A Symphony in Dee
It was a hot day in August, the wooded hills were covered in tress which made my hike cooler but the 6 miles I had walked had heated me anyway. I was following animal trails through dense trees when I came upon the clearing. No more than 15 feet on a side it was open to the blazing sun, which perversely was what just what I needed right now. With just under a mile to the bus stop which would take me back to the city, my hike was nearly complete. I stripped off my shirt and shorts and lay down naked in the 1o'clock sun, the moss under me deep and soft. I reached into my small pack and applied some sun lotion to my front and laid back looking at the blue sky and random white clouds. "Oh I'm sorry," came a voice quite close to me, I sat up but if the speaker was put off by my nakedness they would have not spoken. A young guy stood just inside the clearing and judging by his clothes I took him for a fellow walker. "I thought I was the only person who knew about this clearing." I replied, "I didn't know it was here but it's very lovely, a good sun bathing spot, not much chance back in the city." He walked closer. "Me too what with a sister and nosey neighbours there's no way I can catch some rays at home, do you mind if I sit." I said in my best Humphrey Bogart voice. "It's probably more your place than mine kid." He was perplexed and I had to explain. "Long before your time and mine really, I'm only 25 but I like old movies." He smiled; he had a wonderful open smile which somehow radiated throughout his body, making him look very young. "How old are you," I asked. "Everyone asks that," he said and, as he was transferring it to his jeans pocket anyway, he showed me a driving licence. I looked, David Carter, aged 18. "David eh?" I said. "I prefer Dee," was his rejoinder. "I know I look more like 17." I thought more like 16, he had the soft rounded shape of a pubescent girl, his face was soft with large eyes, which tends to make people look younger. He turned half away from me to strip off his shirt, my eye caught his shadow, I immediately thought he looked tubby, but no, he had breasts. When I casually looked there was no muscle definition at all, he looked sideways at me, to judge my reaction, my poker face gave nothing away. "I .er.. usually..you know," He stuttered. I spoke up, "If you prefer an all over tan then join the club, there's nothing worse than tan lines which don't match up with the clothes you're wearing." He lay down, I looked off to the hills as he slipped off his jeans and pushed his white underwear down to his ankles. I looked then touched the silky fabric, they were women's panties. "How long have you been wearing such clothes?" "Since my sister started throwing them away about 3 years ago." He looked shamefaced and desperately sad, impulsively I hugged him and as he cried into my chest I kissed his hair. "You have nothing to be ashamed of, you're not hurting anyone by a clothing choice." "It's not just that, I've been taking high dose hormones that were once prescribed for my sister but I renewed over the phone for the last 3 years." "Whatever for," I asked but his body shape explained that. "I wanted to be a woman but I've got this" and pointed his cock. "Hold on there, you can be a feminine person and still have a dick, have you never heard of Shemales." He shook his head, "I've not got anyone to talk to about it and I wouldn't know how." "You funny bunny," I said "You've just told me, and I think you were brave to do so." This lovely young person, Dee was definitely a gorgeous Shemale. 'She' was obviously nervous. "Do you want some sun cream," I asked and reached over to my pack. "Thanks it wasn't this hot when I left this morning and now I think I might fry." 'She' applied some, and looked uncomfortable. "I'll do your back," I said, "No worries, turn over." Well, I had to admit, I check out the girls every chance I get but this Shemale had most beaten hands down, her pert rounded bum it was not big but it was something any girl would kill for. I started to apply the cream to her neck and moved down her body to the waist, then from silk clad ankles to her upper thigh. I started back down from her waist, I wouldn't use pressure on a girl and this bum was in the same category, so I smoothed it over the outside of her cheeks and lightly into the cleft, making sure there was no hint of sexual intent. I said, "If you wouldn't mind, perhaps . .you would," "Of course" and she applied some cream to my back and did a similar cautious job around my bum. She was laying on her side and I rolled onto mine facing her and I looked at the cream still in my hand. "Do you mind if I?" "No," she replied, as I put it high onto her breasts, the like of which most girls would be proud of. Smooth and creamy white, with just a hint of tan Dee's breasts were rounded and well defined, no puppy fat this. I smoothed the cream over, much as I would my girlfriend and said, "You have lovely skin and it's a good job I was here, it would be a shame to burn it." I smoothed and stroked perhaps more than was needed, looking at her beautiful body was like appreciating a marble statue by a master sculptor. I continued long after the cream had dissipated, enraptured as I stroked and smoothed my way down her torso and flat belly. It wasn't till my eyes, only just ahead of my hands, noticed she had an erection that I felt perhaps I had been too carried away. Dee was nervous and ashamed, she looked away from her body and glanced my way and I felt I too had a hard on, she was that beautiful. She