The Boys Next Door
It was winter in California and right when I needed to do some laundry, our brand-new machines broke. It was also Saturday so we weren't able to get a repair scheduled until Monday, but there was no way I could wait that long. I mean, that would have been a fun excuse to show up to school without any clothes for a day, but I'm sure that would have landed me in a heap of trouble. We were a couple miles from the closest laundromat so my mom suggested I pop by Mrs. Dunning's house next door to use her machines instead. Right after we had moved in earlier in the year, mom quickly befriended Mrs. Dunning and she was over at our house often. I guess it was time to cash in on a favor from her. Mrs. Dunning knew my face so I went alone. I made sure to prioritize a single load with some light-colored essentials to get me through half a week so I wouldn't have to burden our neighbor tons and tons of clothes. While the California heat first shocked me, having come from Utah, it seems I quickly acclimated over the summer and the first few months of my senior year of high school. Seriously, I had become a wimp to the cold in the span of less than a year. By the start of December, with California lows dropping into the 50's, I was already starting to shiver. But 50 degrees was downright toasty where I came from! I know all you readers from up north are laughing at me now, but move to California and it will happen to you too! So I bundled up my wimpy self a little in a faded pink hoodie and sweatpants outfit with some warm fur boots for my laundry trip. They were pretty much all the clothes I was down to anyway at this point, and even they could use a wash. The air was pretty crisp around my ears so I pulled my hood up over my head too. As I rang the doorbell, I realized that for all the times we had Mrs. Dunning over at our house, I had never actually been in hers before. To my surprise, a teenage boy opened the door. Did he go to my school? I assumed he was a senior like me. I knew Mrs. Dunning was a single mom but it hadn't occurred to me that one of her kids could be my age. I imagine he was confused to find a hooded girl with a basket of dirty laundry at his front door. "Um, hi!" I said. I wanted to offer my hand but both were occupied at the moment. "Is your mom home?" "No, she's out of town on business," said the boy, quietly. He seemed a little shy. "Oh... okay," I said. I had been kinda planning on just talking to Mrs. Dunning and wasn't prepared for her not being here. "Well, my name is Alexandria and I live next door. My mom is friends with yours. Anyway, our laundry machines broke down and I really need to get some clothes washed so is it alright with you if I borrow your machines?" "Yeah, sure," the boy shrugged, and let me in. He led me to their laundry room and the empty washer. As expected of Mrs. Dunning, the house was full of little kitschy knickknacks everywhere. I would've been embarrassed letting someone into my house with all that stuff around, but I guess this guy was long used to it. "Hey, thanks for letting me do this. I really appreciate it," I said. "Hey, wait, you haven't told me your name yet!" "Oh. I'm Chris," he said, unenthusiastically. At least I was able to shake his hand this time. But then he just stood there looking at the floor as I finished loading the machine. It was starting to annoy me how distant and quiet this guy was. I guess it reminded me of my own reserved self not too long ago. But that was so boring! Here I was stuck doing laundry, my least favorite chore, and I didn't even have any of the comforts of my own home to entertain me. I had to do something to liven things up, for my own sanity. My mind drifted to my adventure in the nurse's office. That certainly was exciting for me, and Chris would truly have to be a robot to not enjoy getting a bit of a show like those other boys had. Though we had just met, my instincts told me he at least didn't swing the other way. Could I try a little tease? I decided not to take it as far as before. After all, I was still pretty new to this game and it's not like I actually wanted to hook up with Chris either. I just wanted to have a little fun. I had to think quickly about my next move. "Hey, um," I started, feigning bashfulness. Chris looked up from the floor but still avoided eye contact. I pulled my hood back to show more of my face and my long brown hair, which I started lazily twisting around my fingers. "I kinda want to wash these sweats too. D'ya think you have something else I could put on while washing them?" That snapped Chris out of his trance. He was off-balance now. "Oh uh, you mean like... like a towel? Or something?" he offered sheepishly. I smiled. He was probably realizing now that there were a dozen better suggestions in the house to make, but this one happened to suit my plan nicely. "Yes! That would be perfect," I said, before he could say something else. I pointed to a stack of cream-colored towels on the shelf next to him. "Could I just grab one of those?" Chris nodded and continued looking at me. I pulled off the top one and held it in front of my chest demurely, even though I was still wearing all my clothes. I took a breath. "Um, Chris... could I have some privacy while I change?" I asked shyly. There wasn't any fun in just straight up stripping for him immediately; I wanted to draw out the tease as much as I could. "Oh, of course!" Chris clumsily left the room in his haste, closing the door behind him. Hah! Now I had him visibly nervous. Somehow that made him a lot more fun and interesting than before. And now I had someone to play with while I waited for my clothes to wash. Tossing the towel back on the shelf for the moment, I pulled my hoodie over my head and untied and slipped out of the sweatpants. I took off the tee shirt I had on underneath too. Into the washer they all went and I started the cycle. Underneath, I