mine," she promised and was gone before I could say anything else. I went to my desk and collapsed into my chair as I replayed the past hour. A mixture of emotions suddenly swarmed me as I tried to truly understand the school, the secret society and my role. In the end, I realized Alexis never explained why me, she inferred it and gave a few examples but not enough to make me understand. Had she always planned to make me her submissive? Did she hire me for my teaching credentials or my submissive tendencies from my stories? Are all the teachers submissive to her? That would make sense in retrospect. Am I just one of her many submissive fuck-toys? What does she expect from me now? Also, does she know about Nicole's intentions for me and the power Nicole seems to have in her peer group? What now? What now? What now? The question kept repeating in my head as I tried to come to grips with a future that was out of my control. I have always been in control, always knew my role as a teacher, a mother and a wife; yet, as I pondered my predicament I didn't know my role as a teacher, or as a submissive. I was so confused, but had no one to ask questions. Frustrated, I went to the staff room and ate my lunch trying to act as if my whole world hadn't change in a heartbeat. ..... The afternoon classes were anti-climatic as Nicole and many others were absent as they travelled for a volleyball tournament and wouldn't be back until tomorrow at some point depending how far they progressed in their tournament. Thankfully, Alexis coached the team so she too would be gone till tomorrow, giving me time to reflect. That evening, I looked for evidence of a bizarre secret society among the students or teachers, but everything looked normal. We played the board game Taboo which was hilarious and watched the movie Ted on the big screen TV which was also surprisingly hilarious for such a stupid premise. It wasn't till I was alone in my room that the memories of the day, the past few days, came rushing back. Curious, I clicked on my computer to see if either Alexis or Nicole had e-mailed me now that the cat was out of the bag so to speak in regards to all our secret identities. Checking my e-mails, I saw I had over seventy-five, the positive impact of the release of a new story, especially an illustrated story. I clicked on my Literotica account and was pleasantly surprised to see my new story, Sorority Submission, a mostly lesbian themed story about pledge week had finally been released (illustrated stories take a lot longer to be approved because of the pictures...something I learned when my first illustrated story Stocking Tales: Office Seduction took almost a month to get released...way longer than the usual 2-5 days). It had over 40,000 hits, 200 votes and a decent if slightly disappointing 4.51 score. I clicked on the comments from readers and was pleased that all were positive (occasionally you get some pretty interesting negative comments). I returned to my e-mail and started reading and replying. Many of the e-mails were from regular supporters who tended to send in their praise, comments or concerns. After reading every comment (which are greatly appreciated), others were comments about how the illustrations had greatly enhanced the story, others were asking when part two was going to be released, others were comments mostly praising the story although two pointed out that it ended without much really happening (which was true as I originally planned to release it as a massive novella, but due to the time the artist needs to draw the images I decided to release it in chapters) and lastly other e-mails were comments about other stories and when were the sequels coming out (sequels by the way are a lot tougher to write than new original stories...I am much more about the journey than I am about the final destination). An hour and a half later, I was done with all the e-mails when one more popped up. The e-mails are one of the reasons I write. It was a heartfelt e-mail thanking me for my stories and how it helped inspire her to finally accept her own sexual curiosity. From: Tabitha Takk To: Jasmine Walker Literotica: Feedback for Dear Ms. Jasmine I am sure you get this all the time, but I really love your writing. I have always questioned my sexuality and all my curiosity came to a climax after reading your Bedding the Babysitter series, yet any lingering doubts disappeared as I came to embrace my submissive side. As I read the story, I felt you were writing about my life. I felt Jenny's insecurities as I too have questioned my sexuality. Like Jenny, I am shy, cute and a bookworm, who is not an outcast, but also not running in the popular crowd. Yet when Jenny and Ashley fell for each other I felt a sweet heat in both my heart and my loins. The story has finally helped me accept that I am a lesbian and now I just have to figure out how to tell the girl I have been crushing on forever how I feel (I think she is a lesbian too). Thank you for inspiring me and I hope to read all your stories as time permits. A new fan Tab P.S.: No matter which way you take the story in future parts please keep Jenny and Ashley together...their relationship was so romantic, so sweet and yet the sex was downright hot (and a bit nasty) My own heart warmed at the thought that my stories had helped this young girl come to grips with her own sexuality and suddenly it occurred to me that my writing had done the same thing for me. I wanted to experiment with a woman and my writing has assisted on making that a reality (sure she was a she-male, but that is mostly semantics...although I did still want to taste a pussy directly from the source). I typed up a response to Tabitha, I tried to always reply to all my e-mails as time permitted as I enjoyed getting e-mail and if they spent the time to write to me, I should do the same. Finally exhausted, I shut down my computer and hit the hay, my body so thoroughly wiped from the day that I was out the minute my head hit the pillow. .... The next morning there was a knock at my door just after ten in the morning, apparently I had slept over eleven hours. I grabbed my robe and went to the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Penelope," the voice on the other side responded. I opened the door and a tray with breakfast was in her hands. "May I come in?" she asked, politely. "Sure," I said with a yawn, still waking up. "I had to make sure you were ok. Learning the truth can be rather stressful," Penelope said as she put the tray down on the kitchen table. "I'm fine," I answered, truthfully still not sure if I had come to grips with everything yet. She laughed. "I remember vividly when I learned. I was called to her office just like you, completely oblivious to what was about to transpire. Did you have any clue?" "No, although in retrospect there were lots of clues," I answered, sitting down suddenly rather famished. "Isn't that the truth," Penelope replied, as if she was reflecting back to her own innocence being shattered. "So she had sex with you too?" I asked. "All of us," Penelope admitted. "She hand picks her staff based on a mixture of quality teaching, beauty and submissiveness." "I am still finding the whole she-male school concept to be rather shocking," I said, taking a sip of orange juice. "Me too, and it has been six years," Penelope agreed, adding, "Yet, the power this school has is in the same category as Harvard and that is a