said, "You're just too good with your hands." On impulse I continued the downward stroking and teasing of her belly and gradually very gradually down one thigh and the up the other. I concentrated on her lower belly and down each thigh beside her cock, not touching it but noticing it was as stiff as a pole and at an angle towards her belly mine hasn't seen for a few years. When I worked back to her belly my hand 'accidentally' brushed the underside of her cock, which was uppermost at this time, she flinched but made no sound, so the next time the contact was a long brush by to the side and she didn't move away. Now don't get me wrong I have never been interested in guys and have always had a live and let live attitude towards love and sex. I couldn't help myself stroking back up her thigh, then slowly and purposefully along the lovely tool that was lying there, easing her foreskin back over the glans. It soon rolled back so hard was she, and I matched her, my cock was throbbing. I suddenly felt the back of her hand 'accidentally' brush my cock and waited for what seemed the longest time, until the second touch confirmed it. I made the just smallest move toward her almost like not wanting to frighten a small animal. The move emboldened her and she touched my tool much as I now touched hers, stroking up one side then the other from the base to the tip. Her actions shadowed mine like a fragile ballet that even the smallest mistake could threaten. I stepped up the pressure and cupped my hand, I was gently holding her Shemale cock and continued the slow upwards movements. Her efforts continued to follow mine and it was strange but good to have another's hand to titillate my cock, I went now for more pressure and was gently rolling her foreskin over the glans and back with my hand, just the hint of masturbation. Her hand was shaking and I know how she felt, it was my first time too, although she probably felt I was no novice. We continued in this way with harder and longer strokes. By now I was near bursting and, gently removing her hand, I raised my legs and swung them around whilst my upper body moved in the opposite direction so I could face her cock, in a 69 position. I continued with massaging it, leaning forward to gently kiss it, stoking the sensations flooding into her groin. Several more times I kissed that lovely weapon, it looked ready for battle with its helmet gleaming where I had planted kisses. She then gave me the sweetest of kisses almost on the top of my tool, I moaned appreciatively which seemed to encourage her as she landed more wet kisses on my shaft. I put my lips over the top of her cock and, wetly, let them slide slowly down, easing her into my cheek, accommodating as much of her young body as I could. She moaned too, no doubt picking up on this new method of communication between us. I used my mouth to suck and push her cock to and fro, stepping up the pace as I did so. She followed my lead and I felt her lips firmly gripping my cock and moving faster in her attempt to pleasure me. I judged from my quick stimulation to follow her pace as she was used to a quickie when circumstances permitted, rather than the slow pleasure a relaxed technique would allow. Our tempo increased and I gently nipped the end of her cock with my teeth, much as I liked it with Susie my current girlfriend. She continued sucking away, I hoped I would cum first so I could finish her off nicely - I doubt it would happen the other way round. Soon my prayer was answered as I came over her tongue and tonsils, I shot what felt was many good spurts into her. She dropped my cock and spat to one side, clearing her throat, I held the base of her cock, it wasn't going anywhere. After a while and still sucking her towards a climax, until, 'Thar she blows' as the old whalers used to say, with a spasm of her body, her juices shot into my mouth, several gobbets of thick liquid. I continued to suck extremely gently, draining the last drops - I know how embarrassing they can be. I sat up and she looked shamefaced that she had cum in my mouth, I turned to spit it out and followed it with a little cleansing saliva. Being older, I had to take the lead, 'Well I've never done that before,' I said in a somewhat bewildered tone, which was true and she seemed to sense it. Dee said "Have you got a girlfriend." "Yes at one time I had two on the go, one at work another near home, please don't think this is normal for me." Dee looked disheartened, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply." "That's o.k. I didn't mean to sound offended but you have a most wonderful body and I just got carried away." "No, I thought you were great," she said, obviously trying to appease me. A sudden thought came to me, "If that is truly so, would you meet me here again some time." "Yes," she said with no hesitation, "When would you like it to be." I thought a week would make her mind up. "Next week, same time?" She agreed and we dressed. She knew the way to the road and used her car to give me a lift to mine, as I answered her questions about myself. The following week I was at the woodland clearing a little before time, Susie and I had little rows whenever I tried to plan an evening out. Susie was going out with her old University friends or another time it was drinks with her Gym class. I laid in the sunshine thinking of where our relationship was going and what ... "Hello," it was the quiet voice I was longing to hear. "Hello Dee," I patted the ground beside me, "Are you staying?" She put down a small box and calmly started to