was only wearing a thin white bra and panty set. They were actually a new purchase after I had discovered my sexual side in the last story. They weren't really see-through, but lacy enough to make you wonder. It would've been hot to strip those off and wash them too while I went naked under the towel, but they were the type that needed hand washing with a special kind of detergent. So I wrapped the towel around me over my underwear, took a deep breath, and went out into the hallway. The towel wasn't particularly big. I tugged it down a bit to show some cleavage and the tops of my bra cups, and it came down to above my knees at the bottom. I was now in a strange house with a boy I had just met, wearing only my lacy underwear and a towel! But where was he? I looked around and there was nobody in sight; just shelves of porcelain figurines and fake flowers. Did I scare him away already? It sounded like an action movie was playing in another part of the house so I cautiously started walking towards the noise. I had forgotten to ask Chris if anyone else was home, and I certainly didn't want to run into any family members while dressed like this! Being in California, I wasn't even sure if this house had heat. It was certainly warmer than outside, but still definitely a good notch below room temperature. And it didn't help that my arms and legs were bare. At least while walking slowly down the hall I wasn't getting many cold drafts up my towel. The hallway ended at the back of the living room, where Chris had some video game running on the television. I had to gasp because another boy was also in the room and spotted me first. "Chris! I thought you were home alone!" I shouted in embarrassment, clutching the towel to my chest. "Crap, I'm sorry," said Chris, "It's just my friend Alex here. Nobody else is coming until tonight." Chris was avoiding eye contact again, but I noticed he was also stealing looks at my towel-dress. Alex, on the other hand, was openly eyeing me up and down my towel-clad body. He was a fair amount chubbier than Chris, who was just a normal build, but Alex was clearly more outgoing. They looked like they were the same age. "Woah. Is she your girlfriend?" he asked in awe. "Fat chance!" I spat playfully. "I'm just the neighbor. You'll have to excuse my lack of clothes because they're in the laundry here. My machines are broken." That just caused Alex to look even more at my lack of real clothing. I realized then that both boys were wearing thick, long-sleeved clothing. I was really underdressed for this house and this weather. Blushing, I tried to change the subject away from me. "What's that game? Can I join in while I wait for the machine?" They handed me a controller and I took a seat on the couch. It was some sort of outer space alien shooting game. I got to pick a girl character and dress her up a bit (in soldier outfits, nothing sexy). "That's me on the screen, right? Player 3?" I asked, pointing. "Yeah, but you should probably change your name," said Alex, "Here, press this button." It took a while to start getting my long name in with the on-screen keyboard thing. I typed A-L-E-X-A-N-D... and then it stopped. "Hey, why won't it let me type anymore?" "It's too long," explained Alex, "You need to use something shorter. And you can't use 'ALEX' because I'm already using that name. Here, let me try something else." He took control of the cursor, cleared my name, and retyped L-E-X-I. "Here, this is cute," he said, hitting confirm. "Lexi?!" I complained. Nobody had called me that name before. "But that's so... it's like a stripper name!" "Then that's your name for us from now on!" laughed Alex, "You've already stripped to do laundry!" Chris seemed hesitant to make any reaction, like he was scared of offending me. I blushed again, reminded of my clothing condition. I guess Alex had a bit of a point. I had worn this specifically for the opportunity to show off a little. One thing I did like about the nickname: it rhymed with sexy. Alex cut the jokes and we played for a bit. The game was enough to distract me from the cold air for the time being. I'm not really into video games but it was fun enough. I was supposed to be working on the same team as the boys, but I could still shoot them, and ended up accidentally doing that a lot. But the real fun part was the boys looking over at me when they thought they could get away with it. Alex was more obvious about it, but I noticed Chris stealing glances here and there too. They seemed a bit distracted from our objectives in the game, and I liked the idea that maybe I was the real center of attention in the room. Eventually my aggressive button-pushing started loosening the top of my towel. I had been hoping for something like this to happen so I could tease Chris more and see his reaction to a little accidental peek. Now I had one more appreciative audience member to play with. With my help, the towel slowly unraveled as we played, and the top part inched its way down my chest. Alex did a double-take when he first realized what was happening, and soon my lace-covered breasts were fully in view. I pretended not to notice, but it was difficult because I was starting to get excited too. The boys were looking over a lot more often now, probably trying to see if my bra really was see-through. I kind of wished it were. I kind of wished I were topless for my new friends. I knew that was going too far too fast, but the boys' hungry stares really made me excited for more. The washer buzzed its completion and I started to get up to move my clothes to the dryer. "Oopsie!" I said, pretending to notice my exposed bra for the first time. "I almost did give you guys a real strip show here." "C'mon, Lexi, earn those tips!" joked Alex. I shook my head in mock annoyance. That got Chris comfortable enough with the situation to smile at the exchange. I took my time re-securing the towel up to a modest