college." "So it's true. All the alumni are she-males too?" I asked. "Yes." "Even Senator Smith?" "Definitely Senator Smith," Penelope nodded her tone shifting as she added, "Where do you think the funding comes from?" "I assumed tuition," I said. "Every girl here is on scholarship based on a very thorough recruiting program," Penelope explained. "Wow," I said, the avalanche of information continuing to snowball. "It is a very impressive system actually," Penelope continued. "So it seems," I agreed. "So how are you taking all this?" Penelope asked, waving her hands in the air, implying everything. "Well, I must admit it has been quite a shock," I began and paused. "But...." she said, her tone implying she knew exactly what I was about to say. "But I can't deny it was," I paused again, unsure what I should say. "The best orgasm of your life," she finished for me. "You too?" I asked, excited that I wasn't the only one who felt so liberated by my submission to a she-male. "It was the first time I ever came from fuuuu," she paused, unsure if she should swear in front of me. It was my turn to finish her thought, letting all the invisible barriers of propriety disappear, "Being fucked by a big cocked she-male." She laughed and blushed, "Yes, I had only come from oral sex until that fateful day." "Well, I have come from a cock in my pussy before," I admitted, before adding, "but it was like I was in the sexual minor leagues my whole life and suddenly I was pulled up to the majors." "Well, once you are called up to the majors, you are never sent back down," she joked. "I just can't imagine it bring that good again," I said. "Oh trust me. It is always amazing. Plus she has the ability to push you to new sexual heights then you ever envisioned possible," Penelope promised. "Like what?" I asked, instantly curious. "Oh, I will let you find those out for yourself, Jasmine," she smiled, before leaning in and kissing me. I was surprised, but I melted into her lips as we tentatively explored each other's tongues. Breaking the kiss, she apologized, "Sorry, it is just you are so adorably sweet." I blushed, before admitting, "I have a confession to make." "Confess away," she joked, before adding, "of course, confession usually happens when one is on their knees." Taking the suggestive order I immediately slid off my chair and onto my knees. "Oh you just got more adorable," she smiled, looking down at me. Deciding to just say the words, I admitted, "I have never been with a woman before." "A woman with a cunt that is," she smiled, opening her legs, her dress still hiding her forbidden fruit. I blushed, before flirtatiously saying, " Yes, but I hope to change that right now." "Did I mention how fucking adorable you are," Penelope purred, as she lifted up her dress and opened her legs wide to reveal she was not wearing panties. I crawled between her legs and without another word sucked on her clit through her pantyhose. "Oh myyyyyy," she moaned, surprised by my aggressiveness. Another first, one I had fantasized about for years, had a new me emerge. No longer worried about society's expectations was liberating and allowed my long held in carnal desires to come to the surface. I shook my head back and forth and up and down on her quickly very wet pussy for a minute or two before she ripped her expensive pantyhose at the crotch. "Lick me, you hungry little slut," the younger, Penelope, ordered. I didn't hesitate as I dove between her legs as I started licking her glistening pussy lips. All my years of watching porn, writing fantasies and masturbating late at night couldn't prepare me for just how fantastic a pussy tastes or just how empowering it was to know that her moans and whimpers were because of me. I wanted to be her slut, her cunt-licking little slave. Her pussy was completely shaved, unlike my trimmed cunt, and I just drowned in the submissiveness. "That's it, Jasmine, you love my cunt, don't you?" she asked. "Yes," I moaned into her pussy. She moved my head away and looked down at me, "Beg for it, my eager little dyke." I looked up, my face already wet with her juice, and begged, "Oh please, Penelope, let me get you off, I need to taste your cum. Please let me serve you." She smiled, "You understand you are now low slut on the food chain." I didn't. "I don't understand what you mean." "There is a clear hierarchy based on seniority here at Chateau Johnson for Girls. I have been the bottom slut for over five years, serving the every sexual whim of the other teachers, but now that will be you," she announced. My cunt gushed at the revelation, but I tried to play shocked, "You are not serious?". "You are not a good actress, Jasmine. I can tell you are turned on by the news," she correctly assessed. "You couldn't be touched or initiated until after Headmistress Alexis had officially turned you, but now you are officially bottom slut." "What does that entail?" I asked, turned on, but wary. "Work is work, you are still treated as an equal there. Actually, we are all very impressed by your credentials. But in the evenings and weekends, when you are no longer Ms. Jasmine teacher, but pet Jasmine, slave Jasmine, cunt-licker Jasmine, or whatever other name any of your Mistresses' wish to call you. You are literally at our beck and call," she revealed. "But what about the students?" I asked, my head once again spinning. "The younger ones have no clue about the sexual depravity that goes on here, but the seniors do after they are initiated by our the Headmistress, but they also understand the secret society code," Penelope continued. "But I saw Ms. Angela come out of the bathroom last weekend with what was in retrospect obviously cum in her hair," I said, trying to put all the puzzle pieces together. "Yes, well Nicole and her posse kind of have free reign around here," Penelope answered. I had to ask, I had to know. "Why?" "You really don't know, do you?" Penelope said, smiling. "Know what?" I asked, frustrated at how little I seemed to know. "Nicole is Headmistress Alexis' niece," Penelope revealed. "Oh!" was all I could muster as a dozen puzzle pieces suddenly came together as the missing piece fell into place. "Before this year, no student had ever tried fucking a teacher, thus why the bottom slut on the rung is so important," Penelope continued. "But this year, Nicole has been having a fair amount of fun slowly seducing each teacher here." "Have you?" I asked. "I was first," she admitted. "She surprised me in my room the first evening of school. I protested that I was her teacher, but it was a rather weak protest as I was horny having just got back from servicing Ms. Cameron and getting nothing back in return." "This is all just so crazy," I said, still not truly coming to grip with the reality I was now living. "No what is crazy is how long we have been chatting here while my pussy was neglected," she said, snapping her fingers. Understanding her expectations, I again leaned forward and returned to making another fantasy a reality. I took my time as I enjoyed the syrupy sweetness of her pussy. I slowly licked up and down her pussy lips while exploring her pussy, every once and a while reaching her clit for a brief tease. I don't know how long I licked her lavishly before Penelope demanded, "Finger me, slut." I smiled knowing I was driving her crazy as I obeyed slipping not one, but two fingers in her pussy. "Fuuuck, yes," she moaned, "Finger fuck me hard." I again obeyed, pumping