remove her shirt and still standing took off her jeans and lowered very small red silky pants. "I didn't know how you would feel about this, as she opened the box. Drawing out hold up stockings. "I think they look just fine," I said, guessing where this was going. "Do you mind if I wear them here, I don't often have the chance." Now I know why she used to visit this quiet place, to feel feminine. "Would you like to try," she asked, bringing out another pair. We were sharing a unique moment in this young person's life, not just her wearing them but if I rejected them she would see it as a rejection of her as being feminized. I took the lace trimmed items and stood to put them on, I could see and feel the attraction. I did feel a sexual frisson as I stood with the soft cling of the stockings. I looked at her and said, "Let me see you walk around the clearing." She stood fearfully looking around, I said, "I'll protect you young lady," tears sprang to her eyes. She stood tall, Naked but for black stockings, thrusting out her cute breasts. She lifted her head, she was truly lovely, looking just right, breasts swinging free, stockings making her legs look long and curvaceous. "You look adorable," I said and this time kissed her on the lips. She took courage from that I think, "Walk around the clearing," I said. "I couldn't do that." "Of course you can, it's not a hanging offence." I started off in the opposite direction, more of a stride but she walked demurely, so 'dainty', she looked only at me, not where she was going, only at me. Gaining courage from my words and my similarly clothed body we walked right away from our clothes, around the sunlit area, Dee still keeping her eyes on me. When she reached me I gave her another lingering kiss, both standing wearing stockings but otherwise naked in full view, yards away from our clothes and not caring. As we moved our faces whilst kissing, our cocks were having a sword fight, I reached for hers and gently squeezed the rigid organ. She responded the same way, so there we were, standing, gently tugging at each other on a hot sunny afternoon. I pushed her down and she knelt readily, kissing my nipples and belly on the way. The learning curve is increasing I thought and that was abruptly brought home when she took the initiative and kissed my cock, I let her continue on a gentle suck and a little moving of the shaft. So she wouldn't be left out I slowly knelt and we lay on the mossy ground. Her ego was too fragile for anything other than dual stimulation at the moment, but we repeated last week's sun cream application, this time though I did venture ever so carefully towards her tender anus. Touching it gently with creamy fingers, I ran my finger in patterns from each cheek and then back to her cleft like swirling water to a plughole. She didn't complain even though she told me last week she was a virgin in virtually every way. I pushed her over on her side and lay behind her with my head at the level of that beautiful bum. Taking over from the finger was my tongue, just a soft light tip tracing over her skin and working around her soft puckered anus. She moved just a fraction and it wasn't away! I gently probed this hidden gem and rolled my tongue into a tube, to push inquisitively like a small animal entering a burrow. She quivered a little but didn't try to stop me, I pushed harder emboldened by her small movement back onto it. With plenty of saliva I pushed harder than rested while she got to grips with what was happening and how she could control her sphincter. A small degree of widening then allowed my questing tongue to slip in to lodge at full depth in her ass. We lay there a while, she was probably wondering what follows, I know I did! My fingers took over and made the hole a little wider by manipulation, the anus reluctantly losing ground. I put some sun cream on her asshole and my cock, laid with my hips close to her bum about to enter the 'hole of her body'. With just a small press the tip of my cock entered but I felt this is just the exquisite beginning, an overture. I stopped at that point and awaiting her next reaction. This was as delicate as walking a minefield, too much pressure and I was done for, not enough courage and I might as well go home. Slowly but surely she pushed back onto me, allowing my cock further ingress, until we finally docked. We didn't just go at it like rabbits, this was new to us both and the rhythm slowly started, an introduction to the main sequence. The tempo gradually increased as the sensations mounted. Then came the third movement when she initiated a faster and more pronounced thrusting, which I was only too happy to match, carefully adjusting angle and depth to prevent any mishaps or hurt. Both of us now were stepping up the power and the pace of our lovemaking, orchestrating the movement, sliding like well oiled instruments in tender timpani of flesh. A fourth movement where I swooped and moved my hips in a circular motion, increasing further until we were pounding now to a solid beat, rising to a crescendo towards the orgasmic finale. I was careful not to overdo things, this is a first for us both, in the end she was first to cum and me a very close second, plunging deeply into her gorgeous ass and pounding her soft round cheeks sending spurts deep inside her in the best climax I have ever known. Although she was the first to cum this time, I took her cock and gently sucked it dry, and, moving away from her crotch, looked into those beautiful eyes and let her see me swallow her cum to show my faith in