level as I stood, looking down the whole time like I was concentrating, so the boys could have an extra opportunity see my new exposure before I went back to the laundry room. Luckily my sweats were faded enough that they hadn't turned any of my other clothes pink. I hadn't counted on adding them to the load when I came out here, so I'm glad the change in plan didn't backfire on me. I started the dryer cycle. The boys had the game paused when I returned to my seat in the living room. With their eyes following me, I was careful to smooth the back of the towel over my round butt as I sat and to cross my legs tightly like if I were wearing a short skirt. "Those boots sure look funny together with that towel," remarked Alex. The video game was forgotten now. "I hadn't thought about that!" I said, looking down at my ankles. I then aimed my gaze directly at Chris. "Chris, do you think it would look better if I took my boots off?" I tried to ask as flirtatiously as I could. Chris was caught off-guard again. "U-uh yeah, sure. I think that would look um... nice." Alex rolled his eyes at his friend's hesitation. I gave the boys a quick smile and, using one hand to hold the towel demurely across my chest while I bent forward, I used my other hand to slip off one boot. Then I crossed my legs in the other direction and slipped off the other boot and set both to the side. "There, now how's that?" The boys nodded their approval, my legs now bare from mid-thigh all the way to my toes. "Ugh, but that just makes me feel colder," I complained, rubbing my arms up and down rapidly. I was partially acting but it really did feel colder without my boots, and this house wasn't particularly warm to begin with. Though it would mean the end of my show for the day, I couldn't wait to put my clothes back on all toasty from the dryer. "Chris, can't you turn up the heat or something?" "Sorry, we don't have heaters here," said Chris, "but we do have a hot tub outside if you want to use that." "Hey, yeah!" said Alex, "I brought my trunks. We should all go warm up in there." "Hmm, that sounds good," I said, "but I actually don't own any swim suits." I already had a better idea instead. "Skinnydip, then?" suggested Alex, hopefully. That wasn't my idea. I shot him a comical glare. "In your dreams." Both boys seemed a little bummed that they couldn't at least see me in swimwear. "That hot water really sounds nice, though..." I began, standing up and musing at the ceiling. "Maybe... do you guys think I can go in with just my underwear?" With that, I pulled open my towel completely and looked down at myself as nonchalantly as I could, though it was hard to resist blushing. My bra cups were almost like a demi-cup over my round breasts, but they still covered well over my nipples and areola with white lace. My panties were in a classic bikini cut with a full triangular back rather than a thong, lace in front and back, with a tiny bow on the waistband in front. I was literally asking the boys to look at me displaying my body in lingerie! "This pretty much covers like a bikini, right?" I tried to give the boys some bikini-like poses I had seen in magazines. I held the corners of the towel in my outstretched hands and then lowered my hands to bring the towel to thigh level. I turned to face my butt towards the boys and looked over my shoulder at it myself. "Am I okay back here too? It's a good thing I didn't wear a thong today!" I looked up to see a wide-eyed Chris and Alex. Chris struggled to get some words out. "W-wow, that's very-" "That's perfect! It will totally work!" Alex butted in, hopeful. "Okay, if you boys say so," I said, smiling a little. I pulled the towel back up and re-wrapped it around myself. I had to pause the show or else they would never get changed. "Let me know when you're ready." The boys scrambled over each other to get upstairs and get changed. While I waited, I found some rubber bands and put my hair up into a messy bun to keep it out of the water. Soon we were all wrapped in towels, out the back door, and on the cold back patio. The hot tub was the kind that stays filled and heated all the time. We set an egg timer from the kitchen so I knew when the laundry would be done. Chris pulled back the cover and he and Alex rushed to get in first. We were all cold and anxious to get in, but I'm sure they mostly wanted a better view of my entrance. I was starting to shiver already with the outside air biting at my bare arms and legs. I dropped my towel to the side of the tub, showing the boys my underwear again, and slowly lowered myself down into the steaming water across from them. It felt sooo good! The bubbles were switched on and they flowed around the curves of my body, tingling and warming my flesh. The water was so nice and the air so cold that I sank down all the way so that just my chin was over the water. The bubbles were thick enough that all details were obscured and only the vague shape of my body could be made out. I'm sure the guys were really disappointed by that. We talked. I told them about my recent move from Utah, and how I couldn't take the cold anymore like I used to. We talked about school (and confirmed we went to the same one) and the town. My plans for college. Their aspirations. The new Star Wars movie. Both Chris and Alex were pretty geeky. I mean, I did meet them playing video games. They had a couple other friends from school in their group and they all did geeky things together. Not that I'm knocking them at all-everyone neded a hobby. I still hadn't made any friends at my new school by this point, so these guys were pretty much my first. And, I thought to myself, maybe guys like this were more likely to appreciate my little experiments in showing my body. The heat of the tub started to build up on me, and it felt more comfortable to leave my shoulders up in the cool air to balance things out. Then more of the top of my chest. Then