my fingers in and out if her as I shifted my oral attention to her clit. I sucked her swollen clit into my mouth and instantly felt her pleasure increase. "Oh shit, don't stooooop," Penelope whimpered, suddenly completely at my mercy. The pet was now in control and loving it. Her clit in my mouth, I swirled my tongue around it while simultaneously shaking my head back and forth and after only a few seconds of this concentrated attention, I was rewarded with her cum. "I'm coooooooooming," she screamed, as her legs tightened and she grabbed my head and pulled me deep into her. As her juices flooded out of her, I eagerly lapped and lapped her juices. Like I knew the second I submitted to Alexis that it was right, I also knew submitting to Penelope was right too. Once her orgasm calmed down she pushed me away. "Sorry, it is getting a bit sensitive." "Sorry," I replied, looking up at her, my face coated with her cum. "Don't be sorry, that was amazing. I can't believe you have never eaten pussy before," she said, her breathing still erratic. "Well, I have fantasized about it enough," I admitted. "Well, don't worry, living here there is never a need to fantasize," she said, pulling me up off my knees and onto her lap before she kissed me. I returned the brief moment of intimacy, enjoying it equally as much as I enjoyed the submission. Breaking the kiss, Penelope said, "I have to go. I would love to return the favor, but you are off limits until told otherwise." "Off limits?" I asked. "Yes, but I have already said too much," Penelope said, as she began sitting up, so I too stood up. Looking into my eyes she continued, "Jasmine, I am always here if you need someone to talk to. I remember how overwhelming it was when I first learned the truth. Yet, I would never go back to the mundane life I had before I joined the sisterhood." Admitting the truth, "I have no intention of leaving, I am just trying to get my head around the whole complex system that seems to exist." "Understandable," Penelope nodded, "but I still don't completely understand it. We are just pawns in a much bigger game." I laughed at the chess metaphor. "Well, thanks for coming to see me." "Oh, I will be COMING again," she smiled back. "I hope so," I volleyed back, hopefully implying my eagerness to submit to her again, "Fuck, I want you," she said, shaking her head as she headed to the door, Deciding to tempt her, my pussy dying for attention now, I opened my robe and asked, "Sure you can't stay for a while." "You little temptress," Penelope said, "If I hadn't been ordered to not touch you, I would be fucking the shit out of you right now, Jasmine." My pussy leaked a bit at her naughty words. "Well, fuck away," I said, my robe dropping to the floor. "Shit, you are making this tough," Penelope wavered, taking me in. "No one will have to know," I said, provocatively walking towards her. "Oh, Jasmine, I would love to devour you whole, but orders are orders," she said, although she wasn't looking in my eyes. "Who ordered you?" I asked, getting closer. "Stop!" Penelope ordered, her voice breaking as she attempted to be authoritative, clearly years of being at the bottom of the sexual submission chain had not made her very good at being in control, but I obeyed. "Yes, Mistress Penelope," deciding to try a different approach, by looking innocent and eager. Her face was red and I was confident I had her. "Fuck it," she said and came at me and kissed me hard leading me to the table. She surprised me by lifting me up onto the table and aggressively spreading my legs. There was no intimacy, no talking, just raw insatiable hunger as she dove between my legs and began licking my already very wet pussy. She had me breathing heavy in a minute and I could feel my orgasm starting to rise when she suddenly stopped. Standing back up, she said, smiling, but authoritative, "You are not to cum until Nicole allows it, is that understood?" "Y-y-yes," I whimpered, weakly, my body begging for the finale that was supposed to follow such foreplay. "I have to go, you are almost impossible to resist," she said, licking her lips. "D-d-does everyone know about Nicole and her plans for me?" I asked, concerned. "No," Penelope said, "I am not even sure Headmistress Alexis knows about Nicole's escapades, but it is only a matter of time." "Ok," I said, sitting back up frustrated that my orgasm would have to wait. "Remember don't come until tonight, my pet. Nicole can be quite harsh to disobedience," Penelope warned. "How so?" I asked. "Well, she did fuck Ms. Angela at the dance and came all over her and made her walk around with cum on her face," Penelope pointed out. "True," I nodded, remembering the moment. "I have to go," Penelope said. "Ok." She leaned in for one more kiss before promising, "We will have lots of good times, Jasmine. That I promise you." "You are on," I replied, smiling playfully. "Stupid orders," she sighed, shaking her head and leaving me alone again, my pussy literally on fire. Trying to get rid of the burning flame down below, I went and had a long shower. The rest of the day I kept myself busy with cleaning, grading papers and a long walk, anything to keep me keep me from thinking about my inevitable submission. 11. A BOX OF SELF-SUBMISSION It wasn't until after supper when temptation finally got the better of me and I turned on my computer. I was just about to click on my eighteen new messages when there was another knock on my door. It was again Penelope who this time had a box for me. "Mistress Nicole wants you to be wearing this when she returns." I took the box and asked, "What is it?" "I don't know," she admitted, before adding, "But they just won the tournament and should be back in about two hours." "Ok," I said, my pussy tingling at the assumed submission that was to follow. "You little slut, you are looking forward to it, aren't you?" Penelope noticed. "Well someone didn't finish what they started so I guess I will have to let Nicole do what you refused to," I returned back. "Oh, you little minx, when I do finish what I started you will be completely at my mercy," she volleyed back. "Promises, promises," I teased, before winking and closing my door. "This isn't over," she called from behind the closed door. "I hope not," I answered back, before going to my room to see what the teenage she-male expected me to wear, when my computer dinged telling me I have another e-mail. Curious if it or any were from Nicole, I went to my computer. The most recent e-mail was from Nicole. I clicked on it: From: TransNikki To: Jasmine Walker Submission 2 Me My pet, I am on my way home now and in a celebrating mood. My aunt may have got that pussy of yours, but I plan to take your other hole. I suggest you start preparing yourself for me with the gifts in the box slut Penelope brought you as I am probably much bigger than anything you have had in your back end. I expect you on your knees, dressed to please at your door for when I arrive. Leave the door unlocked. Your journey to submission pet Jasmine is almost here. Your Mistress Nicole P.S.: You will be disciplined for trying to tempt Penelope to disobey. I finished the e-mail and was instantly excited, I had accepted that I was helpless to stop or refuse Nicole, but the thought of anal sex with such a big cock was rather stressful. I also feared her discipline after knowing what she had done to Ms. Angela. I decided not to return the e-mail. I didn't know what to say and I didn't want to seem as eager as I obviously was. Instead, I headed to the bedroom full of trepidation of what was in the box. I opened it carefully, my OCD kicking in, and gasped at what I saw. First was a cheerleader's outfit, followed by a pair of mocha pantyhose, a vibrating egg, three different sized butt plugs and lube. At the very bottom was an envelope. Grabbing the envelope, I tore it open and pulled out the typed letter: My pet teacher, My expectations are as follows: 1. Get completely naked now. I quickly obeyed before continuing with the instructions, my body giving me a chill of excitement at obeying the teenage goddess. 