her. Dee told me that if I hadn't been so patient and gentle she couldn't have relaxed the way she did, she so wanted to offer her love and body in the same way that any feminine person would have. We lay there for a while sated and happy, in fact she was excited that I had accepted her and had shown her new pleasures. We put our street clothes over the stockings, it felt right somehow for both of us. As we walked I asked, "When shall I see you again.". "Tomorrow, the day after and every day after that," she said, elated. Dee came to stay at my flat, possibly forever, the way we both felt, I had been staying at Susie's but could collect my things later. I waited as she entered the yard, relocked and showed her up to the over shop flat. The few neighbours I once had left some months ago which meant I could play loud music, there was no one was left to be interested in us. The next day, I went to work, whilst she cleaned the flat, curiously though whenever I got home she found low shelves to dust. Stockinged legs straight and bending at the hip, her pert bum pushed out, the little tease knew I would be rigid in seconds and would be tickling her cute butt with my tongue, licking and probing in an ecstatic whirl of love and sex. The very next day I bought a short black velvet dress that looked very near her size from a charity shop together with a frilly white pinafore. She tried it on and though a little loose around her tits, I was able to adjust it, I am good with a needle and thread. I took in the side seams a little and, because the owner had been shorter, I had to use the upper part of the skirt area to lengthen the bodice. Dee tried it on naked and loved it, so did I, the hem was now higher, about ½ inch below 'see' level. I then told her we were going shopping in the city tomorrow. That night we kissed and sucked in the 69 position which we both liked, my head near the top of her stockings and breathing in the perfume of her crotch as I licked and teased her into burgeoning thickness and length, working to increase that erection with tense thrills as I nipped lightly at her cock shaft with my teeth and used my lips to stroke her cock up and down licking around the ridge of her glans and causing her cock to jerk due to the increased stimulus to the nerve ends. Increasing the sucking, my tongue rolled round and round the sensitive glans and licked at the tip of her cock. She was pounding my face with her hips grinding and thrusting her cock, threatening to choke me as it slid all the way in and down my throat, suddenly she had an orgasm which spurted all over my tongue and tonsils. I greedily swallowed her liquid gift. Soon I too was near to bursting with sensation, I knelt over her supine body and masturbated until I shot my cum all over her lovely tits (and dress). "I'm sorry," I said, "But it will wash out." "It's yours and that's all that matters," said Dee. I spoke the question that was nagging me, "Will you soon be tired of me," she looked straight at me, took a finger, wiped my love juice from her breasts and put the finger in her mouth and sucked it, smiling like the cat had got the cream. "I'll never be tired of you," she cried and hugged me close and kissed me so long I thought she would never stop and fervently hoped it too. The next day at the shop there were several things that we wanted, I said, "How much," the assistant pointed, "They go up on the till," I flashed my credit card. "Put 'em up," I said, "I've got a credit card and I'm not afraid to use it." When we got home, Dee threw her arms around me and kissed me, which was more than my girlfriends had done. She rushed upstairs excitedly and half an hour or so later walked elegantly down, hair back combed a little, face sparingly made up and dressed to kill. Her 'B' sized tits were held in a balcony bra, she wore the black velvet dress which was purposely cut with a deeply low neck, with small white pinafore teamed with white hold up stockings disappearing into white high heeled shoes. She was excited going up the stairs, she was decorous on the way down, except perhaps for the obvious hard on, which bobbed at every step - I did mention that the dress was very short. While she was changing, I took a wide mirror and stood it on end against a wall. We kissed and she was poking at me with a solid cock, by now I was pretty hard myself and her hand grabbed my cock. "That's an arrestable offence," I said, "Handling swollen property." I pulled her towards the full length mirror and dropped to my knees in front of her, sucking her cock as she viewed the image. It didn't take long with the visual stimuli, plus my ministrations to cum in huge spurts, I know they were big spurts because I held a champagne flute to catch her pumping fluid. Standing and pouring 1/2 the warm cum into another glass I topped both glasses from a bottle of champagne and proposed a toast. "To Dee, the one I love and the greatest looking Shemale." After we had consumed most of the bottle she got her few male clothes and, wearing only her stockings, went into the yard and made a small fire of the male stuff, burning not only her clothes but her 'bridges'. She confided that even that first day she had met me she felt she had kept on her white silk panties, albeit round her ankles, to feel 'feminized'. A good night was still to be had, my darling sucked me off, and looking lovingly into my eyes let the hot fluid slowly trickle down her throat. We had learned a lot in a very short while but one thing is certain, feminine is not only female but it certainly IS fun.