some more. Eventually I was sitting much further up the side of the tub, with my bra-covered breasts completely out of the water as we talked. Chris and Alex definitely had something to look at again. While the lace patterns of my bra hadn't been see-through before, the water had turned it partially transparent. The boys could faintly see my nipples now! The wet, white lace made me look like some fancy contestant in a wet tee shirt contest. I felt all fluttery inside as I tried to keep up the conversation while letting my audience look. Both sets of eyes were now glued to my chest whenever possible, but I refrained from giving away what I knew. I felt really sexy showing off my boobs out in basically the open air, and giving my schoolmates an exciting treat. They probably only got to watch for ten minutes before the egg timer went off. The sudden ringing made me jump out of the water a bit. I took that opportunity to look down and pretend to notice my situation for the first time. "Oh, gosh!" I gasped, clutching my hands over my wet breasts. "This water made my bra see-through!" I lifted my hands a little in an act of getting a better look myself, while drawing more attention from the boys and allowing them to look more too. Chris looked worried that they would get in trouble with me for not saying something. Alex tried to recover. "That's not so bad!" he declared. "I mean, really, we can hardly see anything from here." "Really?" I asked, sounding unconvinced. I lowered my arms all the way and turned my shoulders toward Chris. I wanted to put him on the spot again and make him squirm a little. "Chris, can you see much from your angle? Oh, it's embarrassing if you guys can see my nipples." With my hands clasped under the water, I brought my elbows closer together in front of me to push my round breasts a little further forward and up, to let him inspect me better. "I guess... maybe a little. But-but yeah it's really not that bad!" Chris was such a bad liar. But it was cute to see him so flustered by my teasing. "Okay, if you say so," I said. I stood up in the tub and looked around the yard around us. Of course there was nobody in sight. The fence was even too high to see any of the windows in my house or the ones to the other sides. "I feel pretty naked out here..." I really did feel that way, but that was a good thing. The water level was below my crotch now and I was already starting to feel the cold again. The boys' eyes went right down to my bottoms. I didn't really have a good view of those while standing, but knowing what happened to my bra, my panties had probably become a little transparent too and they could probably see that I had shaved my naughty bits. I put my hands on my hips and leaned forward teasingly towards the boys a bit, because they were still sitting. Were they hiding boners? "Hey, don't tell anyone about this, okay?" I said, "I don't want the whole school to know that I stripped down to my undies for some guys I just met." The boys nodded solemnly and I got out of the tub to put my towel back on. Chris and Alex went back to their game while I got my laundry out. Since my bra and panties were now wet, I had to go commando in my sweats. They were nice and warm and hot out of the dryer. I wasn't sure what to do with my underwear now, though. When I took it off, the seams were starting to come apart. I bought the set because it looked fancy but the price was actually really cheap. I didn't really feel like carrying that broken, wet stuff back home, and hanging them up to dry in Chris' house definitely wasn't an option. I decided to make them them Chris' responsibility, just to see what he would do about it. I carried my basket of clean clothes out to the living room and said my goodbyes. "Thanks for the game and the soak, guys," I waved, "But I think the hot water kind of messed up my bra and panties. Chris, could you get rid of that for me? I left it in the laundry room and couldn't find a garbage can." Chris agreed, blushing that he would be handling my underwear. It didn't seem like he was scheming to keep them as a souvenir, but I couldn't figure out what he was thinking instead. * * * I ran into Chris a few more times at school in the following weeks. Alex a couple times too. We didn't have any classes together so I only saw them pretty briefly. At one point Alex came up to me at my locker and suggested another hot tub session, but I had to decline on the basis of my pseudo-swimsuit getting ruined. So of course he proposed skinny dipping again, and I declined that too, at least for now. As much as I was tempted, I didn't want to do it just because Alex was pushing for it. They both came together to find me the day before our winter break started at the end of December. But it was Chris who did the talking. "Uh, hey, Lexi, do you think you could come over tonight after dinner to hang out? I mean... if you want to." He was still timid, but a little more confident than before. Confident enough to invite me out of the blue. I definitely wasn't expecting Chris to be this bold. Was he trying to ask me out? But Alex was going to be there too... I didn't have any other plans, so I agreed. I wanted to see what the boys were up to anyway. And I couldn't just shoot down Chris after he'd drummed up the courage to ask me. It hadn't gotten any colder since my laundry adventure, but it was still enough for me to bundle up a bit again for my walk outside that night. Chris greeted me at the door again. "So who's home this time?" I asked as we walked to the living room. I wanted to avoid getting surprised this time. "Mom's away again, and Alex is here. And Mike and Tim will be here later. You can meet them." Those were the other two friends in their group. "Merry Christmas!" announced Alex, when we arrived. He was sitting on the living room floor with two colorfully wrapped packages in front of him, both about the same