2. Stop reading the letter and turn the vibrating egg on low and slide it inside your, I assume, already wet pussy. (Then come back and read task 3) I obeyed, putting the letter down and going over to the box. I pulled out the vibrating egg, I used to have one back when I was married, and turned it on. I reminisced about my ex having the remote and turning it on high while we were at a dinner party keeping me a rattled mess until he took me to a bathroom and fucked me. I slipped the egg inside rather easily as my natural pussy lubrication from anticipation of the evening had me very wet. 3. Grab the smallest butt plug, lubricate it generously, get on all fours and put it in your tight little fuckable ass I sighed, having never enjoyed anal sex, but doing it just to please my husband on the rare occasion. That said, the thought of ultimate submission to Nicole had me willing to do anything, regardless of my own personal taste. I returned to the box and pulled out the smallest butt plug. I coated it very generously with the lubrication and also coated my anal entrance with a lot of lube before getting on all fours as instructed and slowly sliding the small black plug into my bottom. Surprisingly, other than a slight burn at first, the toy in my rear was not uncomfortable. I crawled back to the letter and continued reading: 4. Crawl around for ten minutes with the small plug in your ass. Prepare yourself for my big hard cock. I sighed, the task somehow more humiliating then just putting a plug in my ass. I considered just pretending, but somehow that seemed wrong. So I glanced at the clock before starting to crawl around my residence like a dog. As I crawled, I reflected on the bizarre past week and how I ended up in this situation. Would I do it differently if I could? No! Was I nervous about what was about to happen? Yes! Was I excited about what was about to happen? Yes! Did I care about the consequences? Yes and no. I was no longer worried about being fired or having my career ended, but I was worried about students not respecting me if they knew of all my sexual depravity. I was nervous that if they knew of my submission to Nicole, they would no longer respect me as the adult, as the educator...and that I wasn't sure I could handle that. By the time I got back to my bedroom it had been twelve minutes. I reached for the letter: 5. Take out butt plug one and put in butt plug two. Once in, put on a pair of panties to keep it in place and sit down at your laptop and return fan e-mails for the next twenty minutes. (I recommend more lube) I again sighed remembering she knew of my secret writer's identity. As well as having to sit with the medium sized plug in my ass. Yet again I obeyed. After pulling the small plug out, I was surprised how suddenly empty my ass felt. I grabbed the second plug and generously lubed it up. I got onto my bed, bend my body to allow my ass to open up and slowly pushed the medium sized butt plug into my ass. Like the small plug, there was a slight burn as it filled me, but again not as intense as I expected it would be. Once it was all the way in, I lay on my bed for a couple of minutes while I got used to the plug inside my rectum. Eventually comfortable, I slowly slid off the bed and waddled awkwardly to my dresser where I grabbed a pair of panties. It was awkward to put panties on with a butt plug in my butt and it started falling out as I bent down but by clenching my ass cheeks I kept it in. Panties on I awkwardly walked to my computer and slowly sat down, grimacing before my ass even hit the chair. A sharp pain burned through me as the plug went deeper as I sat down. I closed my eyes and just sat allowing the burning pain to dissipate, the light buzzing of the egg in my pussy helped. After a couple of minutes the pain faded and I checked my e-mails. I sent a few responses to fans that had sent feedback, I politely denied a story plot that was not up my alley and I added two fans to my mailing list. I also sent out a twitter update having forgotten to do so yesterday when my new story was released. There were no e-mails from Alexis or Nicole to elevate any addition stress, as my twenty minutes quickly ticked by. Having completed task five, I slowly got off the chair, causing a new burning sensation and slowly walked back to my bedroom to read task six. 6. Text me at the number inside the box NOW to see where I am. I grabbed my phone and typed in her number. I am on task six now. Almost instantly I received a reply: Is that how a pet addresses her Mistress? I sighed again, before quickly replying: Mistress Nicole I am on task 6 and in my bedroom with a butt plug deep in my ass. Pet Jasmine I don not know why I went from one extreme to another, but I did. She replied: Much better, my pet. After all you have written about submissive subs I would assume you know the expectations. I will be back in about half an hour which gives you just enough time to finish the rest of the tasks. Fucking you soon... Your Mistress The words 'Fucking you soon' sent a rush of pleasure directly to my needy cunt. I reached for the list of tasks and continued reading: 7. Get dressed. No panties or bra. Do not put the pantyhose on yet. Finally, an easy task. Although I pondered how I would keep the butt plug in my ass without the underwear. I put on the cheerleader's skirt and the sweater with a big C on it and looked in the mirror. Being dressed like a teenager dropped a few years off my life. I reached for the list: 8. Put your hair in pigtails. Is your underwear off? Is the butt plug still in your ass? I realized I was still wearing the panties from the earlier task and felt an eerie chill at the thought she assumed I would disobey that task. I quickly rectified that error, slipping my panties off while trying to stay as straight as possible. Once I had them off, I awkwardly walked to my dresser to grab two elastic bands to put my hair in pigtails, something I had not done since I was actually a teenager in high school. Once done, I returned to my bed and again looked at myself in the mirror. The pigtails made me look even younger, which at almost forty is always a nice thing. I grabbed the paper to read my ninth task. 9. Take out butt plug 2 and replace it with butt plug 3. The first two plugs should have prepared your tight little asshole for the third plug. Again, lubrication is your friend. P.S.: turn it on! I quit clenching my ass cheeks and the medium sized butt plug slipped out of my ass and onto the floor. I grabbed the third one and realized it was a vibrating plug. I turned it on and wondered if such vibrations would enhance the pleasure or intensify the pain. I again lubed the toy excessively (I think I used half the bottle on the three toys) and got myself back on the bed in the same position as I did for butt plug two and slowly slid it in my ass. The buzzing from the egg in my cunt, mixed with the toy vibrating as it slowly entered my ass was a new sensation unlike any I had felt before. It had my mind spinning and I had to focus to continue filling my ass with the vibrating butt plug. I don't know if it was the excessive lubrication, the gentle buzzing pulsations or the preparation of the first two, but I felt no pain at all as I took the biggest of the three toys in my back door. I lay there for a couple minutes enjoying the strange double sensation when my phone buzzed. Thankfully it was on my bed and I reached for it. I will be there in 15 minutes my pet...I hope you have plug three in by now. Don't you fucking dare come Ms. Jasmine! Finish the last three tasks before I arrive. Realizing time was of the essence, I reached for the list and read task 10. 