Call me Maybe
Lately I've been thinking a lot about the 'community'. Not the LGBT community, but the Transsexual community. Specifically the M2F community. I think they're mostly full of poop. It seems like every time I meet someone who calls themselves an "activist", what I'm really meeting is a hyper sensitive tranny who has an emotional breakdown if someone calls her a tranny. Every now and then I run into these people who have a whole list of words and phrases that they would like people to stop using. They don't want comedians to make jokes about transsexual people. They don't want movies or TV shows to even mention transsexual people unless the context is flattering or better. Heaven forbid they show a drug addled tranny prostitute with serious mental issues. You know people that actually exist. The sad fact is many of the girls in my 'community' are nuttier than day three of an orchiectomy marathon. I don't know why this is exactly. I know that it's really difficult to grow up feeling like you're in the wrong body but not having the courage to say anything about it. It's probably even harder to grow up WITH the courage to say anything about it. I also know that some of the T-girls dealing with mental issues that have nothing to do with being Trans and everything to do with needing serious chemical or psychiatric intervention. For some reason and I don't think I will ever understand why, but our community seems to attract people who desperately WANT to be transsexual but definitely are not. When you consider that nobody sane would want to go through a gender transition unless it was something they could really feel, it follows that some people who transition are actually insane instead of transsexual. This is something I never considered until I was deep into my own transition. This is a tough road and anybody who says otherwise is suspect in my opinion. I know several trans women personally and every single one of them will tell you that it's a rough life. Transition makes everything harder. Everything is a damn struggle because everybody looks at you a little differently. Your bosses think you're crazy, your family thinks you're crazy, hell every now and then even I think we're crazy. The motivation to change your life comes from something so deep that it can't be described. It's basically a burning desire to stop hiding, except that's not quite right either. It's like you would trade in everything you have for the questionable privilege of simply showing the world what you feel like inside. It's bizarre. This is not a decision that can be rationalized because there is no good reason to do it. It is a decision your heart must make because your head would never do it. It just doesn't pencil out. So why would someone who doesn't yearn to be free do something as crazy as transition? I honestly don't know, but they do. They do it and then they spend years trying to justify it to themselves and everyone else. I'm beginning to think that these people who are always sooooooo offended by words and jokes are really just trying too hard to get the world to accept their crazy decision. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. Why else would somebody spend so much energy finding ways to be offended? i don't think they feel comfortable with themselves and what they are. There are many trans women who simply go to work every day and advance the cause of acceptance by just being decent people. Unfortunately the loudest voices in our community tend to come from those that are the biggest drama queens, and unfortunately they are the same ones that claim to speak for all of us. Well they don't. If you ever encounter me I want you to know that you do not have to walk on egg-shells. You don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing. There are no words that can hurt me anymore so please just be yourself and ask me whatever you want to know. I want to make you feel comfortable and I want you to learn about us. I know that I'm the one who is different and I want you to enjoy our time together. I will make jokes and I will tell you everything that I feel comfortable telling you, but if you[re rude to me, I will be rude right back. When I leave you will not see me as one of "them". You will see me as a real person who is not much different than you. Maybe I'll run into you again, maybe one of my sisters will but the most important thing to me isn't that you liked me. It's that you knew I was real. A real person with real feelings and no agenda other than to be accepted as such. You see the hardest part about transition is that sometimes people forget you're human.