flat, rectangular size. "Chris wanted you here so you could open your presents." "Presents!" I was genuinely surprised. "Really, Chris? Aw, guys, you are so sweet!" I gushed. "But, wait, I feel so guilty... I haven't gotten anything for you." "We just want to see you use these, and that's present enough for us," said Alex. "Yeah... we just think you're really cool and want you to have this. That's all," said Chris shyly. I blushed a little. This was their show of appreciation for me prancing around in see-through underwear in front of them, was what he meant. Lexi the stripper was earning her first tips. "Here, open my present first," said Alex, thrusting the first package at me. I tore it open cautiously. It was a dark blue one-piece swimsuit. "Wow! This is just what I needed so I can hot tub with you guys again. Thank you, Alex!" I said, looking over the gift at him. "Does this mean you've given up on getting me to skinny dip with you?" I asked with suspicion. Alex crossed his arms sternly. "Never." We all laughed. "Can I try it on now? You guys want to see me wear it, right?" The boys nodded vigorously. I went to the laundry room to change, since that was really the only other room in the house I knew. I guess it was now my dressing room. I had a lot of clothes on so it took a while to get everything off, but soon I was totally naked for the second time in Chris' house! I almost wanted to waltz out to the living room just like that and let the boys feast their eyes on every uncovered inch of me. But I also wanted to enjoy teasing them more first, and we did still need to see how the suit looked on me. I pulled it on and padded barefoot back to the living room. "Tadaa!" I said, announcing my grand arrival. Alex and Chris applauded. I turned some poses for the boys, like I had done with my lingerie earlier in the month. The suit was fairly basic, but hugged my curves perfectly from the swell of my breasts to my wide hips and round butt. The neckline plunged to show a good amount of cleavage but not a dangerous amount to where I'd be popping out of it. The bottom was cut just high enough to show a little butt cheek on either side, but it was far from being a thong. I had my hair tied up again so it wouldn't get in the way of seeing the outfit. It was a sexy suit for sure, but I was actually surprised how conservative it was, given that Alex picked it out. "Like a glove!" said Alex. "Yeah, I can't believe how well this fits," I admitted, "You must have a great eye for sizing." "You could say I'm an expert in women's bodies," boasted Alex, "but credit for this one actually goes to Chris." "Yeah, actually," Chris confessed, "I kinda peeked at the tags on your underwear when you left it here." "Well I'm glad you put that information to good use." I smiled. "Just promise to keep my intimate measurements a secret, okay?" Chris smiled in response. I think he liked having that responsibility. "Hey, actually can you guys take some pictures of me? There aren't any mirrors in the laundry room and I want to see how this thing looks from a distance." The boys enthusiastically pulled out their phones and started snapping. I started with a basic front, side, and back view, then repeated some of the other poses I gave to the guys earlier. Then I went to take a look at the results, but Alex interrupted me. "Hold on, do you think we can get some more poses? I really want to remember this moment," he pleaded. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, fine," I said. This was his gift after all. "But I'm all out of poses. What do you want me to do?" "Any pose?" Alex couldn't believe I agreed. "Any pose." That opened the floodgates. Alex had me start with some butt shots. That pervert. Some bent over, some with my back arched more, knees together, knees spread. The suit had pretty good coverage where it counted, so I felt pretty comfortable with all the porny things he asked for. Even though I wasn't actually showing anything, I still felt sexy with all the attention I was getting, like I was a real magazine model. "I can do the splits too. I was in gymnastics when I was a kid. Do you guys want pictures of that?" I offered. Of course they did. They got me from multiple angles with my legs spread all the way. I made sure the gusset of the suit stayed in place so I wasn't giving them any flashes for those ones. Then we did some bent-forward and crawling poses, accentuating my cleavage. I even gave them some tease shots with the shoulder straps playfully pulled down off my shoulders. Finally we had run out of ideas and I was able to look at the results. The photos went from fairly tame to fairly racy, even though I had the essentials covered. The cold of the house was starting to get to me again and in some shots you could see that my nipples were visibly hard and pressing against the material of the suit. "Wait, what about that one?" I pointed as we neared the end, but Chris had already gone past it on his phone. "No, go back to the other one." It was one of the photos where I had the shoulder straps down. The neckline of the suit had creeped down a little too far and a bit of my areola was peeking around the edge. "Woah, nice one!" exclaimed Alex. "D-do you think we should delete it?" asked Chris. It was sweet of him to still be concerned with my modesty, though he also sounded sad to have to let it go, like it was a puppy had just followed him home. "Gosh, I don't know, that's pretty embarrassing..." I had to think. Meanwhile the boys looked like they were trying to burn the image in their memory in case I gave the word. "Please let us keep it!" pleaded Alex. I sighed. "All right, fine," I relented. "It's not even really a nip slip because my nipple isn't all the way showing. I don't know why you guys are so excited about it." Except I did, and I was excited too. I couldn't believe I was letting them keep this photo of my partial nudity to