10. Put on the pantyhose to keep your toy in place. I opened the package and as I sat on my bed to put the pantyhose on I pushed the plug deeper into my ass than anything had ever been inside me. I yelped at the sudden violation and pain and moaned as well as I accidental sped up the speed. I quickly put the silky pantyhose on and once dressed as a slutty cheerleader I again looked in the mirror. I looked eighteen again. Running out if time, I quickly read the next task: 11. Pour us both a glass of red wine and make us an appetizer plate. After all the sexual instructions, this one seemed odd. I was not just submitting to her sexually, I was now giving alcohol to a minor and serving her like a maid, these should have been the things that caused me to reconsider my whole submission, but it didn't. I sat on my bed and considered just how ludicrous this all was. As my mind considered my options, the double buzzing inside me caused me to no longer be thinking straight and before I had made a decision mentally, my body had already decided for me. I walked into the kitchen and pulled out some lunch meat, cucumbers and cheese. Once the plate was full, I opened a new bottle of wine and poured us both a glass. I quickly gulped down my first one, some liquid courage in case I had any more second or third thoughts, and poured myself a second glass, before heading back to my room to read the last task. 12. Go to your door with my glass of wine, get on your knees, and wait for your Mistress to arrive. I assumed she would be here any moment and I hurried to the kitchen, grabbed both our glasses of wine and got in my submissive position on my knees, in my own home and waited for my teenage she-male Mistress. I had finally accepted I was no longer in control of my life. 12. FINAL SUBMISSION Do you know when perspective really sets in? When you are sitting on your knees, holding an empty glass of wine in one hand, having finished my second full glass in fifteen minutes, and a full one in the other for your student, your she-male student who has promised to fuck your ass...which is, of course, currently filled by a large vibrating butt plug at the order of said student. Each minute that ticked by had me an anxious mess. How had I allowed this to happen? Why did I allow this to happen? Why was I still on my knees waiting for her? These and many other equally good, but unanswerable questions bounced inside my head as I continued to wait. My knees ached, my pussy leaked and my ass was tingling as Nicole continued to not arrive. Finally, almost half an hour later than she said she would be there, Nicole came sauntering in. Nicole grabbed the wine and said, "Sorry, I was late I realized I should shower and change out of my sweaty volleyball uniform." She spun around in her red dress and black pantyhose and asked, "You like, my pet?" "You look very nice," I answered, still on my knees. "Nice? Really? That is how you describe your Mistress?" she asked, clearly offended by my answer. I stammered, "S-s-sorry, you are radiant." "Radiant, I like that?" she smiled, sipping from her wine. "So I assume you obeyed each of my preparation tasks." "Yes, Mistress," I admitted, the double buzzing and her incredible beauty making me weak and ready for submission. "Hmmmm, hearing you say the words Mistress is way more rewarding than reading them in an e-mail," she smiled. She snapped her fingers and ordered, "Follow me, my pet, I have been looking forward to this for a long time." "Yes, Mistress," I obeyed, putting the empty glass down and began crawling on all fours behind the long-legged she-male seductress, my pussy tingling with anticipation. "Soooo obedient," she said impressed. Once in my room, she sat on the edge of my bed and said, "So you had a nylon fetish before you came here?" "Yes, Mistress," I nodded from my subservient position. "When I set up your computer and decided to snoop I was not expecting to find such incriminating secrets," the sexy teen explained, as her left shoe tangled precariously from her foot. She continued as I stared like I was being hypnotized and the shoe was the watch, "I downloaded your whole library on a memory stick that night and quickly devoured your whole erotica library, including many not finished stories and a few you seem to have finished and not released, why is that?" I explained, "I like to release a story every week or two so my readers are constantly getting fresh pieces of writing." "When do you have time to write so much?" she asked, adding, "you are a very prolific writer in under three years." I bathed in the compliments as I explained, "I have a story or two going on my iPad, another one or two on my iPod and another on my laptop. I write while in line, I write at work when students are writing exams or watching a movie, I write in bed." "What dedication, my pet. I hope I can expect the same dedication as my submissive," she said, her shoe dropping to the floor revealing newly painted blue toenails. "Of course, Mistress, I am very focused at being the best at EVERYTHING I do," I replied stressing the word 'everything'. "I loved all your stories I have read so far, my pet, particularly the teacher submission stories and the very revealing 'Taking Jasmine Walker' story, I learned a lot about you from that. But it was your 'Blackmailed: Cheerleader's Cherry' and 'Blackmailed: Cheerleader's Mom' that really got my cock revved up. Your vivid details of preparing an ass inspired me and I replicated such preparation tonight as you prepared yourself for my cock," Nicole explained, wiggling her nylon-clad toes just inches from my face. "I am happy my stories turn you on, Mistress," I said, meaning it. Every fan e-mail is still a rush and every fan criticism still hurts, so it was extra thrilling to be told in person my stories were appreciated. "That it did. Do you plan a part three for the blackmailed series?" the teasing teen asked. I had came up with a title and plot in my head during the drive here a couple of weeks ago, but had actually forgot all about it since I arrived. I answered, "Although I have not started writing it, it will be called 'Blackmailed: Cheerleader's Orgy', I think." "Mmmmmm, delicious and do you have a plot in mind?" Nicole asked, her foot sliding slowly up the back of her other pantyhose-clad leg. "Not really, just an orgy after the graduation, but not sure of the specifics or how many girls will get sodomized by the big cocked principal," I explained. "Big cocked principal isn't that ironic," Nicole chuckled, the implication clearly about our