have... forever! We got through the rest of the photos and there weren't any more accidents, to Alex's disappointment. I opened Chris' present next. "Hey, another swimsuit!" I called out. But this one was a pretty small-looking white bikini. "Wow, Chris," I eyed him skeptically, "and I thought Alex was the pervert of your group." Chris blushed. "I just thought that... this one would be more like what you had in the tub." I laughed. "And you guys liked that too, didn't you? It's okay, Chris, this is very sweet. Thank you." I liked that Chris was becoming more a participant in my game all on his own. I held up the package in front of me and looked at both boys. "I suppose you want me to try this one too?" Of course they did. This change was a lot quicker than the other one, since I only had one piece to take off. "Gosh, this one is kind of embarrassing," I said quietly as I crept back into the living room. It was so small I felt self-conscious in it and walked the whole way with one arm over my breasts and the other hand over my crotch. "Um, but I guess I agreed to show you guys." I dropped my arms and giggled a little nervously. Instead of cheers this time, the boys sat in silent awe. "This really hardly covers anything," I said, tugging at different parts of the trim like I was trying to adjust things better. It wasn't like those extreme string bikinis like you see on the web where the girl is in constant danger of a wardrobe malfunction, but it was definitely skimpier than my bra and panty set from before. The top was two triangles with ample coverage around my nipples, but still cut small enough that they didn't cover the curves of my breasts bulging on either side. It was a halter style that tied behind my back with the upper strings tying around the back of my neck. The bottoms were maybe big enough in front to cover about half my pubic hair if I had any. I was so glad I had freshly shaved! The back was a g-string with a token triangle at the top covering nothing. It was tied on the sides. The boys still hadn't said anything. "C'mon, guys, what do you think?" "Amazing," said Chris, after another long pause. "You are stunning," agreed Alex. I giggled again. "Why thank you, boys." I turned from side to side, examining my outfit some more. "I don't know if I'm brave enough to wear this in public, but it makes me feel pretty sexy. Maybe I can just wear it when I'm around you guys. Is that alright with you, Chris? Since you got it for me." "Y-yeah, of course," stammered Chris, still wide-eyed. Without asking, I turned my almost-naked butt towards the boys and looked over my shoulder at them. "So... do you guys just want the same poses again?" Their phones immediately came back out and we repeated the photo session with my skimpier suit. The poses had been risqué but safe in the previous suit; now they were downright scandalous in the bikini. My butt cheeks were now completely exposed, and the thin g-string barely covered my butt hole when I knelt in the behind shots. I had to keep adjusting the thin gusset of the bottoms over my pussy as I moved around, because they started worked their way into my slit and even the slightest shift in position meant a bit of lip coming out. Especially when I was doing the splits again. The boys really loved that. "I don't even know if I want to look at these photos, you guys," I sighed. "I might have a heart attack and make you delete them all." "I think I'm ready to have a heart attack now," said Alex, still snapping away. "Listen," I said. I stopped posing for a moment to emphasize how serious I was. "I won't look at these ones and I'll let you guys keep all these photos if you promise not to show them to anyone else, okay? You can't even tell anyone you have these. Promise me." The boys looked at each other. "I promise," said Chris. "Cross my heart, seriously," said Alex. "Okay, good," I said. "Let me do just one more pose. I don't have straps to push down on this top, but I can do this instead." In one swift motion I pulled apart the knot behind my neck and let the strings fall down the front of my chest. The triangles gave way and flashed my bare nipples momentarily to the boys before I was able to catch the top and pull the material back up over my breasts, the upper strings dangling. "Woops! That didn't go as smoothly as planned." The boys didn't even have time to get their cameras up to catch that one. "Ummm, can you do that again?" tried Alex. I laughed. "Sorry, boys, that was a once-in-a-lifetime," I chided. "But you can get some shots with my hands on my boobs like this. That's what I was going for." I did a few sexy almost-topless poses for them with the bikini top loose and one or both of my hands covering my breasts. I was starting to regret my decision to let them keep all these photos in my bikini. I didn't even know how much I was showing! But at least I felt I could trust them to keep everything private. I turned my back to them and retied the top while they couldn't see. "So," I said, turning back around. "Is it time for another dip in the hot tub?" Predictably, the boys agreed that I should wear the bikini to the tub rather than the one-piece. The boys got changed again and we settled in, sitting across from each other once again. "Is your mom away often, Chris?" I asked. "I wouldn't mind coming here to soak more often. This feels so great." I leaned back, sinking further into the bubbling hot water. Unlike my bra, the bikini stayed opaque when wet. I still had to re-adjust it over my breasts now and then, though. "Yeah, her work sends her off a lot. Just text me when you want to check," said Chris. It seemed like with all my shenanigans, Chris was starting to get used to me and more comfortable around me. Just a little. "So is this turning out to be a good Christmas for you guys?" I ventured. "Today has been a dream come true," said a very relaxed Alex, who was also sinking into the tub. "It