Headmistress's impressive member. "I suppose so," I laughed back, before adding, "a lot of things have been ironic or foreshadowing since I arrived." "Actually, your own literature has foreshadowed almost everything that has or will happen to you," the sultry seductress smirked. "I guess you could look at it that way," I nodded. "For example, how many of your stories include nylons?" Nicole asked. "Almost every one," I confirmed. "And how many include the submissive sucking the sheer toes of another woman or licking the stocking soles of a powerful figure?" Nicole questioned. "Quite a few," I answered. "Well, maybe we are just characters in one of your stories, right now. I am the tantalizing teen with a strong personality and you are the innocent submissive who has always fantasized of a thrilling sex life, but been living in the doldrums of society's expectations," Nicole said, as she stretched her leg straight out, her stocking toes touching my nose. "It would be a good story," I encouraged. "Wouldn't it?" she asked. "What would Jasmine Walker have her character be forced to do next?" "Suck each toe through the sheer nylon like they were ten tiny cocks," I admitted, both what I would actually write and what I actually wanted to do that very second. "Well, make your story come alive, my pet teacher," she gently ordered, rubbing my face with the sheerest nylon that existed. I briefly allowed her to caress my face, the feeling so relaxing and sexually satisfying in a way I couldn't even begin to explain. I said, "This face rubbing is new and something I will have to add to a future story." "I can be your muse," she said, flirtatiously. "And I your obedient slave," I replied, wanting to give myself to her mind, body and soul in a way I never had with my husband or any other man. She knew my secrets, she knew my sexual weaknesses, and she knew my desires, with such knowledge she had a power that was way beyond my control to prevent nor did I want to. "Fuck you are hot, Jasmine," she said, as she allowed her other shoe to hit the floor and she rubbed both her silky soles on my face. I finally made another fantasy a reality, another constant sex plot in my stories as I took her stocking-clad foot into my hands and took each of her delicate toes in my mouth one at a time. I took my time as I wanted this sordid submission to last forever. Her moans were soft, my tease was gentle. After thoroughly sucking each of her toes on her left foot, I switched to the right and replicated the dedicated attention. As I finished the last of her ten toes, she asked, "What would your character do next, Jasmine?" "Whatever she was told," I slyly replied, trying to give her total control over me. "Well, obviously you silly girl," she teased, again rubbing her foot on my face. "But if you were writing the story, what would the powerful teen seductress make her eager pet teacher do?" "Probably slowly move up your legs splattering them with butterfly kisses," I admitted. "Well, kiss away, my pet," a smiling Nicole ordered, watching amused from her perch of power. "Yes, Mistress," I agreed, loving saying the word 'Mistress', it seemed to just roll off my tongue and liberated me at the same time. I caressed her leg with both hands as I surveyed every inch of her foot, her ankle, calf, knee and thigh, before grazing past the tantalizing temptation of her fully hard and begging to be released cock and replicating the pampering pleasure down her other leg in reverse order: thigh, knee, calf, ankle and foot. Again, she asked, "And then what would happen in this sultry tale?" I answered, "That is where my plots usually diverge into possibility." "What are my options, my pet?" she asked, once again rubbing her amazing silk feet on my face. It was distracting, but I listed off the potential options, "One would be for you to force me to undress. Two would be for you to have me pleasure you orally. Three would be to move up to your ripe firm breasts and continue my oral assault on your body. Four would be for you to turn the tables on your eager slut and fuck me." "Don't multiple choice questions usually have five choices?" she questioned. Going all teacher philosophy on her, I apparently couldn't turn it off, I explained, "Research shows that usually the fifth choice is absurd and always wrong so thus good multiple choice questions instead have only four options." "Hmmmm, well give me a fifth absurd option then," she suggested, her nylon toe slowly moving around my lips. I didn't even hesitate as I throw out another fantasy. "Five would be you make me crawl through the dorm and pleasure every senior as I am used over and over as the senior classes' personal pleasure plaything." "Wow what a number five. I will have to keep that option in mind my pet," she smiled, and added, "and I see you love using alliteration." "It is the witty writer in me," I replied, not even realizing till after I said it that I had again used alliteration. I joked, "Apparently I can't stop." "Sexy submissive should slowly and slyly slither up my silky stockings and smoothly slip and slide over my," she paused, the word play tantalizingly delicious, "Damn I was doing well, but what is another word for tits starting with an 's'?" As my tongue slivered slowly up her silky stockings I suggested, "stacked spheres." She laughed, cupping her large breasts, "Stacked spheres is a new one." I reached her package and she quickly stood up, pulled her dress over her head and tossed it onto the bed. I needed no instructions to continue exploring the tightest, most beautiful body I had ever seen. I kissed every inch of her firm belly, I swirled my tongue inside her belly button as I slowly slithered up to her large breasts, held ever so teasingly in her lacy black bra. I kissed every inch where her bra and flesh met below her breasts, before continuing my thorough tongue examination. I reached between her breasts and slid my tongue between her two firm spheres of sin. Her breathing began to get heavier and I felt her move her arms and seconds later her luscious breasts were liberate from their restrictive clothing jail. I moaned myself, my tingling pussy begging for attention, as I moved my tongue and began the concentrated kissing of her left breast. I continued taking my time as I left no area of her breasts free of attention, except her stiff erect nipple with I purposely ignored. I replicated the attention on her right breast before cupping both her tits in my hands and taking her right nipple in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it, over it and around it again and again. I kissed her nipple and sucked hard taking her nipple and whole areola into my mouth. Nicole who hadn't said a word in over ten minutes finally whimpered, "Oh God, Jasmine, that feels soooooo good." I let a smile cross my lips, well as best as one can smile with a mouthful of tit, before I replicated the intense teasing on her left nipple. I continued my Christopher Columbus exploration as I moved to her neck where I continued to gently kiss everywhere. Finally I reached her ear, my weakness when someone wants to quickly get me revved up for pleasure, and I breathed into her ear. I tugged on her earlobe. I swirled my tongue around and in her ear. I moved my lips down her cheek, to her chin, avoided the magnetic pull to her lips, moved to her other cheek and then replicated the exhaustive ear attention. Finally, I whispered to the heavily breathing