was really awesome that you did that for us," said Chris. "Aw, that wasn't a big deal. It was just some bikini pictures. And you guys had to buy the outfits." I pointed out. "I know those weren't the cheapest either. I still feel like I haven't given you back enough yet. "Trust me, you've already paid us back in spades," said Alex. Gosh, if Alex were this satisfied, those bikini photos must have showed more than I thought. Still, I was surprised he didn't take the opportunity to push his luck more. So I finally decided to push it for him. It was going to be a big present for all of us. "Well, I was just thinking..." I started, hesitantly. "You guys have been asking me so many times to skinny dip with you... maybe I can give it a try just this once? Would you like that?" "Oh my god, really?" gasped Alex, sitting up again. "Lexi... are you sure you want to do this?" asked Chris, with a little concern in his voice. It was cute that he was still trying to look after me. "You really don't have to..." "Dude, what are you saying?!" butted in Alex. "You mean you don't want to be in a hot tub with a naked girl?" I asked Chris with a flirtatious smile. "It's not like that, I just don't want you to be-" "Don't worry about me, Chris," I reassured, interrupting. "I had a lot of... fun, showing you guys the bikini. So this is something I wanna do. I'm sure." With that, I sank down to neck-height again and pulled apart the upper knot of my top. Then the back knot. That was trickier to do while keeping my breasts hidden under the water. I had to arch my back to reach and my nipples came up almost to the water's surface. I crossed one arm over my boobs as I rose up from the water and used my other hand to gather up my top and place it out on the side of the tub. I gave the boys a seductive smile and lowered myself back in the water, removing my arm. Now I was completely topless in front of two boys! But the water obscured their view. Still scrunched low in the tub, I used both hands to untie the sides of my bottoms at the same time. I pulled it out from between my legs and, without rising from the water this time, I gave them a little toss to land near my top. "I'm totally naked now." I breathed, as I blushed. I knew that was stating the obvious but somehow just saying it made me feel that much hotter about what was happening. It was such a rush having zero clothing on, even though the guys couldn't quite see me. Each of them was only a few feet away from my nude body. I had almost demanded that they get naked with me, or else I wouldn't. It would have fun to be all in there naked together, and maybe I could have scored a peek at how hard I had made them. But that was pretty unlikely because of the ease they could hide under the water. And there was something extra sexy about my audience remaining clothed while I was the only one naked and vulnerable. "Wow, this just gets better and better," breathed Alex. "But... what do we do now?" asked Chris. That was a good question. "Um... how about we just talk like we did last time?" I suggested. "Like when I was wearing something. I don't want this to be any different just because I'm naked. I'd like it if we could just hang out normally." We agreed that was a good idea. So we kept talking like we did before. Except I was having a real difficult time keeping my composure because I kept feeling more and more aroused over my nude state. I started to push my exposure gradually like I did the last time in the tub. I began relaxing my careful low position in the hot tub and sat higher and higher, showing the boys more and more of the tops of my breasts. Then Chris got a call on his phone. "Hey. Okay, yeah, we're in the hot tub in back. The side door is open," he said to the person on the line. "Okay, bye." "Mike and Tim are here," Chris announced to us. "Oh shit, I totally forgot we had more people coming!" I yelped. I sank back lower in the tub to hide my body again, now feeling more self-conscious. "Yeah, that's what I was trying to tell you about earlier," said Chris. "It's okay," I sighed, defeated. "This is what I signed up for. I'm just going to have to be naked for more people than I planned for." Mike and Tim came from around the side of the house. "Hey, guys," said Alex. "That one is Mike and that one is Tim," Chris said to me. "Guys, this is Lexi," he said, using my nickname. "Not my real name!" I corrected. "It's her stripper name!" said Alex. The new guys came around to my side of the tub. I had to cover my bare breasts with my left arm as I half-stood to shake hands with them. And I made sure to keep my hips in the water to hide my pussy. Their eyes went wide when they saw my condition. My boobs bounced a little from the movement of my body as we shook hands. I wasn't as careful as I could've been about it and my left nipple started coming out from the bend of my elbow. "Woah, are you naked?" asked Mike, incredulous. "Are you really a stripper?" asked Tim. I blushed, still half-standing in waist-deep water with just my arm to shield my toplessness. I couldn't believe I was meeting these guys while naked. "I'm not a stripper," I answered shyly. "Lexi is just the nickname the guys have for me but nobody else calls me that." "And yes, I'm naked," I continued. I placed my right hand over my pussy and stood up the rest of the way, with the water coming up to just the middle of my thighs. "See?" Mike and Tim could now see I had nothing on under my hands, though I kept my private parts covered. Behind me, Alex and Chris had a great view of my bare butt. I held the pose for a long couple seconds and sat back down in the safety of the water. "But I want you all to know that this is my first time skinny dipping. I don't do stuff like this often at all." "I don't think anyone here would mind if you did it more often," reminded Alex. "Yeah, I'm sure," I retorted sarcastically, sticking out my tongue. "Anyway, the deal is that we're just hanging out normally. You can look but you can't touch. I'm not doing anything sexual with you guys." Other than maybe a little flashing, I thought to myself. Mike and Tim were wearing athletic warmups with trunks underneath. They stripped down right there to join us. It was just a six-person tub, so Chris and Alex scooted closer to me from the opposite side of the tub to make room for Mike and Tim to sit across from me. I decided to resume my little strategy of slowly forgetting about my modesty on top. But now the stakes were much higher with my audience size doubled and sitting much closer to me! Before long I had worked my way up during the conversation so that I was sitting with the tops of my breasts and cleavage above the water line, with my nipples just barely hidden below. Mike and Tim quickly caught on to what was happening. I pretended not to notice as the boys' eyes were glued to my breasts as we talked. Every now and then I would laugh or move around a bit more as I was talking, letting my uncovered nipples briefly bounce out of the water and into view. That was so hot! Despite the heat from the tub, my nipples were achingly stiff from my excitement, and now the boys could see that too. At one point I went to check the time on my phone, which I had also left to the side of the tub behind me. I didn't want to be too obvious with that one, but I made sure to rise out of the water first and flash my bare tits for a split second before allowing my hands to come up to cover my nipples. I couldn't believe I was doing this with my neighbor sitting right next to me and in front of two guys I had just met. I was starting to get really wet, and it wasn't from the tub. We kept talking later into the night. The boys certainly didn't want to cut their show short so they kept the conversation going as much as they could. I didn't want it to end either. We went so long that the bubbles actually shut off on their own. "Eek!" I gasped. As the bubbles disappeared, it quickly became much easier to see through the water, and to my nude curves below. I crossed my legs tightly under the water to hide my pussy and cupped my hands over my nipples. "Oh yeah, the bubbles are on an automatic timer," said Chris, "and the controls are back here." He tried reaching behind me but couldn't quite make it as they were a little farther from the edge of the water. "Oh, I can get it!" I volunteered. I switched my breast coverage to just one arm and turned all the way around towards the controls behind me. I stood up out of the water and bent over a little more than I needed to reach the distant panel, spreading my legs for stability. I heard all four boys gasp behind me. In this pose, they had a clear, unobstructed view of my butt hole and dripping wet pussy from behind! After taking extra long to figure out the controls and prolong my exposure, I finally succeeded in turning the bubbles back on and returned to my earlier sitting position. I was so excited from that last flash that I was almost ready to orgasm. "Ooh, thats much better," I cooed, sinking back into the bubbles, my heart still thumping hard with excitement. "If you like the jets, there's three close together near Mike's spot, " Chris suggested. "Two from the side and one from below." "Really?" I jumped up excitedly. I was so horny at this point that I didn't even care what I was showing anymore. Or I was doing it on purpose. "Make some room for me!" I demanded as I waded the short distance across the tub to the spot next to Mike. I left my arms swinging at my sides and my bouncing tits were completely uncovered over the water the whole time. Mike and Tim moved out of the way, eyeing my hard nipples as I slipped in between them. I felt under the water for the jets with my hands, still totally topless for the boys. When I found them I turned around towards the center of the tub, so I could lean my back against both side jets. I reflexively covered my nipples with my fingers again as I turned, but I had to let go because they were so sensitive. My hands gripped the tub to either side instead. I lowered my swollen pussy over the third jet but kept the bottom curve of my breasts well over the water level where the boys could still see everything. "Ooh," I giggled seductively, "the bubbles are tingling in my... um... " I couldn't say it. I was completely naked and brazenly exposed in between four boys. They were close enough they could reach out and touch me if they wanted to. Chris and Alex were staring intently. I don't think any of them could believe their eyes. Were they stroking themselves under the water? I couldn't tell if I was seeing that out of the corner of my eye or if I just wanted that to happen. I started panting like mad and my hips bucked against the water jet. Within a few seconds that felt like minutes, the force of the jet built up too much sensation for me to handle anymore. I tried to be as quiet as I could but wasn't able to stop myself from letting out a low moan as I came. The boys shifted to the side again to make room for me as I moved away from the jets. I sank slowly back into the water while I descended from my climax. "That... was really cool," said Chris. The boys all agreed in quiet awe. "Well... thanks for hanging out, guys," I said, after taking a while to catch my breath. I didn't really know what else to say following what just happened. But I knew the night was over for me. "Chris, could you hand me my bikini?" He had trouble retrieving it from the side of the tub while hiding the tent in his trunks. "I guess I shouldn't ask you guys to get out with me," I giggled. The boys gave their awkward-and appreciative-goodbyes. With my bikini securely back on, I wished them a Merry Christmas and returned to the laundry room with my two new swimsuits to dress before returning home for the night. I couldn't wait to get naked for my friends again.