teen, "Now what, Mistress?" "Shiiit, Jasmine, I have never been so, so, so," she stammered unable to finish her thought. Again, I was flattered and I broke the intimacy by trying to shock her again. I love being unpredictable, something I always fantasized about being, but rarely was. "Does my sexy student want her slut teacher to suck her cock? Or maybe you want to shove that snake in my slut box? Or maybe you want to fulfill your promise by pounding my back door?" "Oh, fuck, your little teacher tease," she moaned, pulling me in and kissing me hard. The kiss wasn't intimate or sweet, but rather intense and lustful. Breaking the kiss, she pushed me back down to my knees and I immediately moved my mouth over her pantyhose covered cock. I swarmed her with hot breath which caused her cock to constantly flinch. I had never felt more powerful or sexy than I did during that moment. Nicole groaned, stood up and pulled her pantyhose down and unleashed her eight inches of perfection. I grabbed her stiff cock and took it in my mouth. Unlike, the sweet sultry slowness of my lavish attention of her body, I gobbled her cock like a cheap cock-hungry whore. I bobbed up and down wanting her to desperately want to fuck me. I needed to come so bad that nothing else mattered. If my own parents walked in at that moment I would not have stopped, my insatiable appetite to please and to submit overcoming every fibre of my being. I was rewarded for my eagerness as she groaned, "You really are a hungry little slut, aren't you?" "Famished," I moaned back. "Famished," she laughed. "You're a whore now, a slave. Talk like one." "Yes, Mistress," I agreed, instantly turning into the insipid bimbo I envisioned I could be. "I am so hungry for your big cock. Use your slutty slave teacher as you wish." I returned to devouring her cock, eventually taking all eight inches in my mouth. "Shiiiit," she said impressed, "Almost no one can deep throat me." Again a warm sense of pride hit me at impressing my she-male student. Pulling out, she ordered, "Take out your egg, slut." "Yes, Mistress," I agreed, and began to pull down my pantyhose. "No, rip a whole for access to your cunt," she demanded. I quickly obeyed, my pussy soaking wet with anticipation, as I ripped, with a bit of work, my pantyhose in the crotch. Nicole lay back on the bed, her cock standing straight up and ordered, "Come fuck yourself, Ms. Jasmine." The formal name was a quick reminder of who I was, her teacher, but I didn't care anymore. In the classroom I was the teacher and she the student, but in the bedroom she was the teacher and I the student. I quickly climbed on the bed and straddled her, slowly lowering myself onto her big cock. "Aaaaaaaaaaah," I moaned loud enough to let anyone nearby know I was being fucked. A wave of pleasure cascaded through me, followed by a searing pain as the butt plug still in my ass reached new unexpected depths as I landed firmly on it as I crashed down on Nicole's body. "Ride me, my slut," she ordered. I began bouncing up and down as she continued the verbal assault that only enhanced the wave of euphoria I was experiencing. "Faster, my pet cunt," and "You love my cock, don't you my hungry whore?" "Yeeeeesssss," I admitted, my orgasm on the rise. "Take off your shirt, Ms. Jasmine, I want to see my teacher's titties while she rides her student like a dirty fucking whore." I tore off my cheerleader's shirt in a heartbeat, and was now naked except for the pantyhose and cheerleader's skirt. "Such nice small titties," she admired, as they bounced up and down in unison with my body. "Thaaaaank yoooou," I moaned. A minute later I could feel my orgasm about to burst after only a few minutes of fucking myself on her cock, "I am going to come soon, Mistress, can your slave come please?" I begged. "What do I get in return?" she asked, grabbing my hips and holding me in place, her cock buried deep inside me. "Anything you want," I whimpered, meaning it. "Anywhere I want?" she questioned. "Yes," I immediately agreed, consequences be damned. "Any time?" she continued. "I am your twenty-four seven three hole fuck doll," I answered shocking both of us with my over-the-top declaration. "Come, my slut," she ordered, as she held me in place and began to furiously buck her hips up, fucking me hard and deep, also making the vibrating butt plug also fuck me hard and deep. As the orgasm came rising in like a wave and then came crashing down to the shore with full force, she continued to call me names and treat me like a whore, knowing it is exactly what I wanted to hear. "I'm going to fuck your ass next my slut," and "Lisa and I are going to double penetrate you like the dirty whore you are," and "I will take you to our glory hole where you can suck cock after cock after cock," and finally "Tell me what you are, cunt." As I answered her my orgasm reached a fevered pitch, "I'm your pet teacher, your slut, your cocksucker, your submissive, your slave, your twenty-four seven plaything, oh god, oh god, oh fucking yeeeeeees, I love you, make me yours foreveeeeeer." Gibberish continued to spew out of my mouth as the greatest wave of euphoric bliss shuddered through me, like a tidal wave of pleasure crashing in wave after wave while Nicole continued to thrust her magic wand in me. "Keep coming," she ordered, as if I had any choice. After years of ones and twos on the Richter scale of sexual euphoria I had finally hit a ten and the tremors and aftershocks continued to register long after the original earthquake hit. I don't even remember when or how I ended up on all fours, the lingering remnants of the euphoria still trickling through, but I was brought back to reality when the vibrating plug was pulled out and my she-male student asked, "Ready to be ass-fucked, Ms. Jasmine?". Every time she used my name, I chill of cold reality hit me as I remembered instantly that I was the adult, the role model, the one who was suppose to be in charge; yet my body didn't care what my mind thought. "Yes, Mistress Nicole, take your teacher's tight ass." "Again with the alliteration, slut, you really can't stop can you?" she teased, her cockhead rubbing up and down between my ass cheeks, spreading excess lubrication. "It's just one of my quirks," I replied, grabbing onto the corner of the bed as I braced myself for the expected pain. "As is writing porn," she retorted, as she positioned her cock at my open rose bud, the cold lube a contrast with the heat of her wide mushroom top. "As is being a submissive," I added. "Touché," she laughed as she put her hands on my hips and slowly pushed forward. "Aaah, aaah," I whimpered as her wide cock broke past my restrictive backdoor. "I am a bit wider than the plugs I used to prepare you with," she explained. "You are so fucking big," I whimpered, trying to focus on breathing as I dealt with the widening of my ass. "Why thank you. I know I am not as long as my Aunt Alexis, but I make up for it in girth, don't you think, my pet?" "God, yes," I replied, still getting used to the stretching of my ass and the odd unexplainable mixture of pleasure and pain. "You are so fucking tight, my pet. It is like fucking a virgin," Nicole commented, as she continued her snail's pace invasion of my ass. I said nothing as I focused on not tensing up as she slowly went deeper inside me. Silence, other than my stunted breathing, filled the room as the teacher submitted completely to her student. Finally, the pain about to burst at the seams she announced, "Holy shit, my pet, you took it all in you." "Good," I whimpered trying to sound proud, but the wavering in my voice gave away the pain I was currently feeling. "Just relax. I promise the pain will dissipate and an indescribable pleasure will replace it," my confident teen Mistress explained, not moving as I got accustomed to having my ass so full of her cock. "Kkkkk," I agreed, but wasn't convinced I would ever enjoy being fucked in the ass. I loved the idea of anal sex, it seemed like the ultimate submission, giving yourself to another by such a taboo act (that taboo act doubled because she was a student and I a teacher and tripled when one added the fact that she was a she-male). Her hand gently caressed my back, an act so intimate and smoothing, a sharp contrast to her dominant personality and current reality that she had her eight inches of stiff cock buried in my ass. After a minute or two of the calm she whispered, "I'm going to slowly move in and out of your ass Ms. Jasmine." Finally adjusted to her cock in me, I said, "Ok." "Ok, what?" she asked. "Ok, Mistress," I answered. "Good girl," she purred, as she slowly pulled her cock almost all the way out of me before filling me back up. The new pain I anticipated didn't arrive and instead a surprising yearning began to grow. After a couple more minutes of a very slow deliberate fucking of my ass I wanted it faster and harder. I couldn't believe the words out of my mouth. "Faster, Mistress, and harder." "Tell me exactly what you want me to do, Ms. Jasmine," she teased, not going any faster or harder. Frustration began to build as I yearned to be fucked hard. I begged, the foul-mouthed me coming alive, "Fuck my tight ass, Mistress. Pound your teacher like the submissive slut she is." "Delicious," she said and began to pump her cock in and out of my new pleasure hole. The sensations I was experiencing were unexplainable, but undeniable. I could feel a second orgasm beginning to build which has never occurred for me during a sexual encounter...ever. I did not experience multiple orgasms, it was something I had come to accept after years of attempting to make it happen...yet there it was stirring inside me. Wanting to make the impossible possible, I begged, trying to sound as dirty as possible, "Harder Mistress, slam your salami stick up my shit-hole, ream my rectum with your rock hard rod, pound my poop shoot with your prick." "That is so fucking hot slut," she grunted, before adding, "Thank God I had Reika swallow a load on the bus or I would have cum long ago." She picked up the pace, slamming into me, her body colliding into mine as each forward thrust seemed to reach new forbidden depths in my ass. As my breathing increased, and my unfathomable second orgasm began to increase in potential, she asked, "So in your stories, how would the horny slutty teacher finish off her Mistress?" I didn't hesitate as I answered, "She would fuck herself on her student's cock like a cheap whore until her ass was filled with her Mistress's full load of gooey perfection." "What a delightful suggestion," Nicole said, stopping her hard deep thrusts. "Fuck yourself, Ms. Jasmine." "Yes, Mistress Nicole," I answered, as I began to bounce back on her cock. It was awkward at first as I tried to get into a rhythm, but once I did it was the most beautiful feeling ever....pure sexual poetry in motion. A couple minutes later, my breathing an erratic mess, Nicole's almost as erratic, she asked, "Is my ass-slut going to cum from having a cock in her ass?" "I thiiiink soooooo," I struggled to answer as I continued to literally fuck my own ass. "You have me close, slut. Are you close too?" she asked. "Sooooo close," I admitted, desperate to reach a second orgasm for the first time ever, yet frustrated that it wasn't completely rising to euphoria, it continuing to be just a tantalizing tease. "I want you to come on the count of five, Ms. Jasmine," Nicole ordered, grabbing my pigtails. "Kkkkk," I whimpered, before adding, "But I am not sure it is possible." "I wasn't asking for a commentary. You come when I tell you to, is that fucking clear," she demanded, her tone shifting to aggressive, as she tugged on my pigtails. "Yes, Mistress," I agreed, although not convinced I could obey her demand, "One, my dirty cock-sucker, which of your student's do you want to suck next?" she asked. The first name that popped into my head was Lisa so I answered, "Lisa." "Oooooh, you love her accent?" Nicole tightly guessed. "Yeeeees," I answered, my orgasm continuing to bubble but not burst. "Two, my pet teacher, which student would you like under your desk licking away at your cunt while you write your naughty stories?" she asked, again giving a firm tug on my pigtails. The shy but good at everything Japanese Reika was the obvious choice. "Reika," I admitted, not remotely ashamed at my inappropriate thoughts of my students. "Three, tell me how much you love my cock in your ass," she ordered. The orgasm rising, bubbling just below the surface, I answered, "I fucking love it. I am so close to having my first multiple orgasm because of it." "Ever?" she asked, surprised. "Yes, I have neeeever had multiple orgasms," I admitted, my desperate desire to change that reality overwhelming me. "Well four, we are going to change that my cunt, my slut, my ass whore, my cocksucker," she rattled off, each one sending quivers of humiliating pleasure directly to my core of submission. And on five, the long dormant multiple orgasm volcano erupted as she ordered, as she pulled back on my pigtails as she slammed forward meeting my backwards movement, "Five, cum now or I will never fuck you again, you she-male lover." "Fuuuuuck, yeeeeees, oooooh, god, Ohh, Fuuuuck," I quaked as the impossible became possible and I collapsed onto the bed, Nicole thankfully knowing to let go off my pigtails. Nicole took control continuing to fuck my ass as my second orgasm erupted through me. Seconds later, I heard the undeniable grunt and felt my insides being coated with cum which sent another eruption of pleasure through my body. "Take my cum in your ass, Ms. Jasmine," she grunted as she continued pumping her cock in and out of my ass as stream after stream of cum filled me. As she pulled out, even though I was exhausted and weak, without thinking I turned around and took her cock in my mouth, desperately searching for any last remnants of her cum. "Shiiiiit, you are the biggest little cock slut I have ever had, Ms. Jasmine," she moaned, as I deep throated her still erect and pulsing member. A minute later, I allowed her cock to slip out of my mouth and I collapsed back onto the bed, cum leaking out of my ass and onto the sheets. Nicole stood up and smiled. "Well, I hope you have enough for a good she-male seduction story." I laughed weakly, "Ohhh, I think I have a lengthy tale to write." "You can call it She-Male School," Nicole suggested, as she bent down to grab her dress. I stared at her perfect ass and wondered if she ever got fucked herself. After a moment, I added, "And the sub title could be 'A Teacher Falls'." As she put her dress on, she paused and considered the title, "She-male School: A Teacher Falls...I think it could just work." Five minutes later she was gone and I, although exhausted, knew I had a tale to tell. I walked to my computer, my ass now a bit sore and started typing. She-male